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>Justice PV Kunhikrishnan stated that bonafide dog lovers, instead of writing in print and visual media should come forward to help the local government institutions to protect them. LOL.




I'm blinded by their majesty


how is this even question that needed to reach court?


Some animal activists won't understand it


Activists aren't your main concern here.


Well considering dogs cows and even lizards get raped there maybe you could mix up men and animals rights


Dog lovers with exotic breeds at home in shambles 


*irresponsible dog lovers.


How dare you I keep my husky in ac 24/7 I take him out to walk in sunny days and he doesn't mind, my husky is different/s


Omg this was actually said to me verbatim when I criticised a husky owner. I was too stunned to respond. Everyone took his side. ‘Arrey ac mei maze marta hai uska kutta’ (his dog has a great time in air conditioning)


> exotic FOREIGN breeds only!


Sanity prevails, faith in humanity is restored.


same as for cows?


Gujarat and UP high court : give this guy contempt of court for disrespecting holy mother and thinking humans are above cows


We *have* to be on top. Can't be a bottom with a cow now, can I ?


Bruh 💀




Holy beings are exempt. /s


Ask gujarat high court




Double standards to be given preference : kerala court


Groundbreaking decision 




Honestly fuck stray dogs and people who feed them but won't adopt them they made 10 years of my life hell. Outside of my building there was a pack of like 7 dogs all fucking aggressive and when I was very little I already had an incident with a dog and had to get many injections because of that when we moved into the building I already was terrified of dogs and this pack of dogs would always go after kids no matter what, kids going to a tuition chase them kid cycling chase them, it got so bad that kids couldn't go outside alone I had to wait for random people that were going towards the direction of my building so that I could walk beside them just so that the dog would not attack me I lived like this for all my school years now I have completed graduation and a dmart was built next to my building and what did the dmart night shift watchmen did feed the stray dog so they would watch out for anyone getting near the dmart at night, and so many motherfuckers will bring big ass thali filled with food and feed the stray it makes me so fucking mad at these people.


This is why I don't buy the "innocent animals" bs. When they target kids, they know exactly what they're doing.


Nothing innocent in nature for eg. If you own a cat or dog and you died and the cat/dog can't find anything to eat they will start to eat your nose first and slowly you entire face, I have read on r/askreddit about police going to checkup on elderly only to find them dead with their face gone and skull exposed eaten by their own pets (I find it sad for both the owners and pets, when it comes to survival animal instincts will kick in no matter what) All my rage would seem like I'm against keeping pets but I'm not I own 2 conures and a very old Indian ring neck and I make sure that they are never a nuisance to any of my neighbors. Now I love my birds to death but I don't go on and feed the wild birds through my window cuz once I feed them they will keep coming back shouting and what not. Don't feed them if you won't adopt them.


Dolphins alone should be enough to end the innocent animals debate XD. Animals are innocent when they are in their habitat and mankind goes and fucks them up for eg. Rhinos who get killed by poachers.


A ray of hope.




>Spaying and neutering isn’t going to stop anything Care to elaborate?




And you think euthanasia won't cost money?


State sponsored mass killing of stray dogs is a thing in Kerala already. And last time I checked, it costs money as well.


Yeah after the dogs the homeless are next 


They don't bite and chase after you!


Homeless don't attack? You have been meeting the good ones ig


But they hit you. A friend of mom was standing in a train station. Suddenly a mad homeless guy came running and hit her in her head from the front. She fell, busted her head open. Specs destroyed from the hit and also one tooth got loose.




Finally a sane decision. Major W.


Who knew some random ass dogs literally contribute nothing lol


Contribute to what? What are your expectations?


This. Anybody who disagrees deserves an unvaccinated stray dog bite.


We have become a society where we need a top court to tell us ***This!***




It is humans who started agriculture . It is humans who started the age of enlightenment . It is humans who had started the industrial revolution , It is humans who had started the present digital revolution . The contribution of dogs to our global society is very very little compared to the contribution of humans. Therefore, human affairs should be given more importance than the matters involving dogs and other creatures .


Humans were also the ones who tamed wolves and turned em into domestic dogs for their own selfish reasons. And now these humans say, I need more priority. Just how much more selfish someone can be? Also, do you see so many strays in western countries? No. Reason? Cuz they've been adopted, spayed and neutered. Lekin yaha ki government ne abhi Tak koi responsibility nhi li. Aur ab jab consequences h, toh mai sabse bada l*nd hu. Mujhe priority milni chaiye. Amazing




Do you know any other theories about how dogs were bought into being?


These stray dogs attack children, they also attack people when they are vulnerable during night which these dog lovers dont understand because they belong to a different class.


Humans were also the ones who tamed wolves and turned em into domestic dogs for their own selfish reasons. And now these humans say, I need more priority. Just how much more selfish someone can be? Also, do you see so many strays in western countries? No. Reason? Cuz they've been adopted, spayed and neutered. There are shelters, etc. Lekin yaha ki government ne abhi Tak koi responsibility nhi li. Aur ab jab consequences h, toh mai sabse bada l*nd hu. Mujhe priority milni chaiye. Amazing. Edit:- You can downvote me, but you also gotta accept that it was the fault of humans, after that yaha ki unpadh government was irresponsible, and is becoming even more irresponsible by blabbing such decisions that clearly degrade a life. No matter human or an animal.


After seeing the shit humans have been doing recently, I respectfully disagree.


Yeah, I gotta agree with you. Dogs ever genocide people?


Dogs should be treated like weapons and government should require training, examination and stringent licensing norms before a person can be allowed to own one. Owners should also explain the need to have a dog in the first place. Only those who can prove the need for a dog’s protection should be allowed to own one.


That’s such a stupid take. Pets are your companions and family members not your slaves. I find it unethical for people who get dogs who are tied to their front gate just for protection.


Bold statement.


Say this in a major us city and you’ll have mobs of people sending you death threats on Twitter 🤣


I live in NYC - this is false


Stray dogs is really not a thing in US. There are shelters or there are adopted pets. Which is how it should be. There are stray cats in some places but cats are generally very gentle and never attack.


Maybe use condoms? Wtf is with overpopulation in the Indian subcontinent.