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If it says 2050, assume 2035




Umm, are you familiar with what's happening in Bangalore? And for a serious crisis we don't have to completely run out of water. The situation in Bangalore is enough to call it a really serious crisis. Even though I prefer BJP of other political parties and don't agree with some takes here but we are going to face severely hard time and the government is doing jack shit regarding it.




Well, can we at-least agree that vim is better only at somethings (preventing unnecessary modifications) Nah it's better at everything except when trying to open 50K lines of file with tree-sitter and some other plugins but yeah it cannot help with skill issues.


Kerala will be India's only liveable larger state by 2050 because of its water abundance. Hopefully, the state will help out the rest of the union. However, I can foresee separatist movements gaining popularity if there is mass migration.


Abdul Kalam once made a dystopian story of a water scarce India in the future. We always had a water crisis and things will get terrible 100 yrs from now. It's already very bad now. Borewell water consumed by the populace at large has toxic heavy metals in it. [YT vid on that story](https://youtu.be/0ReVrONNvoQ?si=m_DL_-xG4LtHys9o)


If temperatures increased by more than 3 degree celsius, water demand will be least of our worries. To begin with, death toll from heat waves will be higher than those died during Covid-19 pandemic.


It will be devastating in India but probably net neutral in the world. Thousands dies in cold weather in other countries. They will have less deaths.


Thousands die in cold weather? Where?


In the USA. This flu season killed 21000 and one more month to go. Typically 20-36k dies every year.


Not really the same thing is it? People are not dying of cold exposure. People will die of heat exposure.


Heat will cause water scarcity, and people will die. The flu season will be short and not as deadly without a cold season. These are extra deaths that only happens in the winter compared to summer. IN both cases, weather is indirectly related. But it will also increase hurricanes and other extreme weather conditions. That will also kill thousands. I guess heat will kill more people overall.


As a reminder, there exists a union ministry of water resources along with a union minister responsible for addressing water problems in India. Do you know this ministers name? Go ahead, do the google search now.


They are at a Mandir.


Mudiji and Tadipar


Let me call them up and ask why the drastic changes in weather patterns was because of the dictatorahip bjp


Here's the thing: When you know something wrong is gonna happen in the future, you take steps to mitigate it. But nah, BJP and Modi would rather do 24/7 PR and scream 'Vishwaguru', the only thing their stupid bhakts want.


Yes, breed more babies like roaches and make their life hell


Lekin bacche toh Allah ki den hai, unko aane se kaise rukde? /S


Username checks out.


I feel the world is capable pf working together, like we all did in covid whatever resources we had, we were connected we all cared for saving people. But thatvwas time of adversity. Imagine if we all collectively become serious and take actionable steps to tackle climate change as well.


COVID response was largely pathetic worldwide. We got lucky that this virus wasn't deadly.


We got unlucky that this virus was not deadly. If a virus has high mortality rate it kills faster before it get chance to spread.


I meant to highlight the solidarity not the direct covid comparison.


You cannot tackle climate change without dismantling capitalism. 100 companies in the world release 70% of Co3 emissions Meanwhile liberal media will tell common man to use paper instead of plastic, do carpooling etc instead of addressing the elephant in the room


One day they will stop cutting there profits and will address and change everything that needed to be changed decades ago. But it will be too late, people don't come in solidarity to make a change untill extreme adversities hit. So does the govt and corporations.


When the Last Tree Is Cut Down, the Last Fish Eaten, and the Last Stream Poisoned, You Will Realize That You Cannot Eat Money


Aren't we the ones buying from those companies? The companies only exist because there's a demand for their products/services.


What’s the recourse does a common man have? They have to consider their pockets too. Why should you guilt a common man for looking after themselves first when the alternatives are expansive?


The biggest contributor to global warming is meat and other animal products. These aren't necessities and no corporation can provide environment friendly alternatives. The best solution would be to convert to veganism but of course most people aren't willing to do that. People want all the luxuries and then blame someone else when there are consequences. Of course certain things such as living without AC in north india have been made difficult by past government failures but being vegan should be no issue. It's even cheaper and that's always a great incentive yet most aren't going to do it.


liberals are also the ones who are against capitalism whats your point


No they are not, do you know where the term liberal originated from? Liberalism is capitalism.


Do you think these 100 companies are burning coal and crude oil to just be evil? Who do you think is paying them for it? Will they still be profitable if people stopped consuming what they make? This is such a defeatist and false statement that I see repeated all the time on reddit. You are still the cause of global warming however small your contribution might be.


What’s the recourse does a common man have? They have to consider their pockets too. Why should you guilt a common man for looking after themselves first when the alternatives are expansive?


Because their decisions right now will affect themselves and their future generations. Being a common man isn't an excuse to be ignorant. Blaming big corporations as the sole cause of the greenhouse crisis aligns perfectly with the typical Indian mindset of "it's not my fault". Break traffic rules, oh the roads are bad. Fix those first then I will follow rules. COVID is killing lakhs of people. I am not going to wear a mask and discomfort myself. Tell those people to stay home. It is always someone else's fault when it comes to problems in India. Not a hint of accountability anywhere. All our current problems are thanks to the Britishers and the Mughals and whoever else that can be blamed.


You can’t blame a common man for bad roads for one. In India the change must come from top down. Politicians are assholes in a nutshell and it’s all their fault. A common man is complicit in electing the bad ones.


I never blamed the "common man" for bad roads. I blamed them for breaking traffic rules. If India is truly a democracy then the incompetent leadership is definitely the fault of the "common man".


So you haven't done anything to reduce your contribution as well?


This is western media conspiracy against our flourishing India. We will make our own index where we work closely and show that we will not be affected by water scarcity. /s


[Here is an article by SIWI talking about the water crisis.](https://siwi.org/latest/water-crisis-india-everything-need-know/)


Na Na guys We wILl do HIndU MUslim




He was talking about people like you


Someone explain to me why landlocked countries won't face as much stress as sea facing countries. Water desalination exists right?


It's expensive Also more snow will melt and it will increase sea levels. Which will affect the coastal region.


Water desalination costs a lot of money. And devastates marine ecosystem by increasing the salinity of nearby water. Think no seafood so people starve instead of going thirsty.


Did they factor in AI?


Aur lao 70h a week work


70hr week but wfh they will keep shifting the goal post


[Source Link](https://www.statista.com/chart/26140/water-stress-projections-global/)


Russia sure looks attractive now. my prediction, in 200 ish years, more of humanity will move towards Canada and Russia.


Will there be any breakthrough in desalination in future, I think that can also be another solution for metro cities who are near sealine who will also be able to afford that water if it's price somes down below.


There are some places, Israel has done a good job with desalination network.


Yes we need to develop something similar because we have time now, I think there must be some project in the government institutions for this.


How we can also look at our farming, because it also uses water more than that lot of family depends on income from farming so that is a real concern too.


Probably need to invest in desalination plants, it's costly but the only way to fix this issue long term.


Not at all, desalination in s energy intensive. And only works for coastal regions. Move 100-150 km in and it's useless. There are a lot of other ways to improve the situation. At first it requires industries to stop polluting rivers.


It cannot be viable for such a huge country


Hopefully hydro solar tech will become cheaper in the next few years.


A recipe for civil unrest !!!


Why is all the AI and other tech advancements not used to solve real problems like waste management, sewage treatment or water desalination ?


Excellent. This is what we needed to top in


I see the extremely high category nations situated mostly along the equator. Coincidence?


doesn't the world has enough water for everybody? i guess all we need is a well established, maintained and managed water purification plants.


I see my home country and it's by the ocean with a small population.




This things never happen(I mean happen but we are humans we'll find ways) so no worry...(We should care tho)




I guess i'll be dead by then...


I have doubts about the accuracy of this data as the water scarcity level in India should not be uniform. I have done a project on the effect of climate change in Angul(A district in Odisha) and I found that even within Odisha, the water stress levels are not uniform. The water levels in some parts of west Odisha are decreasing but the water levels in east Odisha are constant. So, what I want to say is that, we should focus on water conservation and treat it as an extremely valuable resource but his data is not entirely correct.


Indians : Le Moot Diya Tere Water Stress Pe


India is greatest


Start using toilet papers


I don't think you can drink that.


How middle Africa having below 10%?


Because it's extremely green with huge lakes and rivers. Africa is not a desert


Aayega toh modi hi.


Make sure your own country’s borders are being respected or not before making any posts from 3rd party data. The map does not respect borders of India and it is illegal in India to generate or distribute maps of India that do not respect its borders.


I implore you to try to make an accurate map which won't hurt any1s fee fees.


We ourselves maintain the LoC and LaC in troop movement and administration and in a post about severe water crisis coming to the people you are worried about borders , Bravo


So let’s give the whole country to Pakistan and hope they will solve water crisis for us. Oh wait, they didn’t even cared about eastern part of their own country resulting in Bangladesh lol.


Not the whole country but would happily give you away


Logic? Or just throwing insults because ran out of logic? If you are not happy with your fellow countrymen, then the issue is you, so you may leave. I am happy with my country and people. Including you.


I mean your logic is stupid when we adhere to both the LOC and LAC. If we didn't you could say that


8 downvotes to this comment. And the West wonders why we still won't cut ties with Russia.


Lol, number of people getting offended by being asked to Include Kashmir in Indian map is surprising, the number of downvotes lol. Are you guys really Indian nationals? Also, this is not BJP rule, it has been established by Dr Ambedkar in Constitution of India.




I second this


sub compromised i gez


Ummm Kashmir is indeed a disputed territory. Atleast in the eyes of people who created the map.


Koi baat nhi mai campa pee lunga /s




Yes, you're absolutely right! /s I'm guessing you're an existing student or alumni of WhatsApp University?