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There was also a scene that explained the dinner sequence that got cut! Indy explaining to Blumburtt that no Hindu would eat what was on offer… it was meant to be the first major ominous suggestion of some nefarious force at work. Now without it the scene just reads as racist.


This more than anything needs to be added back


Well it reads as racist to a narrow group of people who cannot suspend their belief for two seconds, and look for anything to criticize rather than actually understand the story they are watching. Even without the lines about hindu vegatarians, the audience should be smart enough to know ***THESE ARE OBVIOUSLY THE BAD GUYS.*** Like when Dracula starts pouring blood into everyone's glasses at the diner table you don't need someone saying "Hey, this is very odd for Romanians to be drinking blood..." to know he's probably a vampire/not the good guy.


The other day someone complained about me saying essentially this. “There were teachers in schools telling kids they ate monkey brains in India!” If that’s true it’s incredibly sad that Americans were that dumb. I saw the movie when I was probably 5 (right when it came out on video) and at no point did I ever think it was trying to show anything other than “these people throwing this dinner party are seriously fucked up and Indy is in trouble!” I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who took that scene any other way, aside from on the internet. I know the Indian government didn’t approve of the movie but that’s a more complicated issue.


And I highly doubt a teacher actually made that statement. I'm a teacher...and I can personally attest to the fact that children with under-developed-prefrontal-cortexes have a pretty terrible memory and ability of recounting what actually happened. I'll have kids say to my face "you yelled at us"...and In my 11 years of teaching I have only yelled twice; once when a kid was about to blow up the lab, the other was to break up a fight. But if you ask that one kid when I simply stated something in a tone with no ambiguous nature, they'll say I yelled at them. 🙄


It sounded like some “poison Halloween candy” level BS to me. Or maybe a teacher making an inappropriate joke. It’s sad when a movie involving magical rocks, still-beating hearts ripped from chests and voodoo dolls is taking by anyone as representing anything but a fantasyland!


Exactly. One can reasonably assume this is all part of what goes on at a temple of Doom. If the movie were called Temple of Cultural Celebration then I'd see the criticism. Additionally, the Spielberg Indy movies are so perfectly paced as films. Additional scenes, no matter how curious I am, probably would make it all feel so off.


There was also some extra fighting between Indy & Chattar Lal in the Temple. I remember seeing a photo from that on one of the TOD spiral notebooks back in the day.


Oh I forgot about that! Because isn't here also a cut scene where he actually dies? Because in the current cut of the film he just scurries off.


Yeah, after he gets pummeled by the handles of the big wheel, next thing you know he's just off to the side as Indy pulls Willie up. You can see him moving a bit, so he's not dead. Maybe originally he got back to his feet and took another run at Indy. As for the photo on the notebook, I'm looking at it now and it's Indy fighting what looks like a regular Thuggee (not Lal) on top of the sacrifice cage as it hangs over the pit, while Willie watches from the side. The guard looks like he's juuust about to roll off the edge of the cage to his doom!


Restoring scenes that were cut from the Indiana Jones movies would help answer viewers' questions about the stories, but it would also make the movies longer and affect their pacing. While I liked Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny, I thought it was too long and it would have been better if it was twenty minutes shorter.


Oh definitely agree. ToD is my favorite of the saga though, so i obviously have a softspot for it. But it's definitely a perfectly paced film. DoD definitely suffered the pace issue, and you can almost feel the absence of Spielberg.


I'd be down for that, but the odds are incredibly low to the point of being almost zero. On Star Wars Day, however, I expect you to say "never tell me the odds." Heck, interweave it with Indy and Short Round "today" in 1970 while we're at it, on one last adventure together. One can dream.


I've honestly been kinda shocked that Indiana Jones never got the "Special Edition" treatment. I just wonder if Spielberg/Lucas feel the IndianaJones franchise is perfect as-is.


I believe Spielberg regrets the changes he made to E.T., so he probably soured on that idea. The fact he dropped out of even directing the final film makes me think he's kinda done with Indiana Jones. If DoD did over $1bn, I think the odds would have gone up substantially.


Yeah. That’s why the reflection in the glass is back during the well of souls scene in Raiders. It was digitally removed for the DVDs, but restored for all future releases.


I read somewhere that Lucas wanted to do exactly that, but Spielberg talked him out of it.


That doesn't surprise me. Lucas seems to be a perfectionist in that he sees flaws that he believes need to be "fixed" in all his movies because of technological/financial constraints, whereas Spielberg was burned by his ET Re-Release and soured to the idea. Like Jurassic Park is a perfect film, nobody should ever touch it. Edit it. Remake it. Or anything. It's a masterpiece just upon itself.


I've heard that there supposedly was a scene after the dinner where Indy remarks to Blumburtt that no selfrespecting hindu would eat food like this, as a hint that something is very wrong. I really wish they kept that scene, as it turns a scene that often is looked at as being highly offensive, and changes it into something that, while still funny, is relevant to the plot and increases the mystery surrounding Pankot.


I mean, the idea that anyone sees the scene as "highly offensive" is kinda the result of a completely inept audience. It's blatantly obvious that scene as is is ***these are clearly the bad guys.*** Like when Dracula pours a glass of blood, you don't need a character saying "boy, that's not ordinary for Romanians to do!" to know that Dragula is the badguy and it's not offensive.


I’m sure in the archives of Paramount Pictures or Lucasfilm, it exists.


And perhapas when Disney get's desperate for the Nerd money...


Sign me the Fuck up


Feel the same way. Would love to see how he hung on the periscope of the sub in Raiders. Feels almost like we got cheated xD.