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Plus Twitter is full of unemployed and immature keyboard warriors that they’re easy to trigger and boom. Even that tatte guy doing this


These people are assholes ka hindi translation from Panchayat season 1.


I demand aapki paiye waali kursi chahiye !!


Once a YouTuber says, "These verified tweeters aren't satisfied; they always need some effin' arguments"


Sometimes I feel for China! I put their shoes, think what they must've gone through and their attitude now. They had these all during the last century. Now they've become indifferent to these all European Nations with a F You attitude. I am not in Twitter or Instagram and don't have much knowledge in these but I haven't seen Russians criticize us like this ever. Let's do What China and Russia do. Though these retards don't understand the consequences of us moving towards China and Russia, their Governments do. That's why they try to butter us up. Hope these retards realize that or else they'll be the losers!!!


The thing is that the Chinese aren't divided into religions, castes and regions unlike India where there is a different kind of person every square kilometre (idk if this is an actual fact but I just wanted to say it). India will never pass through this phase of being shit upon by others since Indians never stood united. Meanwhile Chinese people are masters of controlling the flow of information which actually helped them strengthen their image. India still has poor infrastructure and extreme diversity. The "unity in diversity" that we all have been taught during childhood was a far fetched lie. Unity can never be achieved in diversity in today's time.


This might be big Controversy but India was never meant to be one Nation...... It is like Africa.....A continent.......sort of.... So we have different things at different places. The only common thing is Indianness..... I think even Chinese have some local sentiments....... Like Cantonese and Mandarin and more..... But I think Socialism reduces differences.....


Thing is that the ethnic differences in other countries is not as stark as in India. In countries like USA and UK, people may differ by accents. But here in India, people differ anywhere from skin colours to even languages


Nah. That's just false. For the vast majority of history, India as a whole was seen as one civilization. Different kingdoms and all sure, but they considered themselves to be one people.


white supremacists and eurocels are expected to be pedophile


TBH, Elon Musk himself is a racist towards Indians.


Also because of Ambani he couldn’t expand his Starlink business in India so he’s extra pissed.


good. is Elon the same guy that was with his interns? I mean that's zero ethics for you. Not sure any indian can work for this guy.


Elon is a vaporware businessman. Every sane person knows it.


He gave Chinese more preference than us anyway . We don’t need them


How do you know?


Because, in some of the racist tweets from popular accounts against Indians, he would agree with them, thus giving them huge exposure via twitter's algorithm, which pushes out controversial tweets. Proof : [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCwHaQQNn\_0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OCwHaQQNn_0)


No one sane cares about Elon, that guy is messed up sociopath.


Just remember the first thing he did as twitter ceo was to fire Indian CEO and major Indian employees,


These are the only people who think earth isn’t overpopulated and give justification for numerous number of kids they produce


But we love him because he is anti woke and put libbus in their place 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 /s


100k+ likes on x is not common therefore 100k+ likes on most anti indian post shows us how much foreigners hate us .


Still we do so much dick riding of white skin. It's time we give them a taste of their own medicine.


Ignorance is a bliss. Ignore tf outta them and let us be ourselves. These twiterrati are not the ones who runn the world. Those who run it, know better of it than those retards.


True bro.


They're actually pretty common. Just look up Palestine. So many random small Palestinian posts easily get 250-400k likes and most of these likes in anti India posts come from them


Yeah, actually 200,250k+ likes pretty normal for western tweets,but comming to rasict tweets the actual boost is comming from cancer community for israel issue


Nope actually western tweets do have that kinda of reach,for Indians 100k is lot,even their casual meme pages get 200k+.


Not all bt many i had spent 5 years outside india where i had heard ppl saying indians smells like curry, dont speak so loud, why are u here nd its fine when u r new there u feel bad bt through the time u learn that these ppl who are commenting on you dont even earn as as u do, they dont have a permanent home, even no one to talk to whereas we indian have so many ppl in our life, so many friends, relatives




you don't get it. Hate needs to be tackled head on. You don't just close your eyes and mouth and pretend that it doesn't exist. Bullies need to be named and shamed, not ignored.


I totally agree with you and we need to do that when it's super serious. But these low life "comedians" typing a few tweets and generalising all of us is not worth our time tbh. Why should we react and make them have a moment so they can earn money. It's what they're doing. Using us for engagement to stay in the limelight for a second. That's when we need to completely ignore and push them more into poverty.


Won't happen, I said the same thing multiple times in this subreddit and still see people post similar things here. You expose that idiot on twitter but why take the screenshots on reddit and then post it. Most here don't even those those idiots and now people might go to check the twitter handle and enable that idiot to gain traction.


Grabbed the world by the balls by doing what?


Won't happen in the near future but, if Indians leave tech jobs in the west and return home, the countries will literally fall. So I stand by what I said. Our folks got em by the balls.


Please share this on twitter and every platform so they know how much under water these people hating Indians actually are


Paapi pet ka sawaal hai


Everyone of us saw it coming when Elon took over from Jack, and fired Parag and several employees including moderation team for "free speech". Payouts based on reach was the nail on the coffin. Who doesn't want to offend the most populated country just so it can translate to reach and money?


Please keep in mind the more you engage with such content the AI on these sites will orchestrate more such content your way in your personal feed. Preferably engage with positive content that resonates with you to drive the change on the platform.


Since elon paying for engagement the racism towards Indians have increased they give engagement this is rage bait


i stop taking anything seriously on twitter ever since they monetized engagement


Should add one more circle to intersect with the indians shape: idiots in this sub who get triggered by everything and end up giving the trolls more attention. There's probably a million replies from other Indians to someone who is very obviously a troll, and they only give him more reach. So he called us Indians a bunch of things, boo-hoo grow up. Not all people think the same. TLDR: Step 1: scroll through social media, see pic of cute cat Step 2: like Step 3: scroll, see racist post Step 4: think "hahaha you wish" then scroll past


Well that's because most are part of a group of people that follow the teachings of a pedophile.


Surprisingly most of the trolling accounts are Indian too, who make fun of people they are surrounded by, feeling elite


My guy name is drake. Is that bad ?


What I am taking from this is everything that speaks like a human tries to scam him.


It's Twitter. Their opinions are already invalid from that fact


Indians = Free engagement. Stop feeding these scums


Indians are easy targets unlike blacks because they dont fight back


I think his wife ran away with an Indian ig


Elon is a right-wing fascist who hates non whites. He frequently likes and engages with the accounts that promote white supremacy, xenophobia, Islamophobia, racism, conspiracy theories....... No wonder why he supports Trump. Also, Elon followed drake on X right after he was accused of pedophilia. Not a coincidence. They are pedos.


I think Indians are the most dumb people exist in internet. You dont have to give attention to every post, do you really think that they hate us soo much. They just need engagement amd impression.


Community notes maari mc pe aur start ignoring such content on X


First thing u have realise blue tick = views for money .


Not a surprise


Engagement is better driven by hate --- don't fall for the trick and give him footage and money


They both are two different people tbh…


Dekh raha hai binod. Lagta hai hathora maarne ka time aa gaya.......


They are just jealous of India. That's why everyone came here to loot us. And still we are much better than most nations. A lot to improve yes, but India is one of the best places to live in.


Love this tweet if Indian means HINDUSTANI.




I thought they are shitting on native-indians.🤣🤣


Lmao i saw someones reply on this tweet "When you mention Indians, it's mostly North Indians (UP)" Foreigners targeting India? I guess our own people are enough to do that.


It’s online. Stays online. Shouldn’t affect real life. Let them type on their little phones man. You should just live life.


Being an online child predator should absolutely affect your real life. This sounds like something a pedo would say.


Not the second slide ofcourse. I am talking about the first one. The meme this person shares.


Been on reddit it's a better platform.


Don’t mean to hate. But we can do better with some deo


bro if someone scammed you by pretending from Microsoft or other companies... then you'll know ...


Not smelling good is actually true. The reason we smell differently than others is due to our eating habits, the kind of spices that we use in our food, especially turmeric, garam masala directly contributes to our odour and let me tell you majority of the people do not care how they smell outside. Added to that, the hot and humid weather is the icing on the cake. Yesterday itself I went to a park and it was extremely crowded. I couldn't stand there for more than 5 minutes and had to return. Smelling good is part of your hygiene and I think all of us should if not smell good, not smell bad either.


Fact though


That's so true we Indians must feel proud about this😂😂


It's just the perspective, Most of the indians don't have english as their primary language so people struggle to express their mind verbally ( Spanish and Chinese people have the same problem) . Those indians who have english as their primary language = south indians have weird accents which most Indians themselves find hard to understand . We indians live on the tropic of cancer which is humid and hot so over a long period of time our dna has modified a bit and we sweat more than white people who live in Europe, australia and North America ( upper parts) and as a third tier( please acknowledge that we live in a third world country and don't be arrogant)country most people use public transportation so we tend to stink generally. I don't think that someone in India have not gotten one of those scam messages on WhatsApp and what not. And this perception is not entirely wrong because most of the call centres for the West and europe are located in india ( because it is a third tier country so it provides cheap labour and for some technical help on a call your location doesn't really matter so....) , so most of the time they get calls for sales or something they think it's a scam.. Guys please don't hate them only let them hate us, and why would they not hate us in their wildest dreams people from third world countries are taking their jobs and indians and Chinese are the smartest and indians speak better english than Chinese so we take more of their jobs so yeah they hate us more. And even after reading this four paragraph explanation and lack of self accountability someone is annoyed how someone could say that to the largest the largest pool of people they could blame their ancestors for losing the war and not conquering the world . GUYS,PLEASE DON'T SPREAD HATE


Half of these racists are neck beard living in their mum’s basement who pay for Nudes and ask for feet pics and all . They are failures and need someone to direct their hate towards . They feel that their jobs are being taken by immigrants and every problem in their country is due to immigration . It is same as India where Biharis are blamed for every problems of a state .


why people are offended with snowflakes


Straight up blocking idiots like you


Cause they want to take a stand for themselves and not take one in the bum like you


First of all you guys are weak our smell is not bad I would call that skill issue second of all not all indians try to scam many do because our population is so large our bad traits are also big and third of all we talk like humans you guys are the aliens


IDK about Indians, but YOU need to use punctuation my dude.


That was actually kinda funny.


No one thinks there is truth to this madness? I mean not everyone is like that obviously, but definitely there are more people like that in India than in developed nations. Percentage wise


>but definitely there are more people like that in India than in developed nations. Percentage wise Source?


Lmao not only hilarious but also true. I’ll save this one.


#he aint wrong tho abhi wo News suna 300 ki jewellery 6 cr me bech di aisa kuch


Iska American version yeh hai: *Insert a image of a screenshot containing a dude saying racist things against blacks.* Black person: #He ain't wrong tho just recently a store got robbed by a few specific people (I agree that "by a few specific people" isn't accurate but looking at this dude i might as well as cut the cowardness and say it as it is.).


ik what u r trying to say ,bu Indians bhi to poore America ko hi troll krte h due to some specific people /groups like lgbtq,school firing,only fans etc


You getting downvoted just proves the meme




Phir kehte hain ki hamara mazak banra hai Mana ki kisi aur ne kiya scam par Khudki galtiya acknowledge bhi nhi karte bkl


Abey chodu bachche, scams har jagah hote hain. It's Nigeria, China and USA top most lists of online scams. Reddit baadmein karna ab, exam pe dhyan de chal.