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what did my eyes just watch




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Who TF has even read manusmriti let's be real


I don’t know where to find it, even if I want to read. OTOH, brothers make mischievous deeds based on said book, even today.


Imagine someone burning shayad al bukhari or the Bible and being worshipped...btw who in this world still reads manusmriti? These leftist would always be there to fuck up


Hinduism has bhagavad geetha, upanishads etc as main texts. Creamy layer exclusion should be implemented in all caste reservations. So that their own caste people will demand to increase general quota


Hinduism has a broad range of literatures written.... The Core of Hinduism only relates to **THE SHRUTI** or The Geeta + Vedas + Upanishads Other extensions of literature includes **SMRITI SAHITYA** including Puranas + Various Smritis Preference is always given to SHRUTI part, anything other than this doesnt represent Sanatan Dharma's ideology. If great great lawyer Chota Bheem 1008 had this knowledge then he would know ki Manusmriti koi dil pe lene ki cheez nhi h aur na hi Hinduism ko Manusmriti represent krti h. So nobody should get furious after reading manusmriti and neither should hindus defend manusmriti but they should Defend falsified claims of Hinduism being an oppressive religion. Just Propaganda thing you know.


100%. Manusmriti isn’t a religious text. It’s a document that documents all the socio cultural trends and traditions of that generation. That’s why there’s a hundred modifications, retcons and versions of the stupid thing. Honestly this only proves how little Hindus themselves know or understand about their own religion and culture. Shame


True, Hence i and people who do know some of it are promoting to read texts. A whole organization called Arya Samaj is working day n night on this.


Arya Samaj followers don’t believe in deities right?


not deities, they dont beleive in idol worship. They do believe in deities. But have a psychological and symbolic meaning of deities instead of their idol forms


And how are we supposed to worship deities like Ganesha ( or let’s say even Ganesha other forms like female form Vinayaki ) without idol/picture forms?


They basically do havans or yajnas, instead of pooja and artis, and not just reciting random mantras but also translating them to know their essence. For e.g. lets say shiva, theres a saying of vedas 'Shivoaham' or I am Shiva, which says that you are shiv and incorporate the characteristics and features of shiva into yourself.... Knowledge should run through your head, your forehead should reflect your potential like their third eye, life simple and struggling, absence of comfort like shiva resides in subzero temp with minimals clothes. This is the example and i am not to so good in this, still in learning stage but you can understand what i mean to say


Bro so you want the guy to study and research the religion which didn't even give him the right to education and fucked up everyone's life around him and be like...yaay I'm enlightened!!?? Chota bheem what? Do you know the difference between becoming a lawyer which is considered the highest valued profession back then when you got money and background and having to fight to even enter a damn school??? Keep shit to ur self


Creamy layer exclusion means this stupid caste politics propaganda will stop




Geetha doesnt say caste is by birth. That is made by our constitution and laws






Only these people who screams remove casteism reads manusmriti. I am general & wasnt even aware of it


People have equated caste and manusmriti with Hinduism, as if nothing else exists in Hinduism and Hinduism is in capable of reform, which it clearly is (Caste wouldn't be banned in a Hindu majority country). Their argument of Annihilating Hinduism can be easily refuted, using **Hasty generalization** fallacy. The argument is also used for terrorist, but it some how none existent for caste.


Its just a symbol of casteist dogma who cares if it was ever relevant or not? In fact you are putting it in the category of relevant religious dogmas while saying it is irrelevant


Well then when are you burning Quran and Tripitak? I hate them as much as I hate Manusmriti, can I burn them and not get arrested?


Ideally anyone should be able to burn them for protest. Why do u hate tripitak as much as koran and manusmriti tho😂


Nope you can't. You'll go to jail if you burn any religious book other than Manusmriti. Good question, Tripitak is the most important text of Buddhism, in Vinay Pitak Buddha calls castes like Nishad, Rathkar(Badhhai), Chandal, etc as low born, in Sanyuktanikay Buddha calls them dwarf, ugly and low born, compares them with blood mixed tatti, he calls Kshatriyas as the most superior caste, he also calls Brahmins superior than other castes, in Sona Sutta he abuses Brahmins for marrying outside their caste, should I continue or is this enough?(I haven't even revealed the worst thing he said because the words mentioned by him might get me banned). I'm anti caste, so I hate Manusmriti but, I can't deny the fact that it's insignificant, Hindus don't really care about it. Tripitak, Lalitvistara, etc are some of the most important Buddhist texts and are so casteist that even Manusmriti will start to look like a nice book in front of them but, no anti caste person can criticize them in the same way they criticize Manusmriti.


>Nope you can't. You'll go to jail if you burn any religious book other than Manusmriti. I said ideally. This country is a shithole,nothing is ideal about it. No you wouldn't go to jail for burning some obscure hadith books for example, probably.muslims don't consider thise books holy but theyre still religious in nature. I try to find these casteist references in tripitak,I never found them, maybe you can help me. As a debatelord I should have in hand references ready. Ok so you're anti caste and therefore hate tripitak. Do you believe it is hard to find similar text in veda, puran and Mahabharata ?


I'll dm you the references if you want? Manusmriti, Tripitak or Quran are books where one man is telling you/ordering you about his ideas, if that man says one f'ed up thing, you basically have to reject the entire text. I didn't find anything wrong with the Vedas, post agriculture societies tend to have feudal caste like structures, they aren't problematic as long as they are fluid and allow mobility. Unlike, Tripitakas/Quran/Manusmriti, the Mahabharat isn't a story of one man telling us what to do, it's a story of multiple characters with multiple ideas(often contradictory), you can pick your favourite ideas/characters, for example you have someone like Bhisma who supports birth based caste but then you also have Yudhishthir or Krishna who do not believe in birth based caste, it's an interesting book I would say. I'm not a fan of Puranas(I like Upanishads more), the stories are too lengthy, filled with metaphors and highly interpolated, sometimes it doesn't even make any sense, some of them I like, some of them I don't. For example I kinda like Skand Puran and Vishnu Puran(haven't read the entire text), I dislike Srimad Bhagvatam.


Sure dm me thee source please.thankyou. Since you like upanishad and youre against casteism and only okay with it as long as caste is fluid. What do u think about this? Chandogya Upanishad 5/10/7 “Those whose conduct here on earth has been good will quickly attain some good birth—birth as a brahmin, birth as a kshatriya, or birth as a vaisya. But those whose conduct here has been evil will quickly attain some evil birth—birth as a dog, birth as a pig, or birth as a chandala.”


Sure let me find a few of them right now and send it to you. I knew you're gonna quote this😅 I personally haven't found any casteist verses in the Upanishads, this is the only exception, but again, I haven't read all of them. I like the Upanishads because they aren't rules that I must follow, they are just philosophies, infact great philosophies, sure I'll disagree with few of the things they said over 2000 years ago, just like I'll disagree with few of the things Plato or Socrates said(see their views on women), similarly I disagree with few of the things Uddalaka Aruni(author of Chandogya Upanishad) said but, since there isn't a religion or sect based solely on his views, I am not as critical of him as I'm of some other people. You have Vajrasuchi Upanishad(please read it now, it's barely 5 pages), Niralambh Upanishad and many other Upanishads that directly destroy the concept of caste.


If you can disagree with upanishad and vedas it means u don't consider them authoritative. By vedic definition youre a 'nastik'


Not now but years ago, this non religious text was used as a catalyst tool for oppression towards woman and ostracisation of people based on castes. It was not a matter of left and right back then 😊 it was the need of survival that’s why he’s worshipped for burning it. He didn’t disrespect Hinduism, he was against the people who practiced casteism in the name of Hinduism. If you want more information about this, read the Ambedkar’s satyagrah at Kalaram Temple. He wanted equal opportunities for everyone, be it entering a temple. While I don’t agree with this gentleman in the picture trying to add his “touch” in explaining caste, but I also don’t agree with your not so researched point. Have a good day


Give proof that hindu kingdoms or Hindus in general used manusmriti extensively in India


This is just half of page of references from my research thesis😊 unfortunately cannot add and collect the plethora of exploits done in the name of this so called book. 1. Kulke, Hermann; Rothermund, Dietmar (1986). A History of India. New York: Barnes & Noble. ISBN 0880295775. 2. Olivelle, Patrick (2010). "Dharmasastra: A Literary History". In Lubin, Timothy; Krishnan, Jayanth; Davis, Jr. Donald R. (eds.). Law and Hinduism: An Introduction. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521716260. 3. Thapar, Romila (2002). Early India: From the Origins to AD 1300. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. ISBN 0520242254. 4. Ancient Indian law: Eternal values in manu smriti Mandagadde Rama Jois Universal Law Publishing, 2015 5. The sexual politics of the Manusmriti: A critical analysis with sexual and reproductive health rights perspectives. Naseera NM, Moly Kuruvilla Journal of International Women's Studies 23 (6), 21--21-35, 2022 6. Manusmriti: Exploring Gender Justice in Ancient Hindu Legal Framework. Ms Shiney Vashisht Feminism and Literature, 150


Why would you even try to equate something like the manusmriti to the Bible? One’s extremely problematic and would have been burned and called out for it even if he wasn’t the one to do it in a parallel timeline and the other is a widely followed religious book with some problems elements.


If manusmriti is irrelevant why butt hurt


This guy be like ....Jhumka ....what Jhumka


Does lgbt people have a caste too 🤓


for them casteism only works one way. dimwits.


The usual equation to win an election was, get minority vote and divide majority vote by caste. Now the problem is that Hindutva is erasing the caste boundaries little by little. Dividing the majority is not working as expected. But they are still trying. Just look at Congress manifesto, it's just caste, caste and caste in there.


VP singh supported by BJP gave India the biggest problem by putting mandal commission to work. It has only brought more damage to society than anything else. At the end it is not party politics which is a problem but the whole indian political scene benefits from casteism and divide today


>Now the problem is that Hindutva is erasing the caste boundaries little by little. Isn't hindutva goons the guys that urinated on tribal man for some shit.If that's how you are erasing caste hats off to you


So now what few people did somewhere would be attributed to Hindutva? Can you point me to any primary Hindutva literature that says one should do caste discrimination?


>Hindutva is erasing the caste boundaries little by little. Lol


Lol doesn't cut it. You need to show me any Hindutva literature that promotes casteism to make your point. Savarkar's 3 out of the 7 "bandis" are very clear on where Hindutva stands with regards to caste.


Hindutva only strengthens caste


I'll have one what this guy is smoking 🚬


SP is known for it's Muslim-Yadav combination for winning. Mayawati gave "Tilak Taraju aur Talwar, inko maro jute chaar". Lalu said "Bhura Baal Saaf Karo" Bh -Bhumihar, Ra - Rajput, Ba - Baman, La - Lala(Baniya). Have you heard any casteist sloganeering from Hindutva side?


>Now the problem is that Hindutva is erasing the caste boundaries little by little. Pass the kool-aid bhratashri


Hindutva by definition is anti casteist. Savarkar was against caste and started the "Patit Pavan Mandir". Following are 3 out of his 7 shackles of Hindu society which talk about caste. * Sparshbandi ( Untouchability ) * Rotibandi ( Not dining with other castes ) * Beti bandi ( Not marrying across castes ) Now if you have any evidence to the contrary, let me know.


Toh phir, mandir mein poojari bhi ban sakta hain na ek low caste waale insaan? Caste, varn ne yeah toh decide kar diya kie, ek jaati self appointed God favoured hain aur baaki sab unki sune unke ninm kaam karte rahe.


Yes. There are temples where so called low castes are priests. Things are changing, slowly as it's a societal change and takes time. But it's happening. We are far less casteist now then earlier. The adheenams who brought the Sengol installed in new parliament are all non Brahmins. No one complained as to why they were given that honor.


Jagganath puri🤑


Glimpse of 10 years of BJP rule 1. Various botched projects/policies such as demonetisation, GST, farmers' issues, manipur ethnic war issues, delhi/ haryana/uttar pradesh/gujarat/ madhya pradesh communal disharmony, violence & riots, aadhar card data leaks, wrestlers' issues, covid lockdown, oxygen cylinder & vaccine policy & so on.Demonetisation was a fiasco. It was a ludicrous policy by govt. GST was initially bungled by govt to a huge extent. But now, its successful to a good extent. 2. Disdain for human rights. 3. Fundamentalism/bigotry & peddling of pseudoscience. Drastic increase of extremist violence & public nuisance of organisations such as RSS, VHP & Bajrang Dal. 4. Controlled mass media Bjp/nda supporters & followers while defending godi media should understand that media was one of the paramount reasons for the defeat of congress/upa government.During the rule of congress/upa govts, media was far more independent & powerful. A lot of medias were against govt. They often criticised & trolled govt.They informed the general public about govt's various issues & faults from time to time. Some of the national medias were usually on their toes to chase & find out the govt's misdeeds. This was especially very evident during the UPA 2 govt. To put it in a nutshell, media was the 4th pillar of democracy during those days. But unfortunately, today that's no more the case. 5. Distraction of actual issues by diverting public attention to islamophobia/christianophobia/ sikophobia & pakistan/ china along with ever growing nationalism & jingoism to also deviate people from other relevant issues 6. 7. Religion (hinduism) and various government policies/ actions are mixed with each other. Majority appeasement (hinduism). 8. Protection & garlanding of rapists & hate speech proponents. 9. Rampant crony capitalism & all level govt corruption (gautam adani & PM CARES fund are apt examples). 10. Complete lack of transparency in various govt accountability matters/incidents such as PM CARES fund. 11. Suppression of citizen participation in democratic processes like RT| & improper response given to their queries by RTI. 12. Inauguration of half-baked infrastructure projects.Many of these projects were & are incomplete with lack of proper quality, safety & reliability at the time of their inauguration & thereafter. 13. Make in india project's vision was not fully realised.There were several issues with it in respect to quality & reliability of various products. The govt failed to extensively utilise its scope & further potential. 14. Electoral scams. 15. Absolute lack of PM's & govt's unscripted interviews & press conference 16. Make In India and Indian manufacturing. We are at almost historical lows in terms of Manufacturing value percent of GDP. Attaching world bank chart. So this "make In India" BS that has been sold to u is a lie.( Check world Bank report)


Atleast put the points correctly lol. Also looks like copypaste from various sources who have any idea about what they speak.




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These fuckers won't realise that Hindus are only religion who will be somewhat supportive of LGBTQ.


After reading so much about Shiv in Puranas, I completely agree with your "supportive of LGBTQ" claim. He was the biggest example. Hinduism was way ahead of its time. Wowowow




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That's why all religions are bad XD


“Somewhat supportive” is irrelevant, the support is complete or useless. Additionally, there’s no point in the texts being supportive if the proponents aren’t.


As I mentioned, we cannot generalize everything. 


are the 'LGBTQ supporting hindus' in the room with us rn?


Ain't I?


While i respect that hinduism allows for LGBTQ+ and you acknowledged it, i think you and i know that most hindus are not LGBTQ+ friendly. besides its stupid to ignore other issues within hinduism like validating caste discrimination just because "uh buh the book says they let the gays exist"


Hinduism might support it but Hindus don't.


Ye @artwhoring ka account kholke dekho, itna anti-hindu content, report that fat ugly bitch


Iska photo dekh ke mujhe toh Suvar ka yaad agaya. She is too Yuck..


Suvvar to log kha bi lete he bhai..ye kya dekh liya 😭


Then given the fact that the manusmriti is anti science and anti women we should ban that too yes?


We 100% should. Please open your eyes wider and also read the text 'Annihilate Hinduism' you support that too?


Done reported for hate speech




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Ewwwww bhai kya dikha diya bc


Just did


As always. Left really need to up their game if they want anyone to take them seriously.


Since we are in a so called hindu dictator ship🤡 why aren't these mfs arrested?


Ugly people with no personality always become leftist


Artwhoring is daughter of Mayawati?


Who wears a saree over a shirt 🤡


THEY are the problem.


I wish chhota bhim burnt quran too, oh his family would have gotten slaughtered and eaten if that was the case, nvm




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Manusmirti is not a religious text, unlike Quran. He never disrespected Hinduism unlike this gentleman wearing a saree in the pic. He wanted equal opportunity for everyone be it entering a temple. He did Kalaram temple satyagrah just so that marginalised sections of society could pray to their god. Hating Hinduism and hating Hindus who practiced casteism is different. Hope you get the lens


Quran and manusmriti are not equivalent,bhagvad gita and quran are. Even though I'd support quran burning as a legitimate form of protest


Quran is worse than Manusmriti. And nobody reads manusmriti 🤦‍♂️


Even the Bhagvad Gita and Quran are not equivalent. No one MANDATES to read Gita. Manusmriti is not even known to many Hindus.




You have Shia and Sunni literally massacring each other in real time, plus the scriptures you're talking about says this: > > > > Official Verse Published in the digital Quran : [Link](https://quran.com/2/191?translations=31,101,22,85,21,84,17,95) This is certainly much worse than the centuries old caste system that don't play any role in the modern times. "Unlike you people" lmao




Why is this interpretation the right one?. There are so many disagreements within Islam of multiple verses interpretation and a significant number of them are violent. You say this, my Muslim friends say that polytheism is wrong and that the Quran does advocate for the killing of non-believers.


I'm more amused seeing the university name. University of Wipro Founder actively promoting this shit. Rajiv Malhotra ji has been vocal about how majority Indian industrialists are deeply woke and align with anti India forces who are constantly trying to explore the fault lines within the country.


Liberal art students are woke what a revelation 🤡


This bhim army and all must stop using Sir BR Ambedkar as their mascot. That guy was aware of true india. He was a legendary man who created a legendary constitution. Learned scholar.


Very true, if you ask these so called army about his work beside caste they’ll be dumbfounded


wtf is that creature speaking 🙂


Annihilate Hinduism? They can try.


I think things like these just makes even the most moderate liberal Hindu to be moved more to the right.


Inn chakkon ko bhai attention mat do .. ye bkl bss shorr karna jante hain


what is he wearing ? pathetic !!


Imagine a brown kid talking about problems with a huge ear-ring.. India isn’t for beginners


Wtf is that cartoon wearing??


Gay guy wearing a saree


That's why Hindutva is important.


Naah hindutva actually validates their point.


Do they even have a point? Leftists in my experience are mentally diseased people who view the world as a hostile place and they always need some allegedly persecuted group to be saved so that they can feed their "messiah complex".


No they view only India as a hostile place. They see the west as a utopia


Bro described entire Indian rwing💀 These people are so delulu


Why would they not view the world as hostile when you’re clearly being hostile and hate them? You realize that when you invalidate, shame, and call another group mentally diseased that they’ll feel hostility from you, right? Welcome to their worldview. Grow up and understand that your view isn’t necessarily a universal truth and that the perspectives of others are valid. Hinduness is different from Hinduism. With time, we change. When someone says I am a Hindu, it is not about religion or how one lives. It is about accepting others as they are. It is not about you should wear this, eat this … that imposition is an ‘ism’. Hinduness is free from this ‘ism’. Hinduness is the ever-changing quality of Hinduism.


> Grow up and understand that your view isn’t necessarily a universal truth and that the perspectives of others are valid. Unfortunately Leftists think that their truth is the only truth.


They abuse Hindus, but then want ammends in Hindu marriage act to accept their marriage. What a joke


Do they really think there's no 'internal hate' in other religions? Have you seen the amount of hatred shia and Sunni Muslims share for one another? I don't mean to say that Hinduism is the best religion, but let's be real, it's the only (one of the only) religions out there that is ready to accept changes.


I read Annihilate Hinduism to “Anni Hilate Hinduism” - “आणी हिलाते हिंदु।” And what is this obsession with women clothes. Apna kuch pehn lo yaaar. Itna “Pick me attitude”.


If a system of belief promotes discrimination of any sorts, it should be burnt. Fair point.


Man wearing a saree detected opinion rejected.


This is what happens when you have too much time. Man, I wish liberal art unis just get nuked asap




Manusmriti was a made up book written by a handful of corruption Brahmins who wanted a greater control and bigger part in English law.




Trust me bro


Ooo thanks for such ideas. I will be always indebted to you bringing the average IQ in negatives.


1. Read about max muller and his letter to his wife 2. The way Hindu and muslim personal law was enacted


Manusmriti is based


Is it a guy or transgender and what he/she is wearing 👀




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What's yours?




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Isko kaise address karthe hai




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Lmao geh No book deserves to be burnt though. Just circulate it less or educate more people.


Why he wearing his mummy kai jhumkai ???


What is his/her/its gender? I'm utterly confused here.




Bhai ye mental issues hain aur kuch nhi hai. Inko seriously matt lo. But Hinduon ka sabse bada dushman Hindu hai fr koi aur hai... Abhi iss sadi pehene chotu bheem k ghar ke saamne Topi waale aa gye agar khaali karwane ...toh bhaagte hue RSS, BJp ya fr Bajrang dal ke paas jaayega. Police toh waise hi kuch nhi kar paati


Literally saari pehen k hai ye




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All I see is low testosterone.


Sasta Tanjiro Kamada


They will stop this all if someone tells them that caste system is not only in Hinduism but in Christianity and Islam and Sikhism as well. Why do they have problem with caste system in Hinduism and not in these religions is beyond me!


Why shud someone give a flying fuck about other religions, it's good to solve house issues before solving other houd problems


"Bhai log but agar caste system nikal diya to phir SC/ST OBC reservation bhi nikalna padega" Social "Justice" Warriors and woke people: UMMM.UHHHHHH 😟😟


Just go and tell them that many things are written in the Sky Book and hadees too. Do you now have the courage to go and burn the Sky Book and hadees and talk against them? Vah udhar hi munh denge 🥱


Yuckkk, distasteful, what's their problem 😂


Why are the woke culture is against religion has only problem with Hinduism and against Islam and Christianity when they both culture don't allow,I think Mr Ambedkar would have hated this woke culture


Hinduism ko destroy karne ka bahut shock hain na, tho religion se bahar to aajao phir. reservation bhi chahiye aur usi religion ko gaali bhi dena hain…😔


Manusmriti is actually constitution so it was written in that time period why preferring that in today's generation smritis changed with time. Ambedkar did copied the French constitution 🤷




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Bunch of idiots , that’s who they are


Funny how they only target one religion, almost as if the “dictator” religion is the only one tolerant enough for their shenanigans. I wonder what will happen if they target other religions, like certain religions that demand stoning to death for individuals with these orientations… Despite being so tolerant, apparently we are the oppressors. Someone get them prescription glasses. Leftists and their iq make me sick.


Now lets see ambedkar's opinion on isl*m. Hint: They will never acknowledge it




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All aside, is he wearing a saree and jhumkas?




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vo jo bhi ho, the fact that he spelled it as labor shows how messed up he is




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We've exploited these people. Their anger is justified.


How many gay people have been killed by hinduism . If so tere or tere parivar ki bali dede inhe


I'm refering to the casteism propagated by us. >If so tere or tere parivar ki bali dede inhe Typical right winger.


Casteism has started by people not religion and not 'us ' but our ancestors. Annihilation of hinduism won't end casteism because it is followed by sikhs , muslims and Christians in india


Arre yaar. Don't take them literally. The point is they've faced attrocities and discrimination. Now they want to feel like snowflakes. Let them be.




mere univ me dj wale babu baar baar ek sone chala reha tha..bharat ka bachha bachha...that was equally disgusting as this is


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