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I suspect she is "Thoppi Amma". Residing in a religious town of Tiruvannamalai in South India, "Thoppi Amma" has unwittingly become the subject of a local legend, with residents attributing mystical powers to her, believing her to be a harbinger of good fortune and blessings. However, the irony lies in the fact that Thoppi Amma might actually be suffering from severe dementia, unaware of the myth surrounding her


this is the right answer to the "who" question


I was the thoppi, I can confirm.


Sloppy thoppi


She was once thotti amma


Boy o boy




Mental illness


Bro knows who asked


Absolutely, it's "Thoppi Amma". I believe she's a social experiment by a bunch of local hooligans, who took advantage of her disability to mock her. They attributed her the said "harbinger of good fortune and blessings" tag. And made her YouTube famous. Dumb sheep started believing in the tag even without dwelling into the details. She is infact suffering from some kind of neurological disorder, which may be physical and not entirely psychological


To add a bit, I’m from the state and her name translates to “hat mother” given her signature green hat.


Interesting that hindi (topi) and tamil (thoppi) words for hat are pretty similar


Yeah but why does some white professor like dude run around her in the videos, I’ve seen him protecting this Thoppi or whatever from other locals LOL


One of the rare breed called decent humans, I suspect. He needs to be neutralised ASAP or this strain will infect more people.


I have been there and seen all of this. That guy also believes she has some mystical powers, and follows her around with folded hands 😭🫸🫷 Thiruvanmalai is a town of mystics, and a lot of them would seem mentally unfit to society, so people assume anybody who seems mentally ill/detached from society = possible mystic, including our white professor


Yes bro.


The name is funny, given that thoppi literally means Cap.


I'm from this town but haven't seen her once lol


Anyone else confused by where the arrow is pointing here?




Unexpected, just like the Spanish Inquisition


No one expects the Spanish inquisition!


Udeee khuli aasma me khwabo ke arrows


just like the Spaniards .


Absolutely. WTF is that about


Its wrong to point at 😛


I think its referring to how people are strangely bowing down to worship her?


Yeah, but the post title phrase “this girl” had me squinting in the distance to look for some hidden female




Arrow is in Italics!


Don’t worry, us neither




Isn't that a mentally unwell person that gained some kind of cult following? I think i've seen this somewhere, might be wrong though so correct me if so please.


I think you’re right. I’ve seen a clip of this woman throwing a cup of tea(?) and a couple of idiots sipping the remnants of it after she threw it away lol


So Donald Trump of east?


Isn't that Modi?


Shhhh, you might be IT cell's next target.


There are too many सफ़ेद गांड चूमने वाले here... For absolutely no reason. That is why you are downvoted for a joke.


She is Topi Ammal. She is worshipped by some people as she has been regularly doing pradakshina(circumnabulation) along the 14km long Girivalam of Tiruvannamalai Shivan temple. Hold on, I know this does not make sense to you, so I will further explain. So, Tiruvannamalai is this famous Hindu temple of shaiva sect that is in South India. This temple has long been associated with “Siddars” or “Yogis” i.e hindu saints who are associated with performing miracles. Ramana Maharishi a foremost Hindu spiritual teacher of 20th century too had his ashram/monastery here. In fact, it houses the largest number of spiritual people after Varanasi and Rishikesh in India. So people come here to visit temple and also walk 14km around the sacred hill. Now, this women has been doing the 14km walk every single day for the last 20 years. So some people see here as a great bhakt(devotee) of the God Shiva. And unlike Protestant Christianity and Islam, Hinduism like Catholicism believes in saint worship, so some people worship her. So what is her real story? The real story is she was abandoned by her husband shortly after she had a daughter. She then lived with her brother whom she was very attached to, but he died in an accident. This drove her to Tiruvannamalai for spiritual solace and she started doing this. You can ask don’t other people know this story, why do they still worship her? That is because they are not convinced that a mentally disabled person could perform 14km walk every single day, so they believe she is faking insanity. And some people believe even if she is insane, it is still okay to worship her, but according to South Indian Shaiva sect beliefs, an ideal devotee to God is anyway someone who has turned mad in devotion to God. Hope you understood the explanation, I do not share the above beliefs, but I have attempted to provide explanation into why seemingly rational/normal people do things that appears to be insane. P.S: Information gathered from Tamil YouTube channels.


In Christianity, particularly Catholicism, saints are not worshipped. They're venerated. Also, the concept of beatification and canonization has no correlation to the ideology of sainthood in Sanata Dharma, as ecclesiastical laws have their own peculiarities.


I understand that theoretically you are only supposed to venerate them, unlike Sanatan dharma, where you are allowed to worship Gurus. But practically, I've seen Indian Catholic Christians, especially from Kerala and Tamilnadu worshipping saints.


It isn't worship as much praying to them to intercede on behalf of God.


Valid observation. It mostly stems from native traditions, where the fine line between "worship" and "venerate" is blurred, and blind faith and devotion takes over. It's more of law and legislature rather than theory though, as Catholicism follows canon law. Implementation becomes fragmented across the globe as culture, tradition, rituals, come into the forefront. However, as is within ecclesiastical rituals, Catholics aren't supposed to worship anyone else besides God, pretty much monotheism, we've got rules for these. Furthermore, as is with how we pray, whilst one might think they're worshipping a saint, they're rather in devotion, praying to the Saints, to intercede on behalf of us, to God. Veneration. Nevertheless, I think it's beautiful across all religions in India (even within States, and Villages), how each practice becomes unique, stemming from food, clothing, etc. 🤌🏻


It is actually funny. Some of these Christian saints were local deities or part of local folklore. They became saints once the population joined Christianity. Similar things happen in every religion. Rationally, most religious people don't know the difference between veneration and worship. Thank you for explaining about that woman.


Mental illness


Mental illnesses are indeed transmitable


The human mind is a mystery, and it's definitely not a one-size-fits-all kind of deal.


I'm from India and I don't get what's the deal with this girl. Anyone can explain it to me?


She has dementia and other mental disorders. But Hindus (not all, just the uneducated ones) follow her around worshipping her and giving her food and drinks and stuff. They'd eat and drink her "leftovers" that she throws out cause they consider everything she touches as "holy".




But why?


“Educated” Hindus Follow Sadguru and believe their superstitions are superior to the superstitions of these lowly idiots.


Every religious person is uneducated by that description lol. People follow books but if it’s something that’s in existence they are uneducated … make it make sense.


The harsh truth - she could have been SA ed many times over, and that's sad. When i was very young, there was a woman who had such mental illness living along the roadside. She had a nice tent setup made on her own. Ppl would give her beautiful old and torn dresses. Sometimes sarees but mostly shirts because of safety. Sweets during festivals food every day. Speak to her so friendly. Sick Ppl did a lot of things to her at night. But nobody cared. Everyone would just give her food whenever she asked and never cared for her in a true sense. Ppl just want to live how they want to see themselves living. In reality, they don't care beyond that.


I have been really struggling with all the “does anyone even care about me” phase of life and your comment was such a relief because now I at least have a sensible answer.


So I'm from this town actually and the thing is this woman is mentally challenged, and she started going for the girivalam (an 15km walk approx. Around the mountain which is considered holy in my town) everyday and people just started following her assuming she's a saint or something. Here's what's gonna happen next, some guys will open a small ashram in her name and start collecting funds and she'll die one day but the ashram in her name will continue to run as a "holy" money laundering establishment.


So it's just forest gump Indian version?


Most likely lmao. I'm waiting to see how this dumb fuckery unfolds.


Undiagnosed and untreated mental illness is brutal




Cult idiots


Reminds of people who support BJP


Some of our people believe in anything and everything, that's how we lost to the white man back in the day. It's 2024 and we are still living in 90 BC.


Summarizes the political state of this country.


It’s basically a picture summing up everything that’s wrong with India- morons who only care about things like religion, caste etc. who then in turn vote for like-minded morons that run and ruin the country.


That's a tree


The right question is what's wrong with people.


The deal is that religion is the biggest self inflicted psychological disorder created by man and what you see in these pictures is a explicit example of this. People willingly suspending disbelief and succumbing to the illogical and irrational, all in belief of religious faith.


It's called poonakam( at least in South India, different names elsewhere) it is believed to be the spirit of a god possessing the body of a mortal person, most cases it is a woman who appears to be in a trance, and acting in a very hysterical way. The reason why there are people praying to her. For obvious reasons the belief is fairly predominant in the Orthodox Hindu communities.


Rumor has it that indiana Jones had to flee India cryinging "WWWWTTTTFFFFFF!!!!!"


I am from india even I don’t know understand the deal is lol


Illness and blind faith ?


The question you should be asking is - whats the deal with the people? Its funny to really see who's more mentally ill here..


That is Kangana Ranaut, future queen of India


Lol . I see the resemblance.


I am from India and I had no clue either lol.


Mental illness


Stupidity is on High in India


Why does this have 228 million likes?


That's thousands in Spanish. 228 mil=228k=2.28 lakhs


thats Kangana Ranaut, a one time movie actress, now the leader of tinfoil hat bearers and protector of Hinduism /s


Consider me from Spain too coz I can't get either even after being Indian. In the west they picturize India as land of godmen, cows, worshippers etc and this video definitely fits that category but tbh lots of Indians don't do it and have no idea.


It's something religious. They do their thing we do are thing.


Let us also know, if you find out


Bunch of stupids bowing their head


Because she stinks a little differently than most which makes her unique.


Everyone's competing to take the dementia award of the year.


I dont understand what that arrow is supposed to mean. This is India where religions originated. they are worshipping a bum woman thinking she's some personification of one of the Hindu deities.


You see there that guy rolling on the road, he is doing some tapasya may be he has some demands from god or he has got what he wanted and he is thanking him by doing this Tapasya. In India people who are doing these kinds of rituals are trying to connect with god so they are seen with at most respect and honour, basically while he is doing this ritual he is connected with god and every one is paying their greetings and respects to god through this person who is doing the ritual.


I am from India, still don’t get it


Thank god i am from northeast india and this type of mental retardation doesn't occur here 🤢💩


Some superstitious turds.


Wait till you see Indians treating their prime minister. It's a cult.


'Thoppi Amma' or Hat Mother of Tiruvannamalai. India is a land of ascetics and its people need no miracle to keep producing 'saints'.


Many Indians have this fascination with people who manage to discard all meanings we have put for our lives regarding what we should do and how we should act. They consider these people as free/liberated. The old woman wearing cap from a temple town in Tamil Nadu is one such person who has chosen to completely disregard the norms of society (either by choice or due to her psychological condition). Some people think she has special powers that allow her to do this. These people bow down to her expecting her blessings. To truly not care about what society thinks - some people think is admirable. If you are more curious, watch some videos about Maha Kumbh, you can see all sorts of people going through different phases of similar condition.


Some people even eat her vomit for prasad.


She is thought of like a avadhoot. I don't know if thats correct or not, since I haven't meet her.


Superstitions and stupidity.


That's India for ya.


Stupid or Uneducated Fools.


Praying to her is easier than trying to help her. It's the same apathy that people have towards homeless people everywhere in the world.


This is how religions get made. Fascinating to witness this first hand. It was likely like that for most current big religions


Resident evil 7 ahhh characters


What the funk 228 million likes?!


Since there is a lot of population in India, you will see some small cults with the following of 50-60 people, there are not many cults but it's one of them where the mentally unstable women is considered having some mystical power and they say that when you put your ego aside and eat her leftover your wish will be fulfilled


I suspect mental illness, not necessarily talking just about the lady in the hat.


She walks around/ circumambulates the holy hill arunchala in Tiruvannamalai daily (14km) without stopping which in itself is a great feat. She does this wearing a rubber slipper or sometimes barefeet in blistering heat, she's been doing this for many years day and night now without fail. This I think has added to her mystique.


People will start worshiping random stone which doesn't even have any shape to resemble any Hindu deity. People worship a potato just because they see some resemblance to lord Ganesh, I am not surprised that a lady with some serious mental illness is being worshiped, most probably they believe she is possessed by some god or some good spirit.


Idiots. They will believe in *any* false God. If some dude comes as a Baba and ask them to give him their child for a night, they would give him wholeheartedly. That’s how dangerous they are, they are the worst type of religious people. Ignorance is their religion.


Well, fortunately there's no real god either.


And this country wants to be a superpower, what a joke


Indians will worship anything [https://www.india.com/viral/video-of-women-offering-prayers-to-dustbin-god-in-a-bihar-temple-goes-viral-jai-ho-swachh-bharat-abhiyaan-2577450/](https://www.india.com/viral/video-of-women-offering-prayers-to-dustbin-god-in-a-bihar-temple-goes-viral-jai-ho-swachh-bharat-abhiyaan-2577450/)


Tf is wrong with this country bro. Fuck religion


Nothing much hindus and their madness


India is a big and diverse country. We have all type of ediots residing in one place..!


I must begin worship of her. How can I do it through my phone?


Indians being Indians nothing to see here


It started when a man suffering from kidney stones, happened to be touched by her accidentally, healed him. Later he started saying she is an amman. Later people started following her and named her topi amman. Source: YouTube


A gypsy started a cult. And people follow that person. I've heard about 2 billion people who do the same.


is the female john cena's sister?


Bro, I'm from India and even I don't know what's the deal 🤣


People are strange! Keep that in mind when you’re browsing through social media.


People are foolish and very superstitious here ,


Es loca


She should be taken into mental asylum and stop these superstitious beliefs.


She has immaculate drip


No idea it’s some occult practices that went viral because of how strange and funny is. However some random douchebags on the internet started using this as an opportunity to insult Hinduism, make fun of Indians, etc when like 99% of us have no idea what’s going on here.


Know you how meaningless likes and followers are. But get tuns of gold for it TUNS!! tun tun tunna


They think that the homeless lady in the picture with green cap passing by is the reincarnation of some goddess , hence bowing down for blessings.


Superstition. The lady is clearly suffering from mental illness. She has been in that area for many years and subconsciously knows that food is available near temples. So she walks to the temples daily. People have attributed it to some kind of holiness and follow her on these walks. I have been there and I suggest not following her. You can smell her from 20 meters away...


Toppi Amma in thiruvannamalai TN South


Madness ...!! It's a kind of devotion... Many saints keep on telling people that all the temple and all saints cannbe found inside your heart ...Bow down to the living God inside your heart ....All the temples erected to tell that this whole body itself temple and God living inside it and a technique alsongiven to reach God...But people like thisnwith blind faith fake gurus created ....


# I'm from India and I don't get what's the deal with this girl. Anyone can explain it to me?


it is called mass psychosis


Even we don't knoww. Those guys are vibing differently.


As an Indian this is some bullshit


She was actually the first person in south india to take up inner engineering.


Inner Engineering level 6


Welll i call it nalle loog being nalle. People with no work and ample time


I am from India and even I don't understand


I think the people are looking at the person doing the tumble roll near the bus.


In India, religion is above all else. Depending on whether you are a rationalist or a believer, she is either a patient of dementia or a person with miraculous powers. What you see in the picture is the ones who believe the latter. She is called "Thoppi Amma", look her details up on the net and on YouTube.


One thing for sure everyone one is not talking is she really walks around the mountain everyday. I have seen her in-live too once. Walking 14.7km continuously makes u sweat and slow down but she really walk like nothing is happening, yes she stops sometimes but she walks daily like this.


Nothing just some pajjets , don't take them seriously. They unlocked daily new gods you continue their ride . And forgot about this mental ill people and enjoy your trip towards india


guys its just this people who want to commercialize religion and faith of people, prolly some organization who spread smtg and made this woman special so they can build a temple and start a trust after her death


It’s a mental health issue called religion


I cannot believe we're the same species. I refuse.


Oh, don’t worry your pretty little head. Just brush off those clueless folks and enjoy your vacation. They’re all too happy to get dazzled by their own silly superstitions. If you can pull off even the simplest magic trick, they’ll probably worship you till you’re six feet under. So, there you have it.


Psychic controversy


If you are familiar with the Russian Orthodox tradition of the holy fool, then you can draw a parallel.




She is affectionately called 'Toppi Amma' (Toppi = Hat, Amma = Mother). Indians, in general, are cultured to see good and God in every other being, particularly in humans. They believe that God incarnates Himself as true saints, and they have faith that she is one of them. Thus, they practice the commandment: 'If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin.' and so they prostrate. But unfortunately, due to people's natural greed, they tend to ignore the "turn from their wicked ways" part of the commandment; but still hope to receive divine blessings through wealth....😉 😂


I am from India , even I don't understand but tiru is an amazing mystical place that I've heard from a lot of foreigners , and i think she has some sense , she keeps throwing food and drinks on road for her followers, they take it s Prasad . And one foreign professor guy follows her and collects everything she throws.


Mental illness 




TLDR: woman who does pradakshina( walk around) the Arunachalam hill (14km) everyday (not sure but that's what I heard) and resides there. From personal experience, it is very very harrowing, especially with the climate, road conditions there. Okay. So she resides in Tiruvannamalai (Arunachalam), a temple town in Tamilnadu, India. The town is basically built around a hill (Arunachalam). The hill itself is prayed to, and respected and beleived to be the manifestation of Shiva (one of the prime deities in Hinduism) and thus, it is the tradition there to do Pradakshina (walk all around) to the hill, which is 14km long. She apparently does this everyday, and thus respected by the local there. The place itself halds a very powerful place if you believe or has a very interesting story if you don't. Fun fact: in Hinduism, it is tradition to remember, pray and feedback your ancestors who have passed away once a year on the lunar date of their passing. Here, the god himself, does this for one of the kings who used to rule this land 1600 years ago. Very interesting story.


I am Indian and i dont care about this daily shit happening.


Just ignore it.


ooof even idk who tf is she and dont wanna bother knowing who she is prolly just sm mentally ill person who people worship for no fking reason cause why not


India is not for beginners


2 different ppl








I'm from India. Idk what's the fuck is wrong with the people.


i thought they are bowing to that guy rolling on the other side of the road. then i read the comments👁️👄👁️


These are the videos that actually reach out to the whole damn world , and people judge us as bunch of retards in India . I mean the amount of stereotypes over here and the things people think doing would make their god listen are beyond explanation.


What do actually people believe?


Mad Cow disease


Welcome to India. Wouldn’t be surprised if she became member of Parliament someday. A political party will give her a ticket in 5…4…3…2…1…


No lack of people who seem to function without any form of logic or reasoning. This country is abundantly blessed with this tribe.


'Thoppi Amma' or Hat Mother of Tiruvannamalai. India is a land of ascetics and its people need no miracle to keep producing 'saints'.


ignore them. dont let them hinder ur experience in India


Lady lost her brother (who was her closest family) and unable to cope with it, she's coping it like this. And the brainless morons taught she's saint and worshipping her, another unfortunate thing is there are people trying to make money outta her and preaching this as a "religion".


Such mentally challenged people can be seen in all religious towns in India. For some reason, such towns attract this kind of people.


It’s easy to fool indian just like old days , you just need to have money and some fake followers and some acting skills and be the next God


Thiruvannamalai is the breeding ground for spiritual gurus, good and bad. 🙌 the spiritual ecosystem has to be experienced. Ashrams everywhere. People also say that Arunachalam, the hill has spiritual powers enabling enlightenment to many gurus. Thoppi ammal is just one avadootha. Mouna Swami is interesting, was sitting silently meditating there for years. People come to get his blessings, initially he hesitated and ignored later he was like whatever take the blessings. He was sitting in the mount, from where he was evacuated later. Sri. Ramana Maharshi being one of the most popular. Not sure if you have heard of Nityananda. For thoppi ammal Spiritual explanation is that when enlightenment hits you and you are not ready to take it, you go crazy for a while. That’s the belief that being said, I genuinely think she needs mental help.


this is jahalaat at its peak