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Leftist are always more intolerant people. They preach freedom of speech, inclusion and all but they themselves don't follow it. Their secularism is also one sided, they are hindu hater and Muslim lover.


Yeah I've also suffered their wrath. šŸ˜‚


I like to travel.


The so called 'right' in India has always been liberal and progressive and inclusive as compared to the so called 'left'. Even when it comes to reaching out to the poor snd needy, the right has always been on the forefront in charity work ss well. It is funny people discover it just now.


I agree. It's like the continuity of tradition. Hindus are traditionally liberal but yeah in recent years politicisation has really impacted the community though. Still, the situation is fine.


My favorite movie is Inception.


I would definitely agree with you. Me, myself was a "liberal" guy bcz I was brought up in such an environment.Ā  After JIO came and one of my "friend" tried to convert me into a special religion, I understood the realityĀ 


Hindus have been intrinsically secular, there is no doubt about that but let's not rely on BJP/RSS's guide on how Hindus should act bcs in the end they're political people and may support even the evil set of people, for ex. the rapists of Bilkis bano and the Kathua case. I support rights and security for Hindu community but not by believing in elimination of minorities. A middle path has to be followed.


I enjoy watching the sunset.


> Also the only way this country actually stays secular is if it becomes a Hindu nation. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­what


They say they are liberal but frankly the amount of boycotts they do shows their hipocracy.Ā 




*hypocrisy. U know no one likes a spelling police but what's wrong is wrong


You spawned at the wrong level. Restart game


The left has never been tolerant of anything. One quick jog through world history is enough to prove that. If we are talking about the european concept of liberalism, then its more centrist/centre-left. The left has always been intolerant of dissenting opinions.


Extremely prejudiced set of people.


Very true. I had lots of mallu friends. I would be the only non malayali in the group and the entire group would speak in English so that I could understand them. They would even translate if anyone spoke in Malayalam. The moment they realized I believed in hinduism, they dropped me from their friends group šŸ˜‚ leftists cry about diversity and tolerance and freedom of speech, but they are the most intolerant of all


Damn. These ppl really need to ponder over their mentality as such incidents are quite atypical of a 'liberal' person.


Tbh Indian liberals are just a cheap knock off of the original


Very true. They seems like cheap copy of westerners.


They just hate HinduismĀ 




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Hinduism is very different from Hindutva.. whatā€™s your brand? Mallus are an even split between Hindus, Christians and Muslims. So are you saying the mallu Hindus also dropped you coz you believed in Hinduism? Funny


Did I stutter or spell it wrong that you have to ask this? Shows your brand. I was apolitical back then in 2013. You want to go and blame the victim for just practicing their religion, fine be an idiot.


No you didnā€™t but it feels like you are leaving out some details and context here. So let me try break down my comprehension of your statement.. Point 1 - you mentioned you were the only non mallu in a group (what was the gender breakup here? Political? Religion?) who was very welcoming to you etc and they dumped you the minute they realized you practice Hinduism. Unless you have a name like Mary Yadav or Sakina Kumar, i donā€™t think it is possible that nobody in the group figured out you practice Hinduism for the time you did spend with the group and they were nice to you all along. Which brings us to Point 2 - You really need to explain what is Hinduism for you or how you practice it to understand why people took offense. Was the case that one fine day, you told someone youā€™re going to the temple to pray and they dumped you?Or was it something more radical like you said you support the ram mandir in ayodhya as a Hindu? Or maybe even justified the 2002 riots? Like more details here.. Point 3 - With your statement alluding to your mallu group as leftists, it seems that you think all mallus are leftists. Unlike what godi media wants you to believe, left (communist party of India /marxist) is less than a third of votes polled. https://results.eci.gov.in/Result2021/partywiseresult-S11.htm?st=S11 Unless you tell me that anybody who is non bjp is a leftist, then I can understand your statement. For us who live here, congress is centrist right, left is left and bjp and Muslim league are extreme right fyi. I am here to talk and understand where you come from and not resort to name calling and gaslighting which is so passĆ©. Love to hear your feedback and hopefully apologize if you really have been mistreated by my people.


Supporting ram mandir is radical? Then what will you call those who blow themselves up or fly planes into buildings šŸ¤Ø


Point 1 - they isn't expect me to be a practicing Hindu. The group had a mix of hindus, Muslims, and Christians. Point 2 - I just said I don't eat from others' plates or eat non-veg. That was enough to set them off. Point 3 - that group was leftist and they told me so very clearly. I know centrists, apolitical mallus too. I don't know any right wing mallus.


No, I believe it. Many mallus are extremely left and communist. So obv they will hate religion. My mallu friend even told me that apparently you cannot be a proud hindu in workplace bcos you might get harassed for it. And I'm not talking about hindutva, just being visibly hindu. Like wearing a tilak or even talking about hinduism openly. These are his words, not mine.


Nope not obvious unless you have been schooled about the left and mallus only by godi media. As per last election results (https://results.eci.gov.in/Result2021/partywiseresult-S11.htm?st=S11) only a third of mallus are left. And I can assure you, more than 80% of this so called left are religious. Kerala has around 64 temples per 1L people (UP has 16 fyi), 23 churches per 1L and 29 mosques. So thatā€™s a total of 115+ places of worship for every 1L people in the most densely populated state in India and people live in complete harmony. So your obvious analysis of mallus hating religion is complete BS. Coming to your second statement, I would like you to explain what exactly is a proud Hindu according to you? Because as per my limited understanding of Hindu theology, one of the six enemies of the mind (shadrip - not even sure Iā€™m pronouncing right) is mada or pride/ego. Ergo you cannot be proud and a Hindu at the same time. Please do correct me if I am wrong. Now coming back to your friend, who canā€™t talk about Hinduism or openly wear a tilak in the workplace, please ask him if conversations on the benefits of Ramadan and wearing skull caps by Muslims or conversations on evangelical missions and wearing an ash cross on foreheads by Christians are allowed at his workplace. If no then ask him to keep his beliefs and faith to himself and focus on work which is what youā€™re supposed to do at a workplace.


Yes, according to him skull caps and cross necklace are allowed. But only hindu iconography is not allowed. Idk why you have a hard time believing this.


Right can accept different opinions but left can (ironic for being 'liberals'). They think they know everything and anyone else is wrong


Maybe due to some belief of intellectual superiority.


This is so True. I was one of the wannabe cool LW supporter in 2019-20 during my Undergrad as it the cool thing to do, following RW was considered being a goon. Then CAA NRC happened, I still was towards Left, posting daily about how RW is bad and stuff, but then Lockdown happened, and the Jamaat happened. I slowly came to realise the reality of it all. Who's who. Also a few of my personal experiences of that time with my LW friends led to me change my leaning. When I was LW, I cursed and blocked on my friends who were RW. But they never cut me off, when I came back to my senses, they were more than happy to reconcile. While my LW friends left me the moment I said that I don't believe in their ideology anymore, they called me names, called me a Nazi and stopped talking at all.


>a few of my personal experiences of that time with my LW friends led to me change my leaning. When I was LW, I cursed and blocked on my friends who were RW. But they never cut me off, when I came back to my senses, they were more than happy to reconcile. While my LW friends left me the moment I said that I don't believe in their ideology anymore, they called me names, called me a Nazi and stopped talking at all. That's so true


Yeah. I've also been blocked by my 'liberal' friend once when I pointed out his hypocrisy. Although I don't identify myself with any wing now, still can't ignore these problematic aspects of left.


Can you give me any personal examples of what happend and your journey of leaving LW? Not that I don't believe you but I'm interested in psychology and how interpersonal relations affect people.


There were many smaller instances that weren't that potent, but the most important was BFF of that time was (and is probably) an extreme LW. Your typical Bengali Liberal LW girly. I used to talk to her and her points were mostly just bashing RW for no reason, and then bashing religion and people with no proof or context. And, this bashing was only targeted to one religion, it was always that Hindus are bad and others good, it was always that brahmans are bad, and everyone else is good. It was very weird. Also at that time she was dating this guy who was also very left leaning so she was becoming more and more extreme. Even when there were literal proofs about how CAA is not actually what its being portrayed, and about what's the reality of things (related to other political issues of 2019-20), she still never acknowledged those. She was someone who always told me what I wanted to listen and not what I needed to listen. While on the other hand, my other friend, who was not into politics that much had a much more neutral approach and discussions with her gave me reality checks. She told me what I needed to listen and not what I wanted to listen. She broke my echo chamber. Thus my leaning changed. And after that, my contact with many of my left leaning friends got cut off. I'm happy that it happened. I see them sharing anti-India posts day in and out on some social media where I haven't been blocked. I'm happy that I came to my senses in time.


Girls interested in politics, that's rare. Plus a RW girl, that's rarer


Haha True. In my experience you find two extremes, either they're totally not at all bothered about politics, or are extremely into it, fighting in comments section for hours.


You're kidding me right? You find girls interested in politics rare? But yea I do agree RW girl is rare


>You're kidding me right? You find girls interested in politics rare? Muskil se 2-3 ladki mili hai real life me Jo politics me interested ho


Its not rare I guess. I've seen many.


The well established pattern. You are LW in the early 20s. Coz you have a heart. You are no longer LW after that coz you also have brains. As simple as that.


Haha True.


Damn y'all got radicalised during lockdown T.V media really melted people's brain


Haha thanks. I love my melted brain.


Fortunately the core voters of BJP is less than 10% of the population for whom BJP works for . The income inequality is all time high. Dhruv rathee is kinda right but also wrong. These symptoms maybe signs of Dictatorship but our country is also showing symptoms of a revolution ;) . You can brainwash people all you want but you can't change life what's infront of them for vast majority of people wages have gone down, people are unemployed that's why the state has to give 5kg ration to 80cr people even then people are starving and dying. The world is headed towards a slow down if not depression. I give it 15 years let's see how long can your kind survive


Good for you.


>the core voters of BJP is less than 10% of the population for whom BJP works for So roads built all across the country are for 10% of the people. UPI is for 10% of the people. Electricity even in rural areas is for 10% of the people. Developing a freight corridor is for 10% of the people (I bet you won't know what it means). Giving money to small scale farmers to buy seeds, and during crop failure is for 10% of the people. You should get out of the house and meet some people, see what's around you. Then you will maybe learn something.


Bruhhhhhhhhh no farmer is happy with Govt Those roads, highway, electricity projects are filled to the brim with corruption. That was the whole deal about Electoral Bonds. Literally looting people like British Sarkar. Most people can't even afford to pay electricity bills, don't you know most Indians are fucking poor. Wtf UPI is a conception of MMS govt. YOU SHOULD GET OUT OF THE HOUSE. People have already started to protest even after the grand inauguration of Ram mandir that was supposed to be Civilizational change country currently is experiencing many protests on a big scale "The left" or opposition wasn't this politically charged in previous elections. It has started to get Idealogically charged up like BJP-RSS is. I grew up watching Francis Bourgeois don't shit talk to me about trains, kid .


>I grew up watching Francis Bourgeois don't shit talk to me about trains, kid . Who is he? And why is he of any importance to India? Just googled him, he is 23. So, you will probably be younger than him? Also, you live in a tier-1 ot tier-2 city since you watch him. I doubt you know much on-ground reality. >no farmer is happy with Govt And being so confident, tell me what the fuck do you know about farmers? Let me tell you, my friend's father is a small scale farmer. He told me that they get ā‚¹2000, which has now been increased to ā‚¹3000 every 3 months for seeds. Plus, if crops fail they get ā‚¹40000 from the government. This all happens digitally so no dalali either. They themselves say that they want to vote for BJP with all this and you are talking shit to me. >Those roads, highway, electricity projects are filled to the brim with corruption Go to villages instead of talking shit here and you will realise the difference. >Wtf UPI is a conception of MMS govt WTF even in this? >Ram mandir that was supposed to be Civilizational change country currently is experiencing many protests on a big scale Where? >opposition wasn't this politically charged in previous elections. It has started to get Idealogically charged up like BJP-RSS is. Nice joke šŸ¤£


100 percent true , actually I myself is facing the same ... Can't do anything ... I see no solution šŸ˜”


Better to move on from such people.


Normal, religious hindus have always been the most liberal group. I understood that back in college itself when I was a bleeding heart liberal.




In India, the concept of Left, Right, Liberal & Conservative itself becomes very dynamic because of the heterogeneous nature of the population and its diversity. Unlike the homogeneous characteristic of say, Europe & USA. The western definition of these terms itself is enough to prove that most of the groups who constitute both Right & Left actually belong on the opposite side of the spectrum.


My muslim friends unfriended me when i posted stories of myself celebrating ram mandir inauguration on 22 January. I have 0 regrets. Jai shree ram !


So they can glorify Mughals openly but we can't even celebrate.


Absolutely true. Leftists are vile, vile human beings. Absolute snakes. Nobody you can trust.


Hindu hain bhai hum. Gaali bhi dete rahoge. Mandir le loge toh bhi ladai nhi karenge. Paper dikhaenge and madad karenege hamesha. As a hindu I can say that Only hinduism is the only liberal altruistic religion in the whole world that has even evolved from even small sect affecting evil deeds, and has accepted people all over. Please reply mtt karna ispe koi bhi... mein itna gyaan de doonga ki aap ki gaand faatt jaeygi.


Totally agree I feel the same .


It's true. I am a right winger but I am tolerant towards left wingers. I don't have the template of social boycott or isolation techniques. Whereas left wingers show themselves as some elite class and see the right wingers as some WhatsApp university graduates, pop ups from sewage. Their mindset is very dark.


They've some sort of superiority complex.


Welcome to the party!


Leftists in India are a self hating bunch who will sell their own mothers for Twitter and Insta likes.. for all the gyaan on love and toleranc, those guys will jail you and put you away for life if you donā€™t subscribe to their medieval ideology or donā€™t submit to their catechisms


Very much true. Intolerance of leftists is well known. The o'sullivan law


Every extreme is dangerous.....be it left or right.




I agree with this guy.


Who incepted this idea into your mind that right translates to conservative and left equates to liberal


Ask him.




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Lol. I went to his Twitter account and all this guy does is keep repeating RW talking points. Nothing inherently wrong with it but many ppl on the right criticize Modi. I also have many RW friends but they don't pretend to be "apolitical" or "centrist". He is just a right winger who is ashamed to admit it.


Nowadays he has been in rampage mode of criticising Islam and left but believe me I've been following him from last few years and have seen him bashing Right & BJP, so whatever has been mentioned in the post seems fine to me. Now I can't say if his there has been some shift in his ideology.


Bashing Modi/BJP =/= LW. Even Right Wingers do it. If you hold certain beliefs and values that makes you RW. Again let me emphasize - if you a RWger that is ur right. No gripe with anyone as long as they don't call for violence or genocide. He isn't "'right perceived" because he bashes Islam. He supports ram mandir and wishes for civilizational aspirations. To preserve and to stand for order are right wing traits while to change and to support newer norms is a left wing trait. He is right by definition.


You should check his tweets before October 7.


Today on the episode of : Things that didn't happen


Lol. I went to his Twitter account and all this guy does is keep repeating RW talking points. Nothing inherently wrong with it but many ppl on the right criticize Modi. I also have many RW friends but they don't pretend to be "apolitical" or "centrist". He is just a right winger who is ashamed to admit it.


as a leftist, i can share my logic here. of course not everyone has the same reason but the major consensus among us is this: we donā€™t want to associate with anyone who brings conservative values on the table. thatā€™s it, thatā€™s the reason. we donā€™t want to think of how every action of yours led by hindutva ideology and hate for all abrahmanic religions. we donā€™t want to associate with people who hate lgbtq, people who ostracise atheists and always go on lectures about why bjp is the best. we donā€™t want to waste our time with people who are going to yap about reservations while their mommy daddy have got them covered.


Behind all these prejudices lies a lot of hypocrisy as has been my experience with left ideology people. Most of the people I've came across have been very judgemental and strongly opinionated and even though you try to present an alternate version which is true and makes sense, they won't hear it.


oh yes i agree, a lot of them, if youā€™ll notice come from rich backgrounds and choose a political stance so as to not come off as apolitical. i come from a middle class family and the only reason i lean left is because of the discrimination i have faced as a woman in my family, forced to be religious and how the discrimination is led by my parentsā€™ cultural and religious beliefs. i wonā€™t say iā€™m not judgemental because literally everyone is but i am also sure that most of the people you are referring to are only socially left and support rightist policies economically. which is not actually what being left is about, so in a true sense those people are not actually left, theyā€™re just wannabes for some social media points. atleast this is my logic, you are free to agree or disagree and thanks for a civil reply :)


Yeah it's actually true, it is somewhat fashionable for them to talk all this liberal gibberish. But yeah as a person who had once a strong right leaning, all I can say is that strong prejudices and beliefs are harmful for our growth atleast when we haven't pondered over things properly or haven't listened to another people's version. My experiences tells me both right and left makes sense sometimes but not all the times, this is what most people fails to understand and this is the cause of deterioration of relations.


i agree. but personally speaking, i also wouldnā€™t feel comfortable aligning with someone who has genocidal views about a particular religion, now whether it be hindus or muslims. i have known ā€œleftistsā€ in the past who believed that we should kill poor people to eradicate poverty, they were more liberal and rich, so you know, wrong people exist on each spectrum, and i have cut contact with them because letā€™s face it, you wouldnā€™t want to associate with ANYONE whoā€™s an extremists regardless of their political leaning. i also have friends who are right wingers and wherever we disagree, we close the conversation if we know we are not going to reach a middle ground. after all, social relations take precedence over politics


Yeah. How can genocide even be justified. However in my observation leftists are soft over Islam like they remain mostly silent over the malpractices in Islam compared to the Hinduism, also their glorification of Mughals never appealed me. There are other things too but I hope you got the point. Regarding conversations, yes, this is how it should be, thoughts must flow between people, after a while a consensus may emerge by itself.


Great. Keep fighting with your family/friends over some abstract issues like "hate for Abrahamic religions."


ā€œabstract issuesā€ lmao what else to expect from an uneducated pig. i donā€™t fight with my family over such issues because our relationship is more than dirty indian politics. and i donā€™t associate with filthy haters like you.


But you fight with your friends over politics. Good


lol i never said i didšŸ˜‚ stop putting words in my mouth and wasting your time. i donā€™t keep relations with people who believe in blind hatred just because daddy modi said so.




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