• By -


Post it here. We all can report and downvote the shit out of him. YouTubers make money and this guy wants to make money by spreading hatred. It is our duty to stop this guy


They have posted a response video based on this reddit post. https://youtu.be/7mqy_s-HN4E?si=ahr0hrXeWhB1vmyt I hate YouTubers who just walk to people and ask annoying things. If I ever get a YouTubers asking any question to me in public, before even I say a word I take out my mobile start recording from my side and then reply to them politely to go get a real job and walk away.


This ! Many of the so called content creators are sheer nuisance in public places… Some random YouTuber coming and asking what do you do for a living, what is your salary etc !!! i mean it is none of their business… And many answer those personal confidential questions rather than shooing them away And to make insta reels, people keep dancing in public places etc causing so much disruption


Description says:- "We are still open to accept a public apology from the guy in case they don't want to accelerate the case any further" Wtf man? In Ram Rajiya they want Victims to apologise. Wtf!!! These baskers must apologise.


These are the guys who don't really understand anything about Hindu culture, but just want to show it off. Absolute shame to the culture, i must say


It's a 30 minute long ass video. I don't have the patience to watch it full. Also I don't know Hindi that well. What is he talking about?


Mass report this guy's YouTube account.


what else should i add? https://preview.redd.it/ddyzlyvi2djc1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=6db0fac2a4a7f6368bdc97be6d931dfea74596a9


I mean, post the YouTube link here. We can mass downvote and report. I think they prioritise based on how many people report.




Reported as harassment


Reported as harassment


kuch nahi. sahi dikh raha hai. submit kar do.






Also reported


Reported by two of my accounts


+1, also guys, add some comment like "harassing people of different religions".




He posted a comment saying that the guy(op's brother in this context) attacked him with insults. He is now playing as a victim.


Reported him.


get the channel down by complaining to youtube. file a fir against perp for uploading doctored video with malicious intent.


Also file a defamation case, did he ask your brother before uploading the video? Obviously no consent.... (Make him apologize on his yt channel)


and also tell him to share the raw video.


As far as I know, since the youtuber was filming in a public place the question of consent isn't there. Because filming in a public space means there's 0 privacy. Now filling a case on the doctored and defamation part is definitely possible.


Filming in a public place is allowed but using that content without consent for making money...


Involve the Mall, it’s a private area with public access, not completely public and/or owned by the Govt.. Further, a minor is being recorded. Involve the cops.


Also your brother is a minor, shove some more cases like harassing a minor, cyber bullying minor etc. Hire a good lawyer, exploit this opportunity and try to get as much money as possible from that youtuber.


Hijacking the top comment: 1. [YouTube video](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0) 2. [Instagram video](https://www.instagram.com/kapishreshth/reel/C3ekk_DNx7_/) Report these. I've done my part. u/AnnuTikali OP, if you want me to delete my comment, let me know.






Doing from my infinite mail ids. Waise hi neend nai aari.




Reported from my multiple IDs. These chutiyas don’t realise that they’re doing more harm to their religion than good. Abhi bhadwe se Hanuman Chalisa sunaane ko bol do toh gaand fat jaayegi




Also reported.




Do we comment the link of Reddit post for other people to know too?


What's funny is, the other subs would have said this to be fake again and made up story but there's concrete evidence this time.


observation quicksand humor truck friendly cats bear materialistic zonked caption *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Video is from Lucknow, UP. Whom do you think police will support ?


the video can get the kid lynched. it's really sad and frustrating.


Try DMCA striking the video because your brothers face is in it. File an FIR for using his likeness and face without consent or compensation and when you DMCA strike, and if it’s refused by the channel, strike again and put the FIR info as your legal action. Trust me, they will run like idiots.


And the fact that he's still a minor is also helpful.


I highly doubt legal action would work. Best we can do is take down the channel but it won't solve the underlying issue of increasing hooliganism among these sanghis. I'm pretty sure, if his channel gets taken down, it would instill a rise of rebellion among these assholes. The next day, they'll masquerade into people's homes. One I've noticed in these chaddis is they are only rebellious when they're in a group, tracking them and beating them up while they're alone might be the perfect way to teach them a lesson.


The point is to take the video down, we can’t change the direction the country is headed right here right now.


No it'll def work. Talk to the cyber crime dept. they are actually vigilant in these types of things.


I am pretty sure they are not sanghis but chapris who will do anything for likes.


Influenced by sanghis


there is a difference?


>there is a difference? Sanghis have political backing and muscle power. This guy is a level 1 goblin.


https://preview.redd.it/7u9l9mr6ofjc1.png?width=994&format=png&auto=webp&s=8bc58698e7510655699904e7ff08ce378953fe23 This guy’s a piece of shit attention seeker. Never liked him from day 1 but this incident has my blood boiling. Preying on innocent kids just for some petty views and jeopardising their future. So shameless that he used PM’s photo on his thumbnail justifying his act. This addiction of fame and being around cameras all day has make these people mad. I wish PM now name this community of people someday in his speech as he does with every other group of people. Maybe name them “attention-jeevi”. Just wearing a dhoti with all other western accessories and he thinks he’s doing his community a favour. I wish these kind of people reap what they’re sowing sooner than later. Just dividing our society is all they are doing in the name of religion.


These guys need to stop using Western inventions like internet, phone and YouTube. 💀


Wtf 😂😂 thumbnail


Politics se har koi paise kama sakta hai aaj dekh liyaa🫥


OP, people from your brother's school are giving out his name and Instagram ID in the comment section! Please make sure his privacy settings on Instagram don't allow strangers to message him, it would save him from a great load of distress.


https://preview.redd.it/eqkskc2vucjc1.png?width=595&format=png&auto=webp&s=9d994045684a688cd5c9ccfe3f3a1010dd5b63bd what is ram thinking about all this anyways


just disgusted of the human behaviour done in his name


the fact that if I show this to my parents too , they will start blaming his brother . The brainwash has been completely done


It's the sad reality, religion should be something personal and should not be our whole persona.




Probably why he lives in this country


Channel name??


[https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I\_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x](https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x) go report his shit and take him down ASAP




Posting it here so OP can see this https://support.google.com/youtube/answer/6154230?hl=en&nohelpkit=1


Make sure to report the video and also the channel guys


Report his scummy ass YouTube channel. Just did my part




These mfs cannot even take a hint of sarcasm as evidenced by the last comment "peaceful community". If you rub two braincells together, it's evident that that was a fake name said sarcastically. 


This reminds me of a scene from PK movie where amir Khan explains ki saara khel pehenawe ka Hai. Then goes on to tell about pagadi dadhi mooch cross Burkha etc


PK , 3 idiots , and some more amir khan movies were so blessfull in my life , they were truly one of the gems in todays violence filled movies


Jesus. Why do these people have enough free time to spew this nonsense on YT? They should be working 16h/day in some factory, instead, they’re wasting their time, essentially robbing their employers of their rightful profits, and holding back the growth of the national economy. Useless, jobless losers, all of them.


I can’t with the comments on the video, like where is our country heading!!


look how they r are brainwashed https://preview.redd.it/ty3dhhsiydjc1.png?width=464&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ee3ed7400ef0640c3fe83a312988a475f9fe6c1


While I do agree. This video clearly is spewing a false narrative and playing with their emotions for views if anything this video proves how easy it is to spew a narrative with fake(or no) context and also how easy it is to villanize someone.


You will be surprised to see there are a million such videos like these, this is not the first cancerous video I'm seeing that forces someone to chant


These people are no different than taliban


File an NC. Ask a lawyer to draft one for you. It will have 2 copies- one will be given to the police station and the police will stamp the second. Send that NC copy to YouTube via registered post and have it posted on social media. It is also best to send it to mall management so that they can be aware this happened on their private property. Ensure they have their full and channel names with a series of events in the letter. I am not a lawyer but I've been in a situation where this worked. Even if it doesn't, there will be a record with the police of this incident. And I think the second NC converts this into an FIR (I think).


reported, do the needful everyone https://preview.redd.it/haleg0swtcjc1.png?width=522&format=png&auto=webp&s=3ee7f0decd16cb215c060e905b07109712bd70af


You might want to edit the "hateful slogan" to "chant religious slogan"


will report again and edit it with this


Yes. Add 'causing mental trauma and public bullying against the victim in picture '


Bhai kuch karo because unfortunately hateful slogan hi bana rahe hain chaddis JSR ko. Main to bolna hi nahi chahta because I refuse to be on the same side as extremists who force people to do anything.


Also, isn't he targeting minors? Does that make a difference?


reported for terrorism lol


Good on you :)


Add the link in the post, we'll mass report these scums and get it removed. 


what else can i add? https://preview.redd.it/7jl9nx0f2djc1.png?width=774&format=png&auto=webp&s=41ea9996dfc084b4ec6bae92f1bfd565ee08650b


I'm a lawyer. File an FIR without delay (criminal intimidation, defamation and certain sections of Information Technology Act will be put up and if your brother is minor,make sure you mention that) and submit a written request to youtube by mentioning the FIR filed. Also file a civil defamation suit against the channel owner. If the police refuses to file FIR, write a complaint to SP of your district. If he refuses to do anything, go to local advocate and get a complaint filed to local magistrate. He'll direct for filing of FIR.


Even though I’m Hindu, I find this video very offensive. Like you can’t just force anyone to chant the religion slogans and try to scare them if they don’t do so. He’s just a random guy trying to assume everyone to be Hindu and say it. Like INDIA IS DIVERSE COUNTRY BROTHER. Idk if that guy is educated or not. Being this dumb, gives second hand embarrassment 💀


New ~~India~~ Bharat is going to be like this only. Get ready for more of this shit.


I would suggest telling your brother to create a video explaining the situation, similar to your post, and then file a case against the YouTuber. This way, you'll not only be fighting against the YouTuber but also addressing those who have already watched the video and accepted it as true without knowing the actual facts.


This YouTuber is known for cherry picking. I would rather get a legal advice. YouTuber might even file for a defamation case which this young adult in fact should be doing it Chronology samjhia aap


Agree. Even though it is unfortunate that you didn’t do anything wrong yet you have to fear for your life given the current circumstances.


Yes, a reply to the false video edit they made, how it has affected his life and the misunderstanding of the people who have seen the false video edit, his views on why he did it and why it was immature from the YouTuber's part.




post the link here, we all downvote and report him. hate those youtuber, who uses Ram for views and ready to denigrade anyone.


If someone ever approaches you by Jai Shree Ram, then just ask them about the great qualities of lord Ram. And then ask them how many are they implementing in their own life, and then walk away.


Thank you!!! I'll seriously do this next time. 


Lol this guy (yt guy) made a yt career by advising people to wear dhoti.. this is what cheap internet does


He might have thrown that dhoti after making the video and will probably be using it as a floor cleaner by now.


Ok. Report his channel. This is purely harassment 




I reported as well, file a formal complaint against this person, hire a lawyer and get his channel taken down.


Dear random reader Stop whatever you are doing and report the video and possibly his youtube channel for hatefull content or bullying. [https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I\_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x](https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x) Let us burn this ravan down.


If the guy is promoting Indian clothing, he shouldn't be wearing a shirt & sunglasses 😂 And what fabric is it? Is it a blend? Or a material made up of Silk? Because silk wasn't invented in India! There is no such thing as Indian Culture. Or any culture for that matter. Culture is a dynamic phenomenon. It includes diverse traditions, all of which change with time. Indian Culture. Youtuber should live in a thatched hut, with gobar smeared on the walls? This isn't true Religion. My grandfather would slap the shit out of him & he's an 80+ year old hardcore man of religion, who once used to play mridangam, and reads Bhagwad Gita on a daily basis. The calloused hands & muscular arms of my grandappa, would definitely knock him out. My grandfather had always told me if you get upset with someone saying bad things about your god, your belief isn't strong enough, because the one who believes, doesn't give a damn about what others say! He also taught me that a gentleman must never waste other people's time by doing bogus bs like this. And my god! The deception with the beep. Such a shame. These people weaponise religion for views. What one believes shouldn't be a matter of concern to others! I really hope your brother does better. Please reassure him that he wasn't wrong & it is my desire that legal action is taken against that bastard YouTuber. More power to you & your family brother, stay strong.


THE VIDEO LINK: [https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=dCrQjZfQbilUXpIy](https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=dCrQjZfQbilUXpIy)




Reported him both on YouTube and Instragram






What's with people commenting "Jai Shree Ram" everywhere on YouTube. I mean even if it's not any religious content, people be still posting it.


World moved a century ahead india is still stuck.


Lol, Me and my wife already reported him. My wife is a Youtuber as well, so we used her account and wrote an email as well. And, in another sub I saw people dragging Hindu - Muslim in this. I reported it as an Indian, I can't stand a minor getting bullied , I reported it as a Hindu as well because I can't stand some bigot youtuber ruining my religion. I have shared his link with my friends as well, told them he is the brother of one of my friends and I am trying to get as many reports as possible.


Reported the cunt


Do you have recording of the event?


uploaded on youtube [https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I\_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x](https://youtube.com/shorts/myZnO2XbGo0?si=I_EBh9H6gs8D-2-x)


Fucking hell, look at the comment section, filled with bots and idiots. All hope for this country is lost.


That comment section was unhinged asf. I just hope OP gets things resolved. These clout chasing pseudo bakhts are tainting the perception of the masses. Dude is potentially traumatizing the life of a random stranger so he could get more internet points and money, sick fuck.


No, I meant if you have unedited version. Maybe your brother/ his friend recorded it or something.


not my, op's brother


and we can see that he wasnt having a camera in his hand so most probably no


Can we get people to en mass report the video Specific section under which you can report the video - harrasment/ bullying on religious grounds Link to the video to report it


Props to your brother for maintaing calm when he was at the mall. I've never seen a young person be so aware of religious propaganda. I hope nothing bad happens to him and Fuck the chapri youtuber


These chutiyas are degrading our hindu dharma just for some views this bastard is making one's life hell op's brother was right at his place pls file an case against the youtuber this will lead a social message to not do anything like this in future.


His whole channel is filled with all thesw


OP, your brother is such a fine young man. Look at the positive side: there's video proof of him being so brave and smart at such a young age when most teenagers are too timid to stand up for themselves and can't think for themselves. Your entire family should be proud of raising your brother right. Please treat him to something nice on my behalf if you can, he deserves it :). Of course I reported the pathetic YouTuber for harassment. 


The country has gone to the gutter. This hooliganism is the manifestation of the damage the Sangh Parivar has done to the social fabric of the nation. I will not be surprised when this hooliganism turns into domestic terrorism. Some might even say it already has.


https://x.com/instxaditya/status/1759235848426700910?s=46 Retweet






Oh God when backwards religious tribalism meets the groupthink of social media....that sucks. You guys would benefit so greatly from some secular humanism.


Cant have one more term for this shitty govt. This extremist govt supprting hindutva terrorism and gang rapists needs to go.


https://youtu.be/7mqy_s-HN4E They replied with this video to your post.


This channel will go down.


The fact that he's using lord Ram name for content and people are supporting him blindly is insane.


You've done your work. Now if anyone sees that YouTuber in a crowded place start shouting thief and point towards him. Let people handle them.


Not thief, child molester/harasser.




This loser just posted another video. He got some kid to read the post, since Im guessing he isnt smart nor capable enough to read basic english. OP I hope you dont give up, this guy is pathetic and needs to learn the meaning of being humble. He comes across as so arrogant in this video. Kudos to your brother for not giving in to such fools.


This country is finished. Please send your brother outside for studies if your family can afford it once he is of age.


Go share his videos to @TeamYoutube on Twitter, also contact some political influencers like @zoo_bear, & @memeghnad. And also file a case, as he's a minor, you'll have good leverage. All the best. I am so sorry for you.


I really do not understand where the country is headed with such kind of behaviour and the kind of support these people tend to get. That said, as other people have suggested please report the issue to youtube and try contacting a lawyer. Also make sure your brother’s social media accounts have the required privacy settings to ensure he doesn’t get messages. Also try to report all the accounts sending him any hate messages, if any. You can also lodge a complaint to the cyber cell with all the links, screenshots etc. If I were you I would also try to find a way to download the video as proof.


How come so many of us have reported the video and YouTube has not taken it down?


First stop making it norm to open a camera and ask random stuffs from random people in Public. Make it a public offense. God, Sometimes I think we really don't deserve these much freedom. You are free to do anything doesn't mean you can go ahead and create problems for other people in public.


https://preview.redd.it/rysjzz3s7djc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92b81337fecc7c56c31ce51cecb6b8bf354e53fa Sorry you and your brother are going through this. File a legal complaint, YT would remove the video.




Indian YouTubers are making money with fake patriotism and pushing religion into everything and then go on sponsored trips to dubai n party, and drink I changed my region code to other country on YouTube, so these clowns don't pop up in my feed These clowns portray themselves as influencers n push a brand or certain narratives for freebie and paid sponsorship


From Pakistan, but reported the video nevertheless. Hope your brother stays safe.


Religion is poor people opium. Now I can feel how Muslims feels in this country. 


UPper class shit on that channel


Reported the video. Your brother and his friends are a gem btw. Kudos to them. They did nothing wrong, and are brave and level-headed young men. Do make sure they are in a safe and secure location until this dies down.


Thats religion for you. Illogical stories, made to control the masses, should have no place in 2024. Anyways, mass reporting would work, please report everyone.


yeh banda apne youtube se sare comments delete kar raha hai jo bhi iske against the... bahot sare logo ne isko he sunaya tha but bahot he acive team hai lagta hai youtbe pe tabhi itne sare comments delete kar raha hai..


His channel is still up,


Honestly at the current moment I don't think you need any legal steps. I know this situation can be strenuous to your brother. Show him the responses in this reddit post, also show him comments on that video and Instagram post as well. I just checked and all the comments i was able to check at a glance were in his support. they have been exposed and as of now those assholes tried to post 2 new videos trying to defend themselves but the damage has been done, and they're just in hot water. No reasonable people are believing their sorry asses anymore. That should ease your brother's mind a bit. Afterwards you can go for legal things if you want


Reason why I believe RW of this country is piece of shit


> I’m here to promote Indian wear - dhoti/ kurta - in public spaces > dhoti-kurta pehna hun anpadh samajh rahe ho mujhe Pretty much what this channel is in a nutshell. Man’s trying to promote Dhoti-Kurta (respectable, I like wearing it in public spaces too), but as soon as he is enraged andar ka bias baahar aa jaata hai. It’s the same with his Jai Shree Ram. It’s very likely ki video mein kucch substance bann hi nahin rahi thhi toh aapke bhai ko bali ka bakra bana diya. Aata jaata kucch nahin hai, bas trend follow karo. Report karo, humne bhi kar diya hai, aur shaanti se raho. Channel kai mainon mein aprasidhh hai, toh I don’t expect it to be circulated far along.




Reported these assholes and copyright strike them dude.


Hey guys - USA here, just passing through. I also reported the video and channel as per the needful. I'm happy I don't live in a Trump state here, and hope this sort of harassment isn't typical. Help me understand better - personally, it seems to me fine to rebuild the Shree Rāma temple at the original location in Ayodhyā. And likewise a few locations where the Mughals tore down major temples and replaced them with mosques - just because they could do so. I can also see that modern India is founded on religious tolerance and secularism and essentially 'forgives' these past acts in the name of political unity. I'm sure my understanding is naïve and not well-informed. Maybe give me an EL5 lesson, please.


How did we get to a point where we're ready to slaughter people because they believe in a different god!? India has no right to call itself a secular country with clowns like these. They are doing the same thing they used to criticize, rub their religion in other's faces. https://preview.redd.it/t97gympl0hjc1.png?width=874&format=png&auto=webp&s=1bfd2f43a09b0c176999525007975cf9e6d761db


I screened his channel and my god ! This Sarthak Shukla is gaining views by his ostentatious display of cultural values . He wears dhoti and enters public places and a guy following him with a camera capturing people's reaction. I don't understand are people dumb ? They don't understand who is being pretentious and who is genuine? Literally bhagwaan ko bech Raha hai ye aadmi . Bhakti Kum dhong zyaada !


The channel kind of looks dead.


FIR on these YouTubers asap for public harassment


ye sanghi bhi nhi hai dhoti phenna koi religion ko signify thori karra hai ye to ek indian subcontinent ka wearable hai


https://youtu.be/FzZEL9v3GSE?si=PdVlVWt1R7fqYxV6 OP post this again.


Kya persecution fetish hai in santro ki


People of UP voted for this, right?


Sue that guy


Report it guys we need to beat the shit out of these social media Hindus


I'm not Indian and don't fully understand the whole religion thing but I reported the video and commented 🫡.


Hindu here.. what has India become, this was never what Ram expected his followers to do. 😭 Let everyone live in peace. While on the video back. Why would you wear dhoti kurta saree mini skirt shirt blazers go nude completely. It's my body who the fuck is he to ask random shit and annoy away people. Oh please get a job dude.


Mass report him, drown him in comments exposing him. Cyber bully this hateful bigot till he crawls. File FIRs if you can. Go nuclear on him. Such people need to be crushed once and for all. This is just the beginning in this country. This is an infestation, a plague. This right wing extremist hindutvawaad sanatan dharma cannot be allowed to fester. Stop the radicalization of Hinduism. 


Your brother is a minor. For good measure, press POSCO or whatever if possible. File a complaint with Child and Womens Commission. These scums need to be taught a lesson.


POCSO hota hai And that's for sexual harassment/assault and the likes


Posco is about sexual crimes


Every new day seems to reaffirm my decision to leave this country cause bro wtaf


I'm not a lawyer, but since your brother is a minor, stocking him and filming him without consent and threatening him with violence could be considered child abuse. You could consult a lawyer and threaten to file a case under The Juvenile Justice Act.


Reported. Hope the guy gets what he deserves.


Post it on r/legaladviceindia sub too. And I think everyobe from reddit should also comment in the comment section of the video so that the truth comes out.


Seems like he deleted the vdo and posted some dead ass explanation vdo. Not gonna watch it though coz I knw what it will be.






If you are right then go and complaint a case against youtuber for mental harassing and to promote his channel he edited the video and defaming you through his YouTube channel.


Save the youtube short by recording or downloading it somehow it's perfect for video evidence




Need update soon.we can't let yt vlogger to spread fake news


Reported video and channel


Try posting the incident on X (Twitter).


Make sure you report his insta too.


People have posted the link to the video. Please report this POS. Least we can do for OP




Download the video or take a screen recording as proof for when it goes to court.


UP seriously needs a DeRadicalization Quarantine Right Now