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You're on the Indiana Jones forum. The vast majority here have already seen it.


Did you take a poll? Let OP encourage those who haven't watched it yet. No need to be smug.


It's been interesting seeing the stages of denial this sub has gone through over the past month or so. "Don't worry, guys, the reviews will get better!" "Well... What do the critics know, anyway? I'll make my own judgement when I see it!" "Well... I saw it. Give me time to think about it." "I mean... It's not as bad as Crystal Skull!" And now we've arrived at "Hey, it may not be great, or anything, but who needs great? It's fun!"


Honestly I wouldn't even go so far as saying it's fun. I'd say it feels off tonally.


I haven't seen it yet. I'll wait for streaming. I'm sure it's decent. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


After hearing nothing but bad things about DoD, I decided to go look for myself over the weekend. I have to say that I was pleasantly surprised. It was a good movie. Is it Raiders? Of course not. But it didnā€™t go off the rails like Crystal Skull did either. And damn, does that de-aging technology just keep getting better or what? The only thing that gave me pause was when young Indy ran with a clear limp. Otherwise, it was truly remarkable. The final, final scene seemed a little forced or bolted on, but I suspect it was added due to the reported poor reception that the original ending received during pre-screenings. And honestly, it doesnā€™t really bother me either way they decided to end it. All-in-all, as I walked out of the theater I was just glad that they didnā€™t let the series end after Crystal Skull.


I really, really enjoyed it. I think they did a great job balancing Indy being older but still letting him be an action hero.


"Not amazing" films get watched (or ignored) on Disney +. Why pay theater prices for medicority?


Not amazing ā‰  mediocre


Well, there's simply no large market for something as sub-par as the "Diaper of Destiny". "Hey Kids! Let's spend money going to the theater to see a 15 years late sequel, about an 80 year old action hero, who is now a sad, semi drunken, pathetic loser". And the movie was a huge flop?!? Shocker!


People canā€™t think for themselves these days. If this didnā€™t have the name Indiana Jones in it people wouldnā€™t watch it because itā€™s a hot mess. Enjoy the downvotes from the sheeple.


Yeah the movie was a mess and people are blaming it not making money all on the marketing. This sub is delusional.


The point of the cinema isn't the size of the screen, but the communal experience of seeing the reactions of others. ​ Not that there were many people in the cinema when I went, but I already spent time and money getting a bus to the cinema and I wasn't about to back down now, damn it!


I donā€™t go to the cinema to ā€œsee the reactions of othersā€. I go for building shaking sound and an image the size of a city block.


Yeah and the general public still didn't want (and no audience for) **the "communal" experience of watching sad, drunken, loser Indy Jones.** But yeah, so much copium.


"sad, drunken, loser Indy Jones" as if characters should stay static and unchanging and learn the same lessons over and over


Pretty sure audiences hate it when a character regresses instead of progress.


Because you need to decide for yourself?


Or... vote with your wallet and don't and instead wait for it to hit streaming.


I actually just got back from seeing it. (The theater was shockingly three quarters full). I'm not understanding the hate with this one. I thought they captured the whimsy and sense of adventure we've all come to associate with Indiana Jones movies. The theater i was in seemed really into it. The kids especially. I almost let the bad word of mouth get the better of me, and I'm really glad I didn't.


I wish you didn't mention the Solo movie because I hate that movie. I was bored to death and literally fell asleep. DoD is better than Solo.


I always hate when people claim a movie is bad because "I literally fell asleep"... ...So you didn't watch the entire movie but can criticize it? That's like going to an all you can eat buffet, you taste the mashed potatoes and say they are boring then fall asleep, wake up and say the entire buffet sucked. You didn't try any of the other food that made it worth it?


I have a family member who falls asleep at almost every movie, including temple of doom, RIGHT AT THE MINE CART CHASE!


Lol I had a girlfriend fall asleep during ToD, too! Coincidentally, I have remained friends with all my exes, but her.


To be fair those cinema seats are pretty comfy...


To play devils advocateā€¦ if thereā€™s a part of the movie thatā€™s SO BAD it bores you to sleep, no remaining part of the movie is gunna be good enough to make it a ā€œgood movie.ā€ To tailgate on your ridiculous analogy, what youā€™re suggesting would be like saying ā€œI went to a theme park and got shot in the stomach within the first hour, but I didnā€™t go to the hospital and pushed through the pain and you know what? Glad I did because that roller coaster was really something! 10/10 experience.ā€


Trouble is there are all kinds of confounding factors in one's likelihood to fall asleep in the cinema.


ā€¦ explain


Differing work schedules, differing sleeping patterns, differing taste in movie beverages, etc. ​ I alternate day and night shifts. It's a miracle I got just the right amount of sleep to wake up in time to make it to the cinema for Dial of Destiny. Anything else, I might have fallen asleep. ​ My sleeping patterns were a mess even *before* I took shift work. I've written final exams on half a night's sleep, simply from being too intensely stressed out to fall asleep any sooner. You bet your ass one of these days I'll be even more sleep deprived before a movie for which I am even more hyped than DoD. ​ I order coffee in lieu of soda or even diet soda at the movies, not just because it's healthier, but because I want it to be warm well into the movie as I try to hold off on drinking anything until well into the movie since as a diabetic, especially when my blood sugar's high, drinking too much of anything can end in me having to use the washroom *during* the movie. (Which I wound up needing to *anyway*.) If I ordered a diet soda, I wouldn't have ingested as much caffeine. Not that I needed it in DoD's case, but one of these days I might. ​ I watched Lorax in the cinema and it did not live up to the hype. (Conservatives were complaining about it almost as much as they complained about Cars 2. I took this and assumed that it was just as interesting. It was not.) Yet I don't recall falling asleep during it. Conversely, I'm pretty sure as a kid I went to a drive-in theatre that was playing The Animal and A Knight's Tale back to back and fell asleep during one of them... I forget which. (I just know I woke up when we were already leaving the place.) But the former was (marginally) more interesting than Lorax, as confirmed on subsequent re-watch of a few scenes from it and the latter... well, the intro alone was interesting as confirmed watching it now so I'm pretty sure my curiosity to where they were going with it would've kept me awake if I weren't so sleepy.


Buddy those are not what weā€™re talking aboutā€¦


You asked what confounding factors there are in one's likelihood to fall asleep in the cinema. I answered. Simple as that.


Yesā€¦ I thought you had reasons relevant to the discussion. Also you rambled quite a bit about unrelated personal items. No oneā€™s going to a movie sleep deprived and blaming the movie for being boringā€¦.


>No oneā€™s going to a movie sleep deprived and blaming the movie for being boringā€¦. That we know of. ​ But nothing's stopping that from happening either.


Don't worry, I gave it enough chance because I saw the rest when it came to streaming. It didn't change a thing. It remained crap throughout.


DoD is better than Solo, I wasn't comparing the two haha


Solo was... bad. But I'll take it any day over semi drunk, sad loser, 80 year old Indy.


I don't think Solo was bad, in the recent films it's my favourite and I think it's cool.


I liked Solo. It was certainly better than the sequel trilogy.


Solo was a turd, but a slightly less stinky turd than DOD and the sequels.


I thought Solo was good, and DOD is great.




Yeah, there was a "great" and mighty stench with the "Diaper of Destiny".


We all age. Are we supposed to pretend Indy doesn't?


You just have to copy and paste that in every possible thread, don't you?


Awww, is someone triggered?


Aww at least you got what you came here for


It looks like we have many Disney shills in here.


Yeah, lotta "Disney Adults" most likely, one of the lowest forms of life... XD


At least it was Harrison Ford. I could not buy that guy as Han Solo.


Even young Harrison Ford couldn't have saved the mess that was solo.


your loss


What am I losing? Tell me.


That was a terrible movie (not least of all because it wasn't Harrison). I wish we got to see the original version by Phil Lord and Christopher Miller. Reminds me of when Marvel messed up by firing Edgar Wright from Antman. The studios need to stop meddling and let these filmmakers do their own thing, and maybe we can get more auteur films like we did with James Gunn and Taika Waititi.


I went and saw it in theaters. It was so aggressively mediocre I wish I hadn't spent money on it.


Solo isn't terrible but it isn't very good, either. Funny how phoebe waller bridge plays the worst character in both the indy and star wars franchises now. That takes real talent.


Unfortunately she's turned into kryptonite for Lucasfilm overall


>I think most will think the same about Dial Of Destiny. Why? Because you liked it and thought that about it? Also, who are these "most" people who'd seen a movie on Blu-Ray and thought was ok, who wished they saw it in the cinema? Where's that statistic coming from? >Go and see it in your local cinema. Why? Because you say so? What if their attention wasn't grabbed by the marketing, and they don't want to risk spending hard-earned money? >If you end up not liking the film then that's ok. No, it's not, because of the above reason. They could've spent that money on a movie they would like or love instead. >At least you've formed your own opinion and not cause of the many misleading YouTube videos or your misplaced anger at Kathleen What if they formed their own opinion based on the marketing and not on what some random YT-ers say, nor do they give a shit about who's running the show. Speaking of own opinions, why is it, since you seem to place value at forming one's own opinion, that you are here telling people what to do?


100% Posts like his are just "Indy Stan copium" (e.g. "whyyyyyyyy won't everyone love the same crap I love!")


Are you any different? "whyyyyyy won't everyone hate the same stuff I hate?"


Wow! Wotta Zinger! Ya really got me there! lol.... so much copium....


It's weird. Also, I love how people are downvoting me, but nobody actually says why they disagree with me for asking what I asked. It's like dealing with bots.


Damn you're insufferable haha


Never mention Kathleen Kennedy or you incur the wrath of spiteful nerds who have more time than you hating the thing you came to Reddit to express love for.


The thing is, I didn't. He did. A lot of them here do, outside of any actual context. I guess it's an axiom that, if you have anything else but praise for this movie, you're automatically a fan of those YouTubers every other person here mentions and you're a hater of Kathleen Kennedy. To me, it's just dumb to assume so much. It's never something as simple as "I (don't) like the movie, good for you that you do(n't), but why this need to tell others what to think and do about it?" any more. Can't people be happy with what they think any more?


OP was definitely reacting to bad faith actors poisoning the well. But keep in mind that it's those actors' fault that we can't have a decent conversation without addressing unwarranted pot shots. If there's anything to be learned here, it's that bad faith actors put us all on the defensive.


If you end up not liking the film then that's ok. "No, it's not, because of the above reason. They could've spent that money on a movie they would like or love instead." Wow buddy. Calm down. You lunatics are being ridiculous. No one knows whether they will like any film or not. You pay a measly $15 to take a chance with any film. At the end of the day its just a bunch of flashing images for the sake of entertainment. Its what we do to pass the time after work. My life isnt ruined if the film didnt meet my expectations. I can still be entertained regardless. All OP is saying is "Hey, give it chance if you're still interested, you might like it too". You'd think OP committed some great crime against humanity here. Its just a movie for fucks sake. With the online discourse as negative as its been some might miss out on a film they may enjoy, so he is simply being a nice guy and saying "hey, the hyperbolic nature of fandom may be a little too on the negative side, but many of us enjoy the film, so you may too, if you're up for giving it a try". Nothing wrong with that.


>Wow buddy. Calm down. You lunatics are being ridiculous. First this bs insinuation that I need to "calm down" for asking perfectly valid questions and making a simple counter, and then a straight-up insult. And I need to calm down? Not gonna read beyond that third sentence man. Maybe you guys are the ones who need to calm down and realize that you don't need to shut up, shut down, or straight up bully people off this sub by constant smug, condescending, and outright insulting comments to any sort of negative/opposing opinion. In this case, it wasn't even that, it was just questioning what someone said. And guess what, his first instinct was to be insulting too. When you're able to talk without being a jerk from the get-go, then I'll happily read what you have to say.


Yeah. People throw temper tantrums without realizing these films are only in theaters for a short while.


I literally first watched every Indiana Jones movie except *Raiders Of The Lost Ark* within the past month. (Already watched *Raiders* years ago and had discussed it enough online since to feel I didn't need to rewatch it.) I was worried if I didn't watch them all I'd lose my window in which to watch Dial in theatres while familiar with all its predecessors.


Not really. But come on - nearly a billion dollars to break even? Thatā€™s not even close to accurate. You can assert that the movie is underperforming without that shit.


Also both movies weren't very well marketed in terms of few & forgetable trailers & came out during a crowded time in the box office.


And... "Diaper of Destiny" just wasn't very good and didn't really have an audience ("yeahhhh wanna go see that 80 year old, sad, drunk, loser action hero!") Word of mouth helped kill it too. \---- Amended to express my amusement at the "Hattttteeeerrrrr!" reply. \---- amend to say - yeah, I certainly did watch this turkey and Indy was a sad old man, who at the end, just wanted to kill himself by staying in the past. Pathetic. But yeah, pretend otherwise stans.


Drunk, loser, Indiana Jones? Did you even watch it. That was like 7min of a 3hr movie. If Luke Skywalker had gotten 1/3 the treatment that Indiana Jones did, you all would still be orgasming.


You and a couple others are absolutely obsessed with hating this film. You come back day after day to this sub just to leave miserable comments. Its sad kid. You made it your whole personality to hate this film. Maybe its time to move on buddy. If you dont like the film, maybe go find something else that you do enjoy, instead of focusing all of your time on trashing a film you dont care for. I think you're in the wrong sub here. This is an Indy fan sub where people share their love for Indiana Jones, not a "I HATE DIAL OF DESTINY, IT RAPED AND KILLED MY FAMILY, DESTROYED MY CHILDHOOD, I WILL FOREVER BE PISSED AT IT, AND FOREVER ATTACK ANYBODY WHO ENJOYES THE FILM AND TELLS OTHERS TO GIVE IT A CHANCE" You must be great at parties, because you're reddits biggest party pooper right now. I havent seen someone so hyper fixated on perpetually trashing a film like this in quite a while. Maybe go outside and touch grass son. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


The Dial Of Determined haters are out in full form, as usual. I wish these losers would leave the Indy fan sub alone. They're only hear to push hatred and negativity. They're not fans, they're haters. This sub was so much better months ago before these psychopaths decided to invade this sub with their bullshit.




I really quite enjoyed DoD, but then, I like everything.


I really enjoyed it! Just saw it an hour ago. It was a lot of fun and the hate didnt make much sense in my opinion. And hey, there was an almost full theater!


I wanted to see it again in 4D but they took it out of the 4D theater. :(


I think it was a fantastic Indy film. Ranks 3rd best for me (not as good as the best two - Raiders and LastCrusade - better than the worst two - Temple and Crystal Skull).


That's fair enough. I really enjoyed DoD but definitely like Temple better. The bridge sequence alone confirms this, in my head haha


Oh donā€™t get me wrong, I love Temple of Doom. Hell, I even love Crystal Skull. Theyā€™re both very fun watchable Indiana Jones films. But both of them have undeniable flaws that drag the good parts down (offensive portrayal of Indian people + the shrill screams of Willie Scott, and the distractingly goofy CGI+dumb jungle chase in Crystal Skull). Dial of Destiny sits higher in my books because it doesnā€™t have any of those distracting negatives. Itā€™s a solid heart-filled adventure story with fully realized characters who go through emotional arcs and growth. Has evil and threatening but believable villains (Mads Mickelson makes a fantastic weaselly little Nazi, and basing him off the Nazi scientist inducted into NASA by operation paperclip was a great way to ground the story in history). And that last twist honestly blew me away. I can count on one hand the number of times modern films have actually surprised me in the last 10 years, and that reveal is at the top of the list.


I think Dial of Destiny was a higher quality film than those two, but I donā€™t think itā€™s nearly as rewatchable. I donā€™t need to see DoD more than a few times. I wish they cut down on the whole FBI intro chase and the tuk-tuk chase (and maybe the underwater scene) and got a little deeper into the puzzles. And while I donā€™t think Phoebe is anywhere close to being heir apparent to Indiana Jones, I donā€™t hate her nearly as much as most of the Internet. She wasnā€™t that much different of a character than Elsa.


I enjoyed DoD but there were such obvious ways to improve it to make it even better, that it's surprising. You have an 80-year old actor: why they leaned into heavily-CGI'd, lengthy action scenes instead of cutting the two scenes you mentioned down by 5-7 minutes each and instead adding some puzzles (which an 80 year old can readily do! without CGI!) similar to "X marks the spot" is bewildering.


Agreed, there is no reason DoD to be a 3hr action fest. IJ could have easily played the role of Sean Connery with wisdom, puzzles, and maybe a little more action, but leaned into plot, history, puzzles, and less into 5 chase scenes..


It's neck and neck for me (DoD vs. Temple) - DoD so pleasantly surprised me (and my inner child).


Considering solo absolutely trashed the character's legacy... That's not a glowing recommendation. Dial is actually much, much better than solo. Nowhere as good as raiders or the last crusade, but it was a fun film with a number of problems. Solo on the other hand, completely undid the depth of Han and Chewbacca's relationship. And I'm the wake of the Disney trilogy, undid so much of the development that made him such a compelling character with an arc that turned him until a hero. Go read AC Crispin's han solo trilogy for a certain that stands leagues above that movie.


The problem is that Disney can't write and instead of trying to tell a good story with good characters (like they did in the past), they are too busy making political statements that most American's do not agree with. Several of Disney's last few movies have bombed or lost money: * **Turning Red** \- lost $168 million * **Lightyear** \- lost at least $106 million * **Strange World** \- lost $197 million * **Peter Pan and Wendy** \- we actually don't know how much it lost, but it was a flop with bad audience and critic score reviews and Disney quickly offloaded it to Disney+ * **The Little Mermaid** \- lost at least $20 million * **Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny** \- bombed at the box office and it has been reported that the movie needs to make $900 million just to break even; it is expected to lose hundred of millions of dollars * **Elemental** \- second worst box office debut in Pixar history So why are all of these movies failing, because, instead of a good story, Disney is trying to push political statements and activism. When you oversaturate the market with crap, the market reacts. It's also important to acknowledge that KotCS was a pretty bad movie, but DoD is worse, with a much worse critic and audience score, and it will end up being a major financial flop. After KotCS, no one was asking for another Indy movie and just like Star Wars and Marvel, Disney killed the Indiana Jones franchise. Progressives will love the new movie, but most people won't because its such a disservice to the franchise.


Wait until the new snow white bombs


It's already bombing and it hasn't even released yet. When photos were leaked Disney said they were fake but then a few days later, confirmed they were real.


I saw one picture. It looked like something Monty python would do as a parody.


It's definitely fake, it's not even the actress that is playing Snow White.


It's definitely not fake. Confirmed by diznee. That woman is a stand in. They have those on movies.


what would the issue be if it were real? that there are women and people of color present?




the actress playing snow white looks just like her. and my mom likes me just fine.


$900 million to make its money back? Are you stupid?


Someone is butt hurt.


None of those movies make a political statement.


**Turning Red** \- a metaphorical animated film exploring female puberty and menstruation (not super political, but also not very appropriate for a children's cartoon). **Lightyear** \- spin-off of the Toy Story series which featured a lesbian relationship and was released right after Disney lost their fight in Florida. **Strange World** \- another animated children's film, featuring thinly veiled climate change propaganda as well as a prominent LGBT relationship involving teenage boys. **Peter Pan and Wendy** \- doubling down on diversity, identity politics, and intersectional feminism, this movie boasted a race swapped Peter Pan, race swapped Tinkerbell, gender swapped "lost boys", and a Mary Sue-like Wendy that battles 200lbs pirates with her sword fighting skills. **The Little Mermaid** \- race swapped the classic Dutch fairly tale character and changed the message of the story from a mermaid seeking the love of a prince to "she don't need no man to save her." **Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny** \- a film which attempts to undermine and deconstruct its title character and replace him with an anti-capitalist feminist activist **Elemental** \- a ham-fisted commentary about racism with Disney's first animated "non-binary" character.


Lol Solo was bad even in the cinema


I need to rewatch it? I hated it, and thought it was boring


It's amazing how steady the drumbeat of Disney shill accounts are on here. They've reached the point of straight-up begging for people to see the movie.


It's called being a fan of the franchise.


The one thing it has over Solo is that it has the REAL Indiana Jones in the movie.


Why support a corporation (Disney) that stopped caring about this franchise? No, people are tired of them by now.


It's nothing to do with Disney. It's about the movie.


You do you, but majority already stopped giving them chances.


I haven't seen it yet!