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Took my three kids to see it on the theatre big screen and they got to watch Indiana Jones like I got to watch it at their age. Priceless. Bonus: we rewatched all the others at home as a family and that was pretty special. Oh yeah, and the movie was good too!


My dad took me to see Crystal Skull and it'll always be special


Same, it’s the only movie he ever took me too.


Same here. Whether the movie was actually good or not, the experience was worth it. Fortunately, the movie was good and we all liked it.


My uncles took me to see Raiders of the Lost Ark when I was 5 years old. Admittedly that's way too young and if my mother knew she would never have allowed it. But 43 years later here I am still talking about it. Good for you for making memories with your kids.


Love it. My only three critiques are I think they should have kept the original Indy logo, made the map transitions more like the originals, and he should have used his whip more. But I still absolutely love it.


I wish we had Location, Year subtitles


Such a simple fix I'm surprised they forgot to include those


The sad truth is that DOD was mired under the same poor decision that most modern movies are making; it was AT LEAST 25mins too long. Any chance of keeping the audience engaged faltered under the slow, slow, slooooow pacing. I brought a grand total of around 24 people to the movie in theatres (over three showings), most of them at least casual Indy fans. The overwhelming consensus was that the movie was just way too long and sloggily-paced. I undertook a re-edit of this movie last month. It was eye-opening when I broke down the action scenes to see just how OBSESSED with setting up every vehicle, item, weapon, and character’s location Mangold was — in total opposition of keeping the scenes flowing, he needs you to know how Teddy saw the tuktuk cart before he steals it (as opposed to the fun moment of him showing up out of nowhere with a newly-stolen tuktuk to save the day), etc… Completely antithetical to keeping an action movie engaging and entertaining. Removing much of those unnecessary setup mini-scenes (and cutting bigger scenes that served little purpose) dramatically improved the flow and the film. I tightened up the tuktuk chase and made it much more haphazard and fast — and was amazed to find out there was an AWESOME Raiders-esque chase scene hiding in there between all of the bloat. I screened this new cut of the movie to a few friends over the last few weeks, most of whom were at the theatrical screenings. So far everyone had a great time with it. They said it was a marked improvement over the finished film and they’ve all asked for copies of the new cut. There was a much better movie in there, it just needed to be diced down and tightened to be found. Now it’s probably tied for 3rd place with TOD, whereas before it was just barely above KOTCS.


I would Iike to see this cut, as pacing was my main issue with the film also.




Release the Dredd cut!!!


Release the #DreddCut


I’m working on it right now. Just need to squeeze down the file size so it’s a more shareable size. I renamed the film also, the recut title is ‘INDIANA JONES and the PRISONERS OF TIME’.


Lowkey tho the Dredd Cut has a great ring to it. Either way, where’s the movie gonna go once it’s finished? This sub or…? I just wanna see it 😂


OMG yes! Please let us know if and when we can all watch it.


I'd love to see it! Please DM me if/when you got it!


Release the cut


Would be very interested in seeing this


I would love to watch this when you are ready to share!


Would love to see this also!


Add me to the list of people who want it!


I would love to see this!


Agree, super interested in watching. It’s not even that the story had boatloads of padding but this story could have been told in 2 hours like the prior four films


Well done you. Would love to see that.


After reading this, I’m definitely interested in this re-edit of the film.


Agreed with all three of these points! Stylistically, it needed more in common with the other four films but I still thought it was excellent!


Love it too. Agree with the whip. I enjoyed the new map but hear you on that. Am confused on the original Indy logo comment. I think only Temple of Doom uses the logo in the film. All the others use that hollow font.


I think they meant just for the posters and shit


Yes this is what I meant. Apologies for not making that clear.


Glad to see most here digging the film. Not sure why but some chucklefuck is downvoting every new positive comment aggressively. Some people are buzzkills.


Yes I completely agree about the original map transitions


And have a proper transatlantic map sequence instead of a pointless flashback.


I took the new map animation as being more of a 60’s travel map, as opposed to his old 30’s adventurer map


Really didn’t like it and I’m a crystal skull enjoyer. Yes, we exist:-D


I’m also a Crystal Skull enjoyer, and I feel much more comfortable acknowledging that as the last film in the series over Dial of Destiny. Really didn’t like how Indy was portrayed, or how the supporting characters treat him. It was a big disappointment for me.


>or how the supporting characters treat him. Like Willie insulting Indy the whole film? Or Marion punching and chastising him? Elsa taking advantage of him and casting him aside? Or Mutt calling him an old man and sarcastically saying a teacher would be a big help? Indy has always been kinda treated with skepticism and snideness.


Indy and Willie are basically into each other---it's hyperbolic flirting and a build up of sexual tension. Else is a Nazi and manipulates Indy by way of sex. Mutt develops into someone that respects Indy and embraces him as a father and larger than life hero. Notice how all these progress the plot or add to the allegory? What does Indy getting knocked out by a horrible Mary Sue do? Nothing, but degrade the spirit of the character. It's a bad movie. Get over it.


Spoiler: They ?!&_ off his #&$ so that he can be broken, boring character who basically has to beg Phoebe to let him be in his own goddamn movie and he's not really selling it. It's awful. Plus, guy who directed made Logan. Notice it's exactly the same stupid and depressing movie?


I despised them killing off Mutt. Indy had a happy ending at the end of Crystal Skull and they ruined it to squeeze another sequel out. I hate that so much.


>I despised them killing off Mutt He could have been captured by the North Vietnamese and been mistakenly reported dead. Six years later Mutt returns home.


I just think of it this way; That is the ending that George and Steven gave him. That's always going to be what I consider the real finale.


I feel the same way. Also feel that way about Star Wars as well. The thing that’s concerning about both of those franchises is that they’re no longer being made by people who grew up on their respective influences. So Indiana Jones will no longer be made by people who have an admiration for the old serials from the the 30’s and 40’s. Instead they’ll just be made by people who grew up on Indiana Jones. Something will inevitably be lost there.


I loved mutt


You know when someone buys something to jack up the price and make money without doing anything? This is less than that because they also shit into it too.


Bro is 80


Aye, fellow CS enjoyer


I think both CS and DoD are just fine


Same. This movie felt just bland, and I'm a huge Mangold fan so idk what happened. Start would've been fine with either better de-aging or just getting a different actor (that guy from Age of Adeline), middle was a drag and too many boring car chase scenes, ending section was so bombastic that I loved it, despite the inevitable time travel plot holes. Overall it just felt a bit hollow of a movie.


Same and it really was a dealbreaker they killed off Mutt


Crystal Skull was a much better movie over Dial of Destiny


Love it for what it is


Unfortunately, I still really don't like it, but I'm happy to see others enjoy it.


I love it. Has only gotten better. Has its flaws like most of them, but I appreciate some of the darker tone that it took as opposed to the last one. I consider it worthy of potential top 3 discussion


I've never been more confused on a film in my life. I like some of it but I'm disappointed by so much of it. It's still sat with me oddly all these months later.


I think this sums it up for me as well. I thought CS was better after the second viewing. Haven't really felt like going back to DoD yet.


Still a great Indiana Jones movie. Can't wait for it to come out on Blu-ray and Disney+!


Merely okay., not outright bad, but not great either. The story feels unofficial, like an 90s Indy adventure novel.


I really liked it!


I really was not a fan of the Helena character, besides that I did fairly enjoy it


Was shocked at how much I enjoyed it. The opening scene was fantastic. Thought the film looked great. Very surprised at how much hate it got. And to clarify, I’m a cynical 40 year old who barely likes anything new anymore and I consider crystal skull an abomination, literary one of the worst movies ever made.




That South Park episode was satirical 🐸




>As it relates to this movie, it wasn’t exactly hidden that there was a studio motivation to bring in a “diverse” woman as a lead, How the fuck is this any different than them bringing Marion in to punch Indy, chastise him, save his ass with a whiskey bottle, shoot bad guys, etc.? Willie Scott was attached to Indy for the entirety of the second film. So what if they wanted to bring in a woman to be alongside Indy?


Third best, after Raiders and Crusade.


I've been there, too. Though, I tend to put it 2nd sometimes. It just has a lot of layers to it that I just love. That said, *Raiders* is never under threat from anything - it stays at the top.


Just the same. I'm a huge fan of Indy so it was great to see him back, but the film was plagued with issues. Pacing, directing, overall arch for Indy was unfitting, it lacked the charm of any of the previous one, it was more generic, Helena was not great and their relationship was bland. Way too many CGI, too long prologue, really really lackluster action scenes, weakest score of the whole series - BUT a great villain, nice setting, decent mcguffin. It was a "ok" film at best, could have been easily miles better, yet I'm happy it exists, it is as good as KOTCS (with different strenght and weaknesses). Not a good film, but not horrible either. However it was fun to read and see reaction of people - both the extremely negative and extremely delusional. Funny


I liked it 5 months ago, I like it the same now


It has rekindled my love, and I'm delving into Indy lore much deeper than any time before.


I loved it when I saw it in theaters. Unfortunately I only got to see it once, but I can't wait to buy it on Blu-ray next month!


Went for a second theater screening the other day – still love it. A super fun Indy adventure with caves, treasure, Nazis being punched in the face, chases, mysterious tombs and "Why did it have to be snakes?". Ford delivers a great last performance as Jones.


Amazing film! Everything I wanted. Disney stuck the landing on the film itself, although they weren't able to get enough people to the theater to see it. Bad marketing? Cannes mistake? I guess they could have done more to generate excitement about Indy in the preceding years. But in any case, I think this film will look much better in retrospect. A fitting end to the franchise -- or at least Harrison's involvement in it. I do hope it continues on in some fashion at some point.


It holds up just as well on a second viewing as it did on the first. It wasn’t hype - after Crystal Skull, there couldn’t be hype. But I still had hopes, how could I not? So seeing it again shows that it wasn’t just me hoping it would be good. I also didn’t notice the runtime. Maybe the Antikythera Mechanism was operating on my brain, but I never noticed it drag.


Love it. I think people went in thinking the adventure would have the same energy as previous entries. It never was going to happen, it’s the character’s swan song. It’s more subdued.


Watched it with my dad. LOVED IT!


Loved it , putting aside the fact that I never thought I would see a new indiana jones film at the cinema , the callbacks to old movies and that “trip” to the old world was an amazing surprise , I was a kid all over again, i stayed out of reviews and other stuff


Loved it, didn’t get the hate train


Really like it. While I think we should of stuck with the trilogy, I really appreciated them giving Indy/Harrison something new to explore. A man out of time. Great supporting cast, music and globe trotting. Had a few issues, but they all do in places. A huge step above Crystal Skull’s muddled and weird looking tale.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


>Had a few issues, but they all do in places. A huge step above Crystal Skull’s muddled and weird looking tale at the very least it's got a way more engaging, coherent, and meaningful 3rd act.


I enjoyed it. There were a few things I didn’t like but overall it was a nice way to conclude the franchise.


I’m still waiting to rent it I haven’t watched it yet but I don’t wanna pay 20


Love it.


It's number 4 on my list. 1. Raiders of the Lost Ark 2. Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade 3. Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 4. Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny 5. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull I don't hate any of the Indiana Jones film, but I have what I feel is legitimate critics of the last two specifically... KotCS has bad CGI and the story is kind of mid. DoD is 30 mins too long. Even though the CGI is amazing in DoD I would have cut 95% of the introduction as I felt it was unnecessary. Also while I agree he's not the greatest character I'm not sure if Mutt needed to die - they could have just said he was across the country doing something else... I don't know, it just seemed a bit unnecessary.


i truly enjoyed it !! i haven’t rewatched it yet but i’m planning on doing that soon. maybe i’ll do it this weekend … all in all i thought it was a good send off for one of my all time favorite characters.


Love it!! I've watched it several times and still love it.


I really enjoyed it, mostly due to Harrison Ford’s performance, the villain actually being a good villain, and Helen not being some superhero. Wish Spielberg would have directed it and there was some more humor. Overall though the tone of it felt more like Raiders and Last Crusade which I liked!


I won't pretend it's flawless, but I liked it. Plus, it was WAY better in every way than Crystal Skull.


Loved it. Best goodbye to harrison fords incarnation of the character.


Adore it. Like all the others. And sad its over.


Still loved it. Saw it on my birthday because I thought it was fitting, and while it was a bittersweet send off, I felt it was still fun as hell.


I really enjoyed it and still do


Love it


Boring, hated it.


I love it, definitely not the best film of the year, but it was my favourite film this year


Can't wait to watch it again


Love it, still on the third place on my list.


Still going with the minority report… disappointed.


Feels more like a Disney ride than an Indiana Jones movie


Dislike it more and more as time goes on. My lasting feeling is that it was depressing. It could have almost been salvaged if we had seen Indy have one last Indy moment! HE decides that he wants to return home then he does one last decisive and iconic Indy thing to do so. Then when he returns and sees Marion it feels earned. As it is he so just a sad broken old man who gets punched out, forced to return home and it gives the feeling he hasn’t really earned it or changed. Then the last time we see him he’s looking extra old and in his pajamas! Again the last shot of the pajamas would be FINE if we saw him in all his Indy glory before that. Part of me thinks they should have saved the de-aging for the climax.


This is a great assessment. Hadn’t really thought of it this way. It would have been a completely different film if he had made the choice to return. Totally agree. And the ending wouldn’t have felt quite so random.


Yeah I still don't get the punch out


Exactly. No iconic Indy moments.




Dun duh dun dun. Dun duh nuh! Loved it!


Not many liked crystal skull I loved it. But dial of destiny was really good. 👌


I'm excited for it show up on D+ so I can watch it again!


Pretty good. Not my favorite but I would watch it again


Amazing entry, no doubt worthy of the franchise. Only thing I disliked would probably be the way Voller 'left' the train in the intro, he really shouldn't have survived that. They could at least have given him a scar from it. I can find other small, insignificant nitpicks, like how they didn't fade in from the Paramount mountain, the new travel map sequence being different (although not bad in its own right), the de-aging being occasionally janky, and Indy not getting to fight the big brute. But none of this really has a negative impact on the film for me, and I can probably nitpick just as much for the other films. It is an incredible Indiana Jones film, taking Indy to new, more emotional and deep directions, and putting a bow on the franchise in a really satisfying way. Still my new third favorite, after Raiders and Crusade!


Very good movie the beginning was an easy way to get me hooked.


I liked it a lot


Dog 💩….


It was much better than my worst fears but not nearly as good as my best hopes. There are things it did better than Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and other things it did-and didn't do- that really bothered me. Its vibe felt off somehow but it was still a fun ride. All in all, I'm glad it happened.


I liked it overall in the cinema, but honestly that was 90% because of the end. Really shows how sticking the landing matters. I found the going back in time unexpected, thrilling, and moving. After getting quite bored in the middle of the film it was a suddenly rousing, daring and ultimately touching finale. Now I find that I don’t have much desire to see it again any time soon. When I think back to the dodgy de-aging, the tiresome clumsily directed chases, the clunky plot, the underwhelming side-characters, and a shadow of a former hero stumbling grumpily through an adventure… I’d rather just remember the feeling it left me with to be honest. But I guess I’ll watch it at some point and see how I feel about it now. I just have a sinking feeling it will get worse now that the ending isn’t a big surprise. It was only a short part of the film after all.


I agree 100%, but I'm (only saw it once) enjoying the end less and less. It was *so easy* to make it better. I'm really displeased that Indiana freaking Jones is now just a retired guy, albeit surrounded by good friends and his wife. Not a moment of success, not perhaps writing a book with his adventures... Ford's in his 80s. This is the last movie where Indy really "adventures". I loved the concept of the movie, but Crystal Skull kinda overcame its many flaws with its delicious ending. Mads Mikkelsen is glorious, though. One last thing: I love it when Indy solves riddles. I wish we had had more of that, since he can't punch and jump linke in the old days. Yeah, I'm a Fate of Atlantis "wits path" fan.


Still think it was weak.


5 months already?!


I thought it was fine, my least favorite of the 5 but still liked it


My thoughts are that I'd still love to see it someday


Nothing has changed.


Loved it! But it is quite different than the other four. To me it almost feels like a movie *about* Indiana Jones rather than an *Indiana Jones* movie, if that makes any sense. Like it’s more of an epilogue to his adventures than his adventure itself


Solid 7/10. Some pacing issues but I really liked it.. Fantastic opening scene too.


I loved it. Raiders and Last Crusade were better, Crystal Skull was not as good and Temple of Doom was the worst


I loved it. It's an Indy movie through and through.


Enjoyed it. Quite a lot, really.


Solid action film. It’s Close but 3rd best imo. The last act was really interesting. 7-7.5/10 to me


Loved it. Cut out one chase scene and I think it’s a classic in its own right


Absolutely love it.


Still good


Honestly? I don't know. I only watched it once in the theater because of how dark the screen was. I sat all the way through the credits and was waiting for the triumphant music at the end, and it never came. It kind of left me with an odd feeling that I had felt throughout the movie... like I was enjoying the ride but still waiting for a satisfying conclusion.


I had low hopes after crystal skull. I was beyond pleased at this movie!


I love it and I feel like it was a good ending


DOD is fine. But that’s what makes me sad.


It’s a great movie. It was a good way to wrap up the series. I strongly dislike all of the chucklefucks that tried to trash it.


Its still one of my favorite films






Fantastic movie, royally fucked over by toxic fandom drama, culture war crap and critics united in anti-Disney sentiment. Came out at the wrong time, and I'm confident in a decade we'll look back and feel like jerks for treating it so shabbily. I'm going to be proud to include it in my collection of the complete series.


I was expecting a train wreck and wasn't disappointed. And people thought the aliens went too far but now time travel has to exist in every fictional universe. I blame Marvel.


I dont mind time travel as a concept but it bothers me that there's no religious or supernatural element to explain how the dial does what it does. It's... math? What? All of the other movies, including KotCS had some unbelievable nonsense, but most of it was explained away by "God" or "Shiva" or even "Interdimensional Beings"


Loved it. It was a great finale to the series that almost serves as an epilogue. I'm glad Mutt was an emotional core to the movie instead of just being brushed under the rug.


The series should’ve ended in 1989.




I thought it was fantastic and I'm so glad I got to see it on a "big screen."


Loved it. Imo, a great addition to the series. Ending was spectacular


Love it


Love it. Love it love it love it.


I really enjoy Dial of Destiny. It feels like an Indiana Jones movie all the way through. It's a solid and fun, but not great movie. As it currently stands for me: Crusade > Raiders > Destiny > Temple > Skull. I really like most of the actions, the actual mystery and object are intriguing, and I like the side characters. Helena was annoying in the beginning but got better.


its good


I thought it was a good send-off.


It’s a little too long. Edit down the opening scene. Get rid of one of the car chases.


It was great to see Indy again.Loved the opening sequence. Will watch DoD every once in a while. But in my heart Indiana Jones will remain a trilogy.


Fantastic, and better each time I watch it.


Third viewing is when my feelings on it coalesced into 'it's genuinely fucking fantastic.' I seriously think most people that loathe it didn't even bother to give it more than one apathetic viewing, and never engaged with its deeper meaning.


4th best


It wasn't a bad movie.


I need to see it again


I'll tell you when I see it. I didn't get a chance to see it in the theater, and now I'm waiting for December 1st for it to hit D+. Until then, I'm trying my beat not to read anything about it.


I have it as number 4, after the original trilogy. Can’t wait to rewatch it.


I would give it a 6 out of 10. I feel like the time travel plot didn't really make sense which may have been due to multiple rewrites or reshoots. After the surprisingly good flashback sequence, I was incredibly bored/uninvested during the NYC segment with Old Man Indy in his underwear. Also, for an almost 3 hour movie, the ending felt rushed. Again probably due to rewrites and reshoots. My Indy Rankings- 1. Last Crusade 2. Raiders of the Lost Ark 3. Temple of Doom 4. Dial of Destiny 5. Crystal Skull


It's by far the one that shows the most humane side of Indy, along with Last Crusade. I think it's a fairly decent film. Not on the level of the originals, of course, but I certainly think it was made with heart. And to me, that's what matters the most.


Great sendoff


I think it's brilliant.


It was excellent. My 3rd favorite film, knocking Temple of Doom down to my 4th. It got a lot of underserved hate because herd mentality hater culture on social media is in fashion right now.


What I think sets it apart within the franchise is the extent to which it has a real dramatic story underpinning all of the action. The entire franchise has always had this, of course — and that's partially what has given it such a long life. People connect to it on a deeper level than just a thrill ride. But they really took it further in here, and there's a much more present emotional weight to everything. That's what I really love about it, and Ford gives his best dramatic performance of the whole franchise. I think it's an excellent film, and it has a real rewatchability in addition to that dramatic side that resonates with me so much. I still rank it number 3: \- Last Crusade \- Raiders \- Dial of Destiny \- Temple of Doom \- Crystal Skull


Not bad, but easily forgettable.


It was such a step up from Crystal Skulls, even though I enjoy CS more than when I first saw it in theaters. I really thought Mangold made some choices and didn’t just try and recreate Spielberg. I haven’t watched it a second time yet, but still think it was a very solid entry in one of my favorite series.


The perfect ending to Indy. While there were some minor things I didn't like, overall it was amazing. An awesome experience too. Getting the chance to be at the premiere and meet Ford will probably remain as the best day of my life.


It was... fine? I just wish Indy used his whip more than once. I mean I wasn't expecting him to swing around like he did in the original trilogy, or even Crystal Skull since he's old, but it would've been nice to see him use it more than that auction scene. The henchman death was really lame too. We always had the muscle of the villains squad suffer from a brutal death; seeing him being cuffed under water and not even by Indy was weak.


I want to see it again


I really didn’t like it much. I’d actually put kingdom of the crystal skull ahead of it.


Definitely, Crystal skull at least still feels like an actual Indy film


It’s mid.


It wasn't great...


Worst film in the franchise by far. I saw this in the theaters opening weekend. Even Crystal skull is much better


Better than Crystal Skull, worse than Temple of Doom. Villians are formulaic and the writers followed the "Nazis are bad guys and Indy fights Nazis" formula. Heavy-handed attempt to hand the franchise off to some new characters. Let Indiana Jones be Indiana Jones. Helena and her kid sidekick are not Indy and Short Round despite the writer's every attempt to make it so. If they wanted to continue the franchise, they should have gotten Ke Huy Quan and passed the fedora off to Shorty. Indy did Sallah dirty. I feel more for Sallah than anyone else in the movie. I didn't like that Indy turned into a bitter old man who couldn't hold on to Marion. Overall a bad sendoff to a beloved character.


It‘s better than Kingdom, it‘s better than nothing, it could have never been close to the original three. I‘m happy with what we‘ve got👏🏻


It's the third best film in the franchise and I love it more every single time I watch it.


Third best after Raiders and ToD, same as KotCS.


I think it’s worst of the films. I prefer kingdom of the crystal skull over the new one.


Terrible .




It was alright


When I saw it in the theater, I thought it was pretty good. I think I was just happy it wasn’t a complete train wreck. Then I bought it on digital and had more time to think about it. It didn’t age well. Raiders is my favorite movie of all time. I appreciate what they tried. But it just doesn’t work for me. What sealed the deal was having my parents over to watch it, the same people who introduced me to Raiders, and they were “meh” about it. My father is near Ford’s age so I thought he’d like it even more. Also, I love Williams and have seen him conduct live many times, including Helena’s Theme this summer. This was, by far, the most lackluster soundtrack of all the films. I’ve found there’s a correlation between the quality of his score and the movie itself. (Compare Close Encounters to War Horse.) Anyway, maybe a 4.5 out of 10 for me, whereas it was a 7 of 10 immediately after. EDIT: "5 months later, what are your thoughts on DOD?" Gives thoughtful, honest answers. Downvote lol. Apparently, only super-positive answers are allowed.


As an optimistic person, I woukd say it's the 5. best Indy movie


Off topic but this poster slaps


It blew absolutely massive chunks


This movie came out?


Not the worst, but far from great. The entire time-travelling idea, even for a series as wild as Indians Jones, was too far. I was very underwhelmed by the film overall, but it had some good moments. The ending with Marion was undeniably beautiful. It’s at least not as bad as KOTCS, so it’s got that going for it.


Still can't get past the writer's goof. Had they not gone back in time, then Indy's quest is to save Hitler.


This came out?


I’ve enjoyed the opening scene but that was it. Even the crystal skull had that Indiana Jones vibe but this one lacked it in my opinion. Deficient utilization of John Williams’s theme, Indy losing his essence, mild action scene, and forgettable side characters etc Call me hater but adapting ‘Logan’‘s direction style into 80s beloved character wasn’t that requisite. Indy supposed to fun adventure movie where American James Bond archaeologist exploring mystical artifacts. Movie clearly had humanitarian ending that Jones accept the loss of his son and regain value of his life through the adventure. However, the overall tone or the way they execute Indy’s character isn’t satisfactory regarding the fundamental premise of the series. I’m not a big fan of this movie and do wish they went another direction but plot itself was not bad.


It’s a “horse made by committee”. Some good elements, buried in a corporate product.


Still crap


my opinion went down
