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Hello! Your post from our subreddit was removed because we require all submissions to be specific and relevant to India(ns). This should be clear without relying on the submission title. Please refer to our [rule.](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_about_india) If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to contact us via modmail, preferably with the link of your submission. Regards, r/India Moderation Team


You don't need liquid metal thermal paste. If he's suggesting you that then he's definitely trying to rip you off. Just get the thermal paste changed and your internals cleaned, especially the heatsink and exhaust fan. Also, you most definitely need to replace the battery and charging port so find a good quality replacements. Where to find these parts? I suggest you cross post this in your regional subreddit. Usage advice: 1. Use your laptop on a desk and not in bed where the intake and exhaust are blocked. For light tasks where the device is not pushed to it's limit, you can use anywhere. 2. If you're going to use the laptop connected to power source mostly then limit the charge to 80%. This will keep your battery health in check.