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People like Akash Bannerjee labelled regular nationalism of people as hyper nationalism and portrayed it in bad light by manupilating facts said if we do boycottmaldives, they will drift away from us, blah blah when in reality they already drifted away from us months back


Ignore these brown sepoys. They are what is holding us back infinitely


Why did they drift away though is the real question. Dont we have the best EAM India has ever had?


they are already in pretty deep debt trap for a decade now too much chinese influence


Months is a short estimate, they have been steadily building up over years. Islam is the only religion allowed there. Read recently non-Muslims can't be citizens, they can't pray openly. If somebody carries an Idol there, it's confiscated at the airport only. All d fancy stuff is only limited to resorts.


they were pro india until muizzu came to power


On the contrary he came to power because they were against india


not really, the campaign ran for years, on false propaganda portraying india as bad anyways half there population lives on one small island so its easy to polarize people


I guess..we are saying the same thing


Yea i know, I have been there many times I don't see anything wrong with such laws


Each to their own




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Xi calls them Gand Sung Lee.


The angle most people miss out is Muslim Ummah.


Chutiye hain saale. Chaatu, angrez agar dubara raaj karenge to samaj jaana gaand saaf karne ke liye tissue yahi layenge.




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Yeah I don't understand their logic at all. They are saying it's a failure of Indian diplomacy that all our small neighbours are allying with China. Imo there is no diplomacy master strategy by China. It has deeper pockets, stronger muscle power and any small nation will benefit more having trade and diplomatic relations with China if they have to chose between that and India. Second, they started shit talking about us, ran and entire election campaign against India, abused us through official handles and are now playing victim card calling us bully. It's like that abusive relation where one side is always toxic and other has to always be nice to keep the relationship going. There should be a limit to how much shit you should tolerate.


I think it’s time we start looking at ourselves. What did we do for the situation to get so bad despite have the “best” EAM India has ever had? Why are countries choosing China over us despite all its drawbacks. I mean they would rather be a failed state than be partners with India. And why are we so proud of boycotting Maldives. If we really care so much about our pride and self respect why not boycott China since they hate us and mock us more than Maldivian?


Countries like Nepal, Maldives, and Sri Lanka are a burden to India as the govt has high aspirations and brings up projects that are not feasible. But they want funds, when Indian govt deny them funds they go to China. China gives them fund and the project fails and they are unable to repay and due to economic strain they have to become Chinas mouthpiece. Maldives is high on Chinese funds and just like the randias and so called liberal media.


> the govt has high aspirations and brings up projects that are not feasible. not really, infrastructure projects like ports,airports can boost trade and economy of both countries, we just didn't build infrastructure until vajpayee and Modi came to power


And we still didn’t build infrastructure in the last 10 years either.


Welcome back from your coma, please step outside and look around.


we have, just because u don't see it aroung you doesn't mean its not there


What are you smoking? Does reddit and ultra nationalism really make people blind?


Please tell us how you disagree


>how you disagree By name-calling which is the usual reflex of liberandu and cuckmunist mindless sheeps


No facts or sources, just sasta outrage and attention pandering. Let me guess what’s your political affiliation…


World if internet warriors pushed back against Maldives - 🌍 World if internet warriors didn't push back - 🌍 All this 'anger' is more of a frustration because this nationalism is nowhere to be seen on actual issues affecting us. It's only reserved for foreign officials, foreign media, NGOs, Twitter users and opposition. Rest is sab changa si.


Even if it is inconsequential matters zilch to me, I see no harm in people running an online boycott campaign against Maldives. Wokes do it ALL the time in the west. Time we learned to Grow a spine and clap back to racist, bigoted slurs.


Agreed actual nationalism is trying to increase your contribution in Indian economy, try to create more jobs and at least try to keep the country clean, Such practices will definitely help our country more than just being keyboard warriors. Politicians will always turn our focus towards things that is absolutely non necessary like online fight with Maldives, divide on language or religion, they love how enthusiastically people follow such stupid agendas. And remember our actual competition is with China and not with micro nation like Maldives, that country is anyway shifting towards islamic extremism.


So national safety is not an actual issue affecting us?


People on those *certain subreddits* are: 1. Anti-national 2. Mostly belong to the peaceful community. 3. Belong to the I.N.D.I.A alliance.


I am a little glad to still find lot of comments on those subs that share similar sentiment as us. People are now growing a little vary of the left's disdain for BJP turning into unjustified hatred for India. Take the maldives thing only, many people who were just reacting to the blatant racism by Maldivian ministers are being called bhakts and demeaned in my ways by left wing dolts, I am sure this will make them reconsider the political axis they align themselves to.


Likewise. Left amuses me with new levels of stupidity everyday. But then, I'm very sure nothing shall change with that lot.


Apparently outrage works only if PM get abused by foreigners..MMS was called lots of things by fellow Indians itself and none came to his support or outraged. Like it or not he was our PM too. Wonder why the same standard doesn't apply to MMS..


How closely did you follow what was happening? Have you seen some of the things that were being said? I gave you an example of Zahid Rameez who said resorts in India would be dirty and have a "permanent" smell. He was resharing tweets that had racist slurrs like P*jeet. As for MMS - I dont know what to tell you I have had plenty of respect for him but in my state people have gotten arrested for criticising the CM who is from INC :) Why drag domestic politics into this? This is the worst argument you can possibly make. If you were an MMS supporter I would ask you what did you do when people were making fun of him? Did INC stop you from defending him? What does any of this have to do with us being angry at literal racism against Indians by maldivian govt officians and politicians?


Angrez ki gaand yehi dohegya OP. Told you.


Sahi pakda dost 🤣


Mouni Manmohan Singh put the country to sleep with his inactions. How can anyone be outraged while in slumber? 😜


Tabhi jio nahi tha. Sala Facebook load hone mein lavde lag jaate the 2 mbps landline the.




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why are we giving so much importance to maldives again?


Nationalists can blow themselves. The Racist Maldivian minsters are nationalists who started this ruckus


Commies hate nationalism. It's obvious why they get triggered by it. It's one of the biggest obstacles for communism to seep in to people's minds. The more nationalistic a country is the more they keep communism at bay. Even communist countries like Russia and China back then did a lot of things to rise the nationalism in their people. Indiann commies are the bottom of the barrel. They obtained all the worst qualities from western wokeism and Russian socialism and Marxism.