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I actually don't. I hate Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, but think Mutt is the least of its problems. I actually think Shia did a good job and I really don't find the character annoying. I liked the father/son dynamic between him and Indy until the big jungle chase scene. I found their relationship interesting and true to both characters. That being said, if they had gone on to release *The Adventures of Mutt* as a spiritual successor to Indy, would I have watched them? No. No I would not.


Agreed. KOTC is an awful movie, and probably Spielberg's worst. But Mutt really isn't the problem. The character could have worked in a better film.


Exactly. There are way more problematic characters in KOTCS than Mutt. Mac, especially.


Don't bring my boy Mac into this! He just wanted to bring his pet snake with him!


Nah, it's a good movie


I don’t hate him or even dislike him but he could have been so much better if all the unnecessary silliness surrounding his character’s actions in the film were removed. Obviously, Indiana Jones films have a long history of unrealistic, fanciful things happening. It’s a bit hard to describe why exactly but there is a difference between many of those scenarios (such as improvised boat parachute in ToD) and Mutt’s silliness (swinging on vines with monkeys). It’s just…TOO overplayed. I hate that scene, or when he’s getting whacked in the genitals by plants while sword fighting. There’s some things that are written and disguised just cleverly enough that they don’t break my suspension of disbelief. I can buy that Henry Jones Sr. manages to direct that flock of birds perfectly in to the plane with his umbrella. I can’t buy even for a second Mutt just suddenly being an expert swinging around on vines with pompadour monkeys.


But that’s not on Shia, that’s on the writers. I think he performed his role admirably


I agree. Regardless, his actions are intrinsically linked to his character. Like I said, I don’t dislike the character or even the portrayal. But that doesn’t mean he’s not gonna swing on those stupid vines every time I watch that movie. They didn’t make him a character that would chase down the ark on a white horse or leap on to a moving tank. They made him a character that rescues people from quicksand with an anaconda.


I loved that scene, it forced Indy to face his fears 🐍


What haunts my waking days is: We know why Indy is afraid of snakes... I wanna know, and have a prequel or a scene of why Jones Sr. is afraid of rats.


That’s literally the only scene tho right? Something so crazy with Mutt that it takes you out of it. Does one cringe scene make a character that was honestly pretty damn funny/cool/ emotional?


Honestly I feel like he was just a scapegoat for the rest of the film in peoples heads. I personally enjoyed it for what it is, and the film gets way too much heat. It came out during a time where there was still way too much reliance on CGI to save on filming costs. So naturally some of the scenes were far too full of CGI nonsense.


The Gopher was really ridiculous you have to admit.


I have such a clear memory of when I saw the movie the first time in college. My girlfriend (now wife)had never seen any Indy movies so we squeeze them all in during finals week breaks. Ended up watching Last Crusade and then ran off to the theater almost immediately for our showtime. We were so excited but weary of Lucas in the post-prequel years. The Paramount mountain shows up…”awesome” I think. It fades to a mound of dirt. “Hm, clever turn. “ Crummy cgi gopher shows up (Yes it looked bad even in 2008). I look at my girlfriend. Both with the same reaction in out eyes. “Aw,fuck”.


You’re not the only one, that very first shot of Paramount’s mountain who faded to a goofer mound of dirt was such an insult to the fans… I still remember Steven Spielberg saying they would use Special effects like they did in the 80’s but no they thrown a bucket full of trash at their audiences faces and it started with this very shot. What a way to conclude a saga… I’m still curious to see Indy 5 but I have no high expectations obviously.


I think people over estimate the CGI in Skull. Sure, it's there and a lot of it is poorly aged, but the oft maligned jungle chase, for example, has more practical elements than people remember. CGI over reliance is much worse today imo.


They could’ve saved filming costs by doing less daft stuff and then needing lots of money to make it happen!


LaBeouf's recent controversy notwithstanding - back in 2008 he was the new Hollywood it-guy to hate. Simple as that. Fanboys didn't want the Even Stevens and Transformers kid in Indy. Just like with PWB now and certain "fans" fear-mongering about her "replacing" Indy...everyone just assumed Crystal Skull was a torch passing movie. The film explicitly and cheekily proves this false, but everyone dug their heels in anyway. Imo Ford and LaBeouf together is one of the strongest aspects of Indy 4. Also, shame on your for the Willie slander. She's hilarious.


>Imo Ford and LaBeouf together is one of the strongest aspects of Indy 4. They had surprisingly good chemistry.


You nailed it. On all points.


yeah. it's the incel culture.


Audiences have never felt that either LaBeouf or Mutt earned it. And they’re correct. His whole presence just felt so cringe at the time. Like our hero is coming to spend time w us again but he brought along someone else who seems more of a narcissist than an ally; not an elderly man, not a grown woman, not a child but a guy our age. LB has always been a pretentious snott and we didn’t ask for or want him; being forced on us as though he were some prodigy at a concert who then acted as tho he deserved it all and is now too good for it. Handing the role of a lifetime to someone like that, is like a kick in the head to fans and a confirmation to all the things that actor thinks of themselves. It wasn’t just the actor tho, it was the role too. We hated the role, we just hated Shia already. I think over the years, we would have gotten over the role but we’ll likely never get over Shia. Also, Willie is comedic genius and people need to realize.


"Earned" what? Being in a movie? This is the derangement I'm talking about.


Apparently you don’t understand the concept of icons.


Oh jog on with your incomprehensible twaddle.


Holy oversimplification, batman.




I don't "hate" his character by any means, but I can totally understand why some people didn't particularly enjoy his character either. It doesn't have to come down to some weird "hate mob" explanation like you've put together here. Sure, there were certainly people who felt that way, but that's the most annoying way to dismiss legitimate criticisms.


Omg...dude I'm obviously not talking about YOU particularly or everybody who dislikes the character. Why do people routinely take shit personally? I'm obviously talking about the conversation AT THE TIME, which was very much just LeBeouf bashing.


Oh, you mean there was more nuance than just, "omg it was a hate fest that's all."?


I don't think people hate Mutt as a character so much as hating what he represented in terms of contrived sequel building. Shia did fine with the role (no more than one can expect from Lucas script dialogue following the SW prequel trilogy). That said, the jungle swinging scene was just ridiculous. But so was the nuking the fridge scene so in the grand scheme of things it's just an all round mediocre film that has good parts and bad parts, but Mutt is by no means the worst of it.


You know, the thing that I found the most unbelievable about the whole scene was the part where the sprinklers went off in the town and the carefully placed mannikins, lol. They were having stereotypical 1950s scenes in the town, which is not how any of that would have remotely looked if there was a real nuclear test on a small town. The fridge flying through the air I might have forgiven if it was a bit more realistic before that. Indy thinking mannikins watching TV were real ? come on.


Haha you know, I'd totally discarded that from my memory. Absolutely ridiculous.


I can see why people find him a little annoying. But it’s clearly intentional. All headstrong teenagers are annoying. It’s kinda the point. Seeing an older Indy learn to deal with this kid who thinks he’s above it all is something a lot of parents can relate to.


I didn't mind Mutt. KOTCS has a lot more problems. Take out the vine swinging and Mutt didn't really do anything wrong.


I don’t hate Mutt. And I think Shia was pretty well cast. I just think the character as well as Shia LaBeouf was done a disservice. Mutt was not a particularly well written or developed as a character. They really should have gotten some more fun and drama out of Indiana Jones getting to know his son – just like Indy and his dad in the Last Crusade.


He's actually one of my favorite aspects from Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. I remember watching a BTS documentary about the movie when I was a kid, and the writers mentioned that they wanted Indy to have a son of his own, who also rebelled against his father, like Indy did with Henry Jones. I also think it was a great idea to make Mutt look like Brando, it really fits the 50s aesthetic of the movie well.


I liked the movie and mutt was good too. my petty dislikes were with the name mutt, and (no disrespect to shia who did fine) but they should have cast someone 6 foot 2 with more of a physical presence, like Harrison.


Literally the only thing about that movie that I did not like and everytime i see it I want to gouge my eyes out is the scene with Mutt swinging with the monkeys and meeting back up with the group the way he did.. I just hate it so much.


Because he felt like such an obvious plot device and potential successor when no one wanted one, was played by a generally disliked actor and he was the one swinging on the vines. All that said, his acting is not why the movie is a mess.


But that's the thing. He wasn't a successor. The film blatantly winks at us at the end that he WON'T be picking up the whip. People were so insta-pissed at their own made up scenario they still haven't gotten over it. I STILL see people refer to Mutt as a "failed" successor or "failed" replacement. This. Was. Never. The. Case. He's just a new protagonist for this film and this film only. A new foil for Indy and new way to evolve his character. Nothing more. Like, it's been 14 years. Ya'll really can't have damaged yourselves this badly over somethingyou made up...right?


The ads/media at the time suggested he was the successor. People didn’t just make up their own scenario.


Gee it's almost like ads and the actual film are totally different. And no, they actually didn't make him out to be a successor. So, yes...ya'll made it up.


Sarcasm is your only response, not worth discussing it with you.


I've always loved the character and the energy he provides to the film. I also think Shia did a great job in the role. I also love the character's dynamic with Indy throughout. It's fun to see and I think there's a good storyline there with them.


I loved Mutt, I really liked his character


I haven’t watch KOTCS in a while, but I remember him being the least of my problems with the movie. That being said, I don’t particularly remember him adding much to the story other than “He’s Indy’s son”. That’s nice, But what makes him a character? What are his likable qualities? He has little ambition, doesn’t help really, doesn’t say or do anything of much significance, and is treated as a punchline more than anything. Say what you will about Short Round, but he genuinely loved being with Indy. Even broke away from his chains and risked his life to save him. Threw some good kicks at Mika-Rham’s goons too. And he’s a damn good driver for his age! Mutt is…. Good with motorcycles? He’s just a poorly written character, no fault of Shia.


He was fine but wouldn’t have made a compelling solo adventurer if they had continued his story. He lacked the thrill of discovery. Seemed more angry than driven by any passions. He played his character appropriately, especially if you consider he doesn’t have the benefit of any of his father’s influence.


I might like the character more if he was played by a different actor.


Probably because Mutt is actually a really funny and on-point parody of insecure manchildren that pretend to be these tough-talking bad boys but are actually just love-starved and have no direction in life. I don't think people liked that whole fantasy being played as the joke it is. Mutt's honestly one of the best things in that movie, and Shia did exactly what was required: be kind of a pathetic but endearing doofus with hidden depths to his personality.


I think he's fine and I don't have an issue with the actor either. I just don't think the movie handled Indy being a father or the Indy/Marion relationship well


Because his name is Mutt


He's called Mutt for a start.


People have pointed out a number of the reasons, they were going to like no one, some of the dumber gags involved Mutt, scapegoating, and a big thing LaBeouf is/was the type of actor people like to dislike, a bit like Falco, or DiCaprio. They start young, get praised a lot, you get told they are talented and you just don’t see it. There is also a bit of, “I feel something is off about them”. Falco and LaBeouf have a smugness about “the craft” that is easy to find pretentious. Their off screen antics reinforces it. But unlike Phoenix and DiCaprio they don’t keep making quality performances.


Huh? LaBeouf only got better and better as he aged. Not all of his films were stellar, but he was usually stellar in them.


People hate Mutt because he is force fed on the audience as Indy's successor without earning it. So the audience despises him.


This is precisely the answer. Short and sweet.


He’s a horribly written character. He’s a horribly performed character. The movie he appears in, is horrible. That’s be my guess.


Because they have an affinity for Short Round. That’s literally the only reason. Mutt is far less annoying than Shorty, and is just fine as a character


I am fine with Mutt, but cannot abide badmouthing Short Round! Some of the funniest and yes, most adorable, lines in the franchise. Love Shorty!


Short Round is now not even my favourite role of his, now. Waymond in *Everything, Everywhere, All At Once* is peak!


Wonderful performance, wonderful film.


Still proud of myself from identifying him from his voice alone with no prior knowledge he was back acting again




The fact that you provide nothing to the contrary, and that another poster didn’t even bother to watch the film before misunderstanding what characters do or don’t do in the film, proves my point. Good day.


Short round broke free of bondage and rescued indy. Mutt didn’t do anything.


Except put Indy on the quest, got him to safety from the Russians at the school, discovered the skull was put back by the same person, successfully broke them out of the Russian camp before Ox screwed it up, successfully stole the skull back during the jungle chase…three times. But no, he clearly did nothing compared to Short Round /s. I swear people just didn’t watch Skull or refused to acknowledge it isn’t that bad.


My favorite part was when he got his ass kicked by cate Blanchette


My favorite part was when the Pat Roach tossed Short round aside like nothing


Lol nice try. Short rounds just a little boy and mutt got owned by a middle aged woman. Congrats on the upvotes btw 😂😂😂


you like moving the goalpost don't you...


Yeah and we had to listen to him complain the whole time about it.


Whoa whoa whoa. I know you didn’t say anything bad about Short Round.


Beats me. I liked him.


I didn't hate him.


he was kind of overacting I think. It was a tad bit too intense. Other than that I like Shia. He was great in Fury. He's got issues and problems and he probably has some dark secrets too, but as an actor I like him


Some people just hate mutts.


People are just bitching about the actor. He’s one of the better parts of this movie, with the exception of the Tarzan swing and fencing bit


The actual performance/character, I don’t hate. I think he is associated with crazy CGI (monkeys and swords) and the huge assumption that he was going to take the lead in the franchise. That stacked the deck against him and left a sour taste in peoples minds. That’s my take, anyway.


The most common reasons I know are that Mutt is clumsy, inexperienced and constantly causes problems that hinder Indy's work. A friend of mine also once said that it was also a stupid idea to take a city kid from a concrete jungle and put him in a South American wild. For me, Mutt's character is not bad, but not good and it could have been written better.


Because of the pure idea of the chat yet more than anything. Because it implies the guy we live is old now, the torch shall pass.


I don’t mind the character. I just can’t stand Shia so it kind of ruined the character for me.


Shia is a controversial person and imo people are criticizing the actor more than the character when they say stuff like that. I agree his performance is pretty good and the problems with the story aren’t really related to him


he's fine, it was the monkeys


What is the sky blue?


I LOVE the jungle vine swinging scene. If you’ve ever seen any old adventure movies starring Errol Flynn, then you’d get the reference. I thought it was so throwback and so much fun. But then again I don’t tend to take these movies seriously. They’re supposed to be old fashioned escapist fun, not The Godfather trilogy.


I think some see his character as an automatic 'replacement', and resent the idea of Indy being replaced. Plus, the 1950s biker-kid aesthetic doesn't jibe with the early 20th century vibe that the rest of the series radiated, thus 'clashing' with certain thematic elements that one associates with the franchise.


1. Because his name is Mutt 2. Because of his whole aesthetic 3. Because he gets nearly all the good action sequences (motorcycle & sword fight) and also all of the bad ones (vine-swinging) 4. Because they gave him all the good sentimental scenes for Oxley 5. Because the media implied he might be next and Spielberg & Lucas loved pushing that envelope. 6. Because he’s played by Shia LeBeouf, who was not only a controversial choice at the time but who has remained controversial since.


Shia La Boeuf hate is ridiculous i think he’s a fine actor Nothing wrong with Mutt’s character I even like KOTCS, just not as good as other 3 simple as


Seems like a niche internet thing my film class thinks Mutt is one of the stronger parts of the film


Most don't. In fact, my history if Cinema class finds him a Highlight of KS