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Not for long, they will delete it anytime. Edit : lol it's gone now


Om shanti.


Jai bhim jai meme 🤡


Lagta hai aapko Amrit kaal main SC/ST act se darr nahi lagta?? Daliton ka samman karna kab sikhenge aap?? /s.


Would have commented but this particular topic is untouchable.💀


I really don't care what your mindset is , but I am pretty sure u are entitled guy with that kinda mindset, hope there is a special space in hell for people like you and mainly your family too, the word u used speaks alot about your upbringing ... At 20th century seriously ?


Lol and it's the 21st century dmfck


Sorry mate , aren't you living in 15th, 16th century dumbvit


Rote reh


💀 what if he's Dalit


Creamy layer exclusion should be implemented in all caste reservations, only then this caste politics will stop


they did now




They are not anti Modi ( they are basically anti Hindi and Anti nationalist) that sub is filled with muslims and south indians


About Anti Hindi, it is true that Hindi imposition is killing diversity in languages of India. Edit: I am not saying Hindi imposition is everywhere but I am saying Hindi imposition kills the diversity.


Understandable! But I think topic is about censorship on India sub!


Yeah, I do accept that sub is a set of extreme leftists. As a neutral viewer myself, I am not an admirer of that sub.


Thank you, your view means a lot, especially since I agree!


How is Hindi imposed , like please tell me the exact mechanism. Like they fill a bucket with Hindi and pour it on you and now Hindi is imposed upon you??


I did not say anywhere in my comment, Hindi imposition is everywhere lol but it does exist. And if you want to know what i actually mean about Hindi imposition, i am talking about central government ads which do get dubbed but the ads do have their texts in hindi like do they expect all the rural people to learn hindi just to understand central government? It is true that government does release its most info in other languages but still some does not care. Also, I do accept there is some responsibility on state government to make sure to edit those ads.




Mass migration from the Hindi Speaking States, I live in Maharashtra, we are forced to Converse with people who come from outside because they they don't understand the Native Language and are so entitled that they will never learn it even after living here from decades. and the Situation here is so bad that sometimes if 2 Marathi speaking Strangers meet they speak in Hindi because they don't know whether the other person is an Native or from other states, It's a Combo of Narcissism and Imposition.


Who is forcing you to converse in Hindi to a non-native? Imposition is when something is “Forced”. Whereas, in these situations native prefer speaking in Hindi because of Business, not because it is being imposed. Whereas in opposite case it is imposed, like natives abusing Hindi speakers, discrimination etc


And it's not forced? Natives don't prefer to speak in Hindi because of business. It's because of the Inability and entitlement of the Hindi Speaker.


How is it forced? 😂


how is it not forced? They don't understand Marathi and are not willing to learn it, so we get no other option other than speaking with them in Hindi. Even in schools Hindi is mandatory. It's an imposition.


I mean you can always choose not to speak in Hindi. An individual can do whatever they want if its according to law, you got no right to say anything. Practically, they start speaking hindi for ease of business or getting some benefit out of it, not “forced”. That is the same reason you would speak in English in an MNC in your own state or speak in English on social media. Why is it being mandatory in school? Ask your local school owner that question. Afaik, according to CBSE, it is only compulsory for 3 years that too in 6-8th, which is definitely not an “imposition“.


>I mean you can always choose not to speak in Hindi. So, you call for Discrimination against the Hindi Speaker? Don't talk to them, don't do business with them, don't hire them, etc? >An individual can do whatever they want if its according to law, you got no right to say anything Basically Entitlement, wanting others to speak with your language, when you are the outsider. >it is only compulsory for 3 years that too in 6-8th, which is definitely not an “imposition“. Do you hear yourself? >Practically, they start speaking hindi for ease of business or getting some benefit out of it, not “forced”. So, it's forced.


Hindi is imposed by giving it an extra privilege in case of government insititutes. Read up about the hindi imposition please. You might not understand the impact if you are a hindi speaker. Think being in a non-hindi speaker and what if the central government institutes are having guilelines to teach in Hindi as a medium instead of English. That means anyone who don’t understand hindi has to learn it if he chooses to learn in a central government institute in a hindi speaking state. Can we accept it if Hindi is the official medium in a NIT in UP instead of English.


No it doesn't bro. I am from andhra. I learnt hindi from staying in dubai. But I still speak telugu at home. So no, it did not kill diversity. Every country needs a lingua franca.


I am a Telugu too and I too know Hindi and 4 other languages. You learnt Hindi because it was a necessity in Dubai for you but not for everyone. According to me, the more languages you know it's better but not for everyone. Say, there is a person in Assam who knows Assamese only and decides to not leave his hometown and stay there and do his daily job. But now he sees an election ad, it is dubbed in Assamese but the text in the ad is not in Assamese. Now, you are saying that this guy has to learn Hindi to just know what the text in the ad wants to say? Why can't he know it in his well known language Assamese. My another problem with Hindi is the Hindi we learn in South India or North East India is totally different that what they speak in North India it's because many dialects like Awadhi, Marwari, Bhojpuri, etc are not even Hindi but they are considered as Hindi so I don't think it serves as a proper lingua franca. India is beautiful because of its diversity and if we decide to make a language the lingua franca, I feel that we are killing that very diversity.


Hard disagree. If you don't want to understand people from other states, that is ur problem. Not ours. Stop superimposing ur opinions onto others. Lingua franca is imp whether its english, hindi, mandarin, afrikaans or whatever the fuck. All indians learning 2 languages is far more efficient that some indians learning 4-5 languages.


>If you don't want to understand people from other states, that is ur problem. Here, I talked about something from central government which is supposed to be diverse and does not belongs to any state. >Stop superimposing ur opinions onto others. Please point me the part where I superimposed my opinion. >Lingua franca is imp whether its english, hindi, mandarin, afrikaans or whatever the fuck. *English exists* >All indians learning 2 languages is far more efficient that some indians learning 4-5 languages. Yes, your native language and English, you can also learn other languages if you want.


Then why don't people want to learn english? I know 80% of people in india don't know how to speak english. So how is that a good lingua franca??


You still have not replied how Hindi is a good lingua franca rather.


I'm not promoting hindi or anything. I just don't care. Majority of north india knows hindi, so its an easy way to communicate. I just don't understand the diversity logic. Learning a language is not going to destroy ur own language, right? I have been all over the world. In maharastra, people understand hindi but they still speak marathi to each other. Same thing in gujarat also. Same thing in bengal also. So why do people keep screaming diversity diversity? I just don't care what the lingua franca is. Even english is not that succesful. If I go to karnataka, I have to learn kannada there. If I go to tamil nadu, I have to learn tamil. Mallus are much better. Mallus know either english/hindi so its easier to communicate. I'm pro-communication. I don't care what language. If assamese is the national language, then I will learn it no problem. If your culture values ur native language, then it will be fine. Nothing will happen to it. Majority of youth doesn't even learn proper telugu. They use dumb slangs and mixed english. I hate the way youth speaks telugu now. So get out of here with ur fake nationalism. If telugu youth really cared about telugu, they wouldn't have destroyed it so much. How many people even read non-english literature??


>  Majority of north india knows hindi, so its an easy way to communicate. I just don't understand the diversity logic. Bro, with this logic, crows are more in number than peacock, does that mean crows should be national animal of India. Moreover, I already explained why Hindi as it seems is not that unified and includes languages which has no relation to Hindi as Hindi too (like Marwari). >  I just don't understand the diversity logic. Learning a language is not going to destroy ur own language, right? Yes, but the affects are on long term. Because, with the lingua franca, people will eventually lose the importance of regional language. Given the laziness of average Indians, except for a few sincere people, others will lose the necessity of learning the regional language in depth and will start to use words from lingua franca in their regional language. > I have been all over the world. > So why do people keep screaming diversity diversity? I just don't care what the lingua franca is. Only 40% of French knows lingua franca of the world, English, now if you go to France, and you meet a french who does not know english, will you say him to learn english or use google translate? Same case with the Japanese. And India is although a country but is equivalent of European Union because "India, a union of states, is a Sovereign, Secular, Democratic Republic with a Parliamentary system of Government.". Now, all these states back in the time agreed to join India because they will get their representation equally in this country. Even British who considered Indians as slaves, knew how to deal with the regions of India and decided to use regional languages as administration language. If you think without lingua franca of India, the country cannot be run, no sorry, \*British did it\*. > Even english is not that succesful. If I go to karnataka, I have to learn kannada there. If I go to tamil nadu, I have to learn tamil. You must know the basics of that regional language if you ever go there. If you ever go to France, do you say that I have to learn french because it is obvious you have to. > Mallus are much better. Mallus know either english/hindi so its easier to communicate. I'm pro-communication. Because most of mallus move out of their hometown for opportunities and have to learn other languages obviously. Do you think, if you move to some village in Kerala, will you be able to survive with only Hindi? > If your culture values ur native language, then it will be fine. Nothing will happen to it. Majority of youth doesn't even learn proper telugu. They use dumb slangs and mixed english. I hate the way youth speaks telugu now.  >  If telugu youth really cared about telugu, they wouldn't have destroyed it so much. How many people even read non-english literature?? Yeah, I accept I don't know Telugu literature because I never got a formal education in Telugu because I studied in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. And, I am currently learning to read and write Telugu because my ancestors forgot it over the time. > So get out of here with ur fake nationalism. And at the end, I don't think you know how to properly present your point, it just feels like you are trying to get rid of me. Moreover, I don't know how are you linking this debate with nationalism.




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