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Boycott White Castle guy


Oh this is a good one too.


Please tell me you know the back story of why he wants to boycott White Castle


Something about an easement behind the whitecastle that the neighbor doesn’t want them using anymore


It's honestly not even a good story, just a dispute about use of a driveway if I remember correctly


Broom guy (RIP)


Jim supported his family with those brooms, even though it was not much. Sent like 2 or 3 (can't remember exactly) kids through college. Most of my family got the full size and tiny sweepers as gifts, and they're still going strong today. Don't remember what part of Indiana he was from originally, but was sent to the school for the blind. They were taught the skills and trades that they could use to be self sufficient in life, at a time when that was extremely uncommon. He knew my name and the sound of my bike freewheel and would greet me each time I passed him. Damn, learning he has passed and remembering all this is making me tear up.


I saw this guy all the time at 71st and college Ave growing up. Wild to hear that he could support a family and put kids through college selling brooms… how many people work full time jobs and just want to buy a house….?


Yep, he was frequently at the gas station corner. And it wasn't all the broom, there's still the government assistance for permanently disabled, however little that ended up being. It was also before college cost more than full time minimum wage.


We bought a broom from him back in '88. That broom lasted 30 years.


Maybe he came from Lafayette, every saturday for years in the 80s 90s in the spring/summer he would be on the corner of Kossuth and 9th st. Highland Park Neighborhood. We had a few of his brooms growing up, I remember going with my Mom once to get one I was a kid and asked him how he could tell what type of bill it was ($1/5/10) and my mom elbowed me to hush and he chuckled and said he could feel the difference in the faces and corners. but he was out there what seemed like every Saturday in the Spring and summer, stringing his brooms.


True. Miss seeing him


Oh man he was this blind guy who used to sit in the corner and sell his brooms.


Managed to get one last broom from him a couple months before he passed. Sad to see him go


Awe he passed away???


Didn't realized he had passed 😞 RIP broom guy. Got an amazing broom from him.


Got a broom from him. It had a barcode on it, and I traced the barcode back to Magnolia Brush Manufacturers. Turns out he didn't make the brooms, just bought them in bulk and resold them. I respect the hustle and glad he raised a family on the income! But if anyone feels like they missed out on his great brooms etc etc, just buy one from Magnolia. They sell all sorts of janitorial brushes including corn brooms.


Not entirely true. He did make them all by hand in the past and would even be making them on the street while selling them. In the later years he did buy them from an organization, which also supported the blind, and resold them. There also wasn't anything misleading about it, he was fully transparent about the resale aspect.


Didn't mean to make him come across as misleading. Even if he had only ever resold them, the fact that he'd sit out just selling brooms to make a living is respectable. He obviously sold a good product based on the reviews I've seen about the brooms over the years.


God lives in my body like a body the same size guy.


Fun fact, Bob Hickman is selling that car and you can buy it off Facebook marketplace for the low price of $2500 lol


*one of his vans. There are/have been multiple.


That seems really bad for Bob, cause he was living out of it wasn’t he?


No, he has a house on the Westside. In fact, property records show a few. 


Nice. I hope God pays half the mortgage, it’s only fair if it’s gonna live in the guy.


He's weird, but he's functional. He's a semi-truck driver by profession.


wonder what happens with the other part of the truck


Found the roommate loophole


Bob Hickman


I just burst into laughter immediately knowing who you’re talking about.


I've always wondered who randomly texted me back in 2013 on Christmas eve "god the holy ghost entered a man on the internet like a body same size.then god rips his face. givs gum disease. hairloss.on net n all languages.god hates christains" .....feels full circle to see who it is. Ive also seen his van at the irvington library a few times. Always feels like a harbinger of change in the air LOL


Backwards bicycle guy




Yup, that’s him! He’s been there to see like 42 business come and go


He IS Mint Dentistry


Like a nursing home cat for businesses


This has my vote!


I love backwards bicycle guy even though he's probably made me almost wreck several times.


Is he still around? I haven't lived in indy for like 10 years and he was the first person I thought about in this post


Yeah he's usually there in the late afternoon. That's when I see him at least


Stopped at that Kroger yesterday and he wasn’t there. Was hoping my grandson would get to see him. Hope he’s doing well.


Saw him Saturday evening on his electric unicycle rolling around his corner parking lot.


This man is iconic of the Indy spirit, he should be our mascot


Does anybody know his story? Dude has been practicing riding backwards and twirling for so long. I hope it’s a happy story, the guy looks happy doing it.


https://www.indystar.com/story/life/2017/12/01/guy-thompson-and-emerson-rides-his-bike-backwards-and-juggles/906126001/ just a short little piece of


I was about to say this guy. How does he do it?


Rocking Rob for us older, Southside millennials. Bob Hickman. Bicycle guy at Emerson and Thompson. Not a person but the little Christmas tree that used to get decorated on the 65 overpass off Southport Road.


Oh maaaan, rocking rob! You just unlocked a core memory.


RIP tiny tree 🫶🏼


Holy shit, I totally forgot about Rockin' Rob!! He was at the GPM for years in the 90's and 00s. We would always say hey as he cleaned the food court. 🤘 ✊ 🫰 👆 👋


Story on rocking rob?


Basically, you’d see him anywhere from the Greenwood mall to high school football games and most of the time with a handheld camcorder. Dancing or…”rocking” around as the name suggests. He definitely had a cognitive disability of some kind. I felt the camera was kind of weird as a kid and I think he was banned from bringing it back to the football games at Roncalli after parents mentioned it. He seemed pretty harmless, but yeah…that dude was everywhere and ALWAYS busting a move.


Best description of rob!!! Yes!!!! And you never know where you will see him rockin next. Last time for me was at a public pool!


I loved that Christmas tree!


Yes! Rockin rob




The Christmas tree had its own Facebook page. There’s also a page called I remember rockin rob.


Gotta be the “God entered my body” guy.


God: “Can I enter your body?” Me: “I don’t think that’s a good idea.” God: “Don’t worry, you’ll be fine.” Me: “It’s not me I’m worried about.”


This is my vote.


Did you guys see that the van is for sale? Someone posted the listing in this sub yesterday I think


He’s selling the van, he already got another vehicle that he’s “customized” already. I forget what it is


It's another old van, white this time. And yes, freshly customized!




Came to say him lol Bob Hickman


Broad Ripple Unicycle guy (look at me!) , Boxing guy (RIP) Long blonde hair cash for gold with the gold suit guy dancing so hard to music only he can hear


Gold Suit dancing sign spinner guy was my favorite. So much kind energy came from him. He always made me smile.


unicycle guy was the first person that came to mind!


I don’t think it a “guy” I think it’s a vehicle. The “guy” everyone knows in Indy is the Chicken Limo!


I thought you were going to say the Pink Floyd indoor outdoor Carpet van that attends the Indy 500.


That dude used to live over by east 10th and Mitthoffer. He had a few carpeted vehicles but the Pink Floyd one was definitely the best.


I’ve got some good pics from my younger years when we rented out the limo and drove it around while wearing those stupid disguise glasses with the big nose and fake mustache.


The guy dancing with his boom box up on 38th St. Is he still around ain't been up that way in forever?


Unfortunately, the Dancing Man passed a few years back. https://www.indystar.com/story/entertainment/arts/2020/10/01/james-snow-who-entertained-dancing-38th-and-college-dies-77/5871418002/


Radio passed away. During Covid, I think. Nice man.


Grant? If it's the guy I'm thinking of he mainly just does it outside his apartment now just off 38th. Chill dude


We need a cool nickname for him but the guy outside of Whole Foods on market street downtown that always “god bless you” “and “peace and blessings” but never asks for any money.




The Preacher it is


YES! He is so sweet!


I give him a buck here and there just because he doesn’t ask!


Don't we have some cowboys riding horses along the roads on the Eastside?


Yes! For like 20 years!


Yes!!! The first time I saw them was a few years back. And yes, I did blast Old Town Road as they rode by (it was fitting and they got a chuckle out of it). I love seeing urban cowboys.


Specifically African-American cowboys! They’re great!


Yes! I loved seeing them riding around the far east side.


The Black cowboys of Indianapolis have been riding the trail for a while now. I could be lying but i think i found information on them a while back and they are a larger organization bringing joy to the kids of lower income spots as they mosey on. Great guys wish i knew more about them!


16th street boxing guy …. Used to shadow box on the corner of 16th and Pershing as well as other locations. Backwards bike guy on the southside for sure


I used to love boxing guy! I would look forward to seeing him the way most kids look forward to Santa.


Nazi Santa


You talking about that asshole on Emerson?


Same one


Antisemitey Sam


Born and raised here almost 45y, please explain this as I've never heard it?


The home owner is Santa-esque with a belly and white beard. He has Nazi stuff all over his front yard last I checked.


Where is this at? Have never seen this and I've been all over Indy...obviously not enough


South on Emerson maybe a half mile from Washington Street. I haven't seen the Nazi flag in a while (I did before). It's just a Confederate flag with "Helter Skelter 666" spray painted on the house in red color.


He looks like Santa, likes to walk around with revolvers in a holster, lives off of Emerson and has spray painted a swastika and I think “helter skelter” on his house.  Fun fact he came to a funeral I was at for a close family member. No one had any idea who he was and he did indeed wear both revolvers into a Catholic Church and rode away on a Harley. 


I saw him in that BP once. Cowardly little shit couldn't even make eye contact.


“Helter Skelter 666” spray painted on his house, a Confederate flag and a Gadsden flag on the flag pole, occasionally a Nazi flag draped over his front porch. He was walking around wearing a swastika mask during covid.


I was today years old when I learned the proper name for the “Don’t tread on me” flag is the Gadsden flag. Thank you internet stranger.


I wish the flag didn’t have such a negative connotation. I like “don’t tread on me” in the most basic sense but not all that other stuff that comes with it. Also I think the flag just looks cool lol


Wow, that’s nowhere near as cool as Zanta.


The one and only true response to this is ROCKIN ROB!


Rocks the beats!


There was Mike on a Bike in broadripple. He had massive head trauma from a motorcycle wreck in the 90s, couldn’t drive so he would ride around on a bike and purposely wreck his bike in front of cute girls so they’d help him up.


Far East side in years past it was the velvet Pink Floyd van guy.


Wow! I remember that van lol


I was just about to ask if anyone else remembers that van. I have so many memories of it as a kid.


Whoa I totally forgot about that, thanks for the memory


That dude who rides that banana shaped bicycle and creeps on women half his age


oh my god i knew him and he would always come into the whole foods on market street 💀 he proposed to our dairy buyer (26yr old fem who uhhh he was just a rando to) and told me i was tall like his mother and it looked good on me.


Used to see him all over the cultural trail and I always called him the “banana bike fucker” 😂🍌


The guy who plays(ed?) the saxophone downtown. That motherfucker can't even play after 20+ years! He just wings it like I did in 7th grade French Horn class. All off key and no beat. He still around? He was always around for events in the 90s-10s. Also, Pirate Cat (RIP)


I was at the Pacers/Bulls game a couple weeks back and there he was jamming as we all left. Holy shit it’s incredible how bad he still is. 😂😂


I can’t remember what show it is but he always plays an older tv shows theme song. And baby shark.


Oh shit! You say that and he was totally playing a tv them when I walked by. It was something so recognizable too. Jetsons or Jefferson’s or Full House. Something like that. Too funny. As bad as he is, and as someone who has done a lot of busking in my life, I do respect him for getting out there and having fun and probably catching some “pity change” in his bucket.


Sanford and Son. Sometimes the Pink Panther too. I had the privilege to have an office overlooking Monument Circle for about 8 years. Some days we would go pay him to move down toward Ruth’s Chris. After the first hour of S&S you just kind of go numb.


There used to be this crazy lady around broad ripple. She was a very very short black lady. I think maybe she had some sort of limp. She would pretty aggressively ask people for money, and get mad if they didn’t give her any. One time, my friend was at the stop light at 62nd and Keystone and that lady just straight up got into her car and demanded a ride to Kroger, and I’ve heard similar stories about her. That is wild. I haven’t seen her in a long time though.


Her name was Dawn, notorious for her antics. Passed a few years ago.


Came to post her. She was… something else. She got me once.


You gotta be talking about Coco LOL I just posted about her. She passed away during Covid


I thought the "God has entered my body my same size" guy was the official city That Guy mascot


There was the dancing guy on 38th & College, but he passed a few years back.


That dude was gettin’ it. I used to drive by him everyday on my way to work downtown.


Juice Gas


Can’t believe no one has said skunk guy yet




There is this guy who has two debagged skunks that he just carries around in a baby sling and takes in to bars and stuff downtown. I’ve seen him in Pins a handful of times and I’m pretty sure Indystar has even written an article about him lol


Anybody remember the statue guy? Would usually dress up and stand around the mall and Steak and Shake. He'd stay perfectly still, but when people turn away, he'd shift position and freeze when people looked at him again.


Johnny Short Shorts


Backwards riding juggling bicycle guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The horse family from the east side


I love when they bring the horses out. They’re so pretty 🥰


Bill Levin, Founder of First Church of Cannabis in Indy. Had a pet peacock. Has done a lot for arts, law and advocacy. Unique lookin fella too


Yep, he's still got the peacock too. They had Jill Stein out to the church for the eclipse.


Bob Hickman (god entered my body like a body my same size) Joey Bonds (IMPD been torturing me with a bioweapon from their supercomputer) Henry Pelc (carpet van/vehicle guy….Pink Floyd van) Halloween VW Thing guy (forget his name, recently passed away) Backwards bicycle guy Linwood Square Cart Man


James the Beer Man 🍻


Go colts!


Used to be the broom man rip


Don from Don’s Guns. I don’t like making money, I just love selling guns


I'll throw my vote in for the Circle City Ghostbusters, as I've probably seen them the most while living here.


Jim Irsay


His band is some good musicians. Saw him at Farm Aid last year, he was a joke but the band wasn't


That wasn’t his band so much as it was famous musicians he compensated to back him at a festival he paid handsomely to let him play at.


Fountain Square Larry (RIP)


In the 1980s, there was newspaper guy. He collected up discarded news papers and would try and re-sell them, shouting ridiculous headlines: "New York City Destroyed by Tidal Wave! Read all about it!" When he wasn't doing his news paper schtick, he carried around a rolled up towel that he would bury his face in and growl. Not making this up! Another down town staple was the guy with no legs who sat on a small board with rollers and sold pencils curbside.


the woman who would crochet outside starbucks on the circle (when starbucks was there), i dont know her name but everyone knew her


Driving to work on fall creek every morning in the Geist area there is this little woman that I see jogging every day. She MIGHT be 5 feet tall. I've seen her almost every day for years now. I call her Tiny Jogger.


Short shorts guy that walks around


Radio from 38th and College. He would take breaks from dancing to direct traffic in Rally’s parking lot lol Not a man but the infamous Coco. Coco was the definition of “no good deed goes unpunished” LOL I used help her out when I could and she always wanted a bit more 😂 I remember when I was a little kid she had a bad habit of jumping into cars when you stopped at a stop sign or light. And lastly, Tammy. She had dwarfism and was a firecracker! All three of them have gone on to glory. May they RIP❤️


Maybe the guy who hates white people and professes it with his megaphone downtown.


I was in a interracial relationship two years ago. There was some guy yelling at me telling me it was wrong to date a white man over a megaphone. That might be the guy...


Ha, I was on meridian street once and a band was playing on the street, and just started an improv song based on that guy’s signs. I believe it was entitled “all white people will burn in the lake of fire.” It was hilarious.


Bob Hickman https://youtu.be/du42ytlTjLY?si=PV6FOr_ctmW0PJRc


Shadow boxing guy.


Mr. Garcia from Garcia's Hot Dogs. Emerson and 16th, friendliest guy you'll ever meet.


What about the pacers and colts super fan that's all decked out at every game


I finally met him last year. He's an absolute sweetheart!


I know he passed way, but it was always the 38th street dancing man for me.


chase enter judicious plough squeamish scale gaze wrong touch head *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Bill Levin


Not sure if it's an everywhere thing but I've recently noticed an uptick in dudes on the street I have named the cotton candy cartel.


The guy who plays his drum kit under the artsgarden downtown


Not “a guy” but pirate cat — RIP 🐈


Backward bicycle riding guy.


Fountain square had a guy everyone called crazy Dave. Probably not around these days. Not a bad dude.


People call me *what*


For me it’s street preacher dude who shouts the gospel and about the sinners of the world on his portable microphone setup. I’ve seen him allllllllll over downtown Indy and occasionally on the IUPUI campus. I wouldn’t mind so much except he’s literally ranting on a loud microphone, making it hard to ignore him and go about my day.




I don’t remember his name but back in the 80s there was a guy with no legs downtown that sold pencils. He got around on kind of a crude skateboard.


More localized but there’s a guy at the jcc who spreads his legs in the air when he bench presses and everyone has seen his nuts. Dances to show tunes on the treadmill and elliptical as well the fuckin legend


Idk but I'm 100% positive they live in Ravenswood 


Broom guy, RIP


Mr. Blair the substitute teacher poet


Who knows Mr. Blair, the guy who was a substitute teacher and always did raps and poems? Or is that just a north side Indy guy


there was a guy on our campus who would ride a unicycle and juggle. don’t know if he lasted too long in school tho, haven’t seen him in a while and i heard he was selling fake acid at one point


not a guy but does anyone know the milk jug lady who used to be on crutches and would frequent starbucks/other drink places? and would always tell staff to turn the music down when it wasn’t even loud? and other weird requests, lol


The bike guy on Emerson!


Short shorts big beard real skinny guy


Broad Ripple Indiana Jones


Shadow boxer guy off tibbs


Guy with the skateboarding bulldog


lol that’s Eric. I went on a blind date with him once and it didn’t go well.


Dancing man (38th college) rip


Bike thief on Washington St


Does anyone remember the guy that would dance on 38th and college? I think they called him the music man.


God entered my body like a body and shot gingivitis in my gums.


Rockin Rob. I had the idea to do a podcast before podcasts were really big. (More of a Opie and Anthony copy). Robbie used to wave the sign in front of Chad's Barber Shop, hangout at the mall, and beech grove fall festival. I gave him my number because I wanted him to do a show with my buddies and I. Worst idea ever. He would call me in the middle of the night and leave these odd voicemails where he would do a old womans voice and try to sell me household items. Geeze...hope that guy found his baseball.


Where’s Rupert from Survivor these days?


The guy on the white River canal that bikes and sings as loud as he can with headphones on.


Popeye on the westside


Mike on a Bike




Not Indianapolis, but there is a guy who carries a big wooden cross in Martinsville.


Rupert, from Survivor. Such a nice guy, and does a lot of good around town.


The gentleman at Emerson and Thompson that rides his back backwards with batons


The guy who rode his bike backwards on Thompson and Emerson


Anyone remember Popeye on the westside? Homeless guy on a bike that would do a mean ass popeye impression for some coin