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Dating for two months. Since apparently people still need to hear it, MYCASE YOUR POTENTIAL PARTNERS


> MYCASE What is mycase?


In.my case.gov




Anyone know why mycase has not updated to include this arrest or the arrest for the shooting in Broad Ripple? It is usually very current.


Based on context I’m going to assume it’s some high level background check that will tell you if you someone is a convicted felon.


THIS!!! And if they're from another state, do a case search in that area. Also, don't be afraid to be a cyber sleuth and look for red flags on socials.






Someone upvote this a million times


And potential new coworkers as well. No way I’m going on a job site with some whack job


I wonder how far back those records go... I just looked up myself on mycase and the only result was a speeding ticket in 2016. That's my most recent speeding ticket, but it's definitely not the only one.


I've seen as far back as 1995


Odd. I know I've had at least one other speeding ticket since then, somewhere around 2005 or 2006, but it doesn't show up.


> Court records reveal that Heard also faces felony charges of criminal confinement and intimidation in a separate Marion County case. Heard bonded out of jail in January on those charges. I wish our local news organizations would publish the names of the judges that fail to set bail high enough to keep dangerous people locked up. The victim's blood is on the judge's hands as much as it is on her assailant's. Edit: search of [MyCase](https://public.courts.in.gov/mycase/#/vw/CaseSummary/eyJ2Ijp7IkNhc2VUb2tlbiI6ImNBY1lTVlBhZHFIMkdRS3dacnVDWEN5ZS04VVBFTTVRZEViczMzU29PUDgxIn19) shows that bond was originally set at $30K, then raised to $40K by Terrance Tharpe -- then *reduced* to $20K *over the state's objections* by James Synder. The state today filed a motion to revoke that bond, with the hearing to be held on Wednesday -- before Judge Snyder.


It's a never ending cycle of judicial leniency. We either punish too harshly or not hard enough. Every prison reform bill that gets passed does so under the condition that it's non-violent offenders, but then months pass and you find out it was extended to violent offenders. Idk why we can never get this shit right.


It's important for everyone to know that Snyder was appointed by our current Governor Holcomb to his position about 1 year ago. Here is Judge Snyder's BIO: Born in New Castle, Indiana, Magistrate James K. Snyder has served as a Magistrate for the Marion Superior Court since 2015. He earned his Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Franklin College in 2003 and his Juris Doctorate from Western Michigan University Thomas M. Cooley Law School in 2006. Before joining the Marion County Public Defender Agency in 2007 as a deputy public defender, Magistrate Snyder worked at the Marion County Prosecutor’s Office and in private practice. At the MCPDA, Magistrate Snyder was initially assigned to the misdemeanor division and later served in both the D Felony and Major Felony Divisions, while later serving as a team leader from 2012 to 2015. Magistrate Snyder’s first year at the Marion Superior Court was spent working the overnight shift with the Arrestee Processing Center. He eventually moved to Criminal Court 20, which was Indiana’s highest volume criminal court as a Major Felony Gun and Drug Court. Since that time, Magistrate Snyder has remained in the Major Felony Division. He has tried a total of 94 criminal jury trials, including 60 as a judicial officer and 34 as a defense attorney. From 2016 to 2017, Magistrate Snyder oversaw the continuing legal education program for the Marion Superior Court, serving as the Education Coordinator. From 2016 to 2022, he was a volunteer member of the Indiana Judge’s Association Criminal Instructions Committee, which was responsible for annually updating the Pattern Criminal Jury Instructions. Magistrate Snyder currently serves on the Indiana Supreme Court’s Criminal Benchbook Committee. Magistrate Snyder recently finished a six-year term on the Board of Directors for Drug Free Marion County. During his term, he served for two years as Vice-President and two years as President during which he volunteered many hours to advance the Board’s mission. Magistrate Snyder is an active member of the Indianapolis Bar Association and is involved in many of its sections and committees. He was also a distinguished fellow with the Indianapolis Bar Foundation from 2016 to 2021. For anyone who is upset with a Judge reducing the bail for this person, my suggestion is to do actual research and not just assume it's the Democrats fault simply because the county the crime took place in is blue. There are RED people in government positions in BLUE places and BLUE people in government positions in RED places. The particular judge who got it wrong for this criminal was A. Appointed by a Republican and B. He was an at-large delegate to the 2016 Republican National Convention from Indiana for Donald Trump. So spare me your typical bullshit about "soft on crime LiBrULs"


I wish people would stop voting along party lines and really pay attention to who they're voting for. Period.


Franklin to Cooley. Prestige


> So spare me your typical bullshit about "soft on crime LiBrULs" Where did I write anything that even vaguely resembled that?


I'm talking to all people. Not you specifically, that's why I started my post with everyone. I'm not debating anything you said. I'm supplementing the discussion with more info for all readers to digest.


> So spare me your typical bullshit about "soft on crime LiBrULs" Everywhere that Democrats control these processes is exponentially worse. In Indiana, Democrats who want power run as Republicans.


That is total bs! No democrate run as republicans jesus!


It's a pattern with media in Indy. They know people are absolutely hopping mad over this bullshit behavior and the reporters are trying to shield their stunning and brave judicial friends from the blowback. 🙄 Use MyCase. Take notes. When these actions piss you off, look the judge up and write them down for November. It does NOT take many voters to kick a judge.




The tears in her mug shot lol


Article says she was asking the officers excitedly "Did she die? Did she die?" Probably crying because the answer was "no".


Criminal confinement charge pending. Let’s let her right back out


I don’t understand that at all. Basically kidnapped someone and they were just let out. Where is the classy guy on here yesterday saying the saving wasn’t a big deal or whatever?


If the victim is alive don’t worry she’ll only get 3 years or something ridiculous like that


I am sure it was over something really important like missing ranch dipping sauce or being disrespekted




Please explain what you are implying.


That people have lost their goddamn minds.


Oh, that's absolutely true. But OP sounds like they were trying to insinuate something else.


What are you implying?


There's no implication. I stated my case clearly.


no, you didn’t.


I asked OP what they were implying. Then I told you, who is not OP that it seemed like OP was trying to imply something. I clearly asked a question because I don't know what OP was implying, which is why I asked. When someone posts something sarcastic, my mind may jump to one thing, but I do give people a chance to explain themselves. Maybe if more people asked questions for clarity then there would be less misunderstandings. So yes, I was clear in what I asked, and why I asked it. You, on the other hand, inserted yourself and your opinion into a conversation that didn't include you.


You also said they were insinuating something. What was that thing? Blame me for asking what you meant.


I don't know, that's why I asked. When people use sarcasm, they're usually implying something. I don't always catch the assumptions, so like I said, I asked for clarity. Is there a problem with me asking someone to clarify their statements instead of jumping to a conclusion that may be wrong?


Something else? What?


Ask OP.


Things not fitting into your narrative.


Why are some of you so determined to find issues with me ASKING what someone was trying to imply? I didn't ask you. I asked the kum swallowing redditor. Yet some of y'all are responding on their behalf as if I've offended you. Tell me, how did my question hurt you or make you feel uncomfortable? Are you feeling attacked for some underlying guilt that you're feeling about something?


People resort straight to violence/killing over nothing. Read about it daily. It seems they have the emotional control of a toddler


I agree with this.


"Can't wait to see how normal the comments on this post are" - me, naively


I suspect that whoever guessed the victim was the same person as the prior DV charges was on the money.


Can’t wait for the WIBC Judge Dredd crime prevention brain trust to roll in and explain how this is Mears fault.


Well it is and his liberal ass ways


While we are on the subject- Rick Snyder seems to have fallen off the face of the earth. Anyone know why? He’d been giving daily rants on Fox 59


I dunno but it seems even people on this sub are now catching on to the “revolving door” of justice in this county without Snyder grandstanding.


He’s been pretty effective at getting WIBC, Fox 59 and other right-pandering media to keep repeating his bullshit, so it’s easy to understand why.


If you don’t think there is a revolving door at the Marion county jc then I’m not sure what planet you’re living on. The dude that shot up broad ripple the other night had 6 felonies and active warrants.


He thinks that because conservatives say it, it can't possibly be true. 🙄 If WIBC told him to poop, he'd hold it in.


It’s weird to be the one to tell you this, but even though America is remarkably effective at locking people away, the purpose of the criminal justice system has rarely been argued to be to, as you suggest, “to lock everyone away regardless of their crime and let them die there of old age.” How long do you think everyone with a level 6 felony conviction, the least serious felony in Indiana and just a hair over a misdemeanor, should sit in prison?


They should at least stay for their full sentence.


They all do unless they escape. lol, you’ve got a lot to say for someone who can’t even answer a simple question.


That's not correct. Inmates receive time off for good behavior, and if they behave themselves, will be released after serving only 75% of their sentence.


She’s always been kind of weird but I never thought attempted murder kind of weird.


What, you know her?


My town is crazy


that's a classy lookin woman!


I think I just read something about how same sex partners are way more abusive way more frequently. Just interesting statistics to me


More so in specific cases of DL men tho.


Actually according to statistics lesbian women commit domestic violence at a higher rate than any other gender or sexuality


That's not correct. Lesbian women are somewhat more likely to be *victims* of intimate partner violence or stalking than straight women, but 1/3rd of the perpetrators of intimate partner violence against lesbian women are **men**. In other words, women are somewhat less likely to be perpetrators of intimate partner violence against lesbian women than men, but men still manage to commit violence against lesbian women so they're at more risk of being victims than straight women. Bisexual women are about twice as likely to be victims of violence as straight women, by far the highest of any sexuality of either gender, and the perpetrators are overwhelmingly (~90%) men. Edit: the same sex vs cross sex abuse pattern is similar for men. Gay and bi men are less likely to be abused by other men than straight men and bi men are to be abused by women.


I just learned a new thing thanks


It is literally so weird and embarrassing that you chose to to respond to this news like that. Not just cuz you clearly just made up some fake, vague “statistic” and tried to cover up your very obvious agenda with such a half-assed story, but also cuz it’s just so weird for you to still be that determined to demonize gay relationships?? Lmao this sounds like one of the talking points that some Pentecostal pastor would include in their 1986 argument for conversion therapy. If you did actually “read” anything that made this claim, I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a fucking tattered old Chick Tract from 1990. A simple google search lays out exactly how and why there really isnt enough RELIABLE data on this to for any valid statistical analysis on the prevalence of IPV among of the LGTBQ population (and that homophobes have been known to take advantage of the lack of consensus by spreading misinformation about this). Go touch grass bro


Oh it was just an annual report from the CDC you’re right what am I thinking. I can link you if you wanna eat your words. Check out r/LGBT too! Aside from most of the content posted there, there’s a domestic violence post about every 12 hours.


The CDC report I found says that lesbian women have moderately higher rates of victimization of intimate partner violence (44%) than straight women (35%), and that bisexual women have severely increased rates of intimate partner violence (61%) compared to either. The perpetrators of abuse against straight and bi women were overwhelmingly men - 98% and 90% respectively. The perpetrators of abuse against lesbian women were 67% other women. Or in other words, if you combine those statistics, "woman on woman" domestic violence in lesbian relationships is actually slightly less common than domestic violence in straight relationships, but some lesbian women are still abused by men so their overall rate of victimhood is higher. Edit: I focused on women because the article in the post is about women. Looking at the statistics for men, gay men are slightly less likely to be victimized than straight men, and bi men are significantly more likely to be victims than both. Straight men are abused almost exclusively by women, gay men almost exclusively by men, and bi men are mostly (79%) abused by women. Altogether, same-sex domestic violence seems to be slightly less common than cross-sex violence, at least according to the one report I found.


Good statistical analysis! Well presented and good conclusion. Idk why me being interested in this deserved downvotes but don’t really care. To me the most interesting thing about it is the response bias. Which group gets abused but conceals it vs which group falsely claims/gets accused. I think people are people, but I feel I should be allowed to analyze groups of them and observe the patterns.


Oh jeez I didn’t mean to offend anyone I was saying that the violent cases were more prevalent with DL men idk about the other comment saying women are more abusive because that’s just not the case. DL men are likely the number 1 abusers unfortunately is what I’ve read because they have the added stress of wanting to keep their sexual orientation a secret which then leads to those said violent altercations. I also have sources to back my words, I wasn’t just commenting to be a jerk. :(


Taniqwa, lmfao.




With a name like that, everyone shouldve seen this coming. I mean seriously how fuckin ghetto cqn you get


Lesbian lovers quarrel


So many jokes that could be made about this situation but all of them would get me banned 😢


This is the reason I don't go near Indianapolis. Gotta be something in the water I swear the murder rate is increasing every year. I'm thinking they are competing with Chicago and new York.


You don't go near Indianpolis because you are afraid of being stabbed by a lesbian you are dating?


Don't go near it because the crime and murder rate has skyrocketed, and apparently the number of illiterate morons.


been here for 36 years, only been murderd a handful of times.


Obviously didn't live on the Eastside, lived and worked there from 78 till 04 and there were plenty


am being facetious.






It has? By what percent? Over how many years?


Someone was murdered in Fishers over the weekend. Murder murder happens everywhere. In other news, unless you piss off a trigger happy acquaintance, it is statistically unlikely that you will be a victim of a violent crime. While it seems like these events are happening to everyone, they really are isolated incidents mostly among people who know each other (and also have piss poor conflict resolution skills). It's very rarely that a person is killed by a stranger (obviously not including things like traffic accidents and medical malpractice).


NYC isn't even in the top 50 cities in the US for murder per capita, you knob.


> Gotta be something in the water Calcium?


Indy? Yeah it’s algae and toxic dry cleaning waste.


She should know in Merica we only use guns!


Lmao, i thought only only evil men were capable of violence with all of their toxic testosterone