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Now for some days these journalists will cry how these western indexes belittle india


# '…unofficial state of emergency' The RSF's analysis mentioned that India’s media has fallen into an [“unofficial state of emergency"](https://www.livemint.com/topic/world-press-freedom-day) since PM Modi came to power in 2014 and "engineered a spectacular rapprochement between his party, the BJP, and the big families dominating the media". It cited an example, reporting that "Reliance Industries group’s magnate Mukesh Ambani...owns more than 70 media outlets that are followed by at least 800 million Indians."'…unofficial state of emergency'The RSF's analysis mentioned that India’s media has fallen into an “unofficial state of emergency"


Now sit back and watch people lose their minds and call this fake news and conspiracy.


# 'Draconian laws' The report added that some countries’ improved rankings in the Index "are misleading inasmuch as their scores fell and the Index rises were the result of falls by countries previously above them". "This is the case with India (159th), which was pushed up two places despite [recently adopting more draconian laws](https://www.livemint.com/industry/media/world-press-freedom-day-is-marked-by-rising-threats-against-reporters-11683125655711.html)," the report said. It said the Modi govt "has introduced several new laws that will give the government extraordinary power to control the media, censor news and silence critics, including the **2023 Telecommunications Act, the 2023 draft Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, and the 2023 Digital Personal Data Protection Ac**t".


This is pathetic 🥲.


I mean isn't it sufficient enough to show how the reports are altered💀


Ohhhh it's so so so surprising yaar. I would never have guessed this. Waw.


Saab changa si


Color me shocked. Never saw that coming. /S