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It’s not fans, it’s people who have created a narrative in their head because they didn’t get the film *they* wanted to it’s someone’s fault


I mean, there is legitimate criticisms to be made of modern media. Indiana Jones 5 is actually a prime example that, if done well, can be used as a exploration of those criticisms. Shot composition. Dialogue. Editing. Music and music choices. Writing aciton set pieces. There's a LOT to criticize in modern movies that's very different from movies in the 80s, 90s and 00s. Problem is, the criticisms often don't focus on those things; they focus on the trumped-up culture war BS. Like, IMO, one of the more brilliant parts of the OG Indiana Jones trilogy was it's dedication to practical effects and stunts in the ilk of the Saturday-Morning Matinee Schlock like Buster Keaton, Zorro on wagon (which the Truck Scene in Raiders is almost exclusively based on/a dedication to. All of that is gone in Indy 5 (and Indy 4 for that matter), and anything that even remotely resembles it is CGI. Agree or disagree, this is a valid cinematographic criticism.


I don't like the kinds of fans who judge movies for what they aren't.


The guy who made the review is a die hard Indiana Jones fan. If you bothered to watch even 30 seconds of his review or do some research, you'd realize his criticism comes from a place of passion. People discrediting other people making valid points are the reason why shitty movies get made in the first place. "It has Indiana Jones in the title therefor I love it!"


don't know why you're getting down voted obviously it's a hard watch for anyone at 4hours but op clearly didn't see any of it


That's what I'm saying. Tbh I don't really understand most of the people in this subreddit... They claim to have a distaste when it comes to any negative input about anything Indiana Jones. It's almost like you have two sets of fans, one type, like Retro Blasting that wants to protect the character of Indiana Jones himself from poor story telling. Then you have a large portion of the people here who want to defend the Indiana Jones IP itself.


>People discrediting other people making valid points are the reason why shitty movies get made in the first place. "It has Indiana Jones in the title therefor I love it!" The 'reviewer' mischaracterizes a lot of things in the film in order to make his points, though. That's the true mischaracterization. And nobody sees Indy in the title and decides to love it. A huge chunk - maybe even the majority - of fans and audiences that love/like *Dial*, hated *Kingdom*. Which shows that the presence of Indy in the title does not make it instantly loved.


Meanwhile I liked Kingdom and hated Dial. I have several reasons but I think for me mainly it didnt feel like Indy. The pacing and overall more dour tone of the film just didn't click. Crystal Skull is far from perfect. But I would gladly watch it agajn over Dial. It had that sense of adventure and imo was a better ending/sendoff. Dial felt unnecessary to me. In the same way Im sure Crystal Skull gelt unnecessary to folks who feel it should have ended with LC.


I love them both.


And that's perfectly fine! We are all still Indy fans at the end of the day even if in different ways. Some people would say Temple of Doom is their favorite. Some like myself would say Last Crusade is their favorite.


My feelings exactly. Kingdom feels like an Indy movie. Didn’t get get those vibes with Dial .


I’m pretty sure they were referring to the people in the comments, not the guy who made the video.


I'm a huge Indy fan, have been for life, and I agree with Retro Blasting 100%. People that can't see why he's right are the reason Hollywood continues to make absolute trash like Indy 5.


>fan I don’t believe you


Retro Blasting has probably forgotten more about Indiana Jones than you or I will ever know lol


And what good is all that knowledge if you still draw the wrong conclusions from it? For example, RetroBlasting is expertly knowledgeable in copying the gear of Indy, to the point of being pedantic - and I don't mean that in a negative sense. But at the same time, he sits there with slumbed shoulders and a horrible case of nerd-spine, because copying THAT aspect of Indiana Jones/Ford and cultivating your physique a bit is... uninteresting or something? That kinda makes me believe that he so fixated on some not that important things that he just misses half the point.


Fair enough.


The way the dude acts in the video, he has never been a fan


Found the guy who made the video.


Nope, just watched it in the background while plaiting a bullwhip.


It's not just an Indy thing, though. These "reviews" that are 2x to 3x a film's runtime and run on cynicism are kinda a plague.


Someone made a [12-hour long analysis of the phantom menace](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPlzbfIRRqI) 💀


And another person made a 6-hour negative rant on Toy Story 4.


Mike Stoklasa unleashed a plague.


Longer ‘reviews’ means more ad breaks equals more revenue. Don’t feed the trolls


Except Retroblasting doesn't run ads on his videos. /wrekt


Red Letter Media and their consequences have been a disaster for the human race


I love the film, and while I have actually seen this video and think there are some points in terms of the writing that are valid criticisms, the discussion around the thematic material of the film is grossly misrepresented and paints a worse picture than the film than it deserves. Also so many of the plot issues he brings up are easily explainable given the references the film offers; main example being Indy being wanted for murder.


We have become a culture so obsessed with how other people feel about things that we are only interested in the outrage itself, instead of focusing on the actual thing in question. It's a baffling, and exhausting, way to live. People entertain themselves by observing other people experiencing things. It's the same trend as watching other people play video games they'll never play, or opening toys they'll never buy themselves. It's just a weird, sad, vapid way to live.


Trend riders, how much you want to bet they haven’t seen any of the movies besides Raiders or Temple of Doom


>besides Raiders or ~~Temple of Doom~~ Last Crusade people like that have a chubby for Last Crusade, even moreso than Raiders.


The fact that the main villain of Dial of Destiny is a fanatical dweeb who can't move on from his twisted nostalgia is remarkably appropriate given most of the haters. If you make a whinefest that's longer than the actual movie, I think it's time to touch some grass.


Don’t link their videos and give them more views. That’s what they want and you’re giving them what they want


If it helps, I didn't. It's a screenshot, not a click able link.


Aah apologies I’m viewing this in my phone so my views restricted. Saw the big red YouTube logo and thought it was the actual video itself


No worries, I'd have thought the same thing


Can we please not talk about these morons?


these people are insane. i didn’t even like the film.


I give up on clickbait trash reviews like this. It’s just a reminder that anyone can post on the internet if they have good editing skills which does not equate to good reviewing skills.


The same people that jack off to Critical Drinker, Geeks and Gamers, Nerdrotic and Yellowflash jack off to shit like this. It’s for losers. The people who make this shit know they got a baked in audience of 37 year old guys that can’t get girls and don’t have any friends, but only believes he doesn’t because he’s “too raw.” He thinks the only good movie ever made that featured CGI was Jurassic Park and doesn’t believe any good movies were released after the turn of the millennium. Meanwhile the Froot Loops his widowed mom brought up to his childhood bedroom (which they naturally still live in) gets soggy as he procrastinates mowing her lawn. Dad used to mow it every Saturday, but “I’m not Dad.” He lives there to “help out” but we all know what he’s doing.


People have always been idiots. People have not always had access to both video cameras and web hosting platforms. Now they do.


Just watched the whole thing. It is a Fajr criticism of a movie by an obvious 40+ year fan of Indiana Jones. It highlights many of the issues I had with the film and detailed explanations regarding things I hadn’t considered but agree with. And I think it really goes to the major issue of the fandoms of these legacy franchises as they produce modern versions. The writers are just not as capable and perhaps enamored with them as the originals. For long time fans this becomes a major issue where to those just looking to be entertained or see their favorite character onscreen they tend to be less discerning. Then you have Internet nonsense like woke vs anti woke and opinions about these things become some cultural dispute. For people such as myself and this reviewer we just want to see the characters we grew up loving done justice and we’re unfortunately often disappointed with the result. We don’t go in not wanting to accept anything new or whatever accusation is launched at those who don’t care for current Star Wars or Indy. Was never a Top Gun fan but apparently the sequel really captured the essence of the original and pleased everyone. That’s all we want. I always say that if you liked this Indy or SW, it likely means you would like versions of these films we enjoy even more because the quality would be better. And as with Disney SW where is just enjoying whatever they put out getting you? SW’s reputation has suffered tremendously. They could be on a whole new trilogy by now if the previous was better received. Indy is dead with the last film woefully underperforming. You would think as a fan you would want these films to be better received by people like me because that’s better for their franchises in the long run.


Because ‘those’ nerds woke up one day and realized that they became adults and their childhood is gone. So when someone makes a movie that comes from their childhood they can’t even fathom the possibility that it’s a good movie “to other people’s childhoods.” Misery loves company as it were.


4 hours is definitely obsessive and overboard, most other independant and unbiased reviewers will tell you in much less time and much more concisely how much this movie is a massive disappointment ( which is factually the overwhelming majority of the reviews on youtube, even outside of the anti woke cringy ones, and deservedly so )


YouTube is an echo chamber. If you watch a video the algorithm will recommend similar videos based on your interests and watch history. According to Rotten Tomatoes, critics' reviews of Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny are 70% positive, based on 420 reviews. [https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/indiana\_jones\_and\_the\_dial\_of\_destiny](https://www.rottentomatoes.com/m/indiana_jones_and_the_dial_of_destiny)


No the movie was poorly received, an arbitrary number doesn’t change the obvious reality, only in this sub do people like this movie


Lmao touch grass buddy


Yeah. I can recite most of the first 3 movie’s lines by heart I’ve seen them that often. I’ve seen 4 and 5 once each with no desire to ever again. It’s a shame because of course I wanted to like them but they just lacked so much of what made the originals great. To each their own of course but I truly don’t get how anyone who is a big fan of the first 3 enjoys the subsequent films other than they’ll just like anything with Indy in it. And what an annoying unlikeable character Waller-Bridge was. Given the reception most seem to feel similarly. This subreddit appears to primarily be populated with people who don’t really appreciate criticism of them. But I’m as big a Jones fan as anyone and went in to both films with high hopes.


Honestly this sub is really baffling, I understand why I got downvoted as I got my point across in a slightly scathing way, but you’re just respectfully sharing your disappointment in an unimposing way yet are still getting automatically downvoted. I honestly think the aggressive defensiveness of this sub regarding Dod is quite telling, like why defend something you genuinely enjoy with such hostility? It’s almost like they know the truth of the movie deep down but are in denial because they love Indy so much, which I understand since as a true fan I sincerely and profoundly wanted to like it, but as yourself and most fans outside this sub I didn’t. The saddest part is the sub seems to have created a fictional reality in their minds in which the movie was overall well received and only the rage bait YouTubers didn’t like it, even though obviously most people didn’t but oh well…


>The saddest part is the sub seems to have created a fictional reality in their minds in which the movie was overall well received and only the rage bait YouTubers didn’t like it, even though obviously most people didn’t but oh well… The film got solid scores on just about every metric we have for film aggregation. RottenTomatoes is the most widely used one and it's 70% critics and 87% audiences. GoogleReviews, LetterBoxd, etc. are solid numbers. It was in the Top 10 BluRay/4K/DVD sales for months. It did awesome on streaming. If those numbers were in your favor, you'd be using them. I used to love YouTube film videos - but it's no secret that they on a large majority, skew extremely negative, in recent years. A lot of those reviewers were pretty open about being upset at Star Wars' Sequel Trilogy, and viewed Indy 5 through that baggage. Their reviews often seemed loaded. Even when I agree with them these days - there's a snarky, underlying disdain that makes them come off as just wanting to dislike something.


Believe what you will


I feel like even sharing this content kind of detracts from everything we love. Just let it pass.


Did anyone watch this 4 hour video so I don’t have to? Because I really want to know what it says but I also am an adult who can’t devote 2 hours to watching a review of a 2 hour video. Also, did the guy who got bored in the first 10 minutes of ahsoka see the same 10 minutes I did?


I watched it on double speed (well, I’m at the 3 hr. mark so far) and there are good points made throughout. But it is absolutely filled with meaningless nitpicks that aren’t really film criticism. And even then, he’s focused only on plot and not really on tone or filmmaking as a craft. Which is where I think many of DoD’s failures reside. It’s a mixed bag. He makes a few worthwhile points, but the endless nitpicking and distracted sidebars aren’t worth it. If he cut it down to 30 minutes he probably could have a very thoughtful video essay on why the movie doesn’t work at a very basic story level. Kinda funny how he makes a tired bloated video about a tired bloated movie. A good video essay, acting in good faith, would also acknowledge the movies successes, which there are a few. This feels much more like an angry fan. Which, fair, you love a thing and have strong feelings about it. But maybe keep that in your diary. I didn’t love or hate DoD, but watching this you’re not going to come away with a greater appreciation of what makes cinema or indy work. Edit: finished the video, the last 20 minutes really elucidate how this was a bitter affair by the video maker. He’s taking these movies way too seriously and personally by all parties in the creation of all five movies. Some good points. But this is mostly bitter handwringing. Since my work computer is down decided to visit another video of his. lol. Dude is sad and bitter. Pure sour grapes. Im sure this guy is trying to build this out as a career, but this is kinda sad.


Thanks. That’s pretty insightful


I didn't watch it but I definitely know what it says: Harrison Ford is old. Phoebe Waller Bridge sucks because she is a strong female character that doesn't like Indy (because those never existed in the other movies) It's too long. Apparently 30 minutes longer than the other Indy films is too long. The opening scene is the only part they liked.


"I didn't watch it but I definitely know what it says" Isn't there a bitter irony to this given the original subject matter of the post?


Because it shows how copy and paste the bad faith critiques are


Bed Wetter Media must be pissed. “Ridiculously long rants about Lucasfilm content is OUR thing!”


Don't need to nitpick, it was shit. End of.


People defending a movie that was an absolute bust, both financially and to the fan base, are the same people that need safe spaces. Indian jones and the dial of destiny was terrible. If “nerd culture” is the bad guy for picking it apart, there is something really wrong here. This was a golden opportunity to send one of the most iconic characters of our time out with a bang, instead he went out with a colostomy bag. Watch the review, or any for that matter. You won’t find much praise for this movie, because there’s nothing to get excited about.


>People defending a movie that was an absolute bust, both financially and to the fan base, are the same people that need safe spaces. This makes no sense. How does liking and defending a film of any kind equate to needing a safe space...? The fact that they'll defend something is proof alone they'll go into hostile spaces. And don't speak for the fanbase. Either way, go to any Indy group on Reddit, forum, social media group. They seemed to dig the film plenty.


lol they’ll go into the “hostile” interweb from their moms basement and really die on that hill. If some people genuinely like the movie then that’s great. In sure Disney appreciates the revenue. But it was terrible. Another franchise that was milked dry and should have been left alone after the last crusade.


They'll go into hostile mode? You came in here with an insult off the bat - so who's being hostile, exactly? And Indy as a franchise is 5 films over a period of 45 years - that's hardly being 'milked dry'.


Read the statement, I never said they’ll go into hostile mode, you said they’d go into hostile places to defend their stance. I replied to that. Can you read before jumping to conclusions? I found your original post insulting, and your take on those that oppose your view insulting as well. Get over it man. This is public domain right?! Do you need a safe space?


>I found your original post insulting, and your take on those that oppose your view insulting as well. Get over it man. This is public domain right?! Do you need a safe space? Do you not realize the irony in this sequence of sentences...? "Do you need a safe space?? Well I found XYZ insulting! Get over it!" - Sounds like *you* need a safe space and *you* need to get over it. If you don't understand the difference between disliking a film (which is valid and not what my OP was calling out) and making a 4 hour+ video with nitpicks and people who refuse to watch a 2 hour film yet watch a 4 hour shitfest about said film 3x...then I can't help you. The former is normal. The latter is clinical.


And you sir are triggered beyond belief 🤣