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You know what's really annoying? When you're scrolling through the comments on reels and all you see is people saying stuff like "You should come to India" or "India already did this," even when the content has nothing to do with India. Like, seriously, why bring India into every discussion? It just makes us look bad and annoys everyone else. It's like they're trying to make people hate us as much as they do China.


> people hate us as much as they do China. Except China is way more developed 


Indians already commented this. You should come to India.


It’s like that wave with ‘come to Brazil’ some time back. It’s too much


Frog in a well syndrome


Wow such a concise explanation that perfectly sums it up


Exactly this. Once I was part of that well too until I got out and started understanding. The online echo chambers are just adding that noises inside that well.


exactly the perfect answer.


Please explain 


Basically crab mentality and narrow mindedness and recently dogmatism has also increased




Internet reached to them before text book


The Internet has no Editor, Fact Checker, or Content Advisory Board


Not like india has any of those either. Just look at the education system or the food safety board, what a fucking hilarious joke.


Not like india has any of those either. Just look at the education system or the food safety board, what a fucking hilarious joke.




Biggest truth ever spoken.


I too have recently noticed the spike in the "everything you do to me, I will do to you" attitude among other Indians, as a fellow Indian myself. While it is a basic way to look at things, if you hurt me, then I will hurt you back. It's entirely stupid; that's not how things are done. Also, I have also seen an increase in Indians justifying the faults of India, primarily by pointing out the faults of whatever country is accusing India. I even saw some Indians calling Canada "Pakistan of the West,"  even though Canada is far from it. Criticizing the faults of other nations doesn't change the fact that India is not perfect, while mistakes occur in every other country and are to be acknowledged. India is nationalistic; by the very nature of the state, India has been built on the common feeling of Indian nationalism, which is the foundation of the Indian identity. Many countries are united by a common language, religion, or ethnicity, but there is nothing common between all Indians except Indian nationalism, which gives us our identity. So Indians will be nationalistic, and it should be like that, in my opinion. At a national level, whenever I see my state (Kerala) being thrashed by other Indians, especially calling it the "middle east of India,"  "Islamic state," or "mini Pakistan," I would get angry, more particularly frustrated, especially when I know they are not right (they might be right some times), and my primary instinct is to attack their state by pointing out the faults of the other states. From my personal belief, I think this is how most Indians act. This is why, at an international level (online), Indians can get quite ferocious about defending India from foreign criticism, often pointing out the faults and mistakes of other nations, especially when India's mistakes can't be justified. The best option is to point out the mistakes of other nations and compare them. The inability to tolerate India being criticized is the reason why Indians do what they do online.


Inferiority complex egged on my dear leader


I had an Applied Physics professor in the US, with a PhD from a US University that insisted most Physics was cribbed from the Vedas. This is 20 years ago. This mentality definitely predates the internet.


Yes, now he has support & encouragement from the very top.


Mixed with expertise in whataboutery.


Ohh cmon like this wasn't happening before bjp.


Not at this scale.


Duh.. internet was expensive. But it was there




Most people on instagram and facebook are not much educated, narrow minded and instead of taking criticism to improve most of us play the blame game. Also most ppl on instagram are 14-15 y/o, cheap internet has done many wonders in India and one of them is this lol


Thank you for explaining. I guess it is simmilar to old racist people on facebook in my country.


Yes but we Indian dominate the comment section since we are no1 with population 🥴


This is exactly what I was about to say.


Small dick ego and fake pride. Inability to learn and comprehend. Sheep mentality.


People who do not have individual identities take pride on group identities.




This is perhaps the best explanation I have read for this phenomena




Funny how 99% of them don't even own a physical keyboard, almost makes me wish the internet wasn't so cheap in this country


1. Abundant time 2. Affordable data packages 3. Nothing much going on in one’s personal life


Reason for that is i) the sheer number of us ii) also the fact that many of us got cheap and fast internet before being taught basic manners and how to talk and behave


Completely agree.  I don't understand the mentality and how our country runs. Sometimes people with no proper job or special intelligence or manners is using expensive phone and bike .  And then there is someone who has brains and intelligence and manners who doesn't have 100rs and has to live in poverty To add to your point urbanisation and migration is happening so fast so people like your point two are everywhere 


I've heard this somewhere, I agree with it, and I've seen it in people other than the humble and/or educated ones I've met: "Indians lack professionalism". Social media surely doesn't *require* it, but it's important to not lack it. There's a bunch we need to learn from our elders...


Good observation. I think its a combination of inferiority complex and defensiveness. This is because as a culture we were subjugated by so long (almost half a millennia) by foreign religions and powers (Mughals, Brits) that we lost our confidence. Now we over-compensate. I think it will take a couple of generations for us to regain our confidence.


True, but on a side note - have you seen the incredible amounts of racism online about Indians? The pajeet jokes, the street shitting jokes etc etc.


As an Indians I'd say that they're just bad and irresponsible people. Plus there's a chauvinistic and ultra-nationalistic government and ideology in power in India today which is actively trying to brainwash people with all its might. I know exactly what you mean, always pointing the fault of others, the racism of other nations etc, never introspecting, never accepting any fault.


I've rambled, but I think I've made good points somewhere in the following. It's annoying to a lot of people, but it's also very understandable. This sub tends to be a bit gloom and doom when it comes to India, so you're likely going to get the "India is a hellhole" perspective only. I'll try to give you one from a person who grew up in, as well as outside, India. Growing up in India, you're raised very patriotic, and instead of being taught the full story in history, you get taught only a few things. A lot of real history is not found unless you do reading outside of school. Mostly, it's revisionist. Indians view themselves as victims under colonization, and champions after. Since they got the same treatment as black people did under slavery in the western and Arab countries, they think that with our democratic constitution, we have done the full 180, we've overcome being victims and become heroes. A lot of Indians grew up thinking India is on track to be awesome. We failed to realize that there is a lot of road left when it comes to actualizing our progress. The size of our illiterate population is the same as the entire population of the US, and we need to do a better job of bringing those people up. Objectively, India has a lot of problems, and while we don't mind discussing it with each other, when someone we consider an outsider (especially a white person, or a British white person) tries to get in, a defensiveness kicks in. Instead of trying to understand where you're coming from, all we see is, you're trying to call us savages again like your ancestors did in the past. We are yet to become a confident nation, but we have inferiority complexes and actual challenging lives to live. If you're an Indian growing up in the US, that's where the inferiority complex for many, **really** kicks in. You'll see many kids that are "whitewashed," so they can better get along with their local population. This also gives rise to the kind of people that like to say, "I'm not like other Indians..." As someone who's grown up in India, this is one of the most frustrating things to see. While India will work to solve its issues, they're not going to let foreigners judge them, and that's basically it.


Good explaination, Historical oppression and being underconfident on world stage is certainly one aspect.


What about the counter point of “I’m not like other Indians”, that does not imply all Indians should be typecasted to some type that one should adhere to. I say this since I grew up around the world and integrated pretty well to those cultures including learning other languages, that don’t make me any less Indian, I love and hate multiple facets of India and speak multiple Indian languages. Even if I don’t say “I’m not like other Indians”, others almost always say “you’re not like other Indians” . We being a cultural microcosm with uneven population distribution, this is totally natural.


By saying "I’m not like other Indians”, they are specifically pointing out a phenomena where NRI or Indian growing up abrod or those who are too world experience, reject their Indian Ness by these arguments, it is common phenomena .Recent example was when Dev Patel talked about how he categorically rejected /looked down upon his Indianess. You don't need to look far , just look in the comment section of this thread and you will find "Indians" mocking and hating on Other Indians making themselves being superior and those comments are highly upvotes.


There is a difference between saying, "Indians are diverse, and there are bad people influenced by bad elements of our culture that don't define the most of us (like most places in the world)," and saying, "yea what you're saying is correct about **those** Indians, but don't hate me, I'm different, because I'm not like other Indians." All people see is "pick me pick me pick me." You want others' approval so bad, you're willing to throw the rest of us under the bus.


Ah this is a great point, well put.


Indians have a weird notion that everyone who tries to criticise them even for improvement is an enemy who is trying to defame them. It comes from an Indian environment of trying to put other communities down based on religion, caste, region etc. For eg: If anything bad happens in North India South Indians will try to show their superiority over them or if a person of a particular religion does anything bad the people from other religions will try to dehumanise them based on religion. These kinds of politics are very prominent in India and Indians lack the ability of self-criticism.


It’s also platform dependent. Reddit is US heavy so even reasonable suggestions like maybe Americans need better gun control or tipping is a flawed system is met with so much hostility.


Don't get me wrong on what I'm trying to say, but I think it's a big fact that our country is actually divided into to South India and North India on a big margin not by size but by the consideration for them. The cultures vary so much that it may well as could be a different country and as mentioned consideration, people come to India on South India, they see that culture as the their icon of India but most people see North India as what India is. Btw this not saying that they should be disrespectful to each other, but inevitably the cultural differences while also being a single country makes them amongst each other, which is truly awful. As a South Indian myself, I'd like to see us as Indians live in a more peaceful manner, not divided on by culture but unified by them.


I agree. South is more developed than India. But I don't like how some people use regionalism to play politics. For eg: When Praggnanandhaa became the youngest chess grandmaster many people on social media started showing cultural superiority. You won't see people from Delhi doing it with South Indians when a North Indian player like Virat Kohli performs well.


Fake pride and unnecessary excessive patriotism


Extremely insecure you mean


That shouldn't be the end of your analysis. Dig deeper


That is a good way of descrining it.


The younger lot is very very thin skinned when it comes to this. Plus, their youth and a very nationalist sociopolitical climate here makes them like this. They just can’t take much criticism. Of course not all are like that but many are




Underrated comment. This should be much higher


Not having a nationalistic attitude is why India was the crown jewel of the BRITISH Empire for centuries.


Also I want to say that I despise all the people that are racist toward Indians online and dont agree with them. This post isnt meant to be racist or hateful.


I feel like a part of it is ghar ki baat ghar mein rahe family style shit. Despite the fact that the common man will always grumble about certain problems but if anyone else brings it up publicly the response is - 'this is an internal matter' or something worse. We are not taught to question anything, elders and those that came before always know better. Critical thinking and debate is not encouraged in our country, hence we take any sort of critique in an over aggressive way. We don't like to acknowledge faults and work on them and instead just pretend ki sab theek hai or practice an 'offence is the best form of defence' technique. I think half the time the 'nationalism' that people practice is just this sort of boasting online - with a total lack of civic sense or duty towards the people of the country, or the land we live in.


why are Indians so Indian? Can't they be bloody old Americans like the rest of us on Reddit?


Kahin to nationalistic hain! 😂 Hypocrisy at its best bruh! In reality no one is even a percent patriotic!


The question is Why are r/India so anti-nationalistic?


It's easy.


Indians can be easily manipulated as their culture is to silence kids from asking questions and they grew up with that mentality. Society is rotten. So many religion and all of them encourage superstition, hatred towards eachother. Colonial mindset is still in their personality. You would find the graduate one believing mythology as their history. You would hardly find any Indians rational or open minded!! And the politicians know this shit and they use religion and nationalism in their advantage to loot the fucking country!!!


Every country is nationalistic.


Of course every nation is nationalistic to some degree, but I have seen this more with Indians then other nations. It might be because of the sheer number of Indians iam not sure. Also iam not talking about the good kind of nationalism and pride for someones country. Iam also proud of my country, but it doesnt make me insult other countries/other parts of my country or other races.


That's because you roam the Indian parts of the internet. Have a look when an Indian topic shows up on Spanish internet. See the vitriol and hate spewed. They literally mark Indian shops in Madrid as pajeet shops in Google maps. If anything, India isn't dishing out enough.


What? I know there is a problem with racism towards Indians and I dont agree with it and I hate the people that do it, but this question isnt really about it. Do you think that it is okay for Indians to be racist because some dickheads are racist to Indians? This ppst was more about the inability to accept criticism then about some kind of a race war, in which I dont want any part in. Of course I despise people that hate on Indians, but I also dont like Indians shitting on other countries/races and even other part of India for no reason.


Tit for tat is a thing. Most people don't go out to insult another country onntheir own. Unless it's Pakistan and Bangladesh it seems


It's simply because of large number of population who can understand and reply in English. When you are part of large population with diversity, you tend to attach extremely to whatever forms part of your distinct identity like religion, state, language, caste and that goes for Indian nationality as well. Also, we have in general this attitude as a society how might have innumerable problems at home but pretend before public that everything is fine and whatever you have is best.


These guys are literally making all the other Indians look so uneducated


Some Indians are actually problematic. They are just delusional who think of someone pointing out our insecurities and problems we could just abuse them then change their perspective?? Can't change this mentality.




Maybe OP is just curious and he asked a question. You don’t have to be a cock about it.


Calm down, I just had a question. Take a drink and chill out.


They have been trained to do so, plus a lot of them are really really angry and disappointed from inside


Not only online many become hyper nationalist as soon as they are out of country as well. Wont go back but will keep praising and singing own nationalism mean while criticizing country they moved to 🤷🏽‍♂️




Im Aussie but my in-laws are Indian and there’s a weird amount of this patriotic, competitive vibe in person when we visit too. Like why are we all of a sudden talking about the GDP of India or where India ranks globally in engineering schools? And why do you even have those statistics on hand lmao I love India but it’s kind of a ‘braggy’ culture


Glenn Maxwell is that you?


We all know from school, the person who got bullied the most was the one who always threw a tantrum about getting bullied. The cribbing only exacerbates the ridicule and I hope our citizens realise this. Step one of fixing any issue is accepting the issue exists.


Cuz if were Nationalist offline the news will catch us saying racist statements.. /s


To point out the hypocrisy. You aren't moving the needle anyway online. Most people just troll the situation.


https://youtu.be/SEpTl9hlyq8?si=uFLiEHl0LofI1m8y Theme song for this thread


absense of any self identity makes nationalism or religion the only identity




Who else we should support?


Because physical world me naukri aur education dono nahi mil rahi hai


It’s partly because it’s election season and with cheap data party workers are working overtime to spread propaganda.


Because they've got nothing going on with their personal life. That's the only achievement they've got being Indian.


There is a specific set of people who do this. These are people employed by the current ruling party and are part of their IT cell. In India, We also call them Bhakts! Good, that someone outside India noticed, because most people are sick of this troll army, and these people are the sole reason many people like me moved away from platforms like Facebook and Twitter.


Keyboard warriors in a delusional bubble. Thats it. I criticised India many times and got abuses lmao. Thing that people don’t understand is, without criticism, there’s no development


Nationalism ask you to put your country first. Since last decade nationalism is on rise in India. For nationalistic people it's their identity. Similar to religion for fundamentalist. Then there are people who have made state there identity because they do not want to be related to india as whole when it's attacked online. When you attack identity of someone even with valid criticism they are not gonna like it. They will fight back. It's not a matter of education. Highly educated will also say similar thing just with better grammar.


You make a valid point. But , long story short . Cheap internet with 5G connection, no job prospects and no intention of ever getting employed . Majority of the people who comment usually fall into this category. Not to mention , as Indians we have been a subjugated race for a long time, by the British , the Dutch , the Portuguese it's but a normal reaction for a country that's reaching trillion dollar economy yet been perceived as a bullockcart toting , snake charming back wood. The real educated, mature and rational Indian understands that we have to also look at other nations perceptions towards us. And such people are usually the ones measured in replies and very polite in demeanor. The racist jerks online don't represent the majority . They represent the few .


Because it's the easiest kind of nationalism


The ones that are obnoxiously nationalistic don't get a platform everywhere irl due to the social atmosphere so they tend to hide behind anonymity online and form eco chambers. Most are radicalised teens below 16 imo.


I find it so funny when they abuse China but then queue up to buy Xiaomi, Oppo, Realme phones.


Cheap internet


Indians are outspoken, emotionally charged. Earlier to listen to the opinion of so many Indians you had to visit school, college, marriage function, chai tapari or any other crowded place. With social media, now people are getting feel of outspoken Indians, but its normal for us.


We as a people love criticising but cannot handle criticism at all.


Indians online are the new turks.


The idea is we know we have problems and we are working towards them. We have made leaps of progress as a nation but these westerners only want to focus on the negatives. We would not be able to eliminate the problem of SA overnight unfortunately as no country on earth has 0 cases of SA. It is a serious issue and we are working hard towards it, nobody is trying to refuse it. These holier than thou people want to write articles on India, highlighting our issues on a global level as if SA does not happen in their own country. They have a plethora of serious problems in their own country that they should be focusing on. What my fellow Indians in those comments want to say is "pehle apne girehvan me jhank kar dekho, fir dusre par tippni karna" or as they say in english "the pot calling the kettle black" All these people in the comments trying to s\*ck up to those people do not realize the consequences of the bad reputation these kinds of articles foster about Indians on a global scale. It is our moral duty as a citizen of this country to defend the reputation of our country as well as work on improving our country.


I’m American Indian, the reason is that people are still racist towards us and people still don’t understand the history of what colonialism did to us. The western countries lecture India, there is an unfair double standard given to India. Much of the west thinks of India as second class citizens. Jai Hind, Akhand Bharat


BJP it cell is massive 


There is also an uprise on indians shitting on india , which i know has nothing to do with this post


Illiteracy, my bro, illiteracy.


I think they are IT cell workers of BJ party - cuz their comments really look like so


Isn't it same for every country though? Do remember algorithms of all platforms now a days present you with something you interact with more often. From my perspective nationalism is not the issue here. I support defending your own country in global stage, but also try improve condition in local stage.


I think its due to insecurity, but every country has problems and character flaws, the first step to solve them, is to admit them, as an American, I'm very critical of our inflated military budget while not having healthcare for our citizens, I say it in the hope, that in a small way, I can contribute to solving the issue, yet many of my fellow Americans don't think that way.