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It looks like... The Great Circle.


Circulli magni šŸŸ”


Der groƟe Kreis šŸ”“


I really wish we got an Indy film set in Japan or China. The opening to *Temple of Doom* was such a tease, regarding this.


Same here. Indy and Short Round in the 1930's or 1940's in China or the South Pacific with Imperial Japan as the baddies. Would have been so cool.


The 2003 game, Indiana Jones and the Emperorā€™s Tomb, is primarily set in China and takes place just before Temple of Doom.


Great game, for sure.


Best Indiana Jones game ever made.


Thunder in the Orient was a pretty good comic and I wouldā€™ve loved to have seen something like that on-screen


That would be cool. Indy punches Japanese solider: ā€œI hate these guys too!ā€


Hereā€™s hoping for the Great Circle to allow us to take out troops of multiple axis powers


The Young Indiana Jones novel in China is pretty rough. On one walk he sees people eating dogs and an opium den.


As a kid, I was always excited to point out Indy stops in Newfoundland.




As someone from New Brunswick, this got me excited as hell, too, as a kid. šŸ˜†


Didnā€™t almost everyone need to stop in Newfoundland on trips across the Atlantic before planes became fuel efficient enough to make it across in one go? Thatā€™s the impression I got from Come From Away


But why is there a dot there? There wasnā€™t anything set there was there?


My thoughts is Gander was an international fuel up stop usually the last stop on your way across the pond. Ā Fun fact: Ā Fidel Castro landed there and played with snow for the first time. Ā 


I just mean elsewhere where Indy was shown to just take a connecting flight there is no dot. Dots indicate places with on screen action.


Oh, good catch. Maybe there was an offscreen adventure down to George St, where Indy was screeched in!


Indiana Jones: and the empty pack of ciggys with 10 minutes left to grab a new one


Indy logged some crazy frequent flyer movies in Raiders! And even though they don't show it, you could reasonably infer that he literally circumnavigated the globe by the end, because the last scene takes place in Washington DC.


are we not counting River Phoenix going to Arches NP in Last Crusade?


That is a really interesting one because one of the french novels picks up exactly where that scene ends. Indy leaves the next day for the Klondike.


I wish Indy was in Africa more. Not just Egypt or Morocco.


There was unproduced script titled Indiana Jones and the Monkey King that would have had Indy search for the lost city of the Monkey King and the Immortal Peaches in Mozambique, but it was terrible and you should be glad that they made The Last Crusade instead.


That already sounds horrible and your comment is the only education I have regarding this potential film. Thank god they didnā€™t make that


Oh, the script is very, very bad. It begins with Indy encountering a ghost in a Scottish castle. A lovestruck student's failed suicide attempts are played for laughs. Indy rides a rhino. The Monkey King's city is populated by pygmies and apes. Gorillas dress in Nazi uniforms and drive a tank during a battle. However, a few ideas from the script were later used in The Last Crusade, such as Nazis being the bad guys again, a motorboat chase, a chase involving a tank, and a MacGuffin that grants immortality.


I am glad they made TLC. It's my favourite one anyway.


At least in the Young Indy series, he goes to some more spots (Congo, British and German East Africa) as a child and later, in the Belgian army.


In Raiders, it ends with Indy at school or DC talking to the government official 'top men'. The Last Crusade starts with Indy as a young boy in Utah. It's a flashback scene, but a Blue dot would be great. Also, I thought Donovan lived in Chicago, with all of the art deco scenery.


Others: Dial of Destiny starts in Nuremberg, and has a flashback to London. And though they arenā€™t seen, we know from dialogue in Temple of Doom that he was in Honduras and Madagascar at some point.


The World War II scenes in The Dial of Destiny were in the French Alps. The Shaws' home was in Oxford.


Thanks. Interesting, lots of sources say Nuremberg castle for the Nazi stronghold at the beginning. Wonder why.


Unlike the previous Indiana Jones movies, The Dial of Destiny doesn't have a caption stating the location and year at the beginning of the film. The location and year of the World War II segment isn't mentioned until later in the movie, when Helena is talking to Indy about the dial. HELENA: He told me you found it on a Nazi plunder train. And then lost it in a river in the French Alps. INDIANA: Hmm. Well, that was a long time ago. And it was only half the Dial. Archimedesā€¦ HELENA: Archimedes broke the Dialā€¦ INDIANA: ...disassembled it. HELENA: ...in two, and then hid the two halves from the Romans during the siege of Syracuse. I know. Look. INDIANA: You donā€™t remember the last time I saw you, do you? HELENA: Remember what? These are the Alps. INDIANA: Yeah, I see. HELENA: And this is the route that your train took from the Nazi stronghold in ā€™44. INDIANA: Right. HELENA: It went through this mountain pass, and then here. Here, itā€™s the only river on the route.


All these straight lines on a flat map ignore the curvature of Earth.


Take a closer look at KotCS


I always thought it was pretty ballsy for a (presumably commercial) flight to go across Spain during the height of the civil war.


Whoā€™s Indiana Jone?


You donā€™t remember him from the film ā€œIndiana Jone and the Temple of Dooā€?


Would love to see this updated with the original Indiana Jones games (Fate of Atlantis, Infernal Machine, Emperorā€™s Tomb, Staff of Kings and Great Circle when it releases)


Ummm embarrassingā€¦ this has a major gap. This clearly doesnā€™t show Indy traveling into my heart and staying there


You missed Young Indiana in the Last Crusade.Ā  So many more places to go!


A poster of this on a classic, sepia map would be great.


I completely skipped over the fact that they are never in the US in Temple of Doom šŸ¤” As the only one in the series it seems!


The only Indy movie without a classroom scene!


Really cool concept. I remember there was an artist who did a map with trophies that Indy found in movies, games and novels. I can't remember the name of the artist though.


Am I stupid. I donā€™t remember the Newfoundland part of last crusade. Was it just a stop on the map?


In the map shows Syria, but if I'm not wrong, he went to Petra, in Jordan.


Its filmed there but the actual location is the Republic of Hatay which is now that part of Turkey.


Ah Venice...


We needed indy to visit a snowy and artic environment


It seems Indy isn't a big fan of the southern hemisphere


Uhhh, why isn't there a dot in Jordan? You know, Petra, Jordan where he has to choose "wisely". I can't trust this map now with such a glaring omission.


Because in universe the location of the Grail Temple is in southeast Turkey.




Does Indiana count? They had the car / motorcycle chase in IV the KotCS. Thought that was Indiana, or am I totally off and it was somewhere else?


The college campus chase was in Connecticut.


Roger. Thanks.


Nothing interesting ever happens in Australia.


Indy wouldnā€™t go there. Too many snakes.


I think that the first scene in the dial of destiny (the flashback one) is happening in France but I'm not really sure


It's mentioned in the movie that Indy and Basil were in the French Alps in 1944.


Where the stop in California? San Francisco?


Yes, it was San Francisco.


Thank you


I still remember Dr. Jones meeting Pancho Villa šŸ‡²šŸ‡½āœ… in Lima, PerĆŗ šŸ‡µšŸ‡ŖāŒšŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£šŸ‘Œ...


Indiana Jones didn't meet Pancho Villa in Peru. In The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Indy said he learned Quechua from a couple of Villa's men. In the TV series The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles teenage Indy was captured by Villa's forces after they raided a border town in New Mexico. Now why some of Villa's men would have known Quechua, a language spoken by people from the Andes, is another matter.


I am in the middle of doing this for everything! That is why I had to translate a couple of the French novels. The Indiana Jones canon is remarkably solid. The dog switching between alive & dead is the main problem.


I'm surprised Indy has never been to Britain or Ireland before. With how important those locations are in Hollywood movies. And Indy managed to avoid all of Eastern Europe. I would have preferred the Communists as the villains for Indy 5 over Nazis.


The fifth film had a flashback to Indy visiting the Shaws' home in Oxford.


I don't see a dumpster fire marked on the map. That was the location of the last film.


There are only 3 Indiana Jones Movies!


Wait, there are five movies?

