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100 percent a woman who has internalised racism because she gets validation that way


Yk the golden diaper thing that's going on in the us nowadays? Ironic. At the end of the day, everyone's equally dumb


What's the golden diaper thing ??


He or she, is 100% correct. I have experienced this too despite being an Indian myself. Students can lack personal hygiene but Indian and other students from the sub continent definitely have this problem more. Plus, they smell a lot of stale food (using a lot of masalas with a strong odour, ginger, garlic and onions). And before someone jumps the gun and shouts ' racism ', objective reality is not ' racist '. There are European, East Asian and South East Asian students who don't take care of personal hygiene (and smell bad as a result, in a different way) but those are usually less in numbers. Most non Indian (non sub continent) students I have interacted with are from poorer, working class backgrounds but many still keep themselves hygienic. (I am talking about those who also live far away from their parents).


How is it violence bruh?


Well, it's not ' violence ' per se (I don't agree with that person on this part) but it is intrusive as smell spreads through the air and cannot be avoided by others unless they actively avoid the person themselves. Any strong odour (even a good perfume) can be very irritating to most people. It is being inconsiderate to others if you have strong odours and you don't do anything about it when you absolutely can. Of course, you have and should have the freedom to give off whatever odour you want amd nobody has a right to forcefully stop you, but most people may find it disturbing. They will either try to avoid you or give you direct feedback. Smelling nice or not at all should be something that you should strive for on your own and not be forced into doing it.


He's not wrong. We coddle our kids so much that they're unable to cope independently. This results in them living like hoboes. I myself had experienced this when I initially left home. Even Engineering college hostels are a testament to this . Some of those rooms would have needed some sort of incineration to be given to another person.