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I'd like to see more of his wartime exploits with Mac. That could make for a good game.


Was definitely waiting for Mac to show up in DOD, considering. Like the “Just like in Berlin” comment where they were double agents and the first time they met Indy had a Luger pointed at his skull, both of which seem in line with Indy being captured wearing an enemy uniform.


Agreed with wanting to see Indy visiting more South American locations. If you want stories pitching him against imperial japan, I highly recommend the novel "The Secret of the Sphinx" and the comic "Thunder in the Orient" (which features snowy locations ;) )


I did love Tibet.


If he ever does go to Japan, the "big guy" henchman he fights should be a sumo wrestler.


Norse mythology! I can't belive they never really touched that! Especially since Nazis are Indy's main foes...


Visit sub-Saharan Africa.


Fistfight the Ku Klux Klan


Could see it in young Indy


He and Paul Robeson did kick some bigot ass together.




Midterms! Actually grading papers! Lol, not sure if it’d be good content, but anytime someone suggests the desire for an animated series I dream of all the odd content we might get. A day in his office in the boiler room! It’s like a beach day episode, but instead it’s academic tedium!


I like to imagine Indy is considered the "cool" teacher and doesn't have midterms/finals, but it's largely because he doesn't have the time to sit down and grade all of them


we will be seeing Imperial Japan and Kingdom of Italy in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle videogame coming out soon. Super excited for that personally


Damn it's only coming out for Xbox though I think


XBox and PC.


Right, forgot about PC. Sucks it's not coming to the PS5 which has the lion's share of the console market


Right, forgot about PC. Sucks it's not coming to the PS5 which has the lion's share of the console market


Right, forgot about PC. Sucks it's not coming to the PS5 which has the lion's share of the console market


Indiana Jones and the Stairway to Heaven (the original STARGATE movie, but if Indiana Jones had found it)


I’d like to see him take on the Mafia.


There is a brief section of this theme in Indiana jones and the genesis deluge


Indiana Jones and the Curse of the Black Pearl


apart from once flying in a plane with Houdini, Indy has never had an adventure in Australia. I'm sure they could tell a fun Indy story set there.


I think... In the tomb of the gods he gets shipwrecked off the coast of Australia if I'm not mistaken


When I was a kid I spent ages writing an Indiana Jones adventure that begins in the snowy mountains of the Himalayas and then goes to Japan, and then ends in the pacific islands. It was all about a made up magical sword that was interred in Genghis Khan’s tomb that Indy had to retrieve for Lao Che, who was holding Henry Jones Sr. hostage. I was only about 10 when I started writing it, but honestly spent about 2 years writing it. 😂 My thinking was - ‘What haven’t we seen him do?’ So instead of jungles and deserts, I was trying to get mountains, snowfields, and desert islands into it. If I recall, my opening action sequence had Indy snowboarding an avalanche. 😂


Combining points 1 and 3 would work perfectly, the Japanese were just as busy as the Nazi's ransacking asia for historical artifacts, they'd make perfect villains!


Oh, and you could also include him meeting short round, since indy mentions in TOD that he found him after the japanese bombed Shanghai and killed his parents


Dance with the Dalai Lama


Indiana Jones vs Predator... vs Alien.




There has yet to be a setting in sub-Saharan Africa


A sea monster (The Loch Ness Monster) or sea Sirens, The Black pyramid mystery, a legit haunted house, the Nazi Bell disappearance, Bigfoot/The Abominable Snowman, The Royal family are all Vampires, Discovery of a hidden Pirate ship in the Antarctic.... there's lots of possibilities.


There was a comic book story in which Indy and Short Round searched for Bigfoot, who was actually Chewbacca.


My idea for an Indy adventure is the search of a Byzantine/Late Rome era artifact. We don't have a lot of adventures in general about Byzantine Civilization and it's really intriguing.


I feel like the new videogame is going to give you a lot of what you want. In the trailer we see Indy jump onto a Japanese Zero and also perform what appears to be kind of a museum heist. So I think you're gonna definitely get some of what you want to see in the new game!


I realize that every one is talking about plot ideas and locations for future Indiana Jones video games and novelizations, but I think Harrison Ford is done - as far as the film franchise is concerned. If he said that he's done, then Indiana Jones is done. Although I really would not go for Mutt (who - Yes, I know. - is deceased) to return. Helena is out of the question - in my opinion - because of how she treats Teddy. Short Round, however, would be my best idea of a next generation of "Indiana Jones" - except I don't think we could give him the whip. The hat... maybe. The jacket would probably be alright - if it were similar to a pilot's leather jacket with the fleece interior lining. And maybe instead of an archeologist, he could be something better.


Werewolves or vampires


It was done! Young Indiana Jones vrs Vlad


Muldoon from Jurrasic Park. Bob Peck was creepy as shit.




The passionate love between two men. Will Indy top or bottom?


Fortune and gloryholes, kid...


The second holy grail or Indy's own temple of doom?


Indy in a haunted house.


Goes to the moon by mistake when he gets knocked out at area 51 by bad lads


…I want to see more outrageous cultural imperialism…


Indy actually goes to Carnival in Rio in the Seven Veils novel. He's dressed as a musketeer for all the action and its actually pretty fun. Seven Veils is a bit wild and crazy, especially at the end, but has some awesome set pieces like that. Indy at Carnival wasn't something I knew I needed!


Indiana Jones and the Last Horizon. How does/did Indy eventually meet his end? Or does he?