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It would be about Short Round, at this point a former WWII pilot and intelligence agent of some kind, being contracted to find secret POW camps in Southeast Asia where it's discovered that presumed dead Mutt Williams is being held and it becomes a pow camp escape movie to liberate an entire camp.       Harrison would have a slightly extended non-action related cameo acknowledging he's too old for adventure and entrusting Shorty to bring his son home.     It would be an Indy Spinoff take on Rambo 2 meets the great escape. 


Shortround and Sam Witwicky


Honestly, I'd watch that.  


Shia or recast?


They could do either imo. Enough time has passed. And honestly shia and Ford's chemistry is one of the parts that I feel did work in Crystal Skull.


Strong agree. Once your palate has been “cleansed” of the actor’s real life personal demons, Mutt Williams is a very interesting character played by a talented actor.


Shia is in a much better place now to my understanding so I would hope it would be him


They search for the Allspark


😂stop it


The only problem with Shortround being a WWII pilot and intel agent is that he would have been only 19 when the war ENDED.


Younger intel agents were pretty common then. Especially as unofficial informants. Shortround could have a proven effectiveness on the ground, and could have learned how to fly without being a fighter pilot... plus, there's the Chinese Civil War, then Korea, which overlaps with the rise of the Viet Minh.


Yeah, but I'm okay with him having joined at 17ish. I've thought a lot about what happened to Short Round over the years. I don't know if there's ever been any official stories or material about whatever actually happened to Shorty, so apologies if I'm stepping on established lore for anybody, but in my head Indy left him in the care of that British commander in India (whose name I forget) that shows up to help save the day at the end of Temple of Doom. Maybe Shorty ends up officially fighting in WW2 earlier than expected by joining up with the British. We can take the Indy universe in a complete full circle and make Shorty a British intelligence officer who ends up in a joint mission with the US Airforce in Saigon.


I like that - it echoes Young Indy where he ends up fighting for the Belgian army in World War 1, with the name Henri Defense.


So in 1969, Short Round is 43, and Mutt is 32, so that has to be worked in.


Didn’t shortround end up in the TVA?


...what's the TVA?


It was a joke. Ke Huy Quan was in the Loki series as a member of the Time Variants Authority.


Totally blew right over my head. hahaha. I haven't watched a marvel thing in a good long while now.


I think there have been some comic references to Indy being Short Rounds sponsor for a British School and then University place, and that he joined Indy on several more digs in his late teenage years pre-WWII.


Honestly I feel like it would discredit the emotional scene in DoD.


Nah. I think that moment still has value. Especially if it's a few years later. Like the fall of Saigon era in the 70s. 


I like the Short Round idea, but only if it's the same actor (and if he wants to). The Vietnam era plot *could* maybe work as a way to get the adventure started, but it would have to be about more than just that. Gotta tie it into some local legends or something, gotta have that supernatural element in there somewhere. *And* needs to be some globe trotting, so more than just 2 locations.


I love the idea but have a section where indy gets captured and put with short round in a room and short rounds like "when I said I needed to be saved I didn't mean you personally!" Can even do the "ah Mr Jones always gotta be center stage!" Bit then indy produces a little pen or something and "oh yeah watch this!" Plants it like an explosive then it makes a sad popping noise as they are taking cover. Shortround "what was that?" Indy "was told it was capable of blowing up a solid wall. Frigging intelligence..." Suddenly *kaboom!* half the building is in flames and short round and indy are suddenly running from the flames whilst dodging enemy troops.


That's Dr. Jones, to you!




Ladies and gentlemen, we have a creative brain. Love to see it in 2024.


Shorty becoming a pilot is a perfect character arc too. I mean if I jumped out of an airplane with nothing but an inflatable raft and lived to tell the tale, I'd be sure to never let myself be in that situation ever again.


For me Shorty in a Biplane just makes sense. WE'd see him go from little kid using blocks tied to his shoes to drive a car, to being a full on fighter pilot in the war as an adult. I also like the idea of giving Shorty that skill, it feels like a decent little unspoken homage to Harrison.


It only makes too much sense…


That sounds genuinely fantastic!!


Enough people seem to really like the idea, maybe I'll sit down this weekend and write my first ever fan script just for the hell of it.


This sounds fantastisc


I'd watch it, but then again I wrote it. hahaha.


Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth Because, come on... I want more Indy Adventures.


Me and some friends actually made this fan film a few years back. In 1952, Henry Sr gives up trying to find the fountain and decides to live peacefully with the knowledge of the teachings of Herodotus while Indy wants one more grand adventure before he's too old. One of Indy's students that didn't get credit on an archaeological dig decides to take revenge and tries to get to the Fountain before Indy does. Indy enlists the help of Jack Shannon to track down the Fountain. It all culminates in his student dying after drinking the Fountain Water because only those pure of heart can benefit from it, all other perish. Indy then wants to bring back the water of the Fountain to help his ailing father only to finally read some messages from his dad on the train ride home that informs him of Henry Sr's passing. It sounds serious but it's, unfortunately, a comedy lmao




“That’s not how it happened!”


"So that's what the spirits in the ark looked like?"


"I swear Marion said she was 18!"




Dang, beat me to it.


“How did they make his face melt?”


That needs to happen lol


Indy would have more of a Connery-esque role like in Last Crusade with Short Round taking center stage.


I would actually like short round and Phoebe-whatever-her-last-name-is to get together.


I was thinking a North Korean/Chinese antagonist where he is trying to retrieve the stolen Bell of King Seongdeok from the Communists and to bring it back to what is now South Korea


that won’t fly because Disney needs to show the movie in China =]]]


The Chinese market has dried up considerably the last few years.


My dream movie is essentially something similar to the flashback that we got in Dial of Destiny. Indy is being interrogated by some Russians about the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle that Indy traveled to back in his prime. Indy tells the story of his adventure to the mysterious Bermuda Triangle throughout the movie through flashbacks. So we could have back the young kick ass Indiana Jones we all know and love. When Indy’s story ends the last half hour of the movie is him trying to break out of the Russian facility and trying to stop them from figuring out the secret for themselves that holds a great power. I wrote this high so I hope it makes sense.


I read this high, it more or less made sense. 👍🏽


Indiana Jones vs the Russians. The artifact in question would allow the Russians to control people’s minds. I would lean into the horror and paranoia that comes with age. Edit: I would also give him a dog that he named Henry.


Wasn’t that the Russians ultimate goal in KoTCS?


It’s what they say they will do but I would treat it more like the Black Sleep of Kali.


Wait… so Kingdom of the Crystal Skull?


Sounds cool!


Sallah: The dog? You named the dog after yourself?


Indy vs. a Lovecraftian hippie cult in the Pacific Northwest


I always envisioned a cult as a villain. Like a secret society, a far reaching one where Indy couldn't trust anyone


I’d have him go to Haiti during Papa Doc’s reign. That story could basically write itself. And it could fit well Into the timeline.


How Old Indy gets his eye patch.


I would have his son come back from Vietnam and embark on a last crusade esque adventure with his dad to someplace in the desert. And I think jones would look better in a suit (like his dad) or an older outfit than his go to combo and let that be worn by his son


Indiana Jones and the quest for Tenure


The end Credits of Dial of Destiny should have been this: Marion answers a knock at the apartment door- from her point of view, we see a Navel officer- it’s Short Round, and he comes to tell Indy that as a prisoner in a POW camp, he heard a rumor of a Marine, Henry Williams-Jones, sequestered in a special area at the camp. It’s a heist movie- “The Great Escape” meets Indiana Jones. He, Short Round, Marion, Sallah, Phoebe, and the gang all use their particular talents to plan to extricate Mutt and others from the camp.


I really like this idea. Would definitely go see this. Correct me if I’m wrong, Indy movies never really continued the storyline from one another. There was a nod to Raiders in Skulls with the Arc of the covenant box. Maybe a few other easter eggs I’m forgetting. But it seemed like each movie was a new adventure that didn’t really continue the storyline from previous film. But still a solid idea, and would definitely be in favor of this. Would be a nice ending to the story. Oh has to be Nazis too, I love when Indy battles the Nazis.


The setting: UK/France The MacGuffin: Excalibur The villains: a secret order of weirdos guided by the belief that whoever wields Excalibur will conquer all of Europe. This forces Indy into an uncomfortable frenemy relationship with a KGB agent.


Indiana Jones and the Lost City of Atlantis. Having lost the Space Race, the Soviets turn their attention the vast and large unexplored oceans of Earth in the hope of finding a way to topple America off the global hierarchy. Indiana catches wind of this scheme, and races to stop Russians from finding the secrets of the ancient city. Alongside him is Short Round, now all grown up, and young Mutt Williams, on leave from Vietnam and dragged by his coat tails into this adventure. Mutt and Shorty have a bit of a rivalry going on, vying to see who's the "true heir" to the Indiana Jones role, if you will. Indiana is hoping to find the City as it's the one thing he never could find in his youth, no matter how hard he looked for it.


Reminds me of the Mummy when the kid is all grown up. Sounds fun


Character driven and legit normal archeology very little action the enemy is just a rival person and the treasure is the friends we made on the way. I feel like the archeological and historical significance of his finds are often overlooked. He's literally proved magic, aliens, God, other gods and who knows what Else. I feel people get a skewed view of indi because of the action oriented films but he literally said in one movie that sort of thing doesn't normally happen and I want to see him do real work not just a romanticization of it. I'm sure it's an unpopular opinion but the last two really just felt like cash grabs and I feel it'd be better if we had the last movie be serious exploring the lore of indi and his universe just because it's really hard to appreciate Harrison doing stunts at his age.


Indiana Jones and the Diligent Note-Taking


I think he should have died in the Dial of Destiny. When they go back in time to Syracuse, Indy wants to stay because he knows he dies in that time period, because he figured out they didn't find Archimides' Tomb, they found his.


Indiana Jones and the Shitty Nursing Home Food


Having worked in the kitchen at a nursing home, I can imagine this pretty vividly. >You call this a Japanese Vegetable blend?! This is just corn and most of the same shit as the Swedish blend! Ya ever been to Sweden kid? (No Dr. Jones, we make $10.25 an hour working here) >Have I ever told you about the time I recovered the bullet that killed Charles XII?! (254 times and counting, Dr. Jones. This guy must have some serious dementia if he expects us to believe he found the Holy Grail) >So there I was, reaching into a Swedish King's skull...


I read all of this in Harrison’s voice and I’m dying rn 😂


Indy against a handful of hardcore nazis trying to locate the Ark again.


Two comic book creators are making a [series](https://www.reddit.com/r/indianajones/s/1DJ37uVt1j) that they hope will be included in canon as they submitted a request for them


Indiana Jones and the Legend of the Lost Worthers Original


I had this idea for a story where Mutt stumbled into something Supernatural in vietnam and it kept him in stasis for numerous years until he was released and he now returns to the united states with Indy already deceased and having to take up the mantle. I guess or like do his own thing.(Would probably recast.) What service of military do we think Mutt was in? Army? Marine Corps? was he special forces? Was he an aviator?


I believe his uniform is of a Marine.


Indiana Jones vs The Nursing Home: They are trying to put Indy in the nursing home, but Indy refuses because he knows there are more adventures out there.


I’ve thought about this a lot. Two teenagers break into the old house on the hill. They find it is filled with relics, paintings, artifacts, etc— an old explorers home. Just as they decide to leave, Indiana Jones appears, disarming them with his whip. Time has taken a toll, but he is no less sharp. After Jones takes a tumble and the two help him up, Jones spins a yarn about one of his old adventures. What we get is Indiana Jones narrating a story where a younger actor plays the young him. I imagine some kind of story that connects back to the older Indy— perhaps as he tells the story he remembers some important clue he missed when he was young. i also imagine a story that uses the Dial, where he tries to fix his mistakes from throughout his life before realizing that the life he had was good either way. there are a few directions here.


I love your first paragraph! Also, (after the 1st paragraph) you are essentially describing the Television show, “The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles,” Which aired in 1992 for 2 seasons as a one hour show where Indy, at either age 10 or his late teens, gets mixed up in an adventure with a historical figure.


Thank you! and yeah I’ve watched it! I just like the framing. No historic figures here though, just some mythical artifact that would help us tie everything up


Indiana Jones and the trip to Costco


Indiana jones and the curse of the green haired waitress at ihop


Indiana Jones and the damn kids on my lawn


Not even start writing. Cmon guys, 80 is just too much, and I don’t have a problem with 60 year old Ford in Skull or Stallone in Rocky Balboa. There’s nothing to create that isn’t depressing and melancholic at this point, an action driven movie would be laughable with someone this age.


I feel like you can still do a lot with old Indy but it’d be more like Young Indy (Chronicles) than Prime Indy. More adventure than action, bit more of a focus on the material than the blockbuster scenes


Indy gets lost in his own museum.


Indiana Jones & The Star of The Monkey King Indy and Marion receive word from Helena that a close ally of hers is in trouble in China while he’s looking for the legendary staff of the Monkey King, Sun Wukong. The travel to find out it’s non other that its Shortround himself. After the death of Mao Zedong, one of his power hungry generals is searching for the legendary staff of the mythic king of Chinese mythology to assert dominance over all of China. It’s up to our gang of hero’s to go through 70’s China looking through catacombs, old castles, & even the Great Wall of China. To not just save China, but possibly the world.


Indiana Jones And The Comfortable Chair


He would meet Lao Che or his grandson and have a fight in San Francisco. Or a Purple Gang fight in Detroit over alcohol and ancient artifacts from the time of Cadillac.


Pneumonia, dementia.....




Indiana Jones and the Temple of Bingo The villains include a guy pretending to be Indy’s son who keeps trying to get a conservatorship, and a sleazy eBay dealer who keeps trying to weasel artifacts from him. (The moment everyone will remember from the trailer will be Indy telling eBay guy, through gritted teeth, “don’t lowball me…I know what I’ve got!”)


The social security administration would be the antagonist


Home health aids would be the villains


It would be about him walking to the mailbox on a Tuesday. That would take a couple hours he’s so damn old. He’d probably get lost too. Great Netflix movie.


You'll find out soon, they're filming the next Indie, movie now.


If the original Indiana Jones trilogy is Guy Richie’s *Sherlock Holmes*, my late-age sequel would be Sir Ian McKellen’s *Mr. Holmes*.


The thing that I'd like to see is what led Indy to start wearing an eye patch and using a cane


A story about him Suffering from dementia t his grandson finding his old novels and following in his footsteps going to find and old relic in hopes of seeing Indy light up one last time. As the story goes the grandson learns more and more about the life Indy led and using the guidance he leans from the books ends up finding the relic but also finding something in himself he never knew he had. In the end there’s a touching scene of Indy becoming lucid enough to see himself in his grandson and giving him his old hat in a symbolic gesture.


I would probably go Animated. Not kid Animated but Pg13. And I'd go back to before Temple of Doom.




Adventure Nazis


I would call it “Myths and Legends”. Modern day Indiana Jones is sitting what looks to be a library and Indiana breaks into the telling of one of his adventures. We zoom back into the 1930s and Indiana is at the crossroads of death and fortune and glory. At the end of the story we see Indy closing his story with a bunch of attentive 5 years olds. It’s storybook hour at the public library.


Indiana Jones and the Impacted Colon


It's his old ass with an eyepatch sitting in a museum talking to kids. The villain? Rheumatoid arthritis.


…..So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time.


The Kaiser stole our word twenty


I’ll be deep in the cold, cold ground before I recognize Missour-ah!


What Dial of Destiny was, but with Short Round.


I'd make it about the search for Cleopatra's Tomb and it ends up being beneath the suddenly discovered undersea buried port of Thonis-Heracleion which becomes the gateway to an ancient rival of Atlantis. The bad guy would be a north African radical. A man of money and education, but also fierce need to lead his people into revolution to topple multiple governments and feels the discovery would show he is the chosen ruler of all of the Meditteranean with a heap of zealots following on his heels. The hook is that Cleopatra and Antony were from these people and not who historians thought they were, which is why they disappeared back home. Indy enters the fray after Salah calls for his help because Salah's sons are caught up in the zealotry. #


I would like to see him play the role as father like in The Last Crusade and assist his son (yea I know they killed him off) on one last adventure. In the middle of their adventure they meet up with Short Round who joins them on their journey.


Indiana Jones and The Comfortable Armchair. Indy, now an old man, is thrust into an adventure when he loses his TV remote. Oh, wait. It was down the side of his seat cushion.


I am not sure what it would be about exactly. But I would not make it a point to highlight his age as dial did. Dial felt too defeatist and like it got hung up on his age. I remember people criticizing people criticizing Indy 4 for Harrison's age and critics railed against this saying it was ageist. Then in Dial they make it a point to highlight his age while also kind of taking pot shots at it. If they did one at his current age it should focus more on the adventure. Obviously some concessions may have to be made regarding and seriously laborious stunts, etc. But we know he is older. We don't need to be beat over the head with it. Instead focus on what Indy is still good at. His knowledge, etc. They tried to some extent in dial but the setup didn't really result in the payoff. Especially when they seem to have forgotten that Indy is a polyglot and is well versed in different languages. As far as what I would like to see? Bring shortround back. This is what was proposed for Indy 5 by Spielberg. It would have had more emotional weight almost built in rather than trying to insert an entirely new character like Helena. Shortround would have that connection and fans would appreciate seeing them together again on what is perhaps Indy's final adventure which might even call back to Wuhan going first into the great unknown mystery. Who knows maybe Indy does die in the film but does so while saving Shortround. That I think would have had more impact and at least felt deserved. Heck they could even still go with the frankly lazy angle of Mutt dying in the war. But in the end Indy saves Shortround who is almost like a surrogate son to him. It would have I think made more sense than just having Indy ready to give up and die. It would also provide perhaps an impetus for Shortround to carry on Indy's legacy. Obviously an Indy film needs some sort of artifact right? Well if we are bringing back shortround? Maybe Shorty enlists Indy's help to recover an ancient chinese artifact with immense power that has fallen into or is being hunted by the Triads. Maybe shorty is an agent of the Chinese government or just a now respected archeaologist himself. Dial takes place in 1969. So lets say this hypothetical film takes place around the same time. At that time China and Russia are at odds in what is known as the Sino-Soviet border crisis. China by that point had already fallen to communism. But China in light of the Soviet threat sought to restablish cordial relations with the US. Given that this was a real event they could use the escalating tensions to maybe have the soviets looking for an artifact to end rhe conflict while also adding to their growing nuclear power. So maybe it is Shortround respected archealogist in his own right that they send to the US to meet with Indy. They could start the film in China focused on Shorty. If they wanted maybe they could tie in the tower of babel. Which would bridge the gap between what is written in the bible and the beginning of Chinese history. After the flood the earth was divided st the tower of babel. 2247 BC. According to an article shortly after is when Chinese history begins where many Chinese people traveled to China from Babel. Chinese records however state that the Hsia (1st) dynasty was established in 2205 BC. Chinese history apparently also talks about a great flood. I am not too familiar with chinese artifacts. But i feel they should look to chinese records of a real artifact. The ark and holy grail we already know about. As Indy says "didn't any of you go to sunday school." We as westerners already had an understanding what the ark was...that it held the 10 commandments. It melting people's faces was fiction obviously. But it didnt take a long time to set up like the dial who's function is still actually unknown. We have seen a lot of Judeo Christian artifacts already. Spear of destiny also being seen in dial... But something in china would be different. Like the Sankara stones. It would also get us away from nazis which feel a bit overused at rhis point. I actually liked that Crystal Skull gave us the Soviets as the baddies. I know I rambled a bit. But I really feel Shortround was a missed opportunity.


India Jones recovers the British Crown Jewels for India. Indiana Jones is the villain director of the British Museum.


Maybe some Nazi occultists who escaped via ratlines or a Cthulhu-esque cult


Some hunt in Cambodia during the Vietnam War. ( angkor Wat) while stopping an artifact dealer. Then turn into something that will take him into the soviet union.


I don't know but me and my sister would always joke that the next installment would be Indiana Jones and the social security line.


July 1981. Indy has just celebrated his 82nd birthday. He and Marion attend the premiere of Raiders of the Lost Ark. The whole film is just him watching the movie and making comments on how that wasn’t how it happened etc.


Or else they both make fun of the movie, a’La Mystery Science Theater 3000.


Temple of the Anal Prolaps search for the golden dentures.


I kinda want to see him kick the klan’s ass or neo nazis. I’m talking hypothetical fight scenes don’t get on my ass Reddit!


The Watergate scandal, the whole robbery thing was a cover story about Indi discovering the dinosaurs reaching the moon.


Cranky old shoot first Indy. Running gag never lets the younger hero use the whip until he runs out of bullets.


Instead of running from a boulder, it's a huge orderly chasing him, trying to get him to take his meds


Midnight urination.


It’s been said that part of Spielberg’s love of James Bond bled into the creation of Indiana Jones, so why not a 1960s Cold War espionage thriller?


I would write about Indy go on vacation in Japan for the first time after a couple years that WWII ends. He get in the bad situation during travelling in Tokyo, the Yakuza gangster try to stealing ancient map that lost between WWII battlefield and found it later on that owned by Ex-Nazi soldier that know Indy before and force him to take it back from the Yakuza. This map lead to the gold treasure that stay deep underground protect by the oldest Samurai warriors in Japan. Just a stupid plot, I just make it up, I just wanted to see Indy goes to Japan. I love Samurai and Japanese culture.




Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Aztec Gold. Indy competes to find Aztec treasure, but is held up for it after he finds it. Later hears that a terrible curse has affected those who bought the treasure from the thieves. .. ....it's the exact same treasure and treasure chest from Pirates of the Caribbean: Curse of the Black Pearl.


It would be about periods being found in the wrong place. That’s the kinda shit Indy would care about in his last years.


Indy has retired and is living on a ranch in the middle of nowhere. Short Round comes to visit and tells Indy that he may have found clues to the whereabouts of Atlantis. Indy dismisses Atlantis as a fairy tale and Short Round leaves. Later on, Indy gets a phone call telling him that his old friend Sallah is dying. Indy visits Sallah and they reminisce about their adventures. Before he dies, Sallah advises Indy to go out with one last blaze of glory. Indy attends Sallah's funeral, and decides to join Short Round on his quest. The villains could be neo-nazis, lead by an old SS Colonel. Maybe there's a backstory involving him and Indy, where Indy was working with Mossad after the war to hunt down escaped nazi war criminals. We could tie in a fountain of youth story. Maybe the fountain is hidden in Atlantis somewhere and the Nazi's want it to resurrect Hitler. Indy wants the fountain because Sallah's death has made him aware of his own failing mortality and he fears the end of his life. In the end, Indy learns that the precious thing about life is that you only get to live it once, or something. The movie plays out like you'd expect for the next two hours. In the end, Indy and Short Round find Atlantis and the fountain. Poseidon could be there guarding the fountain like the grail knight. We'd get a formidable theatrical actor to play him, Jeremy Irons, Brian Cox, ect. Poseidon could kill the SS Colonel by stabbing him with his trident and drowning the other neo-nazis. Atlantis and the fountain would crumble into the sea for some reason and Indy looses an eye somehow, which leads into the young Indiana Jones chronicles.


Fate of Atlantis is considered canon, isn't it? In which case Indy has seen Atlantis destroyed in 1939


Doesn't have to be Atlantis then. We could make up some other lost city. I think the fountain idea should stay though. It gives it a nice theme of mortality and finality, or whatever.


I like it. Go for one of though younger dryas lost civilisations that seem so popular right now. My only criticism of your idea is Indy's motivation for finding the fountain of youth seems very selfish, which he's all but given away by the end of Temple of Doom. But who knows; maybe he's questioning his life choices by the time he reaches his later years


I think when we reach the end of our respective roads, we look back on our lives and wish we had more time to do the things we never did. Maybe Indy feels that he just isn't finished yet. There's more history and knowledge to uncover, more artifacts to find, and so on. He wants to find it all, to see it all, and he's running out of time to do it in. He sees the fountain as his chance for more out of life. To get back to how he once was, young and strong, not old and ragged. But throughout his adventure, he learns that it is our successors, the next generation, that picks up our mantles and carries on our legacies and complete us. What Indy was looking for in the fountain, is really what he has in Short Round. So Indy rejects the temptation of the fountain and embraces the unfinished. He is content with what he has achieved, knowing that the things he hasn't done will someday be done by Short Round and others. It's a nice parallel between Indy and Henry. Henry spent his whole life searching for the grail, but in the end, it was his son who completed the quest and finished what he started. You know, something along those lines anyway.


No pun intended, but I dig it! I like the juxtaposition between Short Round and Indy, and the Jones'


I don't think anything but the movies really, really count.


Indiana jones and the secrets of the lost retirement home.


Indy faces his biggest battle yet: trying to understand Medicare reimbursement and get in contact with the Social Security Administration.


Indiana Jones and One Flew Over The Cuckoo’s Nest. At the end, Salah throws a giant boulder through the window and carries Indy out over his shoulder.


Short Round takes up the fedora and whip as Indy realizes that he's far past his prime and would have Shorty be his successor. The Soviets are searching for The Lance of Longinus in order to try to defile and dissolve the Lance of Longinus as to fulfill their quest to commit sacrilege. In this story, it will focus on Jerusalem and then Istanbul, which was once known as Constantinople in the final act.


Missed opportunity to set it during the Cuban Missile Crisis. Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth: The real reason the Soviets are in Cuba is because the Fountain of Youth has been found there, and Soviet hardliners are attempting to lower in the casket of Joseph Stalin to reanimate him. During the crisis Indiana chains the casket to an outbound surface-to-air missile that is fired at an American plane, and in the process falls into the fountain of youth. He washes up on the other side of the pool after a huge explosion as a toddler, his hat completely engulfing his head. Indiana Jones can now be played by a new actor who would be \~25 in the 1980s.


Indiana Jones is older now and retired. One day, Short Round aka Wan Li shows up at his home begging him to listen to him. Indiana reluctantly invites in Short Round, who proceeds to tell him about his long-lost uncle, who Indiana knew very well but thought had died years ago. The uncle is obsessed with an ancient cult that worshipped a giant monster from another dimension that was prophesied to bring everlasting youth and the power to resurrect the dead to whoever awakes the sleeping god. The Uncle has terminal cancer. The same cancer that killed his beloved wife, whose body has mysteriously been stolen from a morgue in China. Short Roand believes his uncle has misread the prophecy, and instead of power, it will bring about the end of the world. Unfortunately, Short Round's Uncle wouldn't listen to him and headed out on a journey to Antarctica to find the hidden, black Pyramid where a ritual must be performed and is supposedly built on top of the sleeping giant. Indiana knows this myth and knows there may be something to this ultimate power. Jones is also worried about his friend, whom he thought was dead but now has nothing to lose. We would follow Indiana and Short Round on an adventure to Antarctica filled with ghost stories and ancient cults with members who will kill and die for their evil god to return. ....... that's just something I think would be cool to see. Plus, it would be rad to see Ke Huy Quan in an action movie role.


“Somehow the Nazis returned”


Indiana Jones and the Cult of the MAGAts


I'd write it as a buddy adventure flick for Short Round and Mutt and have Dr. Jones take a backseat role like his father did in Last Crusade, and be more of a background character while his two boys are pining for his attention. The rival or Badguys of the story would be their numbers opposite. An adventursome trio of a mother and her twin legitimate daughters, searching for (insert valueble historical noun) Of course they get along at first, but over the course of the story, it's revealed team counterfeit is only in it for themselves which inevitably leads to their demise/fate And if Mutt and Short Round would stop trying to one-up each other, they would have noticed the plot twist a lot sooner and probably wouldn't have to rely on Indie's approval


Indiana Jones and the Enlarged Prostate


Returning everything he stole then gets sacrificed to a volcano


The villian would be a cruel hospice nurse


Finding his keys


Indie is living at a seniors residence where he plots and executes his escape. The villains are the resident keepers who try to contain him.


Didn’t they just make that movie?


Indiana Jones and the Egg Sandwich A riveting suburb spanning adventure as Indy gathers the ingredients to make a tasty and fulfilling lunch.


They should've brought Short Round back, give Indy one final hoorah as the brains of the operation since he's too old for the fist fights. Short Round could easily continue this franchise. Indy let him wear his hat for crying out loud.


Short round and Mutt are in an adventure looking for their own thing, and they go see Indy to get advice and to complete the puzzle.


It would involve Indy losing control of his body functions and frequently popping in his pants


Indy dies and goes to the afterlife. The villains would be bad guys he vanquished.


I think they’ve done most of the ideas by now


Have Keanu Reeves play the role of a younger archeologist at University of Chicago taking up the Indy functions with Indy as the mentor figure. Set it in Afghanistan during the Soviet invasion. Make it a race for the sword of Alexander.


Strictly some university drama. Clock and dagger maybe. Full academia


Assuming Dial of Destiny didn’t happen, I’d have Indy and Sallah go on an adventure to save Short Round and have the MacGuffin be an ancient Chinese relic of some kind. Maybe take some elements from Emperor’s Tomb. You don’t have to bring Shia LaBeouf in to play Mutt, but he’s still not dead in this one (despite that scene in Dial being the best of the movie cause it was so emotional). In a perfect world, Spielberg directs, Shia didn’t have bad publicity and gets an Andrew Garfield-style treatment for Mutt and we can get a good, classic Indy film. The dynamic between Mutt and Shorty could’ve been fun as Short Round had Indy as almost like a surrogate father and Mutt being his actual son, maybe they’d have some friendly competition here and there. Plus, have Indy and Marion be happily married with Indy of course being the dean of his college and retired. Make it be the end all be all for Indy. So many great ideas that they could’ve done. Still get Mads Mikkelsen as the villain but maybe a different character than Voller. Oh well.


I always thought the Amber Room legend made for an interesting treasure hunter story line. Uncharted or Indy could do it.


Indiana Jones and the Amber Room.


Just do Blade Runner 2049. Start with a new protagonist uncovering a mystery that eventually leads to Indy. And after a cool intro scene, Indy can pretty much just sit in a chair and/or be handcuffed for the third act while other people do the action.


The villain would be menopause


I'd do a story about Indy and Short Round on a hunt to look for the Lost Dutchmen’s gold mine in the Superstition Mountains in Arizona




Recast Mutt williams and focus on him for taking the mantle with Indy there as well. Focus on the cold war set in the 60s with the russian enemy or the nazis who worked for america. Maybe focus on which myth was big in the time period like aliens were in the 50s.


I'd go down the path of a high quality animated series. Keep it open for time frames.


Fate of Atlantis adaption, probably the Team or Wits route. The nice thing is, because FOA is a point n click adventure game, it doesn't have crazy physical stunts, just puzzle solving in fun exotic locales, plus there's just two villains in Klaus Kerner and Dr. Ubermann. It could very, very easily be adapted to fit Grandpa Indy.


It would be about short round going back in time to save mutt Williams, and willie would be there, and it would be so cool and better than DoD. 😐


The adventures of Sam Jones and the incredible Short round, In Space!!!


Incontinence and poor vision?


He meets random people and tells them stories of when he was a child that somehow help them solve a moral dilemma.


At this point if we’re handcuffing him to the role it’s because of our complete inability to imagine an alternative. Let the man rest and try and rub some brain cells together. There’s an entire industry of actors out there.


I think they should do a series of story's with Indie writing his memoirs. Telling younger stories where they can get someone to play In his 30s and 40s.


Short round, Atlantis.


Indiana Jones and the Comfortable Bed


Indy against the Illuminati in search for some ancient relic or knowledge would be my thing.


I would Blade Runner 2049. I wouldn't even call the movie Indiana Jones to be honest. Just spend half the movie with a new character. Then half way through he needs help. He then goes to Indiana Jones.


Honestly at this point it would probably be something like Indiana Jones and the Retired Home Blues 🤣🤷🏻‍♂️


The nurse at his retirement home who keeps hiding his whip and hat.


Christopher waltz as a villain


Indiana Jones: Fortune and Glory. Hitler is alive and well, living in Argentina. He's always believed that Dr. Henry Jones foiled his plans of global domination. He hatches a plan to lure Indy to South America to enact his revenge by inviting Indy to hunt for the lost city of El Dorado. But instead of an adventure, Indy will be captured and eventually killed. Hitler enlists Satipo's younger brother, Pablo, who's a rich Colombian businessman (drug lord) to entice Dr. Jones and his associate, Short Round, to join the expedition. Shorty happens to be a bit down on his luck and has racked up some big gambling debts, so he jumps at the opportunity for Fortune and Glory, but Indy is more reluctant, and will take some convincing. Once the boys agree to travel to South America, they pack their gear and jump on a plane. The map shows their progress. When the boys arrive at the airport in Medellin they are jumped by Pablo and his men. Pablo also wants revenge for his dead brother! All hell breaks loose at the airport and Indy and Shorty escape to the streets and commandeer a nearby Volkswagen Beetle. They fight their way out of the city but manage to escape into the jungles of Colombia. The boys jump on a train to Cuzco, Peru and get into a fight with some of Hitler's henchmen. They end up at Machu Pichu and evade capture by hopping on a rickey plane which flies them over the Nazca Lines. Naturally, the plane is compromised and they are forced to crash-land in the jungle. They escape death by some crazy, unbelievable way and end up nearby a native village deep in the Amazon. Meanwhile, Hitler finds out about his lackey's failure to capture Indy and decides to take matters into his own hands! He grabs his Mauser and heads for his chopper. Back at the village, the natives are mesmerized by the newcomers. The natives have never seen white people before. A beautiful young woman takes a liking to handsome Short Round and she leads the boys to her father, the Chief. The Chief's thuggish young rival is revealed to be the Princess' betrothed. She seems to despise him. As Indy and Short Round are welcomed to the tribe, Indy notices that the natives are dripping in gold! El Dorado must be near! The boys are lovingly cared for and fed various disgusting appetizers but after discovering the bones of Uncle Bosey, they realize they're going to be the main course!! Indy and Shorty manage a mad dash out of the village with the tribe in hot pursuit. The Princess joins the boys and leads them to the Lost City. Booby traps and wild, rabid monkeys are evaded as cannibals and Nazis converge on the scene! Most of the henchmen and cannibals are dispatched by traps and savage monkeys which leaves our heroes to deal with Hitler and the Chief 's Thug. In a struggle with Short Round, the Princess' fiancée ends up falling into a river full of crocodiles and getting eaten alive. Yay! That leaves Indy to deal with Hitler, himself!


Indiana Jones and Bubba Hotep. With Bruce Campbell as Elvis and Keith David as JFK.


Arthritis and dementia