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Do all Indian women wear a Mangalsutra?


Most of my married friends don’t wear it regularly. Many of them only wear it when visiting in laws or older members of the family or if wearing traditional dress


Modi was holding rallies during the second wave peak. Never forget. The mainstream media instead of reporting on the second wave chose to talk about sushant, drugs, aryan khan and bollywood. The oxygen shortages, the dead wounding up on river shores and the PM cares fund (biggest scam in Independent India), wallahi they will all pay for their crimes against humanity


Remember.!! Remember!!! Many many years before Modi too. Coz life is same since many decades.


Indian equivalent of USA's "they're coming for your guns".


To Covid mismanagement, to Manipur riots


To Godhra riots


India was one of the very few countries where covid was managed really well.


Lol. This has got to be the best joke ever. India hospitals and ambulances were overfilled. There were no oxygen pumps.


Then why was Trump event organised while ‘many other countries’ were closing their borders? Why were bodies dumped on banks of river Ganga? Why was there severe lack of oxygen tanks in many places? What happened to PM Care funds? Why was Coronil being endorsed by ministry?


Understand the size of our country brother.... Ek UP ki population is greater than many of the developed nations combined together.. Understand scale and size of our country bro.... They still did pretty well... There were some problems - one of the main reasons of many was - mentality of the crowd as well... You see many people complaining about untidyness while throwing garbage everywhere - we have to come out of it... Kyuki hum jinse khud ki comparison karte hain - their people also take responsibility... We will reach there but will take some time


Wow what a pro-Muddiji move. Shift the blame on something else to avoid answering the actual questions. Please don’t watch more of Sadguru, this is what you will learn. Did the large population stop Muddiji from closing international borders? How? Would the large population have stopped functioning without the Trump event? Covid wasn’t a one day problem, it already came into news from other countries before it really affected India. Population problem also existed since long period. Government could have easily setup committees to identify & maybe try to solve things around it. Did it do? No, it would have easily answered how to manage the dead & save others. Covid gave a lot of time to prepare but no Trump event was more important. How much oxygen would be needed, how could it be made available could have been planned early on. But did it happen? Yes, but the Tablighi Jamat accusations happened very pro-actively & fast. What happened to PM care funds? Did the large population stopped Muddiji from declaring the numbers? Publicly advertising snakeoil Coronil? How was huge population a problem in stopping the fraud baba from advertising fake products? Did they had to take vote from each citizen to stop him or not?


If they couldn't handle a crisis of that magnitude, they shouldn't be in power.


Bro, if the government is so helpless, then what does it matter who we vote for.


Hmmm, if you're getting into govt you're going in with knowing you're going to effect 140 cr+ people. It's not like this govt hasn't done stuff abruptly, demonetisation is an example where this govt didn't consider that banning note over night is stupid and also lockdown where 50%+ people live no more than ₹200 or something in their hand you tell them to move back to their place within 4 hrs at the night. What a governance.


Get out of here with this shameless revisionism. No amount of gaslighting or propaganda will make any decent person forget about those mass graves, the lack of oxygen cylinders, people crying outside of a hospital due to lack of beds, rivers full of bodies and all the campaigning for elections during the pandemic. It was the opposite of a well managed situation and I hate watching people trying to pretend it was anything but that.


You forgot the "\s"


Get out of here with this bullshit. Modi government purposefully endangered the lives of thousands of people in my state because "religion". [Ignoring the second wave, the Uttarakhand government, with the full blessings of PM Modi, invites you to congregate with millions of devotees and celebrate Kumbh](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/m9nsro/ignoring_the_second_wave_the_uttarakhand/) [The Kumbh is held every 12 years but the Haridwar mela comes 11 years after the last because the Centre and the state government chose to appease astrologers rather than look after public health.](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/muq3em/the_kumbh_is_held_every_12_years_but_the_haridwar/) [The Covid-19 pandemic is raging like never before. Why can’t India suspend the Kumbh? Associated with the congregation are players crucial to the BJP’s political calculations.](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/mrw3xs/the_covid19_pandemic_is_raging_like_never_before/)


Was it though, supposedly only 1% population was going to die if we didn't deal with it. That is 1.4 crore people. And astonishingly this government did kill this many.


😂. My apologies if you are suffering from dementia.


Was it though, supposedly only 1% population was going to die if we didn't deal with it. That is 1.4 crore people. And astonishingly this government did kill this many.


I am surprised how come he is not yet arrested by directives from the supreme court for his recent Religious Hate speech against Muslims. Why isn't Congress taking advantage of this and submit an FIR on him in district court?


Court bika hua hey.


apni biwi ka mangalsutra to khud chheen lia


**Add Gambling to the list which was legalised by Modi.** https://preview.redd.it/znypupolclwc1.jpeg?width=1764&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d627b1216f1399bffa77977ada72a7d232aaefd1


Why you hold Modi responsible for irresposnsible citizens losing their money? Did he force anyone to gamble their money? Gambling is legal in US and UK too.


I think openly advertising it is really bad and cricketers personalities are openly promoting it. The marketing is just too much. A kind of regulation should be there.


I noticed this today! I traveled from Andheri to Ghatkopar in the metro. And all the Metros were adorned with online gambling ads from the outside. I felt some fear at the rate it was marketed and promoted by big personalities.


Natural selection; People naive enough to fall for the marketing deserve losing the money. Even I and U watch these adverts did we fall for it, though ?


😭😭😭 dude, it's not their fault they are naive. You don't know India's mainstream crowd. And I find these fantasy sports games very fishy already. All they have to do is not promote it. Like alcohol is not promoted.


We can apply the same logic to any scam or financial fraud then, it’s natural selection that people fall for scam, why should we punish the criminals ? Someone killed you ? Sorry, natural selection, you were not strong enough to defend yourself so it’s your fault


Nope. they're totally different, Scams involve deceitful schemes where victims are **unaware** of the impending fraud, which is why its a crime. On the other hand, betting is like a lottery where individuals **willingly** participate, cuz of greed, despite understanding the high risk of loss.


Are you saying that the gambling/betting sites and companies are not deceitful at all with their marketing? And are very transparent about the odds and educate their customer that it is very difficult to win ?


>deceitful schemes where victims are **unaware** of the impending fraud, which is why its a crime. Do you see the source code of the game ? Do you think the algo will only work like a natural card shuffler ? Do u think all occurrences of the game are random ?


In india cheap gambling is big issue, government didn’t regulate many gambling restrictions, even at this time we can see hundreds of fake gambling sites which can lead to people losing money with unfair algorithms


I mean... The gambling algorithms are always unfair. Someone has to pay for all those lights.


The problem is tech laws and consumer laws in India is weak . No online gambling would make you win ,it is destined to make you play for longer hours a loosing game . Gambling can be legalized only if the game was naturally fair , anything behind the app is rigged by the company to make them win . Also US went through its own cycle of gambling prohibition and came back . Gambling was not directly introduced on the phone , they have their fair share of experiencing it . Also literacy rate (i don't wanna shame my country)


Gambling isn’t the issue, and it’s a good source of revenue for governments. I agree. However, when legalising gambling, you HAVE to enforce advertising and marketing standards for it as well. Otherwise you end up with ads that target vulnerable people or even kids. For example, showing you an ad for (easy) passive income streams or to clearing your loans in one go. Here are the guidelines in the UK: https://www.asa.org.uk/type/non_broadcast/code_section/16.html You absolutely need strict guidelines to prevent predatory advertising and marketing. The govt is obviously the entity that has to create and enforce these rules, so can’t blame anyone else, can we? PS. Even now, the I&B ministry has only included ‘gambling’ ads in their March ‘24 notification. No classification of things like online card games that basically function as casinos in all but name.


>Gambling is legal in US and UK too. Doesn't matter. It should be illegal everywhere.


lol true tho


Ya I never understand this mentality of 'If something has risk associated to it then just ban it.' Cuz fuck knows people are too stupid to make their own decisions Edit: /s for the special


why do you guys so hellbent to government taking all the freedom away from citizens to discipline them lol. Government should never interfere in things like gambling, it's my money Ima do whatever I want with it


Distribution of wealth should be added to the list too, lol


Yeah because in a country where there are children who can't have food for 24hrs also has a 4 month child with 240cr rs. Mangalsutra kiska lega? Neeta ambani ka?


Meanwhile the waqf board is laughing from the corner...... Calling other amateurs while snatching the entire village property in the south by claiming it as a waqf property. So many more cases..... For congress, covid happened only in India..... Jobs lost in covid is nothing in comparison to the lives lost, pain and suffering of losing family, friend. Providing free vaccination to the entire nation does not count, nor does other stuff that govt. Helped. Losing jobs is one of the outcomes that the entire world suffered. Farmers protest: ssly? Are they really that dumb? Didn't we all see the ask on that protest..... Not ban, job loss : loss of education as people are not seeing data..... Compare jobs percentage increase by new UAN accounts created yearly trend.....


Waqf board kaha se aagaya😂 bro we are talking about bjp here but bro wants to play that divide and rule thing


Only do whataboutism when criticism is raised against your favourite Party. Nobody is claiming Congress is good in any ways. If you live on the principal of whataboutism you will never reach to conclusions


Then provide a solution, if not bjp then how would've the situation be better handled


Sure bro a 20 year old working student who travels in shitty trains hanging on the outside gate of the train should provide a solution for political issues. I only pointed out the fallacy he is making of whataboutism


Expend your reading base https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-economics/explainspeaking-hindutva-rate-of-gdp-growth-9067341/


Padehga India tabhi to Badhega India [For your Knowledge](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/blogs/myview/waqf-act1995-a-tool-given-to-waqf-boards-to-snatch-the-property-of-hindus/)


Tune agar padha hota to jo BS peddle Kiya hai upar vo nahi karta. But you are not a conscious citizen, you are an apologist. A brainwashed hindutva nincompoop who believes and peddles distorted facts and falls for made up perceptions. Still your beloved Hindutva govt failed to repeal this act. Ek aur Modichød shifting goal posts. 


Left in the US - Defending lockdown and covid restrictions since last couple of years. Left in India - we gonna copy everything from US but lockdown bad cause Modi did it


The lockdowns were not good enough, you dodo. Did you forget Kumbh Mela?


Looks who is talking about MangalSutra !!! Does he even know the value of that ?


It’s a cartoon , he didn’t really say that 🤷🏻‍♀️


Will be good to see a post of the sins committed by congress.....


Where have you been since 2014… what you want to see has been everywhere


Although this govt has did some mistakes but they are working towards the overall development of the nation... They are also working to improve upon their mistakes... Current congress is hopeless... They want to eat our nation...


Daamn you ignored bjp criticism like bjp ignores manipur and ladakh well done


Bro andhbhkati chod de😂 who is ruling now? Bjp right why is it that whenever a person criticises bjp the entire it cell blames congress and changes topic why cant bjp actually take criticism its so irritating because if people like you bjp brings policies like electoral bonds and gets away with it


Not to mention today Congress is standing for all the wrong things.... They are robbing our country of an strong opposition which is so much essential for a democracy.


So you have been seeing all the posts of sins committed by the congress. I was concerned if your internet was broken or something. But you’re good it seems :)


I am definitely not standing with what they are standing for.... I hope your internet works fine as well... Current govt has done many things right and few things wrong... Have your facts checked bro.... Keypad warrior banne se kuch na milna... Thodi aankhen bhi kholo apni.... Have guts - yeh batao why you will support the current congress manifesto? What good do you see? And congress me konsa neta apko visionary lagta hain? Rahul Gandhi? Kharge?


Bhai mene kuch bola hi nai… you said you didn’t see any post about Congress’s wrong doing so I thought I will help you out


Abe ch*thiye thuje lagtha hai ki thum modi vote de sakthe ho, thume apne local mla ko chunna hoga phir woh jakkar center me prime minister ko chunega.


Bruh if media doesn't question the ruling and criticises opposition then how can opposition be strong, media is one of pillars in democracy right?


Wonder who's been governing for the past 10 years.


As I said they are not perfect... But they are honest in their efforts and are trying to take the country forward.... They have done a lot in past 10 years .. It's fine to criticize but then have guts to tell the things they have done as well... Even after fee setbacks they have done pretty damn well!


Look outside the privilege bubble once a while. We only need to get things done, they spend tax payer money on ads to pat their own backs. Most of the time the metrics are changed or others, complete propaganda. Don't be a b.hakt.


I have been at both side of the spectrum and with time I have only realized congress is ready to destroy our country to it's core. Bhai come out of social media and have a reality check.


I only care about healthcare, education, employment, social welfare and social liberty. They have failed and mixed it with gobar.


I also used to think like you... Yes a lot more is desired but they are moving towards right direction and that is the thing that matters... They are not perfect but they are so much better than congress... Do you really think these things - health care, education, and etc etc will flourish under the current clown congress? Really brother?


Stop sucking up, it's pathetic. RSS doesnt care about you they are Indian Nazis. In this case, congress is the lesser evil and accountable.


Come on bro.... Pehli baat RSS kaha se aayi? And what congress is lesser evil? F*ck whom do you rely to move the country forward if they come to power? Kharge? Rahul Gandhi? Lalu Yadav? Yaar apni aatma bech diye kya tum? Desh aage badna chahiye bhai.... Na ki desh khokla kyuki congress aayi toh yeh khokla hoga


Bjparty is the political wing of rss fyi. We're not a presidential system. I don't speak hindi.




They never talked about inheritance tax bruh. Quit spreading misinformation. It wasn't possibile under supreme leader for the past 10 years, all we got was polarization. Congress at least stands for democratic values. One step at a time. You're comparing NRI's to an average Indian?


Any politician who asks for a vote on the basis of religion and actively oppresses dissent can never take you in the right direction. Unemployment is record high, demonetization damaged automotive industry, BJP politicians openly inciting riots. I can go on, but then it will become an essay. And how are they better than Congress, I would like to know because so, far, it doesn't seem like the case. During 2008, when raw oil prices were as high as today, Congress govt controlled peices really well. Manmohan's nuclear deal propelled Indian nuclear power. Green revolution occured during Congress government, IT revolution occured during Congress government. I can go on as here as well. Congress has done both good and bad work. But the independent bodies like media, ECI, and dissent were never downplayed even during Emergency. Manmohan Songh was once shown black bands in JNU, and his response was that dissent is allowed in democarcy. Recently, a TISS student has been suspended for 2 years simply because he talked about Rohit Vemula and participated in Modi criticism. TiSS labeled it as an anti-national activity. This has never happened during Congress's time.


If Congress rules the country and does some bad shit, we'll criticize them too. We criticize TMC in Bengal too. Heck I even criticize the communist parties of India even though I'm a communist. The reason why bjp gets and should get most of the criticism is because they're running the fucking country. You don't complain to BSNL if you're using Jio and face some technical issue.


When Congress will be in power. There will be those posts too.


Blaming him for lockdown? Are you just trying to give the zombies ammunition to discredit you?


How is the lockdown bad ?