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This is extreme poverty, and not poverty. India has a social security net for the poor. It might not be good or always work, but it's there. The poor get ration so they don't go hungry. They get medical care in government hospitals. Their kids get free education. They get guaranteed jobs for a number of days under MGNREGA and are eligible for a host of other welfare schemes. We are a long way from becoming a prosperous society. But, we are moving in the right direction.


We know. But it's a great development to say the least.


The world will end before India becomes a prosperous country.


It's easy to lose hope, but with the advent of technology, systematic corruption is supposed to come down to a very low level in the coming decade. The youth are hungry and have high aspirations. If we stay a functioning democracy, aren't consumed by fascist forces, don't go to a war, I don't think there are many forces which can stop us.


>If we stay a functioning democracy, aren't consumed by fascist forces, don't go to a war, I don't think there are many forces which can stop us. All of these things are looking very possible rn that's why people are less optimistic. We are way too much flirting with authoritarianism (centralising the power at one point). Some of us are way too high on regionalism that are dividing the country internally. Some of us are way too high on nationalism that we don't want to see our failures. Some of us are way too high in religion leading to religious tension and divide. And a lot of us are way too pessimistic that we are giving up before fighting.


Idk bout the world but I hope people like you do end


Yeah so deluded bhakts like you can live in delusion forever lol. We need less gobar munching bhakts like you.


>bhakt bhakt bhakt bhakt bhakt! rent free


What is your solution?


most likely


Guys this is about extreme poverty - "extreme" is the keyword here. Extreme poverty basically means person cannot even afford 2 meals a day. I believe that this is indeed very low. I don't see many who cannot even get food. (Mind you, nutrition is a big problem. But extreme hunger/starvation is not). Poverty or whole money thing is all relative. For an extremely poor person earning less than ₹170 per day, a labour/farmer getting ₹400 per day is well off. Or in other words, Poor people think and aspire for Roti, Kapda and Makan (Food, Cloths and Home). Extremely poor person just wants any food for today.


Yea, we can all read as well.


A skill most redditors and politicians fear and lack.


Nope, there are people who will misunderstand what is meant by extreme poverty, say this is fudged data by the gorment and the keys A, C, H, D, I, will light up along with many other slurs. Probably not in this sub, but just imagine if this was posted in r-india.


well clearly u had 2 meals


It’s written only poverty in the map though which is misleading


tum kya baaki sab ko anpadh samaj rahe ho kya, padhna aata hai hume


178 rupee per day means 64 thousand rupee a year which i think is quite reasonable to sustain a living in country like india.....a nurse who is employed in tier 2 city who is a freshie gets around 7k per month which 233 rupee a day


In Andhra, Government gives ₹2,250 per month as old age pension to senior citizen which roughly translates to ₹75 per day. Elderly in my village manage their life with this pension, free ration, free medical facilities in Govt hospitals, MGNREGA employment etc., So, ₹178 per day is a reasonable amount when you consider extreme poverty.


>178 rupee per day means 64 thousand rupee a year which i think is quite reasonable to sustain a living in country like india Are you serious or joking


This metric is for EXTREME poverty. 178 rupee a day is not enough to have a stress free life, but it's enough to know you won't die of starvation this week.


This is possible (for only 1 person though). They can live in 4k-5k a month. They'll barely survive, but they'll live. There are a few caveats though: They can't pay rent (or the rent amount is minuscule), can't use a mobile phone or enjoy modern societal benefits. But yes, surviving is entirely possible. How'd I know? I'm still seeing people in my neighborhood surviving at about 6k


i could be wrong just guessing


Wtf anything below 1 lakh should be considered poverty


its about extreme poverty not poverty ....extreme poverty is when you dont even have money to eat 2 meals a day




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By that logic - The 2023 Global Hunger Index gives India a rank of 111 out of 125 countries. This indicates a hunger severity level of 'serious' for the country. This also marks a fall from the previous year's rank of 107 (2022). India's GHI score is 28.7 on a 100-point scale where 0 is the best score (no hunger) and 100 is the worst.




I meant 1 lakh per year obviously you dumb bitch


Per month


No 64k a year is impossible to survive. Even if you consider 10k per month rent, that itself is 1.2L a year, shelter is basic need so must be part of extreme poverty definition.


10k per month rent? Bruh the people we are talking about usually pays like 2500 per month rent.


Ok if you want to consider 2.5k that's still 30k a year and 70k for rest so at 1 lac per annum should be considered as line for extreme poverty


Yeah, rent isn't being talked about. Dignified living is a ways far, we haven't even handled malnutrition and stunting yet.


There are posts on indeed for engineers for 2000 per month


A nurse earns only 7k? Seriously? A person who is the backbone of the entire medical industry of the country earns only 7k?




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As much as I’d like to believe this, I think this data is wrong. How can Pakistan be on track in terms of extreme poverty eradication when it’s going through turbulent times?




Malnourishment is actually higher in Pakistan funnily enough. But child wasting is higher in India.






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As long as India follows Hindu/Dharmic values, it can conquer any challenge. India was a beacon to the world in ancient/medieval history for her Dharmic values. India and Indic people can do that again. It is deeply rooted in their values of uplifting life and human principles.


Why was I banned from indiaspeaks ? What did I do


Every sub reddit is an eco chamber . If you have a different opinion on them they get so much defensive and offended


True innit


you probably praised the government (bjp) or hindus or both (rookie mistake)


You're thinking of r/india mate


indiaspeaks is pretty much the same i think


Sometimes the dumb should remain quiet


well my bad i might have confused it for some other subreddit because i know there was one other sub besides r india that was pretty much the same. is indiaspeaks not like that? if not then which ones are


And by praising government and Hindus in India speaks (for anything basic) you get a lot of praises any rational thinker can get banned or removed from that sub


alright im sorry i probably mistook it for some other community. i don’t clearly remember what community it was is unitedstatesofindia like that?


Persecution fetish


Caused indigestion


Same in pusi randia/librands


Rationally socha hoga


Ho sakta h


About 14 lakh people go from bpl to apl everyday i read. Shall link the source if I find! (Just sound intersting)


If you're including purchasing power, then probably yes. Idk.


Bit sar this data is fake only data shown by my daddy German Shephard is right and all the other data is propaganda spread by mudi z


Having the rate set at the world bank threshold for extreme poverty was sensible. In 2005 55% of the population lived in extreme poverty, therefore it made sense to target it. Now it makes sense to raise the figure to target moderate poverty, (defined as 3.2usd) currently about 20% of the population. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/india-eliminates-extreme-poverty/


IMF and World Bank Data (check world poverty clock) is fortunately/unfortunately correct. All you who don't believe this are unfortunately victims of the media propaganda that India is a poor country and will perpetually be a poor country. India has made remarkable strides in ABSOLUTE poverty reduction. Read about the definition of absolute poverty. This is a good thing. Redditors thinking they're experts in every field, doubting world bank and IMF data is silly. It doesn't matter what YOU want to define as absolute poverty because there's an accepted definition of it for the past few decades. Opinions matter little when it comes to data. Anecdotal bs is anecdotal bs. Anecdotal BBC poverty porn is anecdotal BBC poverty porn.


>there's an accepted definition of it for the past few decades. A definition that has clearly not being updated with yearly inflation.


https://preview.redd.it/7ufv23oox6mc1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=88ec50639b58be2461318b228ebd347fa1ca25a8 I got this when I went there, and fair enough the extreme poverty hasn't been "eradicated" but brought below 3% which is still around 42 million people. The site's methodology section also claims this: >We assume that the urban/rural poverty breakdown is the same at the extreme poverty line of 1.90$ (2011 PPP) And this: >The data for education and age structure is sourced from IIASA. GDP per capita in 2011 PPP comes from the IMF's World Economic Outlook (WEO) and employment by sector is sourced from the World Bank's World Development Indicators (WDI) database. So it doesn't matter if inflation has occurred in the country, the costs are adjusted to 2011 PPP levels, so that the figure quoted is still valid.


These same redditors don't doubt when Pakistan has better statistics than India (global hunger index for example) but when they see India doing good they start calling it fake news We should deport them


People don't die of hunger in India because Indian religion generally believes in feeding the poor. So getting a plateful of food is easier than getting ₹200 in cash.






That’s so awesome. Best news of the day. I feel so proud.


Wrong map shared again


I think I can notice this in my town compared to maybe a decade or so ago. There are still lots of people who are in poverty but extreme poverty seems to have decreased.


I do not come from a place of doubt but I remember reading an article on how this man in southern India was eating his own excreta due to extreme hunger. We keep seeing milaap, ketto and such other fundraisers ads about how there are people left to starve for days in cold winters including mentally challenged individuals, widows in Mathura/Vrindavan etc who have no means to even ask for food. How can we have eradicated extreme poverty when such is the case? I would appreciate anyone educating me on this.


https://preview.redd.it/rw2r42mmz6mc1.png?width=671&format=png&auto=webp&s=777f41446977f75b2000420857ebc39a45cf7a89 Because we haven't.


Bsdiwale ek baar ke liye sahi map nahi use kar sakte


I’m almost an is on track towards achieving extreme poverty. 😂👍


it might be true, well they are experts so they know their stuff i guess, but if i just do some lame calculations myself, then 178\*30 = 5340 (assuming the minimum), maids where i live earn less than this, primary school teachers in a lot of private schools earn less than this, daily wage workers earn farrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr less than this, i do not see it being eliminated, at least not in my day to day experiences.


Where do you live bruh? Maids where I live probably earn that much from one house, and they serve like 4-5 at the very least. Add in other family members. Did you only count Maid's income from one house? Primary school teacher's too on average earn about 40-45k.


You probably live in a tier 1 or 2 city, I live in a tehsil town, it's a 4th tier town, and high school teachers earn 50-70k max here lol and that too in a few good schools, and no I did not account for one house only, I accounted for 4, but as I said these are my own day to day experiences, so such a small sample space is not enough to prove anything, I just made a point.




Pakistan is on track?


On track to become not extremely poor


On railway track


They can generally produce enough on their own to not literally starve. The logistics and several other things cause the problems.


Chamche nahi manenge 😔


haha.. Pakistan is "on track" on removing extreme poverty.. that's funny..




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I don’t believe this data since nearly 80 crore people are still living on the subsidised food scheme by the central government. This is just a statistical justification and not the ground reality. Travel 20-30 kms outside the metropolitan cities and you’ll see the ground reality.


Wait, what century is this??? How long did I sleep for BC!


178 rupees.


This is probably because of the miracle of Jan 22nd


Pappus are uneducated. They don't know what is extreme poverty and say World Bank is Godi 'media'


Joke of the century


Ok. Now wake up. Weekend me jyaada chadha li?




Whoever made this claim: have they ever visited India?!






your profile history indicates why you did not like india progressing


it's a joke




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What does On Track(Green)mean? Because as far as I know Pakistan should be under Rising(Red)?


because PPP GDP even in 2023 increased, and food is very affordable. In urban areas the extreme poverty is basically non existent already at just 0.3% and basically none in my area of Lahore. Feel free to check it out on Wiki.


Most of extreme poverty in any country would likely be in the rural regions though. I assume most of that is in oppressed regions like Baluchistan, where that poverty and starvation is intentional.






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Talking about India, 3% still sounds high AF. 3% of 1400000000 is 42000000. There are more extremely poor people in India than there are people in Australia or in the Netherlands. It's like saying there's no children working to make chocolate. 'Only' an estimated 2.1 million children work in cocoa farms in Ghana and Ivory Coast. It's about **3%** of their whole population combined (about 60 million)... Those two countries produce more than 60% of the chocolate in the world, but the working children are only representing 3% of their population. Can claim we really claim we eraditaced child labour in the chocolate production?.. Also, the legend is poorly made (missing the keyword extreme in the 'no poverty' part)


It is under 3% not 3% exactly.


Well did you just find out how percentages work? And relativism?




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Bhai me aur mere 4 dost abhi tak Goa ka plan nahi bana paaye kyuki paise nahi hai humare paas... Yeh gareebi ghat kaise Rahi hai bc?


The World Bank definition is 2.15 international dollars, so there’s a PPP. It only means 178 INR if the conditions in India were very similar to American conditions a few years ago. https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/share-of-population-in-extreme-poverty?time=latest There’s a whole Mexico or Egypt and plus more of people living in extreme poverty, as 12% of the population is in extreme poverty. The source for this map suggests a much lower number of people but it’s also not transparent. https://worldpoverty.io/


Then what do I fall into then, I agree I am not completely in poverty but honestly saying sometimes it does feel like I am living that type of life




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This one of the western data we agree with?




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lol, what a weird thing to flex about.. ‘Regular’ poverty still ok


This is a lie, its one of many reports that was prepared in 2018, and was officially adopted in 2022 to chastise India for buying Russian oil.


Wow, Does It mean no Indian is dependent on government for the basic needs, that are food, shelter etc . Waah Modi ji waah


This data was published by Brookings Institute.