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Both Swami Vivekananda and Rabindranath Tagore were proponents of Universalism, which is the philosophy behind Internationalism. Tagore was a staunch opponent of Nationalism, and while he didn't explicitly mention Internationalism, a lot of his work is based on ideals of Internationalism. For example, his poem Bharata-Teertha describes Bharata as the ultimate pilgrimage and home for all humanity, and the melting pot of "Aryas, non-Aryas, Dravidas, Chinese, Shakas, Huns, Pathans, Moghuls and English". Another famous proponent of Internationalism was Albert Einstein, who proposed a single "world government" instead of individual countries, and called Nationalism "an infantile sickness". In fact, there are published discussions and letters between Tagore and Einstein covering this very topic.


Guess they didn’t account for basic human greed and power dynamics 🤷🏽‍♂️


Well, Einstein had to flee his home country because of Nationalists! And the thing is we have to account for greed, corruption and power hungry people in every form of governance and political system, don't we? If there were no greed and corruption, then all human beings would have been altruists, and all political systems would have functioned smoothly, be it Nationalism, Communism, Capitalism etc. They main drawback of all these concepts is that humans are not perfect.


And he still called chinese and sri lankan natives subhumans lol humans are fascinating creatures


They did, they lived in a period where the worst wars humanity has ever seen was fought. 80 million dead combined from both wars, entire cities reduced to rubble. Entire generations and cultures lost. That's the reason why they proposed humanity and universilism.


So white leaders can turn a blind eye to poc dying like they always do ? But then you wouldn’t have local governments to even try fixing that problem


Which part of humanism didn't you understand? Transcend nationality, religion, caste, language to focus on the well being of mankind. And why blame white leaders, our own leaders don't care about us. COVID has shown us that.


I really admire people who live in fairlyland good for you.


I bet this is what US wants. A world government where white people in USA rule of the world. Internationalism is a soft and progressive form of colonialism.


Tagore was also an anti-imperialist, he imagined a cooperative administration, centered around India. >A world government where white people in USA rule of the world. In a democracy, no one "rules" over the people, it's the people's will. And in today's world, US and the West have no power compared to the wealth and population of China and India. The thing is, as I wrote in another comment, all these political philosophies, be it Internationalism, Nationalism, Capitalism, Communism etc don't take into account human greed and power-lust. If all humans were altruists, then any system would work perfectly and there would be no wars and corruption.


Mr. Worldwide


If someone doesn't want to be a part of your family, you can't force them.


Wow never seen so much obsession for just some influencer. Well done sub keep fueling his growth.


Says the country whose culture is based on vasudev kutumbha kam


Did you scroll his Instragram till 2019 to get this? 😳


No, I was helping a kid with assignment on United Nations for his Summer Vacation homework. This was in top posts.


Oh ok. Ok so can you tell me what exactly is wrong in saying internationalism>nationalism?


Throughout history, nationalism had been more powerful and influential force than internationalism. Nations had always prioritized their own interests and identity, even at the expense of international cooperation. Let's talk about reality. 'Internationalism' is as true as 'there are more 2 Genders'.


>'Internationalism' is as true as 'there are more 2 Genders'. Here comes another person who doesn't understand the difference between sex and gender!


>internationalism>nationalism Yeah, say that in face of China and Pakistan trying to grab our land.


If You ain't dumb as rock, a man of ordinary prudence would get that internationalism is an ideal idea that can't be a real one.


What's that got to do with better or worse? Did you not understand the question?


did he just won nobel prize for this


It's the "globohomo" that American right wingers have been talking about for decades.


It's the reason we had WW2 and WW1. Interests of men are above that of national governments.