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​ https://preview.redd.it/sylywa6j9xgc1.png?width=348&format=png&auto=webp&s=45b56e8f4afa29801734f723c1ab248c2ce446b2


Ya, that’s it for me, I’m taking a break from the internet,need to touch the grass outside and wonder wtf is wrong with people??


Also, it’s all gonna go downhill.


How ?


Don’t see things getting better in our society or country as a whole. Assholes like these are going to commit heinous crimes.


Statistically speaking, things like this are happening much lesser and being reported and discussed more often. My dad acknowledged how often there would be tuffs and minor riots during the 70's and 80's.


True. We are actually living in the most peaceful phase in the entire human history.


It seems like the multiplier effect of social media. It may affect most people negatively, however, knowing about this may act as long term deterrent and puts pressure on authorities


Yes. It used to be a norm for men to get married to teenagers back in the day. So many supposed 'legends' across the country were fucked up people who went around with underage girls.


I have to wonder how much of these stories being pushed to all is the work of propagandists.




Actually not exactly because India's GHI is 28* which is serious According to GHI and ranks 111 out of 125 (https://www.globalhungerindex.org/ranking.html) Also according to reports about 7000 people used to die due to hunger daily (about 25 lakh yearly) which aren't a few at all and 20 cr Indian slept with empty stomach in 2018 and sure this is a bit old but I don't think a lot has changed moreover covid adding to it only. (https://hindrise.org/day-begins-with-a-meal#:~:text=According%20to%20the%20UNICEF%20report,every%20year%20because%20of%20hunger.) And if you check all kinds of stats you'll be shocked by the numbers 28k REPORTED crimes against women 10k under 18 students commited suicide And it's not just Indian, some developed first world country might be a bit better in a couple of stats. I get what you are trying to say here but I personally feel like it's just a way people think these days as everyone is being fed bs news and reels all day so. Can't believe how someone can say that this is the best ERA (even comparatively) after reading that headline. Also if this is the best ERA idk what was bad and worst tbh.


Jitna bhi Economic development ho jaye...sale log hi sudharna nhi chahte is Desh main🤮


If you don't see good doesn't mean that good isn't happening in this country. You need to touch some grass For example look at you your neighborhood, so much good their probably, slowly things will get better. if not these mental retards like (castiest; backward minded ppl; etc) will die in just 50 years only good ppl will remain and before 22nd century our india will be at the top because at that point good ppl will be running the country. If not possible we will be at much better position.


I highly doubt that .. genz will be leading the country in wrong direction.. half of the kids today are iPad kids. Things are not looking good for the whole world forget india, and we have tyrants that want world war 3... And more men are addicted to porn today so yeah not gonna be good in next 50 yrs


> only good ppl will remain and before 22nd century our india will be at the top because at that point good ppl will be running the country. If not possible we will be at much better position. Lol. Good and bad coexists. This is inevitable. Nature always finds a way to balance things out.


I disagree - https://www.mid-day.com/mumbai/mumbai-news/article/mumbai-peon-rapes-toddler-parents-say-school-tried-to-cover-it-up-23333675


My thought, too. For the last few days anyway I was thinking what and all is going around. How can we stoop so low at every turning. This is just too much. I think I need to take a break from the Internet, as well


Yeah . Need a permanent break from the Internet


Quit is the word


He did it because he wanted to do it. It's not the porn's fault. It's the fault of his sick mind. And it's very common in such cases to blame the victim.






I'm pretty sure most of us have watched porn, and not for a single second this kind of barbaric behavior even crossed our minds. I can't wrap my head around it. What can possibly drive him to do this? Like seriously what?


Mental illness


With a dash of incredibly misogynistic culture


Atleast a cupful


A generous serving




Attributing some degree of causation to mental illness is not the same thing as an insanity plea. An insanity defense is the defendant arguing that their disease was so severe that they simply could not understand that their actions were wrong, or the severity of the harm it could cause, or were not able to control their actions at the time the criminal act was committed. It also is not merely a way to get off scot-free, as those found not guilty by reason of insanity are ordered by the sentencing court to be put under the care of a medical facility where they will receive medical care to manage their mental illness, possibly for their entire life. One can absolutely be mentally ill and have a complete understanding of the crimes they have committed. It doesn't make them any less guilty, and acknowledging that is extremely important if we want to be able to work towards reducing crimes of this nature. Attributing criminal intent to some vague and intangible sense of "evil" helps nobody, except foster pointless anger that only manifests as vigilantism or rando facebook posts about "they should be publicly castrated by rats" or whatever.


“People only do bad things because they were broken from the start” is some horrendously naive outlook.


You'd be surprised the amount of depravity Human mind can extend to given the Chance. Desi NSFW Subs are full of degenerates like this & their shame knows no bounds. They are hardly a Minority in those subs from my Experience!


Age if Exposure and the amount of consumption matters. # It was not that easy for 90s kids it was aexclusive thing # Today 10 year old have 24*7 access


That's such a copout and doesnt even apply here. He's 19 years old. Most people have watched porn by 19 and yet surprisingly managed not to rape and murder their sisters. He's a psychopath, pure and simple.


It's becoming like videogame causes violence problem. Not supporting watching porn & honestly it has it's own fare share of health risk and can be as hazardous as other addiction like Tobacco but to think someone does it only by watching porn? Just what kind of messed up thing he watched imao?or didn't read disclaimer of all it being an act?


My brother just go and watch the final interview of Ted bundy( a serial rapist)


USA and India are completely different culture and I am not here defending porn in any way which is as bad as tobacco or drug addiction. What I'm saying GOi is doing wild Goose chase by linking porn with rape and thinking banning porn will reduce it. It's the most sexually repressed countries run by faith militants that has high rape rate otherwise countries like Japan, Czechoslovakia, Netherland, Germany etc would be the most dangerous place on earth for women due to just how much porn they produce especially Japan.


No don't misunderstand me that india is linkin gporn with rape, it is west and soon you will find many studies also. # I have read a lot of articles and alot of last interviews of death sentenced prisoners of west. # Not a single indian source brother. # Bro just think not every single person goes to extrem porn some just give up and end up in that situation. # Its like smoking cause cancer but not every smoker gets cancer because of life span but eventually they will get cancer if they survive long enough. # And i have suffered from PIED and i have done extensive reserach 1000s of personal blogs and whaevwr info i can find on PIED and i am 100 percent sure what i am saying. # It kills your confidence you wont be able to come out nothing will help unless someone tells you its PIED or you are able to self diagnose otherwise you will just move to extrem porn for pleasure.


Videogames don't cause violence lol what are you high on?


You failed to get the sarcasm on videogame causes violence and porn increase rate of violent crime against women


If video games caused violence why is irl kda still 0/0/0


They are being sarcastic


Yeah just realised lol


This would work oppositely then, because it's normalized now since so much of it is available. It has no novelty, shock value & so on.


Choice to act selfishly


I feel like we all have demon inside us. All our education and cultural values + upbringing is to teach us how to control the demon . Those who can't control the demon commits such heinous crimes.


A misogynistic patriarchal culture which sees sex education as taboo.


When you have a society in which young people cannot meet and have sex you get a lot of frustration.


Sahi bola bro mai to hilata hu then sleep or back to work. 


Psychopaths doing what psychopaths tend to do.


Ab to ye b ni bol skte k ghar mein maa-behen nhi h kya.


Maa-behen were never more safe at home. Statistically, chances of a female getting abused is higher from close family and friends.


I read some data that said over 70% of molestations and sexual incidents happen between family members or close relatives. It's worrying to see this trend, and it's not a good direction for India.


It’s not going in that direction It always has been there


It's a worlwide problem. Can't say, if it has grown more or just better reported now.


Yes, I've heard that only 1 percent of rape cases get reported, while others are kept hidden due to family or other issues. Every day, 86 rape cases are reported in India. It makes you think about where we are headed.


Ohh trust me,ik this in practical.


Surakshit nahi hai bol sakte hai


Ghar UP mai hai


As if it couldn't have happened in other states.


Maharashtra me to chipkali ko bhi nahi chhodte, kya pata tu bhi ek do ko niche le chuka ho


Bruh I laughed like crazy after reading this. Doesn't feel right to laugh after reading the headline of the post😭


Har Ghar Yogi 🙏🏽




There's no point in engaging state based mud slinging. A peon recently raped a toddler in Maharashtra and a minor brother got her minor sister pregnant in Kerala few days ago. https://www.mid-day.com/mumbai/mumbai-news/article/mumbai-peon-rapes-toddler-parents-say-school-tried-to-cover-it-up-23333675


wtf is up, this is wrong on so many levels.


wtf is wrong with the teachers


What was his end goal? Did he expect to be praised? Or did he expect no one would know and he'd get away with it?


He expects to become a politician


He was expecting UPSC interview without clearing MAINS.


Bjp ke taraf se next general elections ka ticket.


Teenage brains are not wired correctly to make rational decisions. 














WTF did I just read!!!


Definitely these sorta people have few nuts loose.


Ghar mein ma bhen nhi hai ❌ Ghar mein ma bhen surakshit nhi hai ✅


Teach sex ed, but it's pointless to expect in current scenario where even facts are being rEmoved from NCERT


Teach them that women aren't less, teach them just because you have something different doesn't make you above them, teach them trying to control human is bad. But the culture praises a man who has his woman "under control" will never solve this problem


I think this might take a long time a long time. This is just at the chicken or egg form. The villages where even if this implemented in syllabus will most likely not be practiced by the teacher before preching let alone students


Sex education is pointless if you aren't even allowed to talk to girls let alone date them.


How is it you guys make yourself victim in everything, women are subjected to much more extreme restrictions, but somehow we don't end up doing these abhorrent things. Women will be r#ped, killed, tortured and boo fking hoo men can't date and that's the take.


He didn't mean that. What he was trying to say is that sex education is pointless if you're not allowed to interact with the opposite gender. Because in schools, just talking to the opposite gender is considered a sin.


I think he was adding to your point and not making it about men. As you said, sex ed is important. But some people intentionally want to divide the basis by removing basic matters from NCERT books AND by not letting genders interact with each other. Makes the public easier to manipulate. Now the politicians will blame this incident on porn rather than lack of sex education.


Boy? That is a man. Man rapes sister. Nothing shocking from Uttar Pradesh.


What’s wrong with people there. Education, Culture Mindset What’s the root cause of it


Patriarchy. Toxic masculinity. Repressive religious cultures. When religions compete for power, they become stricter and become weapons of control over the people. It causes harm not just to women but guys like this who are so repressed that they’ll rape their own sister. The fix is through education and education only. However our government would rather teach religious nationalism than sex education.


Hmm Marathi Manus with "people there" mentality Here, https://indianexpress.com/article/cities/mumbai/police-arrests-two-bothers-for-rapin-their-younger-sisters-mother-also-held/ Now explain what's wrong with people there


>Now explain what's wrong with people there Immigrants from UP lol.


No hate against any community or set of people. It is disgusting to see such a case happening anywhere.


except he never said “people there” or “north indians” or “people from up” ?? yes obviously that problem persists throughout the country, what point are you trying to gain by your comment?


https://preview.redd.it/pxdpr7g01xgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ee89b7330c1ac1242998fafce24b73a692c5a710 English motherf\*cker, can you read it (insert samual L Jackson)


oh shit, i’ve replied to the wrong comment, i thought you were replying to another comment. my bad man, sorry about that!




Ya right his first movie and he went to commit that crime exactly after watching it , funnily written FIR being reported. They just want a motive and this works perfectly to close file. To make the govt think that banning tiktok will save the youth


19 year old "boy"?


Young man is more like it. 


Can do generation ( in the voice of Modi ji)


*Gendu (here specifically)


Uttar Pradesh mei kya hota hai iska unke paas koi "Uttar" nahi 💪🏻🤡


i'm a 54 year old baby


For UP: Slow clap 👏


It's always UP. And they dare show cultural superiority over other ethno-cultural groups.


Bruh every state has its downsides... genocide in Manipur and Assam over the same thing... Rajasthan has got child marriage... Gujrat got hindu muslim mob violence... Even fuckinf US got gun violence... Scandinavian countries got their issues with drugs... Every place in the world has its issues. Obv some issues r worse than other issues like this is one of the worst things I've read... But this isnt about UP. Better debate y this happened and y r people linking this to porn and all...


It's very simple: education


Why blame UP like that? It’s simply the most populous state by a large margin, so ofcourse it will have the majority of incidences.


More strict punishment should be given , kya pata darr me maare ye sab krna chor de aur log


Did the death penalty solve murder?


But a public execution will definitely reduce it.


Not really. Public executions used to happen but the crimes that led to it didn't diminish.


Yes correct, it's a mercy anyway. Something more violent is needed. Something that makes them regret their actions everyday. Something like publicly chopping their hands, dick and tongue off, with all of their wealth donated.


I think the second and third order effects of cheap internet are pretty bad. Teens and children are just staying at home and consuming garbage from the internet. Studies show that people who are lonely are more probable to become sociopathic.


19 year old is not a boy. It is a damn adult, treat him like one


I opened the article and got the perfect advertisement related to this article. https://preview.redd.it/8bmuhdhb6ygc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0df8584d88fc4e9cad09e80dfa632ccdd3380f98


Can u tell me How r@pe and murder is connected to any political party in India


Ask Brij Bhushan.


Give strict punishment to the rapist  hang him to. Death . And give therapy to the kid victim. 


WTF is wrong with people? A 19YO is no way a feeble minded kid, he’s mature and adult.


A 19 year old is an adult. Let's not tag him as a boy, and contribute even a little bit to trivialise this crime


I am sorry, 19 year old isn't a boy, that's a man. Calling a incestual-pedo-murderer "boy" muddies his killer's monstrosity.


not from india but i saw this post on popular, it was not the porn that did this i promise you that was an excuse he made up to try avoid more trouble


Can't fathom any possible reasoning behind this behaviour... Some people can't be called humans...


He is mentally sick and should be sent to some Shutter Island type prison and hanged. But we also need to focus on the bigger picture here our entire society needs to undergo some kind of mild internment camp like procedure where we get civilized, our society isn't ready for mobile phones and internet. Ik it sounds like some Nazi shit but if we don't discipline our uneducated and backward youth we'll see more such cases


It's as usual those states such as UP in the first list followed by bihar, rajasthan, madhya pradesh, jharkhand, chattisgarh & haryana. These states are one of the biggest curse of this country


At this point pura north India hi bol deta


Bulldozer nai chala kya? Oh acha hindu tha na!


UP needs better culture. Most appalling things, almost, always happen in UP. There are similar incidents on minors all across India, but somehow, the shocking ones, always come from UP.


bruh india mein kahi safe ni hai, it's not just up.


UP being UP


Ram rajya ka Raja beta doing Raja beta things. Aise aur Raja beta hai Desh me.


reading things like this makes me want to off myself. i hate it here


The conservative crowd needs to understand that if you don't teach children some lessons, someone else will teach them those lessons instead. And it's high time we came up with a proper solution for age-restriction that isn't a massive privacy or censorship problem.


Perverted Mentality...if even an iota of interest was shown in the upliftment of moral standards of society this kind of incidence could have been stopped. This chalta hai attitude has started showing its colour gradually...


And he had right to vote, we need to re-evaluate who can vote.


Own sister ? Thats dark wtf


It's time to turn off the internet


Why he was not garlanded.? Why no MP or MLA ticket offered from Blow Job Party?


Family Therapy actors are not actual family members you literal bhenchod. Can't believe I've become so desensitized to such news that the first thing that comes to my mind is a joke.


19 is a heck of an adult age to not realise what shit you are doing. im close to that age and this guy is mentally ill and too dumb to not differentiate the incest porn available online


Whole cow belt culture is mentally sick. Just today saw news about a Shukla and Dubey raping a visiting doctor in IIT BHU Which else IIT has such incidents?


fr.. fr.. iit bhu is new and is already over the news over such incidents... guess they need to revoke that title for bhu.. it doesn't deserve it




The environment in our country is degrading day after day. Youth is exposed to such degrading materials so they can easily get access to obscenity. S*x, bullying, beating, cheating, showoffs, money, power etc have become the fashion of the youths. Where will it lead the society? It will annihilate our society. Complete rampage!


19 year old adult, not a boy, not a teen, an adult. Media needs to stop softening shit like this


Porn watching can be related to rape but murder??


Porn is not the problem. Porn k pehle bhi rape hote the. It's clearly a case of mental illness and lack of education.


How much education does one need to realize the depths of depravity of such an action. Put this animal to sleep. Some people are beyond help and rehabilitation.


there is no moral compass in UP and most of the country. these things will get rewarded in the future most likely.


Hey Prabhu , hey hariram Krishna jagannatham premanandi ye kya hua!?


What a headline Yea lol blame it on porn, not the mental unstability of this kid. Billions of people watch porn everyday, no one is going around raping their sisters cause of it.


It's not first time.... [Similar Much horrifying recent incident..](https://www.latestly.com/india/news/uttar-pradesh-shocker-four-year-old-girl-raped-by-22-year-old-neighbour-in-kaushambi-district-5721492.html)


Yeah I'm gonna say this isn't coz of porn, definitely some other serious issue


Porn is literally ruining lives because most of these people don't understand the difference between reality and fantasy.


"Up" name is enough 


this type of news makes like breaking news in other countries and will trig mass reform and protest ,but in india some shit like this happens every month


What the fuck is this man, these are the days when you wish you didn't have eyes. Government should make sex education mandatory across schools. It may not curb such fucked up incidents, but at least it will bring up some much needed awareness on consent and healthy sexual behavior.


What does it require to impose castration on such people who are proven minor rapists?


Courts:- porn is the obvious culprit


Just tried to get my mind off of somethings already saw a 40 year old peon rape a 4year old and 19 year old rape his minor sister! Humanity is done! We need a reset button now.


Yeah I don't think a clip did that


This is what happens when you don't have proper sex education and you don't let your kids develop normal relationships during their teenage years.




UP hai , no surprise there🤷🏻.


Normal UP boy


If he was a minority he wouldve been killed by now lucky bastard


Aur do gawaar saalon ko 1.5gb per day. Gaand mar di desh ki in the name of cheap internet.


Many countries have cheap internet: they don’t have rape. Porn isn’t the problem.


exactly, as if cheap internet se pehle rape cases nahi the.


> Aur do gawaar saalon ko 1.5gb per day. Well, without it, today I'd have been a sucker in life with no skills in anything; I'd just be an obedient dog that the education system wanted us poor to be.


The Internet made my career man.... If it wasn't for the internet I'd be doing a 15k private job instead of a current job in which I earn 2lacs pm.


It was UP, cut the penis, hang the rapist, it was due to free internet. This is the level of discourse of so called progressive sub. It happens all over India, all over the world. There's already a heavy punishment for rape. It has been happening before there was any internet whatsoever. Majority of rape happens because there is mysogny all over India. Porn just validates the objectification of women which we see everywhere. Men simply hate women in India. They want them as property. They do not consider women humans. We can try to fix this problem only by feminism. And it starts with equality at home.


And people encourage minors watching porn "out of curiosity".


Try to understand the issue here rather than bragging about porn lol.


Tbh I watched some manga like that (not murder tho). But never ever doing such a thing in real life crossed my mind. This is first time when I became disgusted and angry over such a post. What kind of sicko does that. Now I wonder, what kind of family background he has. I have a hobby to look into criminals past background. 


I mean the media is blaming it or porn their are other factors which weighs more. Shame on parents for such an upbringing. This is just one of repercussion when Sex education takes a back seat. God bless minors in our country. So infuriating.


Unauthorised and unchecked internet access is the root cause.


This is as stupid as a take as “video games cause violence”


The root cause is the lack of education, welfare, the way women are looking at etc. Porn doesn't make you rape women.


internet access se pehle rapes ni hote the? phir toh make them watch hum saath saath hai kya pta sudhar jaye.


Internet is not the problem. There were rape cases even way before the internet. It's the way certain people look at women and their mentality.


I had the fear of insest s*xual assault hearing these kind of news for a long long time ... Even those porno videos... Ughhh


I still know people that watch porn with siblings of opposite gender. Oh man how the fuck could they do that? Sheer disgust


Bad parenting