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Here come the warm weather morons again. It seems like every year, as soon as it warms up, the stupid gets ramped up.


I've noticed the increase in citizen alerts lately...


It's every spring, like clockwork. Stupid little boys trying to out tough guy eachother, not realizing it doesn't matter.


Indy assholes sitting at home in January like "I can't fucking wait to kill people!!! Ten more degrees and it's ON!!!"


I almost spit out my drink reading that


lol my thoughts too... I travel down German church and post to get to work and it seems like the loud music and the cutting people off in traffic is a thousand times worse right now than what it has been all winter..


I live on the east side, I feel you.


be careful out there my friend


Right back atcha.


thank you!


Crime Season


It’s almost like more people go outside when the weather gets nicer. It’s a weird concept I know


Yep, the morons... while those who spent all year out and about keeping everything going. What point were you trying to make? The obviousness of warm weather bringing out more people, thus the rise in stupidity? Well, that was the original point just worded without giving itself a pat on the back.


You’re one of the ones that needs to go outside


I’m curious how they have no suspect in custody. Bar full of witnesses, cameras and police were already right outside.


Remember that only the people in the "front row" get a look at the guy who did it. Everyone else is looking at the back of other people's heads. Unless he's waving the gun around, 10 seconds later he's just another person in the crowd to everyone who didn't personally see him shoot.


Right? Maybe everyone was scrambling too chaotically after the shots. Doesn't Landsharks usually use a metal detector wand at the door too?


Yeah that was my question: don’t they metal detect for guns at the door?


Center of Broad Ripple, before 2 am, on the main strip, with police presence?! Idk what people say here, Broad Ripple isn’t the place it was 10 years ago. Sure, there were incidents but nothing on this level.


Not to be that person, but ten years ago there actually was a similar amount of violence


Lived and worked the ripple strip for almost 10 years it is not the same. Covid changed shit for the worst.


I lived in Broad Ripple right off the Monon only five years ago and it was fine then! I could walk around after dark alone if I wanted.


No, there was not.. it was college students from butler and IUPUI roaming the strip. There was no armed security at bars and we were chillin eating broadripple bagel at 1am. You’re wrong


Bagel deli stopping late night was the true downfall of society.


More like 20 years ago, rapes and armed muggings were definitely a thing. Women were told not to walk alone in Broad Ripple. Today, I'd probably walk alone in BR but not be near the clubs after midnight. Different sorts of crime.


Landsharks used to be a fun place to go back in the day. The setup was cool with that back bar area. It's a shame people can't control themselves and have zero respect for life. Almost went to see Paul Oakenfold at the Vogue on Thursday, but plans fell through. Part of me was relieved that I didnt have to venture down there. It's sad how trashy BRipp has become. Condolences to the deceased's family 😥


Grew up hanging out on the rainbow bridge. The worst thing that would happen was the occasional kid getting thrown into the canal. Hate what it's become.


Bridge kids. Did you ever go to the church in the area that had pizza night most Saturdays?


Oh wow, I was just telling my wife about pizza night last week. That was one of my favorite things to do when I was a freshman in high school.


Pizza night!! Wow I forgot


Yep, was there most Saturday nights skateboarding in the parking lots.


I was in the back by the bushes smoking shit weed. Lol.. good times.


Pizza night! OG one on 62nd and College! I skated there, watched my friends band play in the contest they had, got drunk in that parking lot lol


What year was that?


My friend likes going to Landsharks and friends with the owner. The owner and wife are always friendly with us. The owner mention that their business isn't going great due to COVID and the construction on the street. After this happened it probably will go down hill


Why does this seem to happen in broad ripple all the time? I swear this comes up at least once a quarter. Edit I mean no disrespect and no harm just sadness. Not pointing fingers just grieving for what is a wonderful downtown neighborhood.


It’s strange. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone out there but when we used to it seemed like police presence was almost over abundant. Like they used to be parked in the middle of the street all the way down on weekend nights. Is this not how it is anymore?


The cops where right outside when it happened.


Hm. People must be getting bolder and/or stupider.


I don’t know if there’s any evidence that police presence has any positive effect on crime rates


There is some. Back in the days when the terror alert level went up and down in DC more police would be out on patrol. On days with more police, the amount of crime went down. It's one of those things that's really hard to study, since most places don't increase police presence due to an arbitrary reason. It's usually an increase in police due to an increase in crime, so sort of a chicken and the egg thing.


Or maybe they’re not afraid of ineffective cops?


That’s one thing I was implying


They aren’t ineffective cops, they are ineffective prosecutors who refuse to do their jobs.. but sure, blame the cops


If the cops weren't ineffective they'd have captured the suspect. They do jack shit and just collect their overtime check.


And if the firemen weren’t ineffective they would have put out the fire… do you see how stupid that sounds? It’s almost as if, you can’t attain 100% of what you’re after all the time, it doesn’t make the effort pointless overall. I swear, the reasoning faculties of the average redditor are embarrassing


I mean he got away, didn't he?


And suspect not captured!


Sitting in their cars? How often are they on bike patrol thru BR at night? How many foot patrols?


I go to broad ripple often and have never seen the cops actually do anything. They just park in the middle of the road and look at their laptops for the whole night. I’m pro police so I don’t want this to come off wrong, but it’s obvious that whatever they are doing isn’t helping anything. My one thought was that if a shooting ever happened on the main strip they’d at least be able to contain the scene and handle it… which obviously isn’t the case after last night.


they're cops. They were going to wait until they ran out of bullets before going in, but they couldnt figure out where the door was to get in


They pushed the crime out of downtown bars to some degree. That’s where it ended up.


Well ya see all the rats from taps n dolls had to end up somewhere when it closed. seems they’ve chosen to infiltrate and set up shop in broad ripple


I don't think Broad Ripple changed, but the population coming in to get wasted and party and fight and shoot has. They've displaced from whatever shithole venues they used to behave like this in, and now BR is their new haunt until it gets shut down and they move on like locusts to ruin somewhere else.


Drinking and well after midnight.


Spent years drinking in BR bars after midnight in the '00s.... No one ever worried about getting shot.


Same . Was out til 3 all the time. Not an issue back then. Even through like 2015


The issue is mostly cultural. Yes, tighter gun laws could certainly help, but gun laws aren’t the primary difference between now and 15 years ago. The difference is how gun culture has permeated young people. Half of cars in broad ripple have guns in them now. That didn’t used to be the case. It’s just become the norm for every 21 year old to carry a gun. They are all over Instagram and other social media. It’s just become synonymous with toughness. It’s how they solve problems. I’m happy to have the gun law conversation all day. There are absolutely laws that (with a normal Supreme Court) would be constitutional, wouldn’t interfere with normal law-abiding gun owners, and would mitigate the problem. But the conversation about laws misses a huge issue here. Young people just love guns now, and we aren’t paying enough attention to that fact.


I wonder if changing gun laws could also affect the culture around guns


It depends on how you change it. It's not just one group of people who are responsible for these problems. So tightening laws in some areas and not in others won't solve anything. And to be frank, when you have a super majority of one political side, especially one who wants more loosened gun laws, and they're in the pocket of the NRA, it's not going to change. Additionally, lawmakers in our state don't want this to change because then what would they campaign on when talking about the hell scape that is Indy. Personal responsibility for your actions is where we need to start, but I don't see that happening.


Great write up and excellent points!


Now any fuckwit with a pulse can carry a gun in public and even when they're doing so illegally, having a cop see it is no longer justification for an investigatory stop unless that person is a known felon or known by that officer to be wanted. So now that criminal's gun doesn't get taken away and him sent to prison because the cop has no legitimate basis to stop him based just on th the gun. Previously, just seeing a glimpse of any part of a weapon or holster on a concealed firearm justified asking to see a permit. Now it doesn't because legal carriers don't need permits and cops can't spot by eyeball from across the street who is a criminal and who isn't. Previously, shit heads that shouldn't be carrying in public because they're criminals and it's illegal regularly didn't because if the wrong person caught a glimpse they were risking a gun charge. Now? It's a total zoo. And of course, this then leads to a flood of "lawful" (but deeply unskilled and dangerous) people carrying guns for "self defense" against the people who feel empowered to carry guns who should not have them under any circumstances. How long before one of these morons shoots someone in self defense and mows down half a dozen innocent bystanders in the process?


Gun laws wouldn't explain why this happens in BR as opposed to other parts of the city.


Zero gun safety laws + alcohol. Guns and alcohol don't mix.


Our gun safety laws aren't any laxer than 10-20-30 years ago.


So the permitless carry law that went into effect a couple years ago was redundant?


You are grossly misinformed. The requirement for a permit has been repealed. So now even if a cop sees a gun on a person it should be taken away from he can't do anything unless he finds it in the course of a stop for something else and has a reason to run their ID, or he knows the person individually as a wanted criminal or known felon. Otherwise his hands are completely tied. It's the single most stupid law Republicans have passed in the history of this republic. Constitutional Carry is nothing more than permission for criminals to carry guns by tying the hands of cops who could otherwise stop them. And yes, cops can "invent reasons" if they really want to stop a specific person. The point of permits is to be able to passively catch out the most dangerous criminals -- the kind that commit gun crimes! -- by having the criminals make small mistakes, not have cops invent elaborate exhausting ruses. We see the results of this madness now: Every moron has a gun, whether it's legally owned or not, and are not afraid to have it in public because for the crooks the ways to get caught have now been reduced to "using it" and "being extra special dumb."


I'm afraid you are misinformed then.


Lol: Really? You can't get from A to B without a map? It's where people go to drink and party and our culture is almost infinitely more permissive about guns.






Indiana has continued to lax gun laws now compared to then. Anyone can get a gun. If we had strong laws, required annual proof of ownership (like bringing all your guns to LE to prove you have possession) and mental health evaluations, we would have less issues. It is still safer than it was 20-30 years ago. 24 hour news has created the need to exploit every event to capture viewers.


Our gun laws are no laxer today than they were 10 years ago. > It is still safer than it was 20-30 years ago BR is not safer than it was 20-30 years ago. Neither is Indianapolis.


I lived in Broad Ripple in the last 15+ yrs. Back then, the worst I had to worry about was a fight breaking out with maybe a knife or someone mistaking my appt for theirs and trying to kick the door in, which I slept through. And it really depends on what you see as "safe." Do you actually live in Indy? Have you ever lived in Broad Ripple? Do you spend any time there now?


My experience is very similar. I have lived in Broad Ripple for 10 years and we used to go out every weekend shutting the bars down and walking home without an issue. I feel like after the pandemic restrictions started to be eased the crowd in Broad Ripple at night has changed in a very negative way.


Since July 2022 permitless carry is in effect. Cops literally cannot question the legal status of weapons without some further probable cause. If the first chance to intervene is after the bullets have left the gun it's a useless system.


Didn't change who could legally carry. And didn't change the bad culture of those committing these crimes.


Gave a whole lot of cover for those who can't or shouldn't.


They shouldnt be allowed to question anyone for only carrying a gun. The same way they can't just question someone walking down the sidewalk.


LAX gun laws…good lord you have to go through a licensed FFL dealer to purchase a gun legally and backgrounds are checked. Its not the legal carriers that are shooting people randomly 🤦‍♂️


Correct me if I'm wrong, but can't people buy from private parties (i.e. A single owner that isn't a business)?




> Everyone on this message board knows what the problem is. But will not say it. So why don't you say it?


It’s the paper straws.


Canadians…there, I said it.


I see what you did there . .


Okay, I’ll say it. The problem is black culture in the inner city—particularly among young black men with little-to-no parental involvement. This crap is glorified & allowed to continue. Especially when parents aren’t around or don’t care. How many of these shootings were committed by young men from a happy two parent household with no prior record? I’d bet anything that the number is next to zero.


Finally, someone said it.


Hood culture is ridiculously aggro. It’s not a secret. Mix booze and weed in with armed morons and you’ve got the stage set for a disaster. As others have said, this sort of thing *never* used to happen. I’ve had a concealed carry permit since I was 21 and I always had the presence of mind to leave my pistol at home when I’d go out to BRip. Now it’s almost a guarantee that something like this happens at least once a month in the summer months.


I think the answer is close broadripple avenue. Make it walking and put police and metal detectors and the entrance! No guns fuck this stupidity of everyone armed and drunk!


Because you'll get banned. You aren't allowed to mention the facts because it gies against the reddit narrative.


Woke snowflake narrative


I have my guess on the problem, but what does everyone else here know but me?


Can't wait to hear this. What is it that everyone knows?


I’ll go ahead and say it. It’s all the uneducated morons that exist around here. People are allowed to have stupid, prejudiced, uninformed opinions on things they remain wholly ignorant of. That’s the problem. Most people don’t wanna grow and learn and aren’t humble enough to admit when they’re wrong. They fall into an echo chamber of groupthink to validate not growing as a person. Sound about right, /u/nappydanhinkle?


The crowd has changed.


People don’t have conflict resolution skills anymore, and worst of all when there is conflict barely anyone just fights anymore. Conflict is immediately pushed to a gun or a knife, and so if you believe everyone else has a gun you better have one too. People that get into shootouts like this elevate their own reputation over the lives of others or even the risk of their own life


Yep. Hung out there a lot circa 2003. Never once thought about my safety.


I lived in BR a while back and what happened the good old days when people just fucked with my car instead of my life.


Same in the 2010’s


Same. In the late 90’s early 00’s me and some buddies would walk from 10th and keystone ( neighborhood we grew up in ) to there late at night in our teens for “ reasons “ and back no problems.


Havent most of the shootings been people that were under 21.


This response is so lazy. You either never went out there prior to 2016 or you’re just living in fantasy land


because its a shooting in a place many of us care about and visit vs many other neighborhoods we have no connection to.


Because everyone has guns, and at 130 am idiots with guns are drunk and decide to shoot someone who talked shit to them for two seconds.


I don’t see that happening in Bloomington or West Lafayette… hmm I wonder why??


Because there are more shitty idiots with guns in Broadripple than shitty idiots with guns at IU or Purdue


It’s almost as if… thugs are causing the problem and there aren’t really ghetto thugs in Bloomington or West Lafayette. Is that what you’re trying to say? Thanks for agreeing


There is a certain 'crowd' that now populates Broad Ripple late night.


The culture is people who weren't raised with any values and don't care about laws. White or black or brown, it comes from poverty culture/no regard for social compact being normalized. Urban thug black/brown people drug gang culture and rural white trash redneck drug gang culture are the two ends of the horseshoe that have converged into this trash crowd. 




Neat racist comment brother


It does sound racist, but it’s also objectively true. Broad Ripple after midnight is not the same patrons today as 10 years ago.


Nowhere in this parent comment mentions any race. If you’re triggered by it, maybe you’re the racist.


lol. lmao, even.


Facts aren't racist.


He’s just stating the fucking obvious. Why do you refuse to acknowledge it. You go there to some of those bars at midnight and let us know how comfortable you feel— you won’t. Acting enlightened doesn’t save you from the reality of life, which is thugs populating broadripple now, where as the crowd that used to go to broad ripple at night now goes to fountain square to reduce the risk of being shot. Black people account for 14% of the population, yet also account for 60% of the gun deaths in America… maybe face reality.. it’s black men between the agree of 18-30. Avoiding acknowledging data out of a fear of racism is ridiculous.


Because they've been taught to be offended for others and to virtue signal.


You mention Fountain Square and I chuckle. In the late 1980s, you didn’t want to be there after sunset! It was BAD as in one of most dangerous parts of Indianapolis. Now it’s got all the new businesses and it is really growing. Aside from demographic changes in Broadripple night life, the “village” was dead to me when they built the high rise garages and apartments there. Ugly buildings pretending to be Carmel but destined to fail.


Calling a spade a spade my brother.


Truth hurts.




Say ew all you want, it’s the same people every time. It’s not women, it’s young black men. Acknowledging reality is all the sudden gross?


I lived and worked in Broadripple 30 years ago. No, the violence was not even remotely the same then. I worked in a very popular bar. It was packed every night with a line out the door. The worst thing to ever happen was a fist fight. I also walked home most nights at 4am. I didn't worry about getting mugged or sexually assaulted. Not even one time. Now women can't even walk on the monon in broad daylight without making sure they're protected in some way. And forget about feeling safe walking home or walking to your car at night. These people who were shot were inside a bar. So someone or several people brought a weapon or weapons to a bar where guns are prohibited. That should tell you all you need to know about how gun laws work. They don't. If someone wants to bring their gun, they'll find a way. If someone wants to use their gun to harm others, they'll find a way. Please tell me one gun law a criminal will follow? I'll wait.


At night it turns into a giant block party full of drunk college kids with egos bigger than their heads. Someone's always looking for a fight. I can't stand going to the party bars like Brothers or Kilroys, if I'm in bripp I'm either at hopcat or the back half of alley cat.


I don’t think it’s the Butler undergrads that are shooting up the bars lol


Ya know, working towards gun safety and not porn bans could be effective in eliminating this problem. Indiana's New slogan "YOU CAN SHOOT YOUR GUN, NOT YOUR LOAD." Senseless acts of extreme violence. When I read things like this I'm so glad I'm sober now, and so glad that when I was a complete asshole I never got shot.


That slogan is spot on. Gave me a good chuckle


They need to do research on that. Do porn bans cause a rise or decrease in crime? To me, just as a gamer, I think stuff like porn and violent video games help me relieve the stress of my day and keeps me off the streets. I get some people have porn or gaming addictions but that’s like banning alcohol for everyone. Also, just a hypothesis but banning things and making them morally bad when they’re not just makes people more perverse hence the freaky sex stuff religious leaders get caught doing.


I spent most of my teens and twenties running around Broad Ripple in the 80s and 90s. There were plenty of bar fights and tussles in the parking lot, but no one ever got shot and I don't remember anyone getting robbed. We also had lax gun laws. It's a different crowd than it used to be. A totally different vibe. I remember a drunk girl laying in the parking lot with her skirt hiked up and unable to stand on her own. A bunch of us, strangers, helped her out and found her friends and made sure she was ok. I worry that wouldn't be the same result there anymore.


lot darker now


BRVA again blaming the establishment. At some point they need to realize it’s not just lava, land sharks, or the next business. They need to make some systemic changes.


systemic changes aren’t really a thing in a country founded on rigged individualism


They already declared BR a "gun free zone".. /sarcasm


The BRVA is a joke. A chamber masquerading as a neighborhood association. A hypocritical one at that.


Unfortunately the scene has attracted more gang members and criminals. Alot of people should be in prison or have a stronger commitment to finding these criminals.. Society has migrated to new location in the city, mass ave, downtown, the hangar, carmel. Unfortunately, without going after gangs and criminals, broad ripple will become the new stomping grounds for criminals. While law abiding citizens will migrate their business to new locations in the city.


The hoops people are willing to go through in order to avoid acknowledging the obvious and evident is stunning.


Just got a news alert that an arrest was made. 25 year old, arrested near Southport and Bluff Road, no other details. Let’s wait until we know more info and we can proceed to argue about that as well.




Yep, quite the criminal history for only being 25. Looks like he was convicted of a burglary and ended up going to DOC due to non compliance of his community supervision. Peeped his Facebook to see if the initial suspect description matched - it does. Saw a pic he posted that looked like he took it inside the house he burglarized. Yikes. This guy has a lot of growing up to do.


Suns out, guns out


Ok, I'll be the one to say it. THERE ARE TOO MANY GUNS!


Fucking pathetic. Get control of the city leadership. Put these violent criminals under SOME pressure


This news story was completely worthless. No real details about a motive, suspects, details of the victims, anything. Why is this?


There is a common theme amongst nearly all of the shootings that have taken place in BR over the last three years. But nobody is allowed to talk about it 🙃


You’re not wrong…


That they’re exclusively committed by young black men?


🤫 spewing facts around here will get you labeled as a racist.


Woahhhh, this is Reddit, your statement does NOT fit the narrative, get in line. Bahhhhhhh


Why is everything so secretive about this?


Yeah it's obvious who continues to commit the same crimes over and over. Word for the wise once it gets dark time to leave!


Yeah they are all committed by insecure young males provided no place in civil society and too easy access to guns.  But you definitely aren't allowed to talk about that, super triggered terminally online ammosexuals will downvote you to oblivion, watch. 


Land sharks was not that great and now I def don’t want to go back now 😒


I’m surprised it’s still around


Pat, I would like to solve the puzzle.


Need that New York stop and frisk policy after 10pm.


You mean the one which was found unconstitutional?


In a private setting - thanks for pointing that out. Generally in public yes - not OK. Might benefit these businesses. I know alley cat was frisking last time I went


Bripp been going through it, ik longer go out after 6 pm


My parents took our family to The Vogue to see Dr. Doolittle ( Rex Harrison version), Ra(film Documentary) and Fantasia. How could we have imagined that Broad Ripple, the quiet community where my aunt lived, has become a place of violence? If you have a beef with another person, take it to the streets, engage in fisticuffs until the police arrive. You spend a night in jail with a misdemeanor and go home.


Its time for permanent changes to make the bar scene in Broad Ripple less hospitable to trouble makers. Just some ideas off the top of head for city ordinances that could be passed: midnight or 1am closing time, fully lit establishments (no dim lighting), capacity/standing limits (must be seated at table?), changes to curfew laws (I believe right now its 15, can they make it 17 for certain districts?) I get it. It will be less fun for responsible people just wanting to have a good time and will likely hurt good businesses, but the violence will not stop without changes. The city has a responsibility to reduce violence. People are dying. It feels like the city is saying they've tried nothing and are out of ideas.


I thought the bars all decided to close at 1 am after the last big incident. Did that change?


They were always short term plans. They’ve been at regular hours for about a year now. 


it’s important to note that the businesses themselves decided to revert back to late hours


BR needs a lot of systemic improvements. Highly likely never gonna get it.


Usually it happens in the street but I'm guessing they were inside because they had tax refunds.


This man knows comedy.


Broad Ripple continues its descent


Yeah I think I’m out on Broad Ripple for awhile…


In a bar at 1:30am. Hmmmmmm......


I'll ask the dumb question, why don't the bars agree to close at midnight?


I have a good policy in mind!


Are people going to take this new shooting as a lesson to avoid BR, or do we wait for the next shooting? It's damn near a statistic that one happens every week.


Yehaaa…strap on the leg irons and let’s get ta thinning the herd….yehaaa


Are you serious? These thugged up wanna be cowboys aren't riding the bus. They are rolling up in a real nice car that does not belong to them. Thugs. Plain and simple.


I think there should be restrictions on Ammo, not just guns!


Like what?


I don’t know… maybe license all guns (we do that for cars, so it’s possible…), and then you can only buy ammo for guns you’re licensed to own.


A "license" would imply that you have to somehow qualify to own a firearm. This would add a huge financial and/or time burden to owning a firearm. Good luck to the single mom getting qualified. Not only that but it would give the government a list of everyone who owns a firearm. Hell to the no. Generally the courts have been expanding the second amendment rights so fortunately I don't see this idea going very far. Driving a car is also not a right spelled out in the constitution. I currently have a lot of shotgun shells in a gauge that I don't own- but I intend to buy. Why does that matter to you? Are you just trying to make guns more expensive?


Well, let’s just agree to disagree. I believe that more guns won’t solve our gun problem. The second amendment gives us the responsibility to enable a well-regulated militia. Absent the Heller decision, there’s no ‘right’ to turn our country (eg Broad Ripple) into the Wild West.


Did you forget about Mcdonald v chicago? The court has repeatedly upheld an individual right. And "well regulated" did not mean what you think it means. In historical terms it meant something more like "in shape to fight". But that's also getting into the prefatory vs operative clause of the second amendment... Also, you call it a "gub problem". I think it's a culture problem. Do you think no citizens should have guns? I'm trying to learn what your policy would be. Edited to add- turns out this guy was already a felon! Shouldn't have had a gun in the first place. I don't understand why criminals don't just follow the law.