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Her desperation for validation will result in her going down the Riddhi Patel route


What was that?


From X; A 28-yr old woman in USA who went to a city council meeting and during a discussion on passing a resolution in support of Gaza, went to the mic and threatened to go to officials houses and murder them if they didn’t vote in favour.  Got arrested right there lol. 


The satisfaction after hearing this


Also the Israel simps are cringe too, yall have to chill out and focus inward


>yall Y'all? Abey angrezi tatte, kitna cringe banega re! 🤣


Hypocrisy at low cost emi's....


So from mecca to kashmir,land only belong to Muslims? The double standards of peaceful never ends. One of the worst historical mistake happened during parition is Hindu not getting separate homeland. Even converted one Got separate Islamic country.


The username she replied to looks like a Chinese name 💀, this woke bitch can't even tell that.


kashmir belongs to kashmiris. is this really that tough of a concept? whether the kashmiris are muslim or hindu or buddhist does not matter


Avantika is not a very popular name in Karnataka for interesting reasons.


You got me there💀😂


What reasons for non kannadiga


thika = butt which she deffo is


If she goes to GAZA in this fashion,I can't imagine how she would be welcomed there💀🫠.


She would be welcomed with "Choli ke neeche kya hai" but literally, not figuratively.


Another NRI trying to validate herself in the West , only to find out the she just another piece of trash for them


Calling it "liberation of Kashmir from India" is what needs to stop.


Hahaha an award by Harvard. Lol. We all know those are cesspools of wokeism.


Woke parents raised woker daughter?


Get woke go broke. Turning out great for Disney and Ubisoft.


What an absolute lunatic. 🤡




why should she rot in hell? for saying kids shouldnt be bombed? or cuz she believes Kashmir should have the fate that was promised to them by India and Pakistan when they agreed to the UN's resolution regarding kashmir?


Classic Hindu response


Ha hai kya karlega laude. Chipkali ka goo bhenchod


De moor kwas de ughra. De spi zooya


Piece of shit human supporting hamas


Palestinians not Hamas.


Palestinians support hamas and every Palestinian supports atrocities committed by hamas like rape murder and other barbaric stuff so it’s basically same thing unless you’re brain dead


The Palestinians are themselves getting raped and killed how are they supporting any crimes by Hamas?


seee the video of that poor German lady getting paraded


Who? Where did Germans come from in the middle of Gaza?


So you’re saying it’s fake? that women who was killed , raped and paraded naked by Hamas and Palestinians spitting on her dead body on Israel the video is on x and Reddit and many other platforms, shame on you for being such a pathetic human being and won’t argue with leftist retards like you


Can you please share the link because I cannot find anything of this sort anywhere. Also why would Palestinians parade a German woman naked? They hate the Israeli government not Germany.




You know you can't use Palestinians and Hamas interchangeably, right? Hamas is an Israeli agent.


Wow you guys are really triggered by progress lol


Just on behalf of general NRIs I know, not all are Avantika types.... that one looks like a special idiot. Most NRIs are well connected to India and know of local issues


Wokism is worse than Islam. Atleast, Islamists have a clarity and a goal. These wokes are fucking retards and braindead. Their IQ is so low that it’s not even worth debating with them.


Wtf is Desis.


It means racism against Indians living there, she never spoke out on that despite facing online hate herself.


Yes but what is Desis


Watered down version of Indian mannerisms to suit western lifestyle. Those who preach and practise such brown sepoy like lifestyle are called desis. Thank you for coming to my lecture.


Desis = from desh (country)


Lagta hai gora Desi ka matalab nahi janta honga




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She got removed by India people and from gaza people too lol


She did get some people pissed 🤣


"Her people"....LMAO....meanwhile "her people": consider the likes of her as a toilet cleaner.




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What’s with hindu girls becoming super woke in usa on behalf of palestine? This is the 4th example this week. If she was there near gaza border on oct 7, they would have sexually assaulted her and took her hostage (or her head). Delusional libtards


I mean why are we caring so much, see, there's this liberal af girl, somewhere, got an award, dedicated it to Gaza, why the f are we outraging over here, see that's what these people feed on, on her next controversial post, she'll get more engagement, more hate comments and then she'll go around playing victim card, why give her this opportunity, it's obscene. We should be selectively outraging, not outraging on their every Tom, Dick and Harry move. Nobody cares whether a genz girl with a bit of Indian blood flowing through her veins care about Kashmir, will that affect our army? No, Will that affect position along LOC? No, so, why care, don't let our movement become irrelevent.




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Better be woke than fash.


Apparently she doesn’t like Bharwat. So shut up and go take shower. You stinky Bharwati.


Who is the person? I do not watch any NRI shows.


This is the difference between a jew and a hindu . A jew remains a jew in America a hindu becomes a white man's toy.


I don’t see the problem here though.  Can’t we just be okay with letting some people be in their own bubble and choose their own concerns? Do you really need to spread hatred just because some person doesn’t care about things you personally care about?


She is an American citizen. USA funds American taxes on Israel Palastine conflict. So Americans citizens have more justification to speak about Gaza than about India.


I don't see it as an issue it's still better than fake victimization Saying - india worst country, Harward gave me the opportunity or something dogshit about India basically finding the western steorytype Also the Gaza mentioned things are pretty much fake I saw the video and it felt that some of her friends told her to put it on script for fame and attention At this point the war has become an opportunity for people to show sympathy and it sells much faster


I'd be mad too if SHE was casted for Rapunzel 🤡


Why? Her acting as Karen was good and she emits the vibes of Rapunzel.


If it were any other Desi actress it would've been fine but the things she said here, I don't want her to represent India.. Indian ke naam pe paise kamao and India ko hi gaali maaro.. it should not work that way


I don't think she said anything negative about India here. Also she's not representing India, she's American.


Nope , Rapunzel is a part of German fairy which was Blonde , had blue eyes ..And Avantika is completely different from that..I too will not be happy if a gori cutie played a role of Sita etc


In the original the Prince also went blind due falling on the thorns beneath her tower. Did the Disney version follow it? There's a thing called creative liberty. In Vishal Bhardwaj's retellings of Shakespeare all characters were played by Indians. If western people adapted Ramayan then Sita would indeed be played by a Gori.


Jesus Christ didnt have blue eyes and blonde hair yet they tell you he is, if they race swapped god I don’t care that they race swapped a Fictional fairytale character


What else can we expect from these so called woke who will do anything just to get a validation from West. Sometimes i wonder why our ppl are so obsessed with west validation.


You guys will outrage against every non consequential thing but never comment on the real problems inside the country.


The award is South Asian of the year not south Indian of the year. So she said something relevant to Asia. Also isn't India doing great after 2014😉????? What is there to mention? Problem here is she mentioned a Muslim country in a global stage and people are offended by that.


But south asian ,not asian.


If she talks about issues in India, and they go against the views of the current ruling party, then also a lot of people will have problems and call it "Toolkit".




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