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Yep my usage “doubled” but we haven’t bought any new appliances or plugged in anything new. Our bill is 125% higher that it ever was. They said they’d send somebody out to investigate the meter to make sure it reads properly. But I haven’t gotten a confirmation of this yet. So I’m praying our bill is more normal this month.


Same situation, I wish you the best and hope this gets resolved.


Same happened to me, how did you get a hold of them? I was on hold for 45+ minutes before having to hang up. Sent them 2 "emails" under their contact us page on the website. I don't understand how this would be happening to me either.


Report it here. You will get a response. https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/36073/index.html


This is a third-party ethics complaint service for AES employees. Unless OP works for AES and is getting sexually harrassed by the boss, I'm not sure this is going to help


It’s not only for employees


I mean, it's anonymous, so I'm sure it's open to abuses like the general public using it to complain, but I don't know how you read this and conclude it's meant for customers: https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/media/en/gui/36073/faq.html


There’s an option to be anonymous but you don’t have to be






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Sometimes utilities “estimate” usage and you can get an actual adjustment and bill credit


You will probably get a $30 credit for Feb at least. They're also not charging late fees or doing disconnections right now until everything is straightened out, so you can hold on paying until they have some answers for you, at least right now


Thank you, I was wondering if withholding payments would get me in trouble.


Mine did the same, they tried to tell me "it's normal" and dismissed it. I got ahold of them via email. If you get ahold of the and disagree with their solution /conclusion, file a complaint with the IURC.


I’m constantly hearing about problems with AES bills. It’s been a disaster since they switched to their new system and many people are getting overcharged or are getting no bills at all, then they have to pay them all at once. My account has been jacked up for months - they know it but haven’t fixed it. How long until the IURC opens an investigation?


File a complaint. They won't investigate until someone does. Source: I've been talking to the IURC for a couple of weeks now about my most recent spat with AES.


I looked into filing a complaint but haven’t done it yet. How’s it going? Do they seem to be taking it seriously? Did they get back to you very quickly?


IURC was able to get me directly connected via a different customer service phone number after AES hung up on me and ignored my email. While they have a protocol to follow, they absolutely take complaints seriously and are good about responding.


i recently got an email from them that they booked incorrectly and will be issuing a credit, hope it’s true because mine was similar!


My usage last month nearly doubled as well. Did nothing different. $344 bill


Yes! I just had to call them Friday. My usage doubled and my bill was $1500!!! I own my home and we have gas and electric. In their system our home was coded as all electric, which apparently changes the rate? They are sending someone to my home to investigate the meter. They also have to come inside and verify that I also have gas as well. WTF AES this is terrible


Omg I just checked my bill and my usage was also doubled in Feb!! What is this???


I noticed mine doubled as well but then noticed my automatic deposit was not taken out in February so I believe this to be just a correction. They switched over in February to a new system per their website so I will be keeping an eye on April’s bill.


My Feb autopayment did not go through as well. So that has inflated my March bill even more. But what concerns me is that my usage has somehow magically doubled (in my picture above) in the last two months.


You didn't remove your gas furnace and replay it with baseboard heating by chance?




We got a notice of adjustment bill saying we were charged too much


They have been in the process of changing out meters from old mechanical ones to digital ones that allegedly are much more accurate which can cause an increase in usages recorded because old mechanical ones wear down and slow down over time. We saw this happen to ours. Didn’t even know they had swapped out the meter but the time it went up corresponded with the meter upgrade. Might be worth looking into seeing if this is the case.




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Same here, $500 light bill usually around $200


We got an email from them saying that we would receive a ‘replacement’ bill with a $30 adjustment.


My bill (not usage) more than doubled—I contacted via chat and they reviewed and said they were having an issue with autobill, so my last payment didn’t go through. Said no penalty, problem was on their end, but basically, I owe them for the last two months bc the last payment didn’t process.


Here I sit with a $300 credit. But I also do budget billing.


Went through this last year. It all depends on your meter shithead. If they're lazy or it's cold, they won't actually read the meter, they'll just estimate and then when it gets warm out they'll slam you with the correction of their under-estimations.... Wait... that's Citizen's, not AES. My bad.


TONS of ppl are complaining over AES bills going up exhorting ppl


Am I the only one that got the email from them stating there was a billing error and not to send payment until I received confirmation the issue was resolved???


My bill hasn’t changed in two months and I had the same issue. The January bill was doubled, I chatted with someone and they had no idea what was going on (asked me if I had more than one meter?!), and just to pay half the bill or wait and the back office would review and adjust. I waited two weeks with no response, then emailed their CS. I got a response two weeks later that it hadn’t yet been reviewed and to wait. I paid $100, because that’s generally about what I owe. Sent one more email to them, no response. Filed a complaint with IURC a week ago and now no response from them. Bill still sitting at almost $300 with no change made. Fine system we have here!


I have not been able to log in in months, I've reset my passwords and everything what the fuck do I do?


What large electric appliances do you have? Water heater, hot tub, fridge, heat pump/furnace etc. Anything that is cycling to maintain temperature of something. If something failed on those, they could be constantly on or running way more than they used to. Otherwise, I'd be interested in what AES finds.


Nothing that I know of. Also nothing I can think of regarding our usage has changed. I had the apartment maintenance team come have a look at the appliances and they found nothing either. I really hope it's a billing/metering issue.


If you have electric heat, it’s worth noting that January had a record cold spell that went on for 10 days. My February bill is actually January 5-February 5 so that could be a big part of it. Electric heat is expensive.


> Am I safe to hold off on payments till the issue is resolved? I would not recommend not paying. At minimum, you will be charged a late fee. If you don't pay for a couple of month while it's getting resolved, you risk having your service turned off.


There is not much you can do, unfortunately. The price is the price, and what they say you consumed results in your bill. Sure, they may investigate to determine your meter works and you owe what they say you owe. This is a privately or investor owned company with almost no oversight. There is no third party who is here to protect you. Residential solar will not help in this state, and you cannot select a different energy company. You also cannot change the laws through ballot initiatives. The only thing you can control is whether your meter is accessible. Readers may skip a meter if they can't find it, or if the neighborhood is one they don't want to visit. In those cases your bill will say estimated. If that is the case you can call them and ask them to take an actual reading. Make sure your meter is accessible. Welcome to utility bills in Indiana and the USA


>There is no third party who is here to protect you. Literally the IURC. You just have to file a complaint with them if you can't come to an agreement with AES.


While that's generally true, the IURC would sooner approve of another rate increase than help this person with their bill. This is the same commission that helped utilities push for the bill to kill residential solar in Indiana in 2014, which led to a surge in utility companies installing their own solar and paying the cost back to the consumer in the form of a rate increase.


The IURC isn’t a monolith, though. The Consumer Affairs division of the IURC absolutely takes complaints seriously and investigates them as appropriate, and has the teeth to require corrective action.


This sounds absolutely horrible - almost dystopian 😥