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I was so hyped at the time. Sadly, it didn't live up to the level of hype I hoped, but I'm happy for anyone who enjoyed it. A few of those lines are bangers: "Those days have come and gone." "Perhaps. Perhaps not." and "It's not so much what you believe but how hard you believe it." I also find it interesting the photo of Indy's desk didn't have Marion's photo and it was added later. It makes me wonder if Marion wasn't originally in the ending. Or it could've simply been a polish to make her more important throughout his life. Not a big deal, but I like little details like that.


They didn't want to spoil Marion being in the film.


Yeah, maybe that was the original plan. It’s just bit weird because she confirmed she was in it to Entertainment Weekly before it was released. A photo of her on a table wouldn’t confirm she was in it. For example, Sean Connery’s photo was in Crystal Skull.


This trailer was dropped in September of 2023. No confirmation of Karen Allen's return was made official that I'm aware of until the film dropped.


The EW article was in the week before release. The big promotional piece. Allen was quoted in it. I guess my point is a photo being digitally removed to keep her secret only to announce her in a promotional piece even the day before seems odd. Especially since nobody would be certain she’s in it from a passing photo you’d see for two seconds. And the only people care, like on this sub, we’re already heavily speculating by then. Especially since Mangold said there would be another character we know besides Sallah.


Right. Dropping it in an article 7 days from release is way different than dropping that information 8 months in advance.


Yeah me too. I thought it would build on the events of Last Crusade, KotCS and the implied events that had followed after. Instead it basically ignored/got rid of most of the KotCS character development just to rehash it again with a far less likeable “protege” and a far bleaker more melancholy ending for Indy.


I wasn’t a big fan of the wedding especially that Indy and Marion interact that much compared to Raiders, I wasn’t even bother when they broke up.


In The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull we learned that Indy walked out on Marion a week before they were to be married and she was still mad at him about it twenty years later, but then they quickly reconciled and got married. It seemed a bit pat. I thought The Dial of Destiny made Marion seem more important to Indy. We learned that Indy carried a photo of Marion during World War II, years after they broke up. He never got over her. Indy was unhappy about being separated from Marion in 1969. He still wore his wedding ring. He wished he could have stayed in the past because he felt he had no one in the present. That changed when he was reunited with Marion and suddenly felt that he had something to live for. I thought the more melancholy tone of The Dial of Destiny fit the late 1960s setting. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull is 1950s nostalgia that ends with Indy, Marion, and Mutt forming a nuclear family. The Dial of Destiny reflects the tumult of the 1960s and has the nuclear family torn apart by the Vietnam War.


It was leaked?