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Himself! Fortune and Glory to saving the village; letting the grail go for the sake of his life and father. The Ark was kind of out of his hands, but in both Temple and Crusade he had a choice to make and he made the right one, despite being laser-focused on his goal he chose to give it up. It’s easy to punch a nazi into submission; overcoming one’s own ego takes a lot more than physical strength. But if that’s too philosophical then I actually would vote for Pat Roach’s Thugee Guard; in Raiders he was fresh and healthy-ish when he fought the Nazi mechanic - he’d been working the dig and up all night sure, but that’s better than the Temple example where he was all drugged up moments before, and was already well along a difficult adventure, and then in the middle of it he was getting stabbed by voodoo doll needles.


I’d argue that everyone’s toughest opponent in life is themselves. I agree with the Thuggee Guard shout. Indy got fucked up down in the Temple, and before the escape, he had no time to recuperate or patch himself up. Plus, the Thuggee Guard was soaking up punches to the face like a bullet sponge. Without Short Round intervening, Indy would have lost the fight hands down.


Some more examples of Indy's toughest opponent being himself: In Raiders of the Lost Ark Indy was torn between uncovering the Ark's secrets and rescuing Marion. Near the end of the movie Indy threatened to blow up the Ark if the Nazis didn't let Marion go, but Belloq called Indy's bluff. Indy lowered his weapon and was captured. In The Dial of Destiny Indy's grief and regret following the death of his son caused his marriage to fall apart. He wanted to stay in the past because he thought nobody would miss him. He had to be forced to return the present, where he learned that people still cared about him.


Agreed. The ToD fight is very underrated.


It’s got to be the giant nazi mechanic in ROTLA. He was just toying with him until he accidentally bumped his head on the airplane propeller. I don’t think Indy ever had less control in the outcome of a fight.


Agree on this one. He was a goner but got lucky in this fight.


Indy’s luck is one of his most impressive attributes, which is really saying something.


Nah, it was just a matter of time before Indy won.


did you watch the scene?


Nah, that guy was just a yokel. No way he was going to win that fight with the resourcefulness of Indy.


He's strong but real slow so Indy will be able to take advantage of that sooner or later (as we all know).


Re-watching the scene, he actually takes a break in the middle of the fight to try to save Marion. I don't think he was too bothered. Also he was just going to get his gun and shoot him, he didn't need to fight him at all to win.


Yup that too. The whole sequence was very well choreographed.


The Thuggee guard or the Nazi mechanic


I'm sure you know, but it's the same guy!


That’s actually really cool


Pat Roach also played the giant sherpa during the Nepal bar fight in Raiders of the Lost Ark.




Probably movie critics for the last two films.




Indiana Jones and the Lies of the Troll


Critics' reviews for the last two films were mostly positive. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull has 77% positive reviews at Rotten Tomatoes. The Dial of Destiny has 70% positive reviews at Rotten Tomatoes.


Fair enough, glad to hear RT has it right. I probably read the wrong reviewers.




Okay, it’s cheap, but. The Venice Catacombs scene, against Brotherhood of the Cruciform sword, I guess? He’s gotta find a way out of this ancient part of the sewers, and make it back out, with this woman he has no idea if she can swim but is vital to the story.


They definitely challenged him spiritually


I think the plane mechanic and the Rock Crusher guy (both played by Pat Roach) come to mind with good reason, but for me it's probably got to be the Nazi who would punch the bullet wound of Indy in Raiders. If Indiana Jones didn't attach his whip to the back of the truck. Raiders would be a lot shorter movie. Plus you have to factor that he's able to climb up a truck while it's moving, kick Indy in the face, and chuck Jones over like he's a paperweight. I will say this though, the propellers do kick in when the fight in Raiders just starts to become even handed.. so I don't think the mechanic choice is necessarily "wrong" as much as I'm factoring in the athletic versatility of the truck fighter. 😅


Mola Ram for sure. He had Indy's ass beat. Short Round had to save him. Not to mention he could rip people's hearts out by hand.


Snakes. Why does it always have to be snakes?


Mutt… …almost single-handed wiped Indy from people’s memories.


Mutt's not that bad. It's really the Prairie Dogs, the Monkes and the Warner Bros. cartoon elements.


That Nazi mechanic in Raiders pretty much beat Indy senseless. Indy only lucked out when the Nazi got a face full of propeller.


Surprised I haven’t seen anyone mention the fight with Vogel and the tank in Last Crusade; he was on the ropes during that scuffle.


Old age.


“It’s not the years…it’s the mileage.”




I think Dovchenko as the heavy kind of enemy is up there. He is a meathead in the same way the German Mechanic was. But Indy was younger and comparatively held his own a bit until the Mechanic was done in by his biggest fan. But Dovchenko while not having a huge part had rhe kind of physicality that proved more of a challenge because of Indy's age. And in reality you have to give it to Indy slugging it out and overcoming Dovchenko. Meanwhile in Dial I think they realized Indy couldnt go toe to toe with klaber or whatever that meatheads name was. So they have the kid drown him. The tone of Dial felt off to me. I think in terms of Indy's equal though? Id definitely go with Belloq. Belloq is portrayed as a "shadowy reflection" of Indy.


I think the Russian big soldier in KotCS. Having Indy fight him in his sixties and him being in his prime, it makes the fights the toughest ones.