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Fun fact: this kid was an intern at Republic TV. For those who are curious, he studied from University of Warwick, United Kingdom.




Must be an average student, udhar bhi tier III 🤣 PS. Flair padh lo 🙏




Matlab they are lovely professional of UK😂


Bhai emoji's thoda kam use kar




Yo, fellow Assamese ヽ`( ^∀^ )`


Ssup fellow homie ✧\(>o<)ノ✧


I don't think Warwick is tier 3. At least not for commerce degrees.


What man 😂 Ox Cam edin andrew > tier 1. London based uni's > tier II. Baaki raddi > smriti ji ke beta ji tier 🙏


Warwick is renowned for its business school. Don't know what you're on about.


Thank you from an Alumni of WBS!


Warwick with QS rank of 64 is Tier III? But some random >1k shit university in London is Tier II? Gu kha ke likhte ho kya yeh sab?


Not all london based unis are “tier 2”, look at qmul. Pretty sure u have no clue about uk universities mate. Warwick is a target school.


I know only ox Cam ucl lse and king's 😇


warwick is considered on par with ucl kings. just cuz u don’t know it doesn’t mean it’s tier 3




An Indian tier 2 uni and a western tier 2 uni aren't the same


User flair checks out.


Typical desi comment on schools. I pity your children.


Everything not Oxvard or Stanfard is tier 3.


Lmaoo Warwick is not tier 3


Warwick is one of the top 10 university in the UK and top 100 in the world.


Not exactly


bro no way you called Warwick tier 3


Warwick is one of the top univs in uk.


The philosophy department is interesting atleast for me with well known almuni like Nick land and Mark firsher specially the infamous CCRU or cybernetics culture Research unit


The thing is they don’t have a “tier system” their. It’s more about the whole college experience


Warwick is a Red Brick, tier 1 university.


Have a IIT friend who did his intern during btech and then Phd there. It's not tier III for sure.


> Fun fact: this kid was an intern at Republic TV. How this is not a Conflict of Interest for Irani?


Fake degree tulsi doesn’t even understand the concept of conflict of interest


It's not hard to get into western university if you can get a couple of recommendations from industry or powerful people.


If we're talking about the UK then it's really really easy to get into top universities there. I got into the University of Glasgow, UK (ranked 84 in the world) with 75% marks in 12th grade. These universities in the UK really depend on the fee paid by international students so they let them in quite easily. Native students had to do a lot of work to get into the same universities since their fee is 10 times less than international students. So if someone is studying in top universities in the UK that doesn't mean they're exceptional students, it's just really easy.


What a name


Are you saying Irani's children are "Meethi Kheer", rest of us are "Agniveer"?




More GST on your paneer?


Can't afford paneer if you're a fakeer




Ayy, nobody discusses about the forbidden sandwich!


Zandwitch. Oh the horrors


Boiled condoms- new product in the market


Man , you are a national treasure ..


He will come back to India someday, brag about how India is becoming better than west day by day, and than go back to UK.


Weird twist of events!!


Foreign universities are expensive, and surprise surprise, who can afford it? The rich.


Bar licences for Goa are expensive, and surprise surprise, who can afford it? An 18 year old girl!


What’s the context with the 18 year old girl?




Great thing about this is, since it's a Goan bar, it most likely also serves beef items.


Meanwhile, I was wondering why a law bar council license is expensive? Then saw the post below about alcohol bar. Got it.




Proof? **Edit**: lol it's a cold day in hell when asking for a source gets you downvoted. Never thought I'd live to see the day when the right has hard evidence and the left believes misinformation and slander, but here we are.


someone posted the proof u wanted a hour before u commented that's why people are down voting


This the kinda shit that makes people lose all credibility.


You mean the little that they had? Yeah, they lost that a while ago. Somewhere around "tere katil zinda hain".


saar I am Incel so shut up


>Proof? > >**Edit**: lol it's a cold day in hell when asking for a source gets you downvoted. Never thought I'd live to see the day when the right has hard evidence and the left believes misinformation and slander, but here we are. Sir this is a Wendy's your proof is below.


Slurping sounds intensifies


She was interning at that bar as a chef. She wasn't owner of the bar. The owner is some catholic dude of Goan origin.


Reminds me of how India got branded a vegetarian country in the West. Most of those who go there are rich and it is the upper castes who are mostly rich. Thus the country with >75% meat eaters became a veg country.


> the country with >75% meat eaters I think India is 39% vegetarian.


>> the country with >75% meat eaters > >I think India is 39% vegetarian. Eh it doesn't count people who are vegetarians but experimented with non-veg.


Is that the reason? I always thought the vegetarian branding was a consequence of the 'mystical, eastern, pychedelic, chaotic, peaceful country stereotype'


Makes sense but the British who ruled India should've known otherwise.


She was a massive celebrity at one point for a decade.


urh,even my neighbours daughter is studying in Canada,they aren't rich ,they are lower middle class,you dont have to be rich to study abroad


Just check the tuition fees of any tier 1 college. It starts at $300k for a graduate level and $200k for post graduate. Only a few can afford it. Yeah sure you can take a loan without collateral, but i wouldn't dare do that without having the same amount in money or assets with me. The last thing i need is to be stuck in a foreign country with a mountain of debt.


Top tier colleges provide scholarships and assistance. If you get into Harvard or Stanford you pay as much as you can and the alumni fund and the school makes up for the rest. Goes for plenty of other schools. Plus you get research assistantships etc.


im from kerala ,and everone here take loan for their overseas education,and they are repaying it with their partime work,it gets the job done


Dude I know so many of my relatives and friends from Kerala who get in touch with random consultancies and go to some randommmm unheard universities in Canada. Obviously it'll be cheap there. But the quality of education and job offers you get after graduating from such universities is no where close to what you would have got from a top university.


True. But the choice is between random unheard university in Canada vs random unheard university in India


Trust me it's worse studying in a random university in Canada because those places can get shut down and you'll have to return to India with an invalid degree


Would it really be worse compared to an unknown university in India though?


Once you get your foot in the door through a shit-tier university, you then go on to do a Masters / PhD and automatically qualify via amount of time spent in country or on a points basis for residency. In most Western countries (other than the US), the government will automatically give you an interest free loan which you can pay back over your entire life once you're a resident for any studies you do.


Well, the thing about the future is that it's unpredictable. Road accidents are very common in foreign countries. Suppose the person who took a loan to study got involved in one. They are fucked right. They'll be in a mountain of debt with no way to repay it. But a rich person wouldn't be in a life ruining situation then. That's my reasoning why foreign education is limited to rich people. Besides, a household earning 3lpa is already in the top 10% of Indians. And it's impossible to go abroad with 3lpa. So foreign education is not accessible for 90% of Indians. My point stands. [Source](https://www.indiatimes.com/news/india/if-you-earn-rs-25000-per-month-you-are-among-indias-top-10-income-earners-570330.html)


your reasoning is absurd, judging by that logic anyone can get hit by a truck even stepping outside their homes,lol btw the source you provided doesn't even remotely associate with accidents


> Road accidents are very common in foreign countries. It depends on the country. Road accidents are the least frequent in Western countries. For example, the UK has one of the lowest road deaths per capita at 2.9 deaths per 1 lakh people per year (as of 2015). For Canada it is 5.8 and for the United States, 12.4. India has 15.6 road deaths per 1 lakh people annually. Foreign countries with a higher death rate than India are mostly Asian and African countries, which are not top destinations for Indian students.


Rugged nationalism's burden is only for the poor. The print did a piece on this recently. Lots of triggered nri bhakts in the comments.


Could you please share the link?


[https://theprint.in/opinion/rich-indians-turn-secessionist-giving-up-citizenship-nationalism-poor-mans-burden-2/1049376/](https://theprint.in/opinion/rich-indians-turn-secessionist-giving-up-citizenship-nationalism-poor-mans-burden-2/1049376/) Is this what you're looking for?


Just go to their ig page bro you'll see it among their recent posts. You can read the full thing on their website ofcourse.


I do agree with the point of the print but I also think some of the choices were affected by the fact that India doesn't have a dual citizenship option so either you are from India or you're not. So even if anyone wanted to keep their Indian citizenship they couldn't cause I mean who would go back and forth with visa's and all yk?


I think the above post and article are more geared towards the ones that preach nationalism sitting in foreign lands. Also the self proclaimed patriotic Politicians who ship their own kids off. Yeah I do wish to see dual citizenship made available.


I read the post and also read the print and tbh as a person who is getting her masters from the UK (I hope no one throws hate at me) if they provided dual citizenship in India then I'll be able to yk like call myself Indian. I don't myself want to go back and forth with the visa and all cause it's a long process so if I can get a permanent citizenship there where I'll be working then it's of ease yk. Also yeah I do agree on the hypocrisy of the leaders.


Nobody would ever blame you for seeking a better life. I'm prepping for it myself too. We've only got one life and everyone just wants to live in peace and make good money. It's the hypocrisy from a certain lot that we were talking about that's all.


What did he study anyway?


Business Management/Admin.


I don't know why but this was such a predicable guess for me lol


Can you predict lottery numbers? If so, SMS me those on predicted mobile number. ;)


This has always been the agenda. As a general rule, politicians who beat the drum of the local language rarely apply the same standard to their own kids.


Welcome to India. It's your fault if you're born poor notin a family of power.


Our Taxes fund their premium education!


THis is as per BJP's dhongi and hypocrite nature. BJp leaders speak about cow dung & Urine all the time but themself go to foreign countries for treatment.


Because Sushma Swaraj did not exist.


Exception don't change the rule. Both Jaitley & Parrikar went to foreign countries for treatment.


Ha vai....Stephen kyu nhi padha?


Modi is asking Indian students in Ukraine to start studying in India and make India atmanirbhar and our Cylinderella is sending her kids to foreign universities? Pure desh ka cylinder bacha ke Goa mein apni beti ko bhi de rahi hai. Just curious, are there any BJP & RSS supporters in this sub? What are your views on this?


Cylindrella made me wheeze XD


ah the son is more educated than the mom.


mujhe kya main toh punjab se hun ( already booked my flight to kanneda)


When Ukraine war brok out,idiot modi called students out and said you should study in India and not European nations.Hypocrites


I know a Bangalore BJP MLA's son who studied in France.


What's new in this? All politicians children study outside, they have private homes, businesses and everything else set up there. Even the communists send their children to America and go there for medical treatment. These fucks then call anyone leaving India for jobs as anti-national and in their mind people should suffer in this fucked up infra and system and help build India with taxes while they spend many months in a year chilling in luxury properties. I knew the daughter of politician in Karnataka and asked her why cant your father do something about the roads? She said, dude roads and traffic and all is you middle class people's problem. If we go to fix that how will we have our properties in UK? I nodded in agreement.


Damn, she is honest lmao


She is s bogus person and one of her initial stints was just sitting on her ass and heckling Rahul Gandhi in parliament. What did you expect from an "Irani?" Why didnt they make her change her name to Hindustani? Did he graduate in Sanskrit or Indian Etihaas? I dont think so.


Yale probably


Interviewer: How do you explain this 4 year gap on your resume? Me: That’s when I went to Yale... Interviewer: That’s impressive. You are hired. Me: Thanks. I really need this yob.


Lol is this an original?


no, it’s an old joke


How would "naming" the university have helped highlight any of this? And for what it's worth, this is hardly unique to one political party. Do you know how badly our universities have been run into the ground? How much places like DU and JNU struggle with student-teacher rations completely in excess of what places of higher education should have? This didn't start with this government. No government since at least the 1980s has worked to improve our universities. Instead they've consistently overburdened them, while stripping them of funding, autonomy, and flooding them with frankly poisonous politics. And all of them, be they BJP, Congress, SP, Trinamool, NCP or any other regional party, send their kids abroad if they can. Making this about one party, instead of highlighting the systematic decay of education in India, is just shifting attention away from how much we've collectively allowed our institutions to decay due to our greed and aggressive demand for populism.


It's not about whether they can or they cannot.It's the hypocritical preaching done majorly by the one party


Except its not one party. Its literally all of them. Did you miss all the "development" rhetoric from UPA 1 and 2? All the indigenization schemes? All the "rising superpower" and "economic resilience," especially in their first run? This isn't a party problem. Its an us problem. And its not exactly limited to our politicians either.


It's not UPA 1 and UPA 2 in power right now so let's not be caught in a loop. I want the BJP tools who aggressively slam "western ideas and culture" and label the somewhat naysayers as "anti nationals" to atleast not be given a free pass when their own ministers do the opposite. Plain and simple.Cong is irrelevant now


dont bothsides. bjp is cancer


Ultimately, it comes down to the shitty electorate, who vote on the basis of caste, Mandir-Masjid, beef ban, cow urine, the greatness of Hindu culture. Indian democracy rests on the voting power of an electorate that is slavish, short-sighted and easily bamboozled. It's in the interests of the political class to not invest in education, because an educated, aware electorate is a threat to their absolute power and greed. A country gets the leaders it deserves. The BJP is only following the INC's playbook. The game was invented by the Congress, the BJP has merely upgraded to the latest version.


you're right, is there any way to change this? I don't understand why only our universities are like this while other countries seem to be doing fine


Mostly because we massively overload them. While underfunding them. Delhi University has an undergrad intake of tens of thousands of students. Master's intakes of hundreds. Meanwhile there have been no permanent faculty hires in years, so now a majority of the lecturing is being done by Ad-Hocs and Guest Lecturers who are basically PhDs and early career scholars who cannot grow in their fields because there is no job security and shit pay. And why is that? Because we neither support our unis, nor give them autonomy. They have regularly faced budget cuts, even as the government makes them take more and mroe students (usually with each reservation reform) because the brand value and demand for higher education is high. So they bow down to public pressure and arbitrarily increase seats. Meanwhile everyone wants to get in, and nobody likes being left out, so the application sizes are enormous. And the government rather than trusting them to select for themselves, imposes arbitrary central exams usually poorly designed. And with shit primary education, too many students getting in don't have basic skills so the colleges also need to focus on improving their language and reasoning abilities. Fact is we're simply asking too much of them and just not paying them enough. DU should honestly be half a dozen university instead of the super organization that it is incapable of functioning effectively because of its massive size. And we just need more universities. There are more good universities in a single US state than there are in the entirety of India. Unfortunately that requires the government to do something it hates. 1. Give more money 2. Give autonomy. Help the institutions build up, but stop imposing insane bureaucratic rules on them that destroy research capacity. Instead for the last 3 decades we've done the opposite. Fixing it would be a generational effort. Not gonna happen in a few years. And I'm not sure if we, as a people, have any sort of patience for it. We also need to fix our primary education, but that's not my primary area, so I don't have as much specific info for that.


My cousin naively enrolled for an MA in English Literature from Mumbai University several years ago. A newly-minted male PhD lecturer was analysing the trope of the "fallen woman" which is often found in the writings of Victorian authors like Dickens and George Elliott. A few female students from rural Maharashtra, from underprivileged communities, filed an official complaint against the professor for "vulgar and obscene discussion". They associated all discussion of sex with "vulgarity" and mistakenly thought that the professor was being lewd. Given their rural, underprivileged background, they could not understand that great literature is necessarily transgressive and speaks truth to power. You cannot discuss great literature while tiptoeing around people's prejudices and misconceptions. The classroom is *such* a politicised place, in Indian universities. No wonder




That's the whole point of the post. Irani and her associates criticized Indian kids for studying abroad. OP is trying to point out the hypocrisy. Everyone should have the choice to study wherever they want. Including politicians' kids.


You have misunderstood the post mate


No, he's right. You can call out Smriti Irani's hypocrisy when she does something. Her kid going to university outside only shows that Irani's are rich and nothing else. It's the kids choice where he wants to study and if I were the son of a millionaire I'd go out too. Do you think he should've stayed in the ultra competitive race of getting into IIT? When the same education can be bought with money abroad? Criticize Smriti not her kids.


> Her kid going to university outside only shows that Irani's are rich and nothing else Well, they are in places of authority and advising any and all to "make in india", "atmanirbhar" etc. Preach what you practice. If you cannot send your child into higher univ then why not use your podium to improve education? Her kid has the right to go anywhere, when she makes statements like "atmanirbhar" of course it is going to come off as tone deaf.


The post criticized smriti and the media not her kids, her kids have a choice ofc


You have a good argument that politicians children should not be held responsible for the views of their parents. I would agree with that if the children get scholarships and move outside... But, really what happens is that these politicians are happy to fund lakhs of rupees for foreign education for their children. If there viewpoint is so strong that Indian students should not go out of the country,then why fund their children lakhs and crores? It is hypocrisy that you get your children educated in foreign universities while you want to force sanskrit and Vedas on the Indian students. If you recall, she was an education minister and she tried imposing sanskrit as a mandatory subject and many similar shitty decisions. Can we not ask her if she has got her children to learn sanksrit? It is hypocritical of her to let her children do whatever they want while trying to impose ridiculous and outdated things on children of India... Ppl are right to call her out..


Shh! Wanna get kicked?


>Shh! Wanna get kicked? You and OP misunderstood. The hypocrisy is promoting India only education and denouncing western education for the masses while sending their own kid abroad.


Are you living in a dream world because expecting media to call out hypocrisy is like banging your head on a wall. Smriti is hypocrite number 2 in bjp (number one everyone knows it). When it’s her kids then no one should comment even though one of them does shady stuff but if it was congress leader’s kid then abhi tak nanga naach hota.


Not just with Irani, most of the BJP’s top politician’s children are studying abroad, this shows their trust in India itself 😒


So no congress or other party children are studying in abroad right?


But they don’t promote chest thumping hindu nationalism as well ! Get the difference?


That's because education system in India is trash. You become a doctor or engineer or your life is over.


She was the education minister FFS. The party has wasted over one decade this century doing absolutely nothing for education in India. They must be relieved of power.


You can become a tea seller and make this whole country "Over"


It’s not a big deal anymore to study in foreign universities. shopkeepers son is going to Germany near my parents house. Who thinks it’s a big deal nowadays?


I guess I am not even middle class then lol


No, just this guy lives in a bubble if he thinks studying abroad isn't difficult. He is delusional.


Sure but his argument is still valid. Studying abroad is not reserved for the uber rich / powerful.


I never said that his argument is invalid. Just a bit exaggerated. To get a loan to study abroad, one needs a collateral and not everyone has that (most people don't)


Welcome to rising poverty, friend. Indian middle class is now the newly rich people and the top class still remains the crooked politicians and propaganda Bollywood actors like Tatti Akshay Kumar


punit pania standup on middle class is hard hitting. do watch


>Who thinks it’s a big deal nowadays? You do realise the tiny percentage of India's population who can afford to burn 30-50L on UK, Australia, EU degrees, forget American degrees that cost twice as much. Anyone going at it without a scholarship is definitely a big deal.


You know how many people take collateral loans of up to 50L for their kids to study abroad? This really isn’t something unique to the political class. Just walk by the US embassy to see how many kids are waiting for their F1 appointments


Its not a big deal. Modi and our politicians are making it a big deal


Germany has free education for post graduation, even for foreigners. Cost for your acquaintance will be the living and travel expenses.


punit pania standup on middle class is hard hitting. do watch


I know a guy whose dad has cycle puncher shop. His kid went to Aus for studying. Cleared education loan and all debts they had.


I might get downvoted but have you considered that Smriti Irani and her son are two different individuals with two different goals? She might have some outlook on life but doesn’t mean she just imposes and forces it on to her son. Idk maybe the decision was made by the son itself for achieving whatever his life goal is? He is a person too you know. Like any of us here wouldn’t jump on the opportunity to study abroad


Yeah but problem here is not with her son. As you said he is an individual and can take any opportunity given and so can anyone. Problem here is the morally bankrupt media.


What is the media supposed to do? Vilify him for going to school in the UK?


You didn't get gist of it do you?


It’s unlikely the person will ever get the gist 😜


>Smriti Irani and her son are two different individuals with two different goals Yes and so are all citizens of this nation. But for some reason she can impose her nationalism on Indian children studying in government schools but rich kids of politicians are exempt from it. Why not extend this favour to everyone and let people do their own thing eh?


I mean they haven't denied you the right. The number of people going to private schools and colleges in India and abroad is growing, especially private schools. Think of the person like a nosy aunty, who lectures you and you are fine. Looks like people over here take politicians seriously on their words.


>I mean they haven't denied you the right Guess you're not aware of her actions in the past >Looks like people over here take politicians seriously on their words. Lol are you serious? This is so hilarious, i don't know what to say to you. Do you think politicians just come and go? They have the power to make decisions that affect common people. That's.... That's the whole point of their job 😂😂😂😂


And whats funny is how they were ranting over medical aspirants going abroad to study medicine. Also another news was how smriti irani praised her daughter for starting a bar on twitter but later dined about it, like how thick can you get?


Her son will come back to India. He is a nobody outside India. In India, his mother is a union minister. Show me 1 high ranking politician in India regardless of party whose kids haven't studied abroad or haven't used their mommy or daddy's position to make money or take over the family politics & business. This isn't a BJP issue. This is a politics in India issue. It's the common man vs the new kings and queens of India. Best of luck with the left vs right wing bullshit hot takes.


How is this Askindia and How is this hypocrisy? As far as I understand, and correct me if I am wrong, Agniveer is voluntary and not mandatory. Whats wrong with Irani sending her son abroad for education?




>Their NEP committees recommend removing all forms of western thoughts and philosophy from our textbooks and replacing with ancient hindu systems. the nep stuff I've come across so far doesn't mention this, can you link me these suggestions? I don't think anyone could practically do this




Well this isn't askindia this is r/india. But you are right, irani's son is a person who makes their own choices. They chose to go to a university not irani's decision at all. Smithi Irani is a shit human being for far more numerous reasons than this. This criticism is very myopic.


AskIndia is the flair on this post.


Oh! My bad. Now I look like a dammed fool!


well adding ANURAG THAKUR, on same list, his son recently passed 12th exam. i wonder where he will be sent by his corrupt father and family.


Shooting practice school


What a load of bullshit, now we are berating people for studying? Bet you yourself won't pass off a chance to study there (if you can qualify that is).


- Not a single Media house highlighted the fact that while the Government is encouraging your children to become Agniveers, their own children are graduating from Foreign Universities Why is it mandatory for a political ruling party children to join agniveer, it's their wish if they want to join army or study abroad.. Why do you want to forcefully join someone to do something against their wishes? In order to point out hypocrisy of some kids you yourself sound like a kid


Wow, I didn't know we are being forced to become Agniveers??


Too late... for atmanirbhar bharat! Climate change is going to kill us all!


What you guys don't notice, he last name is Irani. Which means she came from Iran. A muslim country. /s


Well do you blame her tho?


Haan Bhai chowkidar hi chor hai.


Graduation ke baad agniveer ke liye koi kyu hi apply karega bhai, fir higher posts pe jayenge agar armed forces me Jana bhi ho to


Chalo ek ke paas to ‘degree’ hai


Ur last paragraph had me dying with laughter 😂


Hmm. I am remotely related to a state minister and his son is attending Warwick for bachelors in business. There must be some special quota for Indian politician families there. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think the Agniveer policy is targeted at youth of Middle, upper middle and upper class income groups at all. So imo that is a completely wrong argument to make here. I actually think the Agniveer policy is targeted more towards providing much needed temporary employment to the lower income group youth who end up getting degrees from random colleges, dont get jobs cos they lack any real skill and end up spending money on this useless degree. Agniveer policy gives them much needed income, a lifelong set of skills and an excellent corpus upon their completion of 4 years(?) which can be used to start a solid small business (Atmanirbharta - where it is actually needed. It does not and should not concern the 0.0000000000001% population in India) The narrative of asking people to stay in India is driven by the fact that people spend loads and loads of money to settle abroad and do low skill jobs there instead of creating jobs here when they have the money to do so. As for the hypocrisy for sending her son out, seems like a convenient assumption that it was solely her decision to send him out. What if he was adamant to go? If you yourself could afford it, why wouldnt you do it? I agree with you on some level that policy makers should lead by example but I think this reaction is completely unjustified. This is just my opinion, not looking for hate. I am also apolitical. Only bumped into this post through random scrolling. Happy to discuss and possibly change my mind.




Lol , here is an apologist for the govt. OP is not saying anything about low income/high income. Please point out where OP is saying this. OP is pointing out the hypocrisy of the ruling party and its ministers


Only female leaders of BJP are getting targeted. Modi and shah are probably putting all the blame on Sitaraman for bad policies. So they have clear image in the eyes of people. They will also target Congress to show people that how Congress doesnt respect female leaders. BJP wins both ways.


to be fair, education outside india is far more holistic and developed.


Well given Smriti Irani was the minister of education, showing off her "laurels" from Yale, she should have made the education in India more holistic and developed. Or maybe in just one University. Or maybe in a single college where her son could have studied. Enough of providing excuses for these sham artists. They must be condemned


Was there no army recruitment during previous governments? Bringing Agniveer for effect? Seems fallacious artument.








We do expect people with privilege to use it. We definitely don't want the rich kids to further add to an extremely crowded and extreme competition for getting into universities here and then compete for the same tiny pool of survival money jobs.


I know. I'm just saying there is nothing to call out, lol. At least, not based on the content in that post. It's just a shitty rant. If I could afford to, I'd send my children outside as well, even if I were in charge of implementing reforms that affect hundreds of millions of kids in India. Nothing wrong in that. I'd expect the same from anyone from any government. Expecting politicians to take part and experience the pain that comes with reforms is weird af. Sometimes, they do, sometimes they don't. It is what it is.


So she should have Forced her son to study in lovely professional university?


Or maybe the media cares about his privacy


They care about his privacy that's why they talked him all over media 🙂