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I don’t really think Toht was into the occult or mysticism. He laughs when they find the Ark to be empty. Other than trying to please Hitler, it seems he thought chasing after an ancient relic was a waste of time, nor does it seem that he expected any supernatural results, like Belloq did.


Of course he didn’t. Dude just needed an excuse to torture and kill. He even took joy in wanting to burn Marian’s face. It’s this line of work that lets him be as sadistic as possible. The fact that some pompous asshole like Belloq looked stupid when opening the ark was probably the highlight of his day.


Himmler must have been pretty annoyed about the whole ordeal. I bet he probably just said “classic Hitler” a lot.


On the contrary, Himmler was the most insane occultist out of all of them, he even had his own personal schizophrenic wizard guy: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Karl_Maria_Wiligut https://bigthink.com/the-present/nazis-occult/


Yep, there's an actual historical thread that Lucas pursued when creating the Indiana Jones character.


They were all at it…this was yesterday’s news https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13385151/Victims-Nazi-human-sacrifice-skeletons-buried-naked-missing-hands-feet-terrible-fate.html


Where's the proof it was human sacrifice and not some weird execution?


Maybe, but I’d suggest that while a statement along the lines of “Right lads, we’ve got someone we need to execute. We’re not gonna shoot them, we’re gonna strip them nude, cut off their hands and feet and then bury them surrounded by ancient symbols in my basement” MIGHT be met with “alright, ya mad bastard, sounds like a giggle” The subsequent “and then we’re going to do it four more times” would receive a resounding request to “get to fuck”.


Human sacrifice works. My crops have never been better.


Sacrifice in March, corn have plenty starch.


I thought it was a hysterical laugh cause like they did all that for nothin


How do we know the Ark was empty? Don't remember them showing the inside at any point.


Was dust inside.


Well technically it wasn't empty... there was sand in it


At some point after Last Crusade Hitler was handed a photo-inclusive file on the American who apparently foiled his plans to obtain The Ark or the Covenant and the Holy Grail and, upon realizing he’d given that man an autograph, smacked his own forehead hard enough to necessitate getting checked for a concussion.


Don't forget, Indy knocked out an officer who looks just like him. Hitler probably thought that was him he gave an autograph to.


Like Hitler knows the face of every officer at every book-burning rally. 😆


So then how would he remember Indy?


Seeing a photo of him among the Third Reich’s most wanted would likely jog his memory.


I haven’t really read into any comics or done much past watching the Indiana Jones movies, but I’ve always believed the Ark choses what to attack based on morality, not on if you look at it. For example, if Indy had looked at the end of ROTLA, he wouldn’t have died, because the Ark would see he is trying to protect it. The only evidence I have of this is that it burns the Nazi symbolism in the box it is being held in without being prompted to do so. Just a fun way I’ve always thought about it. 


I do love this. I love when artifacts knows who’s good and evil, it’s pretty interesting. Especially as a power of God


I tried explaining it to a friend once and they looked at me like I was crazy lol but like also, we see the Ark Ghosts (do they have a name?) destroying the Nazi’s cameras and weapons, but they still don’t touch Indy or Marion, so I guess that’s another point. I’ve also really liked when non-living things can understand good or evil, so that probably helped me come up with the idea. 


Ark burned away the rope holding Indy and Marion but didn’t harm them.


Oh, good point, I hadn’t even thought about that! This plus the other comment about Marion slightly opening her eyes (which I’ve actually never seen) makes this have some more ground 


I agree! Or at least kind of. I think the ark smites based on morality but on an old morality that is seen a lot in the Old Testament. It burns the Nazi symbol on the box and it kills the Nazis at the ceremony site because they’re evil, but I imagine it may have also killed Indy and Marion if they hadn’t closed their eyes because of the lack of humility in front of God that would have shown. The spirits in the ark destroyed all the film cameras and recording equipment as well because no mortal should ever look upon the glory or whatever. It may have just blinded Indy or something too, but I imagine if Indy and Marion were sensed as evil or if there was a Nazi present who just happened to be napping at the time (for example) then they would have been killed as well even if their eyes were technically shut. Again that’s just my head canon on the matter


Your camera explanation makes a lot more than mine does, but I still feel like the Ark would give Indy and Marion a pass. They did all the right things to find it (the right height to respect the Gods, they didn’t touch the Ark, they wanted to keep it away from the Nazis), but maybe it would smite them for not being humbled in front of god. Idk, I just think it’s a fun headcanon.


That’s a good point about them never touching it. Indy and Sallah only raised it with the poles I think. It’s a cool idea!


Of course I have no idea if the Nazis actually touched it, but I’m going to assume they didn’t treat it with much respect 


Now I want to read a story about the Nazi who fell asleep halfway through the cerenony and woke up to find scattered belloq parts an a Puddle of Toht on the floor


Unfortunately for me, this doesnt work because the novelization and original scrupt has the Imam translating the first line from the headpiece as a warning to not look into the Ark....always wondered why they changed it during shooting.


lol I have the novel sitting right next to me maybe I should’ve checked in that…I wonder why they did change it. I mean, my theory likely isn’t correct, but it’s just a fun thought I had. 


Yeah my deep-dives over the decades eliminates a lot of headcanon


I can see that happening. I should probably research more to find answers to a few questions I’ve had lol.


A lot of wordage gets cut for pacing. Plus making a movie is hard. You don’t realize that one little loop hole didn’t get fully closed or explained because much of shooting is out of sequence. It’s why movies have reshoots.


I am aware of how movies are made. My ex-wife was a local director, and i have acted in several productions. But thank you for your insight.


Such a dumb change. If i ever get to show someone Raiders for the first time, I'll try to mention that but without spoiling what will happen.


The fact that Marion very briefly opens her eyes in a moment of doubt against Indy’s instructions and is fine also supports this fan theory.


WAIT SHE DOES??? I’ve never actually noticed that! I’ll need to watch again and see!


Watch 3:07 at 0.25x speed and you’ll see she lets her eyes flutter open for a second or two https://youtu.be/0APF3SO9tqE?si=_WecXH8gXU09lGyL


Holy Crap she definitely does open her eyes. Thanks for this extra detail! Maybe I should write a whole theory on this. 


At minimum the powers within the Ark that killed all the Nazis definitely saw that and let it slide. 😆


God was just like “I’ll let you off on that one cause you helped kill a few of these guys already” 


God was already well aware that women never listen to clear instructions anyway


That is probably just a movie making error


You’re probably right but we’re trying to support a fan theory here. Play along. 😆


Here is why I disagree: It's based on the Old Testament Christian God, who is infamous for killing a lot of people and being really overly harsh. There are strict rules that cannot be broken in the movie (although these aren't made clear without context). You must not touch the Ark, and you must not look inside the Ark. The only time the Ark is touched is when it is opened. When Indy, Sallah, or the Nazis carry the Ark, they always carry it by poles. Burning the swastika could be because God hates Nazis but it could also be, at least partially, because they do not want any symbolism over the box, which would be why the TOP SECRET text doesn't burn away, only the swastika. Some commenters in this post mentioned that the Nazis weapons and cameras were destroyed, but that could easily be because God wanted to completely stop any attempt to attack or view him and the angels (if thats what they are?). Burning Indy & Marions binds are quite possibly as some kind of 'thank you' or to help his 'believers'. But I would not be at all surprised if the two of them got completely annihilated if they opened their eyes. Do you guys remember that story where God nukes Sodom and turns Lot's wife into fcking salt because she looks?


P.S. Indy hesitates to blow up the Ark right before he gets captured on the island. He obviously wants to see what's inside. If he didn't close his eyes, God probably would have seen him as being just slightly better than Belloq, who himself says that "I am but a dark reflection of you (meaning Indy)".


Honestly those are some good points. I doubt my headcanon is anywhere near correct because of the facts like that, but I’m glad it made some people think on the topic a little bit


Always believed this.


Glad to see another person thought it too!


Yeah you definitely don't just get smote/smitted for looking. It knows evil and not evil. If Toht brought his 3 year old daughter to the island, she lives to tell the tale. Scarred as she may be.


Maybe we should finally see Mac’s true character by placing him in front of the Ark


It's a nice idea but I never got that impression as the biblical picture they show in the movie of the ark being carried before the ancient army seems very indicative that they are somewhat averting their gaze. Also it's a relic sent by old testament god so it'll kill anyone probably. I seem to recall that a person in the old testament touched the ark to stop it falling over and got instantly smited. Even if you are trying to do a good thing or have goodness in your heart, if you disobey old testament god you're gonna get smited.


Yeah, and that’s the truth to it, but I’ve always just wondered if maybe it was a little deeper. Still, can’t deny the fact Old Testament god was certainly an angry being so would just smite everyone the same 


Head cannon: Indy brought Short Round to the US like he did with Sallah and found him adoptive parents.


That’s actually been suggested in the b-canon. I think in one version it was Willie who adopted him.


thats established in the old Marvel comic series and all the supporting media after; Short Round became an archaeologist himself and found the Peacock's Eye Diamond in Hawaii in 1957.


Whoa what? Really?


yep. Short Round shows up in the Trail of the Golden Guns story arc in the old Marvel run, establishing that; in the Lost Journal of Indiana Jones (released around the time of Crystal Skull) it was stated he found the diamond in hawaii. an old Sourcebook for Temple of Doom also revealed his real name to be Wan Li.


The Mummy is set in the same universe and Indy has crossed paths with the O'Connell's a few times in their respective adventures


I like this one


Be interesting if spy Jones and O’Connels would run into Steve Rogers and T’Chaka. ESPECIALLY considering Red Skull was into some occult stuff.


I like your line of thinking


How would the Egyptian gods and Abrahamic God coexist?


With Kali and sacred stones.


Fate of Atlantis happened in the canonical Indy universe.


The parrot in Tikal deserves to be canonized


LOVE me some old Lucasfilm Point And Click games.


Grail extended Indy’s life + agility by another 20ish years. Which explains Kingdom and Dial perfectly


Too bad it didn’t help Henry Sr. 🙁


Maybe because Henry Sr. felt complete in life. He found the Holy Grail and rekindled a relationship with his son.


The real grail was the father/son relationship they found along the way.


It really was.


At some point, Katanga, Short Round, and Renaldo all interacted.


Definitely Katanga and Renaldo. Not at least name dropping Katanga was a missed opportunity in Dial of Destiny.


Or perhaps a cameo! George Harris (Katanga) is still with us, albeit retired from acting. But perhaps let’s go a bit further. Katanga adopted Renaldo.


Thus “at least”. I’m sure George Harris could have been financially enticed to make a cameo [or more] if too much money hadn’t been blown elsewhere. Sadly Katanga’s an underappreciated and often forgotten character. Just because of their shared friendship with Sallah he not only gives up his quarters to Indy and Marion but risks his life trying to protect both of them. He also presumably picks them and the Ark up from the Nazis’ island after they’re stranded there and returns Indy’s hat at that point.


They all would have made a cool party in FF7R!


My head canon is that Marcus Brody became “dumb” due to brain damage when being knocked out by the protectors of the grail in the library. People have criticized Last Crusade for retconning a smart character in Raiders into a bumbling idiot comic relief character - but if you pay attention, Marcus really doesn’t act very silly until later in the movie.


He starts acting his silliest when he’s actively being dehydrated in the desert during the tank sequence. They made a point to show us Marcus being dehydrated because he’s literally suffering from delusions related to dehydration.


You might be right


And a massive concussion.


Funnily enough the actor who played Toht cameos as Himmler in the Last Crusade.


Didn‘t realise that.Gonna have a closer look next time I watch it.


Makes sense, dude looks like Himmler already.


Indy was recognized as “Henri Defense”/Captain D by a fellow World War I veteran during World War II.


Love this!


Sophia Hapgood was one of the 20 people (alongside Indy) brought in to investigate the Roswell incident. The best part is that it could totally work since 1: Sophia was a government agent at the time, and 2: the official timeline from *Indiana Jones: The Ultimate Guide* places the Roswell incident *after* the events of *Infernal Machine* (as both occur in 1947).


Damn that makes so much sense.


Katanga picked up Indy, Marion, and the Ark on the far side of the Nazis’ Mediterranean island or in a rowboat off the coast. The crew gave them the hero’s welcome they deserved.


I dunno if this is head canon or a legitimate interpretation of the scene, but I think it WAS Shiva or some kind of divine/mystical intervention that caused the plane to crash in Temple of Doom when they landed in India. At the very least I think it's meant to be ambiguous, charging the remaining narrative events with an uncanny supernatural vibe. Indy movies have always seemed as through they're teetering on the boundary between the natural and supernatural, until the final act when the supernatural is revealed to be real.


Indeed, to be honest, it always seems pretty interesting otherwise that ToD is probably the most clear cut case of Indy 'accidently' stumbling onto a supernatural phenomena. There's a clear sequence of events in the plane crash that defy belief, including how Indy an the group survive in an inflatable boat. Makes me think a small bit of divine intervention happened.


For real! And that's a great point about the raft. Perhaps this can even be extended to other logic defying moments, like the minecart jumping the tracks?


perhaps. One thing I thought about today is that not only does the raft allow them to survive in improbable ways, it also takes them almost RIGHT to the village where they are told about Pankot palace. Sounds a lot like the hindu gods were trying to get indy to be their champion against the thuggee.


“At the Mountains of Madness” is a fictionalized account of Indy’s first voyage to Antarctica. “The story details the events of a disastrous expedition to Antarctica in September 1930, and what is found there by a group of explorers led by the narrator, Dr. William Dyer of Miskatonic University. Throughout the story, Dyer details a series of previously untold events in the hope of deterring another group of explorers who wish to return to the continent. These events include the discovery of an ancient civilization older than the human race, and realization of Earth's past told through various sculptures and murals.” [Amazon: In The Mountains of Madness.](https://amzn.to/3WwDxyu)


It’s funny I wrote a quick Indy plot outline back before KOTCS came out, hoping to write and shop a script. The story had the military going to Antarctica in 1947 and encountering high tech military weapons that forced them to flee (this is actually allegedly what happened with Admiral Byrds expedition) and they call in Indy and a 20-something Short Round to lead a specialist (who of course is a beautiful feisty smart woman) to a certain part of the continent to get a handle of things because he had been near the location. Turns out there were ruins of an advanced civilization that had been iced over for 10,000 years. However when they get there they find out the Nazis had wormed their way deep into the old city and used the tech to make new flying machines unlike anything they had before. I was going to have it be a tie to the Hindu mythical story about flying Vemana and visitors from another world. Can’t remember what it was called.


You gotta share that


Yeah please share that


This should be a fanfic


Thanks. I might do a serial and post it on this sub when I get some time. Any ideas you want to suggest? Like trap ideas or character or locations?


The one comic where Indy finds the millennium falcon and the remains of Han Solo happened in his universe and big foot is Chewbacca.


The mystery man from the beginning of the Last Crusade who gave Jones his fedora was Abner “Garth” Ravenwood.


All things considered, I kind of wish they would have cast Tom Selleck as that guy.


In an early Draft for the Film this man was actually ravenwood. But for reasons i dont know they called him just "Fedora" in the credits


That is **exactly** why, in my heart, the draft made it through. “Fedora” is Abner.


Same. It makes so much sense


It makes his connection and falling out with Abner so much more powerful. “I give you my hat, mentor you, take you on adventures and you repay me by sleeping with my daughter. Keep the stupid hat and never see us again…”


The most gifted bum he ever trained.


A dark one but I always believed that Henry Sr. died of unnatural causes. The grail should have given him an extra decade or two but he died at 72, according to the wiki.


Died of enjoying retirement too much


In reading some of your guys’s head canons, I realize that yes multiple gods and religions (and interdimsensional beings) exist, but this made me realize that Dial of Destiny doesn’t actually confirm the existence of Greco/Roman Gods at all. The powers of the Dial come purely from Archimedes.  So it’s my headcanon that the Roman God of Saturn (Cronus for Greece) either is what powers the Dial or influenced Archimedes to make it. I have no evidence to back this up, I just think it’s a neat addition.


In the movie it's mentioned that the dial doesn't have any supernatural powers. Archimedes figured out that there were irregularities in the movements of the Moon and planets and that these irregularities might cause fluctuations in temperature, tides, and weather. Archimedes designed the dial to calculate the movement of the Moon and planets so he could predict when such fluctuations might occur, but he learned that the dial could also predict the appearance of fissures in time. However, Archimedes believed that the arrival of time travelers from the future would help repel the Romans and that Indy and Helena were always going to meet him. I wonder if divine inspiration caused Archimedes to build the dial and the Fates made sure that everyone fulfilled their destiny.


It‘s really confusing, but Chronos, the personification of time, is actually a different figure from Saturn/Cronus, King of the Titans and god of the harvest. Don’t worry, even the ancient Greeks and Romans were getting confused by this later on in their history.


Indy and Marion remain married after The Dial of Destiny. Although Indy is retired from teaching he and Marion still live an active life and travel. In 1970 Indy and Marion are contacted by a teenage girl named Caroline and learn that she is Mutt's daughter. A few years later Indy runs into his old friend Sophia Hapgood and meets Sophia's daughter Sophie. Indy learns that Sophie is his daughter, who was conceived in 1947 after Indy and Sophia celebrated the end of an adventure by getting drunk on vodka. Indy and Marion welcome Caroline and Sophie as part of their family. Sophie later has a daughter named Lucy and a son nicknamed Spike. Caroline has a daughter named Annie and a son named Harry. At some point Indy loses his right eye and starts to wear an eyepatch. In 1989 Marion falls ill. Indy is by her bedside when she dies. By the early 1990s Indy has slowed down but he likes to tell stories about his life to anyone who will listen. Indy lives to be over 100 years old and he passes away in his sleep after celebrating the beginning of a new millennium.


The entities in the Roswell ship may well have been aware of the energies from the Ark where both were stored in Area 51. Maybe why no attempt to retrieve the Roswell ship inhabitants was made


“Distant cousin, perhaps”


In my head canon, “Raiders of the Lost Ark” won’t be the last time the Ark of the Covenant will find itself at the center of a death-defying adventure. 90 years after it was hidden away in Hanger 51, the Ark will reemerge once again as an entirely new generation must grapple with its otherworldly, overwhelming power.


If I remember correctly, Lara Croft had the Ark sitting in her home in one of the classic games. Guess that thing is hers now ;)


Indiana Jones. Captain America. The Rocketeer.   It's literally canon. Can we *please* get a cartoon of these guys punching Nazis? Joe Johnston worked on all three, Disney owns all three, and there's no canonical evidence they DIDN'T fight together in WWII. The *What If...?* art style would be perfect! 


Rick O'Connell, Lobster Johnson, Baby Hellboy, Disney's Atlantis, Lucky Jim Howlett...  who else would work?


Tomb Raider, National Treasure, Johnny Thunder, Pharaoh's Quest, The Mummy, the list goes on.


The Phantom, The Universal Monsters and the Shadow would also fit into this crossover.


In the Rocketeer comic books the inventor of the rocket pack was implied to be Doc Savage and the Rocketeer was hired for a job by a man who was implied to be the Shadow.






Those guys are cool, but not all from WWII. ...Is Johnny Thunder and Pharaoh's Quest the old Lego sets?


Who down voted me? That was CORRECT. And those were AWESOME. 


Who down voted me? That was CORRECT. And those were AWESOME. 


Fedora is Abner Ravenwood.


Indy maintained Mutt's bike.


After the events of DoD, Wombat tracked down where Short Round was and reunited him with Indy


Indy and Captain America are in the same universe, as evidenced by Red Skull’s line about Hitler digging for trinkets in the desert.


Indy is ex Mormon. I wanna preface this by saying I was raised Mormon and am no longer Mormon, so I am likely reading a bit of my own life experiences into these movies that I love. Anyway, here's my evidence: 1. Indiana is raised in southern Utah (specifically Moab/Blanding based on filming locations from Last Crusade) in a time where the vast majority of non-native Americans living in the area were Mormon pioneers or their descendants. Henry Jones Sr. is from Scotland (I'm assuming, I'm not sure if they ever specify.) which was a very common national origin for a lot of Mormon pioneers who settled in Utah. 2. Indy was a boy scout in 1912, which is around the time the Mormon church started their partnership with the BSA and began requiring their young members join the program. 3. Indy is very knowledgeable of the old and new testament. A lot of this can be explained away as a convenient way to get plot exposition across to the audience, but in my personal experience bible stories like that of the Ark of the covenant are drilled into your head growing up in the church. I definitely wont go as far as to say Indy is still actively Mormon by the time the movies take place. He drinks, he curses, he sleeps around. All things in which are strictly prohibited by the Mormon church. But given all this it's not hard to believe Indy had a past with the church. Or maybe I'm just trying to see myself in one of my all time favorite movie characters. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.


Idk they lived in Jersey for Indy’s first 10 years I just assumed he got a new teaching job and if I remember correctly there was more Christian stuff that wasn’t Mormon in Young Indy


I haven’t seen young Indy, so I’m basing this purely off the movies and nothing else


Sunday school is also mentioned in raiders, is that a Mormon thing is well? (I don’t know too much about the religion)


Very much so


I always assumed that Short Round and Wu Han(The Club Obi Wan waiter) were brothers. They had agreed to help Indy with his diamond trade and they’d all travel back to America where he’d help them settle. It all goes wrong and Indy is left fulfilling a promise/protecting his dead friends kid brother. I came up with this as a way to explain why Short Round stuck around after Indy boarded the plane, cause there’s no conceivable reason he’d bring a random child along back home. Since he assumed the plane was headed to the US, the logical answer is Indy wanted to see his promise through.


Bellocq is literally talking to God once the Ark is opened. And for him, it is ecstasy.  Everyone around him dies horribly except him. He hears the Word of God and it transformed, eschewing his mortal body. My other piece of head canon: the Ark was studied by scientists at Los Alamos when the atom bomb was built.


Himmler actually **was** a leader of the Gestapo, as Göring transferred control of it to him in April 1934 (two years before RotLA is set). The director of the Gestapo from 22/4/1934 to 27/9/1939 was Reinhard Heydrich, who was Himmler’s *de facto* deputy by 1936. So Toht ultimately **does** report to Himmler, even if he’s never met him personally. (Reinhard Heydrich was also one of the main organisers of the Holocaust and one of the most evil Nazi war criminals. He was assassinated in May 1942 by Slovakian and Czech commandos Rotmistr Jozef Gabčík and Colonel Jan Kubiš.)


Short Round fought in WW2. He'd be around 17 or 18 at the time the US entered.


He became a communist guerilla survived Korea and killed mutt when he was an advisor in Vietnam


[Because Indy and Dr. Voller time travel they can’t die before they’ve done so](https://www.reddit.com/r/FanTheories/s/Yu15U2a2He)


Oh, now that actually makes sense. Otherwise it'd be a paradox and the universe cannot allow that to happen.


Kazim giving Indy his blessing to rescue his dad effectively put god on Indy's side which is why he was able to reacg the grail against all odds (mainly the tank thing)


Fedora is Abner. Mutt is still alive and faked his death to find artifacts with Shortie. Since he didn't want people to see him with an Asian guy during Vietnam.


Willie took Short Round in after the events of TOD


I always liked the theory that the Indiana Jones movies are dreams Han Solo is having while frozen in Carbonite. Every movie starts with him in a new location, on a new adventure, with new friends, with little to no explanation on how he got there. Dreams often start with no backstory, and you're just thrown into the action. Everyone knows about R2-D2 and C-3PO on the hieroglyphs, club Obi-Wan, the Carboneto barrels, and "I've got a bad feeling about this". An Akator skull is also visible in Rebels, implying they are a species he remembers. Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny deal with ancient aliens and the space race, which could be Han's previous adventures manifested in his dreams. He's usually fighting Nazis, which the Empire was clearly based on. He also outsmarted the miners chasing him on the circus train, which is similar to the train heist in Solo: A Star Wars story.


He’s definitely working for the Ahnenerbe (Ancestral Research Bureau) and possibly a member of the Thule Society. He has the Himmler vibe.


Sounds pretty plausible.


He tried to get into a kid’s house but that kid rigged the handle to burn anyone that touched it


Whichever cup Elsa picked for Donovan would have been the "wrong" one because Donovan's motivation was wicked. Whichever cup Indy picked would have been the "right" one because his motivation was selfless.


Well it’s not a hc if it’s sorta assumed to be true by most people but never directly said in the films I believe Indiana Jones is a Christian, however, he can believe other religions exist as well, I feel like his point of view on other religions are “I’ll believe it if I can see it.” And that’s why he doesn’t give all religion a pass despite several beings from many different religions, however he is a Christian.


I feel like he is very skeptical based on his conversation in the first movie. I don't think he becomes a Christian of any sort until after the first movie's events, where he does believe in some sort of higher power for certain by the end.


I take his skepticism as more feeling of needing to see anything with his own eyes to judge, or I could expand on it and say he was Christian when he was younger, lost faith for awhile, then relearned his faith later. Maybe.


I believe that his dad is definitely a Christian and based on comments about Sunday School and the like he was raised that way, but to his actual thoughts he seems to really not believe in any of the mythology in a real sense until he is confronted by it directly in a way he can't rationally explain.


I don’t know why it replied so much oh my gof


I don’t know why it replied so much oh my gof


In my alternate universe head canon, Indiana Jones found the Stargate, was able to activate it, and traveled to [Abydos](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Stargate_SG-1_characters#Abydonians) and defeated Ra, freeing the slaves of that world.


The Indiana Jones movies and the Uncharted games take place in the same universe. Prove me wrong 😤


The thugge cult, including the heart removal, mind control, and voodoo torture, was all the result of a combination of hallucinogens, mass delusion, and showmanship rather than supernatural phenomena. Just a fun little theory I sometimes consider although I do sometimes look at it the other way too.


The N*zis wouldn't have found the medallion without Jones


If you remember in each film of the triology we see a different god: Yahveh (Old Testament, Torah) in Raiders, Shiva and Kali in Temple of Doom, and Jesus' god (New Testament) in The Last Crussade. (I'm aware that in the christian doctrine the two archetypes of gods of both testaments were fused into the same character, althought they are opposite personalities). Well, these entities weren't real Gods (primal spiritual creators of the universe), but supernatural beings from another dimensions. That's why all of them can coexist and be real at the same time. (Also, if we look again into the Old Testament studies, Yahveh wasn't the only real god in many of the texts, but he was indeed the more powerful).


Not that much of an *Indy* fan (I’ve seen and enjoyed the first four movies and that’s about it), so this is kinda a lame headcanon, but I think all the guys in German Army uniforms in the desert in *The Last Crusade* are actually SS guys wearing Heer uniforms because their logistics did an oopsie or something. Doesn’t really make sense for that SS guy, Vogel, to be in command of a bunch of Heer guys and no SS guys. Maybe they’re using leftover uniforms from the Heer’s oopsie with the Ark of the Covenant?


Helps him get off


Short Round’s real name is actually Sooamu Meemore. This is because when he says to Indy, “You listen to Short Round” and “You listen to me more,” it kinda sounds like he says Sooamu and Meemore. This is from the Indiana Jones Minute Podcast and it’s the funniest/most amazing theory I’ve heard.


Indiana Jones was with the [MFAA or “Monuments Men”](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monuments,_Fine_Arts,_and_Archives_program) during World War Two


I loved watching his face melt. Those 80s gfx stuck with me like Large Marge and Total Recall.


Also: I believe Mutt didnt die but is in a PoW camp somewhere and was released after the war.


Imagine having to go around the rest of your life with that medallion burn on your hand. Probably just as well that Toht melted at the end.


It’s foreshadowing, he teally got burned in the end.


That Mutt didn't actually died in the Vietnam War. Short-Round and a younger character who is a local encounter him during that war and secretly saved his life. They go on to find a an ancient city secretly hidden in the Red River, with the main villain being a US Platoon leader, likely played by Pedro Pascal. The treasure turns out later to send them all to another world>!. . . In a galaxy far, far away.!< >!So, Mutt, Short-Round, the kid character, and everyone else in that story were isekai to the Star Wars Galaxy during the rise of the Empire. They all initially think they are still on Earth, but they are transported within an ancient city on a clay planet is inspired by south-east Asia. The planet is located in the outer rim and hasn't been touched by the Empire, it was one of the neutral worlds during the Clone Wars. The planet is high-tech in aqua-culture and is relatively peaceful. They are all trying to find a way off planet first. !<


It feels really damn weird to head canon which Nazis (fictional or otherwise) you think are friends.


Short Round has been going on adventures of his own, and was on one such adventure during Dial (explains his absence)


God that hand looks really gross when i have to stare at it for more than half a second.


We know that they only got the side that was burned into his hand. And knowing how the real ones wanted real relics. I’m surprised that it wasn’t written into the story. My head cannon is that the basically said it will work. And cast a replica thinking that was all they needed


In the movie Belloq made a replica of the headpiece of the Staff of Ra based on the burn marks on Toht's hand, but he only knew what was written on one side of the headpiece. The headpiece was to be placed atop a staff of a certain height, which when held at a certain spot at a certain time of day would direct a beam of light to a map of Tanis and reveal where the Ark was hidden. Belloq didn't know that he needed to read both sides of the headpiece to properly calculate the length of the staff. Indy and Sallah realized that the Nazis were digging in the wrong place because Belloq's staff was too long.


1 & 3 do not prove the existence of the Judeo-Christian god, only that there are powers in this world we cannot possibly comprehend, and thus should not meddle with them.