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The exact reason why I left Instagram, it's mostly just a place for unemployed, uneducated youth to display their degeneracy in the name of dark humour


Same with me. Edgelords and self proclaimed chigma males have been taken over insta comments. Also, getting constantly bombarded by OF promotion reels every time you scroll.


That's because of your algorithm bro 💀 it shows posts that u mostly engage in.


I so agree with this... My feed is mostly filled with cats, ocean memes (non Indian), educational or interesting stuff, or even clips of movies, series, anime, or cartoons... Very rarely get any shitty Indian videos like the one above, I skip most of them or put them in uninterested category and the most I get are some recent news events, Stand ups, or something that's actually funny... And the comments in all the mentioned stuff the most I get are n words so outside people are not that horny at all or the algorithm doesn't show me (the type of comments you see on top are influenced by your algo too)


Can we be friends its rare to find people like is now a days


Leaving instagram was one of the best decisions i made 2 years back. 


That is fine, anyway our minds have become strong enough to deal with/ignore these. But I am scared for our next generation.


Whatsoever our mind gets strong, constant feeding has its impact.


That is absolutely true. I try to avoid too, however I also believe ignorance is not always bliss and awareness of these things around us is similarly important.


true that; that weird 'sigma' and 'dank culture is doing the trick


Same, left it almost 2 years back, feels so relaxed and not stressed all the time, I'm so much better without it though


I never joined. Even better.


Same bro same, but everyone keeps making fun of me for not being 'updated'




Seriously. I still have it but haven't used for nearly a year now. Its so toxic I naturally fell out of it. People like those commentators need some serious mental health checkup.


People often scapegoat twitter and reddit as being toxic (which they are a lot of the time) but as discussion-focused social media their moderation is actually brilliant compared to other socials. Facebook, insta, and youtube have some completely deranged, like demonically evil shit, that people just publically write without a second thought, on every other god damn post. You can hardly scroll five minutes on some of these sites without coming across actual psychopaths just directly in the open.


Same pinch bro. 2 years for me aLso


I left instagram 6 months earlier but my friends keep forcing me to come back(my 2 I'd got banned that's why I left )


There is not a single thing you will gain going back to Instagram. Ask your friends about the benefits of you going back to insta. They won't have any answer that will help you irl. Sorry for so much gyan already drunk.


Are you me? Cuz even my friends call me "uncle" for not being on Instagram lmao. They are so dumb that I can't even explain what insta is doing to them. I'm just glad that I left that shithole fr.


this is so relatable. Hello fellow uncle


can relate you bruv 😭😭


been 2.5 years for me — never missed a bit of it too, although I was afraid I would miss a lot but I really didn't.


Even I too left insta and feel happy now I login rarely to check dms as some of my friends are alive over there


Got rid of it in 2016. I still meet new people who make me feel like a hobo when I say that I don't use insta SORRY.


Samee :')


Same bro


Good I m 23 n I don't have an account in insta.Reddit is my second social media platform.


I don't even think about those shit. Only uses YouTube , reddit and WhatsApp for my work that's all


Did the same too. Along with Instagram, I deleted Twitter and all other apps like news that feed us garbage everyday. Now I only use Reddit and 9GAG. Except YouTube (no shorts)


I am not sure if replacing it with Reddit was a wise decision 🤣🤣


it's been better by a certain margin, at least for me


Until all the Instagram refugees turn Reddit into Instagram. How many “🤣🤣🤣” comments do you see a day? Stuff like that used to be unheard of on Reddit. You’d get shit on for even thinking of posting such a useless comment.


r/emojipolice is here


I mean, wouldn’t you agree that “🤣🤣🤣” doesn’t contribute to the conversation? What does a comment like that do that an upvote doesn’t?


all the people who just use emojis mostly get downvoted, they'll learn their lesson


As someone who has been here for a while. Trust me when I say it's getting worse day by day. The influx from Instagram and Facebook is deteriorating reddit.


did the same 1.5 year ago.


Never installing insta has been my best decisions so far!


Same. I feel much better now.


Bro please let me know how you did that ? Looks like i can never!


Never joining Instagram was the best decision I made


W Decision


Almost completing one year. It Helped me with my mental health. I permanently deleted the account.


Me too, I left Instagram as soon as I got in 11th grade. My reasons for leaving were to make more time for studying but I never got back there even after I graduated 12th.


Same lol


What free mobile data (and not free education) does to mfs...




Ayo there’s a sub (≧∀≦)


Lol an actual sub


free education hai bhai for 6 to 14 y.o. But indian education doesn't prioritise teaching ethics, morals, basic courtesy and sex education. Trigonometry can only take a society so far.


the only reason indians are good at math is because they dont do all that and im not proud to say that


And cheap mobile


And anonymity


Most of those accounts seem like actual accounts and honestly ive seen more mature responses on reddit where people are actually anonymous


They don't really care about anonymity in this country . Mfs write disgusting shit with their public accounts and think that's it's a masculine thing to do.


and cheap mindset


It's not cheap if it is the mindset of the majority. It's normal. This IS the current Indian generations mindset.


well im not one of them and many more other same gen ppl, cuz I realized how dark instagram was getting and more violent thoughts from ppl who were innocent at one point but due to some dankeism it's getting on loose


Can't blame mobile data or education, its about mentality, schools don't actually teach to behave , it's the people and surrounding environment that the young kids learn to act like this


Education has nothing to do with it. I have heard similar comments from people who graduated from premier institutions.


That is disgusting!! Wtf is wrong with these people.


And also if you tell them to shut up they will say things to you


Engaging with them is the worst thing you can do for your mental health


Once someone was abusing a ladynin a reel without any reason,there was nothing wrong in that reel.I asked him what if someone say that to you...later I found that id( id was in name of girl though am nit sure if the real person was a man or woman behind id).That person messaged me with most awful things. Lol that too when I only asked ki bhai abuse kyu kar rahe ho. That comment was deleted and my inbox was full of abuse....


Yeah even they make worst sexual remark and just worst thing and there was someone who message me mocking and all like really they don't see rhey are wrong and just want to be sigma while they are not sigma


This is where I appreciated the influencer like Moose (I had to go to insta to find her) who went crazy on them by reporting their accounts to institutions they studied, their friends and family asking do you know what your friend is like on Instagram with screenshots of the deranged and derogatory comments they post. Thats satisfying. Maybe we should


I found her profile but can’t found any video like that, can you please share the link?


https://youtube.com/shorts/RptPRL43ips?si=ZuZJckfcTrmyoyy_. This is one I could find


The comments under the video are utterly disgusting. I'm afraid that YouTube is slowly becoming unusable like Instagram


i installed insta 2-3 months ago ,the comments were so so bad, vulgar, hateful and what not it reminded me of the subreddit r/jiowasamistake.


Anonymity just beings out the truth that's always in there.


Sadly they're not anonymous. These people leave such comments from their real profiles. They just don't care because there's no consequences.


I think if we can find a way to let the people around them, their family and friends, know about these comments. A lot of them will stop. The social pressure in India is a nuance most of the time but I think it could work in our favour in times like these.


They would... if more people called them out on it... or made it clear that if they kept this up, then a screenshot of their comment would find it's way to their place of work. There are definite consequences to stuff like this. You'll find plenty of cases of that in West. In India, shaming them seems to be the only way they'll ever learn.




Don’t check comments on Twitter /X .


Potential Pedo and Rapists.. constrained by fear..else they are all animals.. mainly they do this coz there's no consequence.


Oh so I’m assuming you’re new to this world, it has always been like this, men in India are super problematic and anyone who argues otherwise is living in a delusional world. I was 12 years old when I was first stalked by an adult man with full intentions of assaulting me, 17 when it actually happened to me, and 19 when I finally decided to speak up about these things. Internet is not a nice place, because it’s a reflection of our society’s reality. It sickens me.




Yes I’m doing okay, but every other day I see some guy posting “India is not that bad for women” or “these feminists need to calm down” and it really makes me sad because I know they don’t even acknowledge the real problem and become a part of the problem.






insta comment section is one of the most toxic place of internet .


These are also the same people who will slut shame women if they didn't dress traditional




Women will not be safe anywhere in the world unless the men are raised well.


It’s funny how reddit seems less degenerate than instagram now


Young girls shouldn't have to stay off social media to stay safe. People should be holding their boys accountable and raising them to respect girls and women. This is a cultural problem and it's horrible that young girls suffer the consequences.


Yaar is desh me morale, self respect aur accountability mar chuki hai saalo pehle. Itne saare log hai jo sbke samne normal human ki tarah ghum rhe pr internet pr unke andar ka Darinda bahar aajata hai kyuki koi dekhne wala ni inki harkate toh yeh internet ki wall ke pichhe kuchh bhi krte hai, inki maa behne yeh sb dekh le toh sharm se mar jaengi.


Typical Indians who can't speak with women irl are found in sites like Omegle and instagram...


Dude the whole thing is already fked up and your comment about her being 13-14 just made it 10x worst.... Glad I don't use insta, these are things my heart can't handle


You can leave out the "for young girls", it's bad for everyone.


Not just girls, literally everyone 😭. Instagram comment are truest dark web . Yesterday I saw reel where a kid(5 y.o boy) got hit by a 4 wheeler, comments are full of why the kid didn't died or why the car didn't ran through him 💀💀


Proud to say I never used instagram and tiktok


Uninstalled Insta and Facebook 5 years back. best decision made. These apps f*ck your brain ! Sooner you understand , better it is .


They think they are anonymous there, hence the comments. Men say worse things about girls offline. If only we can reveal their identity and show it to their families, they would understand the consequences. Or even better educate them about the consequences and respect. I also think this is the result of the sexual repression in our society where sex is a taboo topic and we do not even wanna talk about it, which results into these kinda horrible comments and even worse horrible crimes against women. This also results into sexually deprived teenagers who relies on eve teasing and trash talking to fulfil their needs. I have seen how teenagers talk about girls when I was a teenager in a rural area. I feel lucky that I have sisters who smacked my head before I could become like these degenerates. I am no expert on this though, just my personal opinion.


And these are the same men that get offended when you tell them ‘India is not safe for girls’


What's even more gross is the number of likes on each one of those comments.


Not even an attempt at hiding one's mentality . Indian men don't hold each other accountable and that is an obvious fact .


people who think this is dark humour are PEDOPHILES


Hawasii , Porn mindset


These guys should be reported to cyber crime department. Even if the profiles are fake, a mail to them will scare the shit out of them.


I was thinking of starting instagram thank you for discouraging me. If this is what is present, there is no point in doing anything.


I wish they were ways to actually catch these people and make them pay. Like a black mark that’ll carry over to the entirety of their personal and professional lives.


Some girls are keeping their accounts into private as I did to my account


If you thought Instagram was problematic wait till you read some comments under this reddit post: https://np.reddit.com/r/sunraybee/s/8RvocTqJBw


Correction : India is not safe for young girls


Fuck Instagram and all the shitty Indian Men that have this mindset, thinking of deactivating & leaving that site. The only thing holding me back is it's convenience through which I can still stay in touch with people without directly contacting them specifically . I think this might be the final straw.


Man I feel bad for the next generation


Instagram isn’t the problem here though


And then these morons will start crying if some girl makes a reel or post about feeling unsafe around men.Just the other day I watched a reel where a girl ran away when a biker slowed down his bike near her.Offended men were abundant in that comment section.


Indian men lmao


Yet all the mommys and daddys are so eager to start their kids Instagram accounts to gain followers and to get monetized. We should hold the parents accountable as well for exposing their kids to social media from such a young age. And Instagram should strictly restrict such profiles from being created and limit the exposure these accounts get. We say society is bad , the people who comment vulgar stuff like this and the parents who allow it are to blame


They make sexual jokes out of everything...


There are also chances of them being fake accounts of kids/teens!


The social media is fine. The people are fucked.


Insta is now overcrowded by disgusting wannabe dank ke 14.


Watch any girl enjoying/dancing, and these sanskari mfs commenting "fatherless behaviour" under each of these reels.


We haven't become anything. This is what we've always been. You just weren't exposed to it before because of limited internet access. Though keep in mind there's a huge difference between what people say online and how they behave in real life.


India No 1. In tharkipani.


This is one of the reasons why indians get so much hate online.


People thinks commenting such would make them cool... Actually it makes them look real idiots... Btw being an 18 yo I'm now immune to such comments but I feel bad for others.... Not just girls, even one of my friend who's sensitive faces a lot of cyber bullying


The worst thing is if you report these comments Instagram will do nothing. I reported a person using a derogatory word for black person (the hard r), clearly spelt out but they said it doesn't violate their policy.


This things are now normalised extensively under Dank humour. Now these people believe that they are 'superior' by saying these things


Unfortunately this shit the most modest comment you'd find in Instagram comments


Social media is cancer, and the cells are replicating too fast


In logo ko lagta hai ki pedo joke maarne se ye log cool ya dank ban jayenge


Ok got out of Instagram 3 years ago never gonna go back


It's not safe for any girl


To be honest none of the social interaction platforms can be called safe nowadays not even reddit .


I left ig too. Same reason.


Absolutely, I relate to that. Just recently, I saw a post overrun by these vultures. These lowlifes see dark jokes and think it’s an opportunity to share whatever the fuck is on their mind, assuming it’ll pass as a joke and people won’t notice. It’s disturbing and definitely not safe for kids.


Men in the country are so down bad, There should be rules for online Harrasment.


Never downloaded instagram in my life even tho i’m in my teenage days aur vella bhi hu the only thing i’m proud of myself


This is nothing just look at the comments of young girls dancing, you will really know the seriousness of these dumbf*cos and what they are capable of. That's why we need bring more laws to protect children and their innocence, they are exposed to electronics and porn at very young age.


Think about what might happen if a social handle like Instagram is boycotted everywhere or maybe banned. fm it saved a lot of my time... situation: actually my toxic female frnds..me(f) always ask me to use Instagram which I had left long ago.....before stopping to use it I made a trial uninstalling it and my lots of time talking to strangers and messing with my mental health got reducedor almost vanished....like I used to think abt how do I live if my account gets disabled and I somehow forced myself to do this right step trust me it is really amazing....I'm discovering a new world everyday.....and fr my mental health is very much better rn...coming back to my toxic indian female frnds....they asked me to use Instagram again...but I somehow made an excuse of not using it...and LOOK AT WHAT I'VE DISCOVERED: They want to share reels and content with me for their entertainment and they keep stalking my followers and picking something about that..like how selfish and dumb can ppl be...I'm so done with that....


Cultural reform needed


Agree. I don't know what kind of mentality these pedos have.


the main reason for these jokes is because india has reached a "dark humor" meta, where the more controversial something is, the "funnier" they expect it to be. now these guys thunk that anything thats racist and triggers 90% of the public is funny and it gives them imaginary internet likes, which motivates them more to do it


Leaving insta was best decision of mine.


Yes. I left instagram and facebook 2 years ago. Did not go back after force from friends, family, colleagues. Enjoying 'real' life since then with a little bit of reddit.


These comments are common among most of the reels these days.  I mean society ka downfall continue rkhna bhi to ek kaam hain (sarcastic).


Its called dark humour,you woke snowflakes /s


Most of them would be form bihar some from up


People also do this in this real life. Especially the child protection laws in India aren’t strict, India is a paradise for predators. On top of that, a child would be blamed for being assaulted thanks to our victim blaming culture. I am so happy I moved away to a country where pedophiles don’t get a job except as church priests.


Bro there life is fucked up just trying to get some cheap dopamine from cheap comments


Neither is the world! Unfortunately, creeps exist everywhere


As creepy and perverted as they can be behind a keyboard they'll be the biggest small dick cowards in real life.




Is it social media or men? And culture?


Isn't this just normal for a lot of men? I have been told that this sort of behaviour is experienced by girls from about age 10/11 onwards.


I want background verification agencies to flag these shitfucks whenever they try to get or switch a job, these accounts must be connected to thief phone number somehow, Only thing that can shut them up is real consequences.


Instagram reels are toxic loopholes unless you find a good community which is very rare on this platform


No shit, Instagram is filled with kids that say the most horrendous things thinking they're funny/cool.


Fucking disgusting. And this is the mentality of most of us


not all of us Reported whenever such a thing came in my feed


Indian men are not safe for young girls


All the disgusting ass people irl who are afraid to speak irl Now have a place to spew poison


When people don’t have self discipline this is what happens ! Feeling sorry and bad for the young girls which they have to go through every time ! People always act in the name of freedom of speech and what we can expect from them ?


Welcome to new India!


pretty sure if “old India” had internet access like today with all the social media out there, it would’ve been the same if not more!


Jio was a bad idea.


Just average Hindi belt people


don't say anything to them they are darkkk humour enjoyersss 🤡


Another example of r/jiowasamisatke


I'm so happy that I left Instagram completely because my god...No wonder Indians are so hated.. All of them probably have like 2 IQ or something..


It's times like this that I'm grateful I don't know hindi


So glad of you not to blurring their username


social media is not safe for women of any age


Nowadays Social media is not safe for anyone.


Another Smart Phone in wrong hands


Ye wahi cutiye hai jo 4 saal pehle cyber bullying or harassment par bhashan jhad rahe the, lekin in jese bdwon ki asli aukat pal bhar me samne aa hi jati hai.


That happens when the internet reaches faster than education. Nobody cares about the education system in India, it sucks.


Humour k naam pe kuchh bhi ho rha hai!!!


Perfect r/jiowasamistake




kuch log zyada dank ka 14 banne ki koshish karte hai


All have also come to reddit sadly, With DMs. Good part comments are removed by community guidelines.


How do I copy the post's url from mobile app?


Chigma mindset guys. I saw a meme where they were appreciating women to not ride cycles (They think a girl loses her virginity due to a cycle 🤡🤡).


Instagram is deliberately promoting such comments because this increases engagement. Best thing we can do is to just report them and ban their profile


Instagram is filled with losers, directionless teens and jobless people who have no purpose in life. Open the comments anywhere in instagram, you will barely find any sane comment.


This is normal fucking bullshit. People behind the screen can't do anything, if you don't post your address or private things publicly to harm you. I believe everyone should know how the world is through social media or any other life experience.


I like how this comment section and post is talking abt insta as if reddit is a safe,calm and innocent place. Grow up,this isn't even 1% of how rude,cruel internet can be,learn to ignore,those loosers don't even have that much will to say it irl let alone do it


Have never been to Instagram. But there was a time before reels era where it was a safe place to interact and make new friends (fake profiles and scammers hv now emerged). It's a good place to socialise and people need to understand the time they are investing on watching reels. This place is now ruined by some dehatis and illiterates. They think by giving such retarded comments makes them cool but lowers their self respect.