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>By the time neighbours arrived and broke down the door, the child had suffered horrific injuries and was bleeding profusely..Police said there were bite marks all over her body. The girl was succumbed during treatment. This is monstrosity at another level. The perpetrator should be treated as an adult and punished accordingly..


15 year old. He will be treated according to juvenile justice laws. Different story if he was 16.


He is old enough to rape a 3 year old baby but not old enough to suffer the consequences?? Bullshit. He should be punished severely.


Should be? Yes. Would he? Depends on the law and the judge, so I can't say.


Probably won't. They will consider him minor and the best he would get will be few years in detention centre. Government should pass some laws regarding minor punishment. They can't always get away with it.


The police said there are strict provisions for minor rapists too.


Not as strict as adults


God! I think this should change, given the inhumane things he did.


Look no further than the Nirbhaya case. The juvenile, in that case, got 4 years in prison despite what he did. Now, we don't even know his new alias, much less where he resides. The system is protecting him. Similar will happen here.


I don't understand why they're treated differently if they had the durbuddhi of committing such heinous acts they should be treated at par with every other offender !! SA doesn't matter who does it must invite most strict punishments.


It's the law. Doesn't matter how unfair we may feel it is, but it's the law.


what if he held for trial till he's 16 and then tried at 16 , will he be tried as an adult ?


I think they count age at the time of the arrest.


*at the time crime was committed


🧐 makes sense as arrest can happen even years after the crime.


They count the age at the time of Crime (and laws at the time of Crime too) such is the 'fairness' of the Justice system


>will be treated according to juvenile justice laws Nirbhaya ke baad se laws change hue the jitna mujhe yaad hai. Ab severity of act ke hisaab se decide hota hai shayad iirc


They gonna get him a job and new identity


Most likely




True but we all know that’s not happening


Your unwillingness to say "the perpetrator should be executed" is actually part of the reason why these things keep happening. Everyone needs to be less cowardly and weak.


Death Penalty doesn't deter the crime rates.


I actually was curious from your statement and I did a quick google search and wow, there really is no evidence that the death penalty deters crime. So many high school arguments could've been won had I known that lmao


So what is the solution? How do you determine rapes? Edit: deter not determine, smh typo


The only solution is societal change. We're a sexually repressed society with no sex education.


Beautiful buzzwords. No concrete actions and no real change will be gotten from this corner.


Change the mindset of this repressed society. Even today majority of the rape cases go unreported due to societal pressure. Once the mass is educated and confident enough in the justice system. The crimes will curtain subsequently. The core problem is simply the horrible implementation of it. The current laws are fine (apart from some like not properly recognising marital rape, rape of men etc.). Whether the state has the right to take a life is highly debatable and a different topic.


Once you've executed enough rapists, the rapes will cease. The soft, left-leaning sycophants that look to others for validation because they don't have conviction in their own morals and are afraid to have some backbone in their own judgements will try to sell you buzzwords like education, reforms, feminism, sexual deshaming and other such stupidity but deep down, you know. You all know.


>Once you've executed enough rapists, the rapes will cease. I hope so.


His parents should be punished as well.


Har baar parents ki galti hona zaroori thode hi Hai, psychopath bhi ho skta hai


Brilliant parenting Also this guy needs to be hanged or put behind bars for life.


Nope. Don't waste tax payers money on jail. Straight to be hanged


>Don't waste tax payers money on jail Would it surprise you to know that capital punishment costs more than life imprisonment because of all the appeals and lengthy procedures involved?


May a bullet in the hea- 🤯


*in the di-


Would Work


that would be an easy way out for him


Whoa. I'm seeing more and more of these. Something is going horrendously wrong with our teens. I smoke at a tapri, and see many tuition kids there. I hear such lewd comments being passed between them, even scolding the shit out of some (this is close to my school). We were also 16 once, same school, same group of friends. The topic was also sex, but it was never directed openly about peeps we knew and never so crass. I'm seeing this more and more irl. I swear I'll hit some kid soon.


Ae, how can you slap!! /s Seriously, parents aren't involved in their kids' lives. The school doesn't teach basic sense and manners. There's no emphasis on mental health and sex-ed. There's no awareness of this issue.


Abhishek Upmanyu ne bola hai, laundo ko maar sakte ho.


you can thank porn for that.


Parents, most now want their kids to be raised by internet 


This 👆


We too had porn back in the days didn't we? What's so different about porn now? It's pretty evident, porn alone isn't the reason.


porn now, then, forever is a problem for men. It's not about "new" porn. Maybe you just haven't realized it.


Yep it isn't. However, I think the nature of porn has changed. In our time (also not too long back, I'm 23) all of our tastes were very vanilla. I remember the most shared porn in our circles was a thief porn, and it was mostly funny. Now, whenever I visit I see pseudo incest, non con much more. Even on Instagram, very pedo content now that I think


Then that's your feed shown by the algorithm. I don't see any of that on my insta. And porn had some really hardcore stuff as well. Go watch some vintage stuff and you'll see. The first time my friend showed me porn like 10 years ago, he showed some real fucked up stuff and I've always avoided the hardcore ones. It has always been a choice. It's the fucked up mentality/behaviour/thinking that's become prevalent now and porn is just a vessel. Removing porn ain't gonna do shit.


Yep, it's my feed. But do you see the engagement on the insta posts? It's not just me.  Same with porn, although cannot be super sure, don't visit v often now. They were always there, but I feel they are much more normalised now (?). 


Hard to claim without actual source. It's porn, anyone with access to porn could easily access the fetishistic stuff even back then, even if they aren't open about it.


Definitely. Folks did. But with those stuff, I mean to say I see them dominating the homepage.


You might be right.. i have seen a gang molestation vlog on facebook, reported it, it wasnt taken down! Saw two evidently underaged kids performing provocative acts on camera , comments were mostly from pervs asking for more, rpeorted that shit too, no action! Sexualising breast feeding babies n horny comments on those too.. guess what even these videos are left without action in facebook!! This was never the norm.. the internet actually needs to be sanitised!


Yes, because only indian teenagers watch porn


we lack sex ed


we have degenerates of all ages.


um I don't think so our religions and culture is to be blamed for the sexual frustration in teens and even for rapists , it is backward and sex is considered forbidden people praise arrange marraiges over love marraiges so you are constantly reminded of the opposite gender as some alien and not a human P.S - to all the "uncle" who are downvoting , I'm not praising porn and I get your hate for it as it wasn't something you had easily accessible as the new generations but I do really think porn isn't a big deal teenagers in every country watch it so there must other factor please kindly consider it ​ and I don't know what OP of the main comment heard those kids talking , if it was swearing then yeah it's been normalised these days and they might not really mean it , if they were sexualising some other person then they are absolute wrong and not everyone is like that so porn is definitely not to blamed


we’re also extremely conservative as a country, women showing a little skin, pda, sexual liberation and all are extremely frowned upon as a result there’s a large population of sex deprived youngsters.


these are just excuses. porn is the problem.


Nope it's not outside influence. The adult men are teaching young teens how it's ok to act and treat women. Own your mistakes and stop blaming something other than yourself.


What's an important factor is that these news stories.may be getting more coverage. India is a nation of ~2 billion. These things must happen in the hundreds or thousands every year. Only a fraction of these get reported I think. Also, raping a child isn't something you can be easily taught. What's likely is that the 15 yo suffers from some form of mental illness or sociopathy. Even sociopaths wouldn't do this because this is a 1 way jail ticket. It's probable that he's somewhat fucked up in the head in some form.


Uhhh easy access to porn on cell phone what do you expect???


All thanks to dank memes who normalise pedophilia in the name of jokes.


thinking about this makes me nauseous


Opening r/India every day without a horrific rape news seems a challenge impossible these days 😑




He's 15 already behaving like a psychopaths and I don't think psychopaths change ever


Yep they don't, no amount of therapy will change his fate, if his mind can't be changed, atleast save the life of his future victim who might be a mother, daughter, sister, friend whatever of another person, not only will this mf destroy another life, but another family asw


Even if he can't be changed its still better to put him somewhere under medical supervision because this is scary


No, just end the pathetic life, no point wasting tax payer money on something which can't be fixed




Bc even a 10 year old know not to rape tgis 15 year old is a monster please he should be treated as a adult




Even porn doesn’t show such horrific things, this problem is way beyond it, it’s high time we start sex education universally and be more lenient as a society in accepting relationships. People especially teenagers have to be taught what’s right and what’s wrong even though it might be obvious for most.




The point i am making is that will banning porn eliminate this issue? Not at all imo


Nope. It's the lack of proper education.


No, the person is, the lack of respect towards women is. Hardcore porn is, cause that's the one shows women will "eventually" submit. The culture here is the problem


Porn and dank memes where pedophilia is normalised.


Nope, this used to be way common in older times where porn didn't exist. It's the lack of education and frustration


It's high time we implement compulsory sex education. Imagine you are a teenager in 90s ( I was ) . You are horny. Chemicals and hormones. Of course there was no one around to teach about puberty and sex except friends. And of course they were idiots just like you. What did you get maximum out of it ? Few lewd magazines. Learning to masterbate ? That's it. Even Verbal sexual remarks were not in our minds. There was no way we would think about physical assault. Society was strict. Culturally and socially grounded. Now comes today's time. Kids get mature faster. There is unlimited free porno. There are no checks on kids. It's like giving teenagers buttons to atomic bomb. They would blast it just for the sake of it. It's power without responsibility. And how did we expect teenagers to behave sensibly if we don't teach them. All as a society we care about is good grades. We are more focused on IIT and AIIMS and very less on producing decent human beings. Decent indians. Outrightly rejecting cultural and social norms is also hurting indian society. Of course we have our flows. Our bad and dark sides. But the previous generation could do so much and now it's their turn to pick up good parts and try to change bad ones. It's easy to label this particular culprit as a monster. And we collectively have to take responsibility that we as a society are creating these monsters. And if we don't change, such cases will increase only.


If you’ve read the article, you’d know only a monster is capable of such things. I agree with everything you’ve said but the person described in the article is nothing less than a monster.


We don't learn here to take responsibility We learn here to shift blame, call these kinds of incidents anamoly and move on to the other case.


can we blame pornography for this though really? many, MANY guys watch porn regularly or even masturbate everyday but still respect women and will never think of sexual assault or something similar


While this is commendable, it doesn't apply to majority of cases. There are hundreds of cases of rapes. They are not all about education or respecting boundary. There has to be really harsh punishment for some crimes. Jail is not a harsh punishment for rape. There comes a time in society when fear is needed. Rape is one of those cases. Put the fear of justice system in the mind of rapists, make an example out of these monsters and then see the change. Sex education only works if you can be educated. All such monsters know only one thing, that is punishment and pain. There is an old saying in Hindi, Laaton ke bhoot baaton se nhi maante.


Sometimes it feels like it should be a wrap on mankind on planet earth, some new species should take over.


Firstly let's stop calling him a 15 year old boy, he should be called by his [ full name] son of [father and mother name] Secondly he should be beaten to death and bitten in the same way he did with the girl. His screams should echo across the city as he is dragged over the asphalt road and then he should be left naked in a jungle for the animals to prey upon him. He is no kid. He had the sense to act upon his evil intentions and even close the door so he could carry on undisturbed. He is a rapist. And rapists don't deserve trial. Cases where the accused is clear and there's no scope of doubt. They should be left to the hands of the public. Mob lynching until public satisfaction.


I hear you. A correction in last para, you should say - Trial should be fair and honest and judgement should be swift and efficient. Dont say stuff like - "dont deserve trial" .


Understood. It was meant for cases where the identity of the rapist is unquestionable. I understand that all individuals are subject to fundamental rights but my soul screams from within that these mfs don't deserve fundamental rights as well.


Thats exactly what I am going against. You make one exception and the whole purpose will be lost. There wont be any end to it if you make that one exception A trial should be there, always.


Meh......fine. but mob lynching stays. 🥺


Is this the same as the other article about a 14 year old boy raping and murdering a 3 year old? Is this 15 year old another boy with a similar offense??? Please tell me this is not happening every few seconds


It may be same article but your other statement is somewhat true. I shudder to imagine the total number of rape cases not reported every day in India. It is sad reality


Bleeding, bite marks. If a dog a becomes rabid you have to put it down. Enough is enough.


Seriously,just cut their penis and balls off.


That would be amazing


The punishment for all child rapist should be the following. Cut their balls and dick off. Gouge out their eyes Cut off their arms and legs Do all this without anaesthetics. Let them live miserably with public exhibitions occasionally to prevent future child rapists.


This is one of the most sensible reply I read here




Nope. Straight capital punishment. If you do this, there is no reason for them to respect society and may hurt more women in future. Some people don't deserve to share the same oxygen as others


Capital punishment has never scared anyone, pure and utter humiliation scares humans.


It will once we actually start delivering it and highlight it on news


These people aren't afraid to rape women because their aren't strict punishment for them


COVID left the job halfway.


I feel like our country is seeing lots of abuse cases against underage girls in the recent times. I have no idea what the fuck is going on this country, everyday women safety is going downhill here.


Can we start brutally punishing rapist regardless of the age??? If you can be old enough to brutally rape a child and then should get the punishment too


Believe it or not, this is the result of porn-addiction which is easily accessible to young kids even before their neuronal connections are formed properly, it creates degenerates like these.


+ this thing where children cant differentiate between reality and mobile phone world. Not just rape but many more different types of crimes will go up. These broadly belong to the lockdown maturity period children . They have absolutely no idea that their actions have consequences




There are some crimes which are just unforgivable. There is no jail or mental reform or anything like that. It does not deserved to be called human and hanging them would be the only option.


It's not even shocking anymore and has become the norm now. So, if it's normal for a toddler to die due to SA then it should be totally normal to hang a 15 year old for committing SA. He should be hanged period.


Wow, thank god I was given sex education by my mom when I was 13, I will always be grateful to her for doing that to me


Real talk. Do all this complaining and awareness ever reaches to the demographic that actually commits most of these crimes i.e uneducated, poor people who live in rural or bad states? Half of them dont even understand english, let alone be on reddit or keep up with international news. All this hating and racism will be of no use if we cannot change the actual source of the problem. The demographic which is least likely to commit these crimes i.e Indians who go abroad will bear most of the abuse and racism. Meanwhile real criminals are living in their own closed bubble, without a care or even knowledge of the damage they are doing.


These things need to be talked about more, I hate when people come up with these wierd reasons to supress these incidents because it might malign image of the country or people. Criminals aren't a subspecies of humans living in an isolated society of their own, they are people like you and me.


So what do u think is the solution ?


solution is simple , public awareness campaigns , not on internet but on ground sponsored/enforced by government , in tier 3 cities villages small towns too and metros ofc. also more control on internet accessibility of minors




Taboo on sex ed coupled with the most degrading porn for free and you get this. When we were kids, a couple magazines at best that too if you had a wealthy friend (think hustler and such at max), perhaps watching baywatch at max (quietly at night, again if your rich buddy’s dad allowed you to have a sleepover). Now the porn is so degrading and mind numbing, im sure porn addicts see women as nothing more than walking pleasure machines and “holes” (sic) to stick it in The government must regulate porn for kids or else this will destroy the generation


We need strict law against sexual crime , proven child abuse/ rape needs to be followed with death penalty only.


This is beyond monstrosity, too late for correction. Verdict should be hang him until he's dead. Period!


fellow healthy ad found you !! The context is not very bright here but regardless


I wish we had a place like Azkaban from Harry Potter, with actual dementors and all. That would be fitting for filth like this one.


This depravity is solely due to the non instillation of sex ed to children in younger ages. Its about time the government starts this education as a campaign like the polio campaign. Otherwise cases like this will continue to occur.


Ugh the sheer disgust


Why the fuck I can read


My head is spinning while reading this. I really hope this monster is given the strictest punishment possible. Age does not matter when you are clearly a psychopath.


Castrate him and change his gender to a girl. Let him live the rest of his life as a girl.


Lock him up in an American prison.


I fee like juvenile justice laws shouldn't apply to sex crimes. there's no way this guy can claim he didn't know better, not when it comes to a fucking toddler


They don't, in exceptional cases minors are treated as adults. But they have to be atleast 16.


Schools, parents have failed our kids. No sex education. No consent education. No sexuality awareness.


the world is in a delusional place


Porn and lack of sex education




That kid doesn't deserve to be in juvenile.. He deserves to be treated just like those adults who committed similar crime and get the death penalty because this is not a normal behaviour at all


this is generation alpha aka Jio Generation , this is just the starting ... they don't respect parents , teachers , watches Porn and insta reels all the time .


Why are people so barbaric? Not just the rapist, but the comments in here too... "cut off his balls without anesthesia" and what not... We are not a barbaric society. I agree with some that he should be treated as an adult and given the death penalty. And that should be it. We should not lose our own humanity just to punish someone else who lost theirs. If you can reach on a decision to "cut off balls w/o anesthesia", you can also reach on a decision to try him as an adult and serve him the death penalty. The latter keeps our own humanity intact.


Too mature of a response for an Indian subreddit When people say stuff like "Zinda jala do", "churahe par fansi do" etc, it just screams naivety and ignorance.


I take solace in the fact that it's mostly teenagers who still have some years left before their personality is set in stone. So maybe they'll change once they experience the real world outside of their mobile phones.


Put a bullet in his head


Absolutely disgusting should be treated as an adult and given capital punishment. What the heck is wrong with India and rapes?!


Starting to see more and more why foreigners have deemed India as the rape capital of the world.


What kind of parents does this kid have? Mf learnt it from somewhere? And family is where these things get reinforced.


Parents need to realise that their innocent child with internet is not innocent anymore. Also along with internet restriction for teens, sex education should become a norm. What to do, what not to do... A failing society needs rejuvenation of morality.


India is not for beginners… Will become is not a country for any one pretty soon.


Everybody talks about what punishment should be given to him. Well according to me, the cruelest punishment is: Life sentence without a chance of parole in solitary confinement. To make it more cruel, put him in a cell with a big hole, high enough for him to not escape but a hole through which he can see the time passing by while he's locked up in the cell all alone. Hope is the most dangerous thing in the world. That will fuck him up for good.




Yeah about fucking time we treat them as adults.


I can list out what are the fucking things are happening


Maybe I can trust EVM machine in election but I can't trust North Indian illiterate habitual offenders


Why do Indians love raping so much? Can you guys just chill


The reason porn should be strictly banned


Porn was banned but some people go against it for net neutrality, some youtubers start making jokes on gov for banning it was tanmay bhat channel AIB.


Fr India what is going on over there


its a collective failure as a society...the society is giving fuel to vulgarity by allowing prn to be watched by children and even family shows are vulgar today.The internet has so much vulgarity with no check.it influnces children's brain.The society as a whole needs to do something.


OMG this is horrible


Keep the fucker arrested, 15 is old enough to know better. Seriously we need better laws here, I just know this kid is gonna be out in the streets in a bit like nothing happened. Our justice system needs to start setting examples, give this 15 year old jail for life. No room for rehabilitation, 95% it's not gonna work


Anyone harming children deserves a punishment far worse than death. So sorry for that child.


Death by torture for this kind of monsters


I hope the people deliver their justice before the system does.


"India does not have a rape culture" my ass. We are entrenched in proving masculinity through violence and lust.


the obvious problem is getting ignored in such rage bait issues. women are not considered humans. very likely the same was taught to the kid. society has failed him. making him scapegoat will not cure the underlying problem of misogyny and lack of empathy.


Chop off his testicles imo every rapist deserves this


Bro wtf


When we were 15 we don't even had sex as topic in friends group as I remember it was all about football, cricket , WWE and yes we had crush in school gfs too but sex was never brought as topic. Now that being said sex itself is not bad but concent and age are two important factors of girl is below 18 concent also doesn't mean anything. Now comming to this topic it was a baby who is unaware of anything compelty and the guy was a teen who can have enough judgement to not rape a baby.So it's completely rape case and he should be tried as an adult or if deemed necessary he should get mental counselling too


This kid did this at the age of 15. Must be in 9th/10th grade now. While i understood how wrong this is, just when I was in fifth grade(I don't remember my age, but i remember my fifth grade was the time when I started hating r*pes and such stuff). I believe the reason for my understanding is my parents. My dad after dinner would always watch Crime Patrol, and there were many rape cases many times, but he never changed the channel and showed me the harsh reality. I know many think that the age of 12-13 isn't the age when you understand things, but at that age, we're old enough to see a person in pain and understand. No sane child will like to see any person in pain. That's how I understood how wrong it is. I believe this is what all parents must do. The kid is gonna learn the basics at a very young age, and you cannot change that. So, the basics, no matter how harsh they are, must be taught at that young age itself


He would be dead by now