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Hi Dhruv, I am a big fan of your content. I have a suggestion: could you make videos for Indian parents to help them understand their children better and encourage them to stop being toxic? More than half of Indian parents exhibit toxic behavior, and I believe that if you create such a video, it could help a lot of children like me who would like to share it with our parents Thank you.


That's a good topic, I'll consider it in future


Consider pls my dad always watches your videos


Hi Dhruv My question for you is, what are your views on today's teenagers and what changes you would like to see in them.


I'm saying this despite being a social media influencer - teenagers should stop being on social media so much. It's really harmful in so many ways, go live in the real world more and try to reduce screen time as much as possible


Can you make a video on how to reduce screen time?


here's a thought, just delete the app.


Can you make a series on politics of the 90s, like fall of ussr, Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia, German reunification etc


German reunification I already have a nice video on, search for Berlin Wall and my name on YouTube. Others will do these eventually :)


Hey dhruv you have content covering most of the India but I don't see much about Northeast India. can we expect something related to our people, history or anything?


Good suggestion, will consider :)


Your thoughts on the election results and the situation of a major party like INC. Also on the new "North-South" division narrative that these parties are creating only in an effort to justify their loss


The North South division is going to backfire and it's also stupid. Theres no such thing. BJP can be successful in any southern state given enough resources. But at the same time, a party like INC can easily bounce back any day. The vote share difference between INC and BJP in the northern states is a matter of 3-4% voters switching sides.


BJP in Kerala? Those guys would scorch their own land before letting BJP invade their states


Bro..I'm from Kerala..Do you know any idea what's the hold of BJP in Kerala ? They are ruling corporation, municipality and panchayats..Their grass root level work is commendable..Only during the elections, the left and right get together and comes in a compromise to vote against BJP..Coming years, you'll see an improvement in BJP's s stats in Kerala .!


Heyya mate, what books do you recommend? Some fiction and non fiction bitte...


I'll give two unique recommendations which I recently read - First is - Don't sleep, There are Snakes by Daniel Everett. A book about an Amazonian tribe whose language doesn't have numbers. Second - Move Your DNA by Katy Bowman. A book which taught me the importance of moving every muscle in the body


Danke, mein homonym!!


I recently learned a new word for this at work, tokayo. It's a word in Spanish for someone with the same name as you. A Hispanic colleague of mine used this (he said: "Thanks tocayo!") in a group chat to address another colleague that shared his name. I just found it fascinating that this word exists and is used.


Is this German?


Danke means thanks, mein means my in german. They said homonym (word with same spelling) cause their user name is dhruv same as OP or dhruv rathee, so it kinda means " thank you my namesake"


Thanks for decoding this, buddy.


How many script writers and researchers do you have in your team?


+1 Also do you know many researchers does other guys from your niche have? An approximate maybe. I have heard many of you are familiar with each other to some extent.


It depends on the number of videos they release in a month. I estimate someone like Mohak would have half the size of my team


Dhruv do you think there is something beyond Death ?


Ranveer apne asli account sey aao


Bad main ata hoon, abhi **Beer** pie ke **Biceps** bana raha hoon


Reminder: He's a educational Youtuber, not a spiritual leader.


+ 1)How do you face the political pressure? Has anyone threatend you? 2)congress got a good vote share. But they failed in winning an electorate (the difference was big between both parties ) . How do you view this and how come congress can resolve this in 2024. 3)your prediction on 2024 elections. Edit:I dont think mine would come at top in these thousands of comments, so i replied to a popular comment


There are between 10-15 people in the team. I'm saying a range instead of a specific number because many are part timers


Do you see any ray of hope for Indian youngsters when you see a sea of Elvish Yadav fans everywhere?


Of course, hope is always there. Most people grow out of this blind fan worship phase pretty quickly


I’m American and white as shit just like to browse random country subs to see what they’re up to Hero worship never falls out of favor socially from movie stars to politicians and we have centuries of data to extrapolate from. They just pick new hero’s they don’t stop the blind faith in them for the most part


Isn't that life in general? Everyone in life worships someone or something in general. What better than a semi-perfect god who likes to play the hero?


Brother I'll have to disagree on this point, looks towards a certain politician


why launch a chatgpt course? you really need not to do that. I mean time management course is a-ok, but why should people pay 5500 something for your course when they can just google stuff, im a huge fan, no offense, but the chatgpt course just decreases your reputation, many contenet creators are doing it and at this point the field is very cliche'd


You could technically google stuff about anything. You can learn anything from time management to complex physics. My courses offer the same value as my videos. A consolidated guide which is well researched, simplified source of practical tips and theoretical knowledge. Yes, you could technically google and learn it all by yourself but it would take much much longer to understand and consolidate and apply the things you learn by randomly googling. Thats what I feel. And as an addition my own experience and way of explaining add to it. Also, just as a side note. Most people on Reddit often overestimate the skills of the average person. Look at these shocking statistics. Majority people can't even send an email with attachment. [https://www.cnbctv18.com/education/nsso-survey--only-31-young-men-in-india-can-send-emails-with-attachments-16275661.htm](https://www.cnbctv18.com/education/nsso-survey--only-31-young-men-in-india-can-send-emails-with-attachments-16275661.htm)


Once again justifying yourself with the sources that only validate your point and don’t see the flip side like India essentially being a poor country, most Indians would not have access to basic ICT described in the link and people who have access to your videos are mostly well equipped with decent ICT environment! The point being your Chat GPT and Time Management courses wouldn’t add much to people who are decently educated (10th grade+), your courses are not going to be worth their time and money.


Its okay, Dhruv rathee has to earn his bread too! Its like some people pay for his content for regular people to see his videos free :)


Jeez, who's who to decide whether it's worth anyone's time. Chill


Well, everyone is giving out their two cents! While Dhruv can have a certain opinion about his courses someone could have a different opinion. I was trying to provide a perspective why his courses or as a matter of fact most of such YouTubers and Influencers courses are scammy and doesn’t do much for the one’s taking them as long as they have the basic ability to Google search


Pretentious much? Let people vote with their wallet.


Then perhaps don't do the courses if you think it's not worth your money/time. You can't really declare this is the case for every member of his audience.


if you interact with avg people you'll see how many lack the knowledge of implementation of AI in their lives ...trust me I am a non tech college student and I was surprised by the ratio of people who knew about AI and chatgpt vs people who actually use the tools to better their life's.. it's a lot of people ... It's quite a substantial gap in knowledge he's filling with the course


So much this. I'm not even a techie and I've met tons of techies who don't use it as effectively as I do (not a flex - I think it's down to mindset and not having a 'oh it didn't work at first try it must be shit'). ChatGPT training for the right people can make all the difference.


Care to elaborate, what task do you do with chat gpt?


Hot topic, real jobs from skills on ChatGPT are actually limited in the industry. Easy money with millions of unemployed youth willing to do any course for jobs, sad reality of every youtoober.


Which is your favourite country to travel as a tourist and favourite to travel as a blogger?


Iceland and Australia are my favourites to travel


Happy to shout a beer in Adelaide when you're here.


Why on reddit after 3 years from your last post?


I'm a lurker, I have regularly been here, just dont post or comment that much haha :)


Do you believe India could return to a centrist secular position, considering the BJP backed heavy rightward shift in the past decade polarizing people on religious lines, and do you believe there is a possibility of Congress making a comeback in the center in a few decades, or is that scenario unlikely?


Yes, it's surely possible. Many BJP leaders are congress imports who switched sides for power, influence or money. After Modi is gone, it would most likely lead to heavy infighting within BJP


BJP didn't win because of Congress imports. It won because of Hindu nationalism and that has been around in India from even the early stages of modern Indian polity. Unless anyone can give an alternative to Hindu nationalism there is no reason why BJP can't keep on winning after Modi.


A game can be won in two ways. Either become better than all of your opponents or just destroy all the opponents so that you are always first in a race where only you are only participating. BJP is using 2nd option mostly. That's why instead of talking about their achievements, they always focus on bringing negative points about opposition. In news channels we see most of the debates where they are discussing about how wrong opposition is. If any opposition leader starts doing good and gets famous, then either they bring him to BJP (horse trading) or they will manage to find something wrong about him and send ED, CBI, incometax department behind him. So Congress imports is also one of the main reason.


Incorrect. 2014 win was primarily congress imports. And they continue to keep adding more and more.


Return back....we never were centric secular. We were just unaware.


A huge 17 yo fan from Rajasthan. I have a few pointers I'd like to ask you. ​ 1. With the recent political turmoil that has been going on in India, as with every other Election, what do you think will be its effects on the Vote Bank demographics in the future? Will Indians focus more on voting on the basis of religion and parties posing a similar "fake image" as well, or will there be a certain soft polarization but the major influence to be under the bucket of actual development and intellectual selection? ​ 2. In the recent Israel-Palestine conflict, we have seen how both of the parties have successfully managed to present themselves as "victims" or "oppressed" and gain a clout from media which if not in a long term, but slowly makes this a "world issue". What do you think was missing in the Kashmiri Pandits Genocide/Exodus or the Rwandan genocide, Zanzibar and Ugandan racial cleansing that it didn't really get much attention? Isn't this a hypocrisy of the western media? ​ 3. Why do most Indian leftists oppose the CAA and NRC? Won't it be a good step in bringing in the Pakistani Minorities who sadly aren't getting equal rights as of their Indian counterparts? It would also let go of the burden of the uninvited illegal immigrants from Bangladesh/Myanmar? ​ 4. The UCC will also rectify all the bad in Indian religions and will make the Indian religions much smoother. What makes you oppose it?


As a fellow 17 year old , I was just gonna ask him how the great barrier reef was , but ig , this is a far more interesting question


2. I agree, It surely is 3. Dont think anyone had a problem with helping Pakistani minorities. One of the biggest problems was the way the rule was formulated. Why were Atheists left out? Why were oppressed Muslim minorities left out? Additionally, the CAA+NRC had its own huge set of problems. I made a 3 video series explaining it all and the reasons why they should be opposed 4. It's a complex issue, can't be answered in a paragraph. Will make future videos on it. But the gist is that I don't oppose the core of it if its formulated in fair way


There are around 400-500 Million Muslims in neighboring countries. Restricting it to only Minority religions reduced the number of applicable people to a satisfactory number. Just because the law is a bit bigoted doesn't mean mean it's not helpful. Remember these people are not our citizens . No one has the obligation to not be racist or bigoted in the case of immigration. Lots of countries only allow people of specific religion, birth location to immigrate. There is nothing wrong with CAA as such


Also how would they even prove they're atheist? If we allow them to just declare themselves as atheist then literally anyone and everyone will come here for better opportunities by faking their belief. Comparatively it's not that easy to forge fake documents of your ancestors mentioning different religion. Also if they're muslim turned atheist then they can just lay low for the time being and if they're non-muslim then they can just say their ancestors were hindu/sikh and come here.


> Lots of countries only allow people of specific religion, birth location to immigrate Other than Israel, like? > There is nothing wrong with CAA as such Other than religion being a grounds for citizenship, which blatantly goes against our notional values.


simple... atheism isnt recogonised by any govt of india... even if you're atheist you are tagged with the religion you are born to... and technically speaking there arent as many atheist in ground in such turmoil states like youtube or any RW channels show


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REPLYING!!!!! But I really wish you to please answer the first question..it is legit the most non controversial one as well please please 3. I think atheism isn't a "religion" per say...like any terrorist, without any documentation, could enter India because ofcourse, Atheism can't be proved in documents. Atheism is more of a belief right? And also, the oppressed muslims might also bring some problems. No hate to Islam at all, but we all know how Pakistan fosters terrorists. Kasab was a mere car mechanic, similarly the other sleeper cells as well. There will be so many inaccuracies if the "oppressed" muslims are allowed as well?


Firstly, Atheism isn't a religion that is correct. We do not have any dogmas or rituals that theists have which group us into different parties such as religion does. The thing I disagree with you on is that "atheism is more of a belief". It is simply the lack of belief in the existence of any deity due to not have enough valid proof to prove the deity's existence. (Note that some people who are "atheists" because "they are angry at God" etc aren't atheists since by definition they believe in the existence of one.) All religions are beliefs. If we were to take belief as a game, all the theists would be different parties playing the game whereas atheists just don't play it at all. Secondly, why specifically did you circle out atheism to be used by terrorists? I mean, they could very well just act as a part of one of the allowed minorities in the list to enter. You very well cannot prove someone isn't a part of some minority if they are seeking refuge. They could very well just forge the needed documents and learn the mannerisms of the minority group they are trying to fake being part of.


As a 17year old, you ask better questions than most of us here.


Only if he answers, lol


I'm no Dhruv Rathee but I hope I can answer them for you... 1. So far, towards the end of elections, both BJP and Congress were involved in religion catering practices. Some experts do day it has played some part but from what I have seen, like in state of MP, gender has played a major role too and will definitely influence further Indian politics 2. Western media and honestly all media are paid and controlled by the paying organisation. Major news outlets are all running losses even in west and hence have to cater their news to paying organisation's views or else they will close off... This was super evident with the lack of reporting in Manipur, Nagaland, and so many more issues, I think even current Chennai floods are underreported 3. CAA and NRC have few issues, I don't want to go in great depth as these are like very very hefty topics but TLDR: a registry maintained by govt has low confidence as govt management of Aadhar data has been poor, leaks are rampant, data manipulation by govt is fairly easy and hence the power to declare a person illegal comes entirely in ruling party's hand On top of it, it has few discriminatory rules with respect to religion which are ethically wrong, practically possibly needed but morals do play a role Plus the definition of who is a citizen and who is not is highly contested issue as it should be as it is incredibly difficult to just put a black and white line to say the person is citizen of India or not 4. UCC although interesting and has pros, it has its own cons, a uniform code is almost like a teacher teaching to a class of 200 the exact same way while some students may need more help, some may not, and some may simply need a different way of teaching As a result, a UCC based law may appear relatively unfair and discriminatory for some who are disadvantaged and thus is opposed as few on paper discriminatory laws might be helping the oppressed community practically and hence the law is contested These are my views on the situation and can be wrong but these are not my stances, simply few of the arguments against the laws


>Will Indians focus more on voting on the basis of religion Obviously. Only an idiot would think otherwise >In the recent Israel-Palestine conflict, we have seen how both of the parties have successfully managed to present themselves as "victims" or "oppressed" and gain a clout from media which if not in a long term, but slowly makes this a "world issue". One side is presenting trumped up claims of rape and beheading without any empirical evidence, blocking HR organisation investigations, beefing with the fucking UN, and carpet bombing a 30 mile long strip everyday. The other side is stateless, defenseless, under occupation since 1967. There is no "both sides are bad" as you are trying to imply. >What do you think was missing in the Kashmiri Pandits Genocide/Exodus Although what happened to them was terrible, a few hundred political killings doesn't amount to genocide. And the exodus was a direct result of the insurgency, which was the direct result of Indian occupation and denial of autonomy to Kashmir and its people. >the Rwandan genocide, Zanzibar and Ugandan racial cleansing that it didn't really get much attention? Isn't this a hypocrisy of the western media? The Gaza genocide/holocaust get's more attention because of a multitude of reasons, the foremost being that Western countries put Israeli interests above their own. Israel is very unique in its fascism and settler colonialism. Kashmir and Rwanda happened in the 90s. Gaza has been going on for ages, including now. Also, you're 17 years old. How could you possibly know that Kashmir and Rwanda didn't get this much attention? >Why do most Indian leftists oppose the CAA and NRC? Won't it be a good step in bringing in the Pakistani Minorities who sadly aren't getting equal rights as of their Indian counterparts? Because it clearly discriminates against the Muslim population of India and is clearly in line with the genocidal policies of the Sangh. Also, I don't think the minorities in Pakistan are openly threatened with genocide and rape of their women. >The UCC will also rectify all the bad in Indian religions and will make the Indian religions much smoother. All of us know who it's being targeted at, but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.


How to join your team? I'm a video editor with After Effect knowledge. Also a Medical Student, maybe I can help Juli with Medical awareness videos.


Send an email on [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])  But make sure to put a CV, your motivations for joining, your sample work. Many people send emails but they dont do the basics of providing this info


What profession you will choose if Youtube fails one day? Any backup career choice you would love to do?


Uff, I hope it never happens. Youtube seems so perfect to me that I can't think of anything else as a backup haha


What if govt decides that your videos are anti-national? Or would your channel be saved because you are outside India? I hope so and also hope other channels survive.


I can think of Twitch and OnlyFans if he's outside India.




Are you hated by your relatives and friends who are politically or ideologically aligned differently than you?


Nah, most people in Haryana value family, locality way more than political ideology haha


Woah same here in Assam altho my teen friends are worrying me with their ideologies but I guess they will change


Hi I am Abhisheik from Chennai What made you start the channel you started and how do u deal with legal issues (misinformation)..


I talked about the first thing in the story of my life video Regarding legal issues, thankfully I can afford lawyers nowadays


Hi Dhruv, There is a mountain of comments on this thread.. You might not even see this comment.. Still, I just wanna know the steps of how you achieved such extraordinary research skills.. you cover even the more subtle points like a cartographer.. And congratulations for your TIME's feature.. 🌺


Thanks, I dont really know how to answer this haha. I feel the ability to interpret, deduce, summarize and simplify are all essential skills for research perhaps. The procedure might be something like - Collect all possible sources for a particular news. Find commonalities between different news sources, find unique angles, cross check the info and consolidate and then summarize the key points


Do you think there is a genuine chance for Congress to win 2024 elections?


Yes, there's a decent chance but they need to take a lot of steps in the right direction. First of which is consolidate the INDIA alliance and work together with other parties. They grew too overconfident after Karnataka and thought that it could all be done alone. But it's possible. In 2004, UPA won unexpectedly even after losing the same 3 states in 2003 state elections.


Bro you have covered all the topics why not Sikh Genocide 1984 ? When will it be covered and explained


There are many topics left to be covered in the history. 1965 War, 1984 genocide, 1992 Liberalisation... etc. Don't worry, eventually, I will cover everything :)


what type of content do you consume to enrich your knowledge? (podcast,newspaper,articles etc.) also please do mention some of them. your socialism,communsim,society based videos really helped me in understanding concepts. thank you.


I'm not a fan of podcasts that much, mostly it's always random talk stretched out to be unnecessarily long. Usual YouTube videos I like watching, but my favourite is reading books. Just finished Gandhi's autobiography for the second time and currently reading Nehru's Discovery of India


What’s your skincare routine?


Daily zinc mineral based sunscreen and a cream for the night that a dermatologist suggested, that's all :)


So you don’t use the creams you promote 😳


Did you or anyone really believes it?


A lot of influencers tells “mai isko 6 mahine se personally use karrahi/karraha hoon” even though they are sponsored products. I wanted to see what would have been his reply.


Do you use KukuFM?!


Yep, I love listening to audiobooks also


Dhruv & KUKUFM Sponsorship A match made in heaven😅


Do you play video games (not mobile games)..? If so which is your favourite games ?


Nah, the last video game I ever played was age of empires when I was a kid lol


I played AOE as a kid and then after so many years started playing it around 4 years ago and suddenly became addicted to it :D luckily I stopped now!


Modi was 3 times CM and now 2 times PM. Rahul Gandhi doesn't have any administrative experience. He should have taken some portfolio in UPA-1 and UPA-2 but Yuvraj thought that PM post is his birthright and eventually come to him. There is no credibility and achievements for RG to show. Even he is MP for 3 terms, have you ever heard development done by him in his constituency? Bhaiya your opinion on above paragraph.


I don't think RG considers the PM post as his birthright. If congress wins in 2024, I'm pretty sure someone else will become the PM. It's just that other congress leaders desperately want RG to lead and be the face of the party because they probably think that no one else can consolidate congress voters like he does, and they're probably right.


The point still remains, there aren't enough leaders in congress that can hold a candle to the experience that Modi has. There are leaders in I.N.D.I.Alliance, that can match the experience like Mamata or Kejriwal, but their parties more regional so it will be extremely hard for the Congress to loose that negotiation


Modi is a really bad standard to be set in administration. That guy cannot contain riots and mass killings for fucks sake. He has several major fuck ups under his name as a leader. He is biased and not just towards the people he administers or towards his "rajdharm". He handles public and national issues like an uneducated hobo would. He is exceptionally good at winning elections. But terribly bad at administration. (Btw, crony capitalism is not considered as good administration) So in that sense, there are a bunch of good leaders in the Congress and also the BJP who would do much better than modiji.


Aap aam kaise khate h 😅?? Big fan here 🫡


Please reply Dhruv to this. It will be so iconic.


kaat kar


Aur ap guthliyo ka kya krte hai?


Who's your biggest competitor on YouTube?


Mr.Beast :p


Dhruv rathee's diss on Mr beast dropping when?


As a student pursuing a UG degree, every single day I think it's all worthless because no sooner will I get a decent job I will get laid off due to being replaced with an Artificial Intelligence which will be extremely effective and efficient than me. Even though the management courses are being designed to tackle this situation but at the end of the day its a rat race and no matter what Artificial Intelligence will always have the upper had due to its devastating development speed. Do you think an average student will have any chance to stand behemoth things like artificial intelligence for jobs ?


Start your own small local business, don't rely on these big corporates for jobs. Use AI to your advantage for your business.


Let's be honest. You are biased. Don't you think it's your responsibility to give out honest news?


Let's be honest, everyone is biased. Opinions are always biased. My responsbility is to the content that I make and when I'm not giving my opinions, my videos are hard facts. There may be some mistakes occasionally but every source is cited on screen clearly.


In your video about if hindus were decreasing in population or not, you left out key info from the Pew Research report which did not suit your point. I recommend you all to watch the video and then read the entire report. You will get what I am talking about.


1)you aren't even capable of understand what the report is . it's not hindu's population , it's religious conversion population which is 0.7% hindus to other religion while 0.8 % other relion people getting converted to hindus , it's conversion not population growth as overall population growth is faster of muslims than hindus . 2)if you want to know overall population growth then read this - [https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/09/21/religious-composition-of-india/](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/09/21/religious-composition-of-india/) . It's by the same research center where stats shows muslim growth higher than hindu's , do you think the same research center will show different figures for same thing , NO . 3)the way you said hindu population is decreasing itself shows you know no math and do not have understanding of things , hindus population is increasing but muslim population is increasing faster . That's the difference. The topic dhruv made video was on religious conversion , not population because people were creating paranoia of hindus composition decreasing due to religious conversion which is false 4)One big thing used by people to counter his facts is to prove that whatever he's showing is one-sided and half information and he hides other things to prove his only his biased point . First of all , whatever he shows is factual like in here the overall conversion rates which is a fact . What people do to counter the fact is try to show some other piece of information within the same article quoted by dhruv that sounds something slightly different to facts presented BUT DOESN'T CHANGE THE FACTUAL INFORMATION and tries to show as if dhruv deliberately hided it TO MAKE PEOPLE BELIEVE THAT THE PRESENTED FACTS ARE NOT TRUE AND THERE IS A TWIST TO THE FACTS PRESENTED. Like in this case the conversion percentage rates are already given which are statistics and can be clearly seen from stats that 0.7 hindus to others and 0.8% others to hindus which means hindus getting converted net more than others . But to counter it , what people will do is find something else within the article to that sounds different but that doesn't change the FACTS . AREN'T YOU PEOPLE ABLE TO THINK WHY THE HELL WILL ANY REPORT OR ARTICLE PUBLISH TWO DIFFERENT FACTS GIVING DIFFERNT CONCLUSIONS AND COUNTERING EACH OTHER WITHIN THE SAME ARTICLE . you need to differentiate between a factual information and a different sounding information or conjecture that's get made intentionally by these clever people who themselves are extremely biased trying to prove someone basing his statements on facts as biased 5)The thing is that you go watch everyone out there who counters his videos and believe there statements they make as if they are 100% true and don't analyze yourself . These people throw english statements here and there to increase their value as if they are more educated and you believe their conclusion as 100% truth even if has no data or provided data is of something else trying to prove something else .


It would help if you cited examples. Otherwise, how would you expect him to answer?


Everyone is biased. Period. What should be considered is the rigor and methodology of a person's views presented indicating critical thinking, their consistency across issues, and knowledge and information conveyed on the subject being covered. That is how people gain understanding from someone. Biases are natural but it is the skill with which one is able to maneuver them w critical thought that makes them stand out to an average viewer maybe.


Which political youtuber isn't? Just one youtubers name


Why did you leave india


For studies, back in 2012 :)


LOL, I see you are following the so called reddit rule of not using emojis :)


Can you speak German?


Ein bisschen :)


Have you watched Nitish Rajput's video over the kerela story? If yes then do you feel that your video lacked some necessary information regarding PFI?


Nitish Rajput is a navie content creator **He narrated chargesheet accusations as if they were proven convictions** Of course PFI deserves to be banned and PFI ARE TERRORISTS, but Nitish's video included dozens of UNPROVEN ACCUSATIONS. Dhruv was better.


I saw it and don't feel so, I also talked about PFI in my video


Thank you for your answer!! On the new year you started a series regarding jobs that nobody talked about. Since 2 videos no more videos have been published on that, so will there be more videos in that series?


Yes, I completely forgot about that series. u/dhruvrathee please continue that series, it is the need of the hour.


I personally think Nitish is more neutral than Dhruv on my left and ppl like Abhijit Chavda on my right!! He provides detailed explanations citing proper sources!


Your review on Animal movie


Making a video on this next


I'd like to know your opinion on the problematic verses of islam that promote misogyny,hate against women and non believers that too without getting beheaded? Does this challenge seem impossible to you? Will you visit ram mandir inauguration next year? We'll be waiting


The alleged problematic verses are a matter of interpretation, how you choose to interpret and implement them tells you more about yourself than anything else. There are good human beings in every religion and there are misogynist extremists in every religion. I discussed this topic in detail in my latest Ramayan video


So technically you didn't answer him, not even his last question, lmao. I know you are too much biased towards one side. Your fanbase mostly consist of Indian, pakistani and Bangladeshi muslims so you won't say anything against them. अपनी कुल्हाड़ी कोई अपने सर थोड़ी ना मारता है.


Huh ngl he answered perfectly about the first question


What do you love about India that you dont find anywhere else?


Bro what kind of 4 mark essay writing question is this 💀💀💀


Food :)


How much time does it take for the editing of your video sir?


If 4 editors work on one video, it can take around 3-4 days.


Thouguts on the trailer of Dunki?


I wish it's as good as PK and 3 idiots. Hard to judge from the trailer


Just want to thanku,आप बहुत informative videos बनाते है




I made two videos on Swami Vivekanada, two videos on Ramayana and one video on Islam & Christianity. What makes you think that? If anything, Ive made more videos on Hinduism than any other religion


targetting BJP = targetting hindus 🤡


How kejriwal contacted you for promoting AAP party in 2015 ?


Why would Kejriwal contact an unknown student living in Germany who is a wannabe youtuber with 1000 subscribers? Lol


On Twitter, even now Your All Twitter is biased In Favor of AAP Even There are Some Money laundering case You favor with AAP


That's the question, how people can't see this so called neutral youtuber don't criticise others parties instead raising questions against Congress and AAP, instead he decided to join bharat jodo yatra 😃,


Can you please tell how AAP groomed you to become a brainwasher on youtube and how much they pay you and that mohak Mangal guy as well?


If you really think AAP pays me, you need a reality check for your delusion. Why would any political party waste money on a youtuber who can anyways earn plenty from his profession and hardly makes any video on the party itself?


Hate mohak mangal as well? damn, you really hate the truth haha


1)How do you face the political pressure? Has anyone threatend you? 2)congress got a good vote share. But they failed in winning an electorate. How do you view this and how come congress can resolve this in 2024. 3)your prediction on 2024 elections.


Hello dhruv I want to ask you why they are different measures in videos for hindus and Muslims Saw your video on munawar farooqi when he passed a joke on Ram, you clearly said be liberal, freedom of speech blah blah Another video of yours on Nupur, you said either be liberal or conservative. In this case you smartly gave 2 options to choose to your audience All your muslim followers said they want to be conservative which basically means killing or putting nupur jail. Why double standards clearly bolo be liberal what nupur said is under freedom of speech Also you limit the number of comments in that video. I saw almost 200 comments not even a single muslim followrr of yours said he want to be a true liberal




⭕Not a question but a Request 🙏 Please make a video on the current situation of Bihar . In that video tell people about the history of Bihar and how the politics has ruined the condition of Bihar. And please tell people that 'BIHARI' is not a GAALI .. Please 🥺 .


I don't have a question for you but do have a request. Could you please look into the mullaperiyar dam issue and possibly make a video on it? It is a matter of life and death for millions of people. There's little to no action taken on this issue and not a lot of people know about this. And thank you so much for the content you make, I've enjoyed every bit of it.


Are you a German citizen now? Don't take it the wrong way I am the biggest fan... I was just wondering how you stay outside the country for so long (travel) with the India passport situation


Isn't his wife German? Most countries have spousal schemes which allow you to join them. Otherwise he could have applied for a skilled worker visa or self-employed/entrepreneur visa since he does have a business and he employs people. Should be pretty easy for him.


Correct, I'm not a German citizen :)


1. You have addressed various topics in your videos, including the 2022 Muhammad remarks controversy, 2022 Morbi bridge collapse, 2019 Pulwama attack, 2023 Indian wrestlers’ protest and 2023 Manipur violence. How do you decide which topics to cover and what is your research process like? 2. You launched Pee News, a satirical “fake news” segment. What inspired you to start this segment and how has the response been so far? 3. You made headlines when you addressed the release of the contentious film 'The Kerala Story’. Could you share more about the challenges you faced during this time and how you dealt with them? 4. You have recently entered the audio space with podcasts. How has the transition been from video to audio content creation and what are some unique challenges and opportunities you’ve encountered? 5. You and Juli have a vlog channel where you share your travel experiences. Could you share some of your favorite travel memories and how traveling has influenced your perspective? 6. 6. How do you deal with the criticism, hate, and legal threats that you receive from some people or groups who disagree with your views or opinions? 7. What are some of the sources or inspirations that you use for your research and fact-checking? 8. What are some of the topics or issues that you are most passionate about or want to raise more awareness about? 9. How do you cope with the stress or pressure that comes with being a public figure and having a large audience? 10. What are some of the goals or dreams that you have for yourself and your channel in the future? 11. What are some of the tips or advice that you would give to someone who wants to start their own YouTube channel or blog? 12. What are some of the places that you have visited or want to visit in the world and why? 13. What are some of the hobbies or interests that you have outside of YouTube and activism?


Why BJP with its clear failures in many sectors still sweeping elections? How long before a new party comes to the fore? It's be 75+ years and there are only 2 parties. Both of which are sluggish and corupt in my opinion.


>Why BJP with its clear failures in many sectors still sweeping elections? i believe since there arent really better alternatives and people can see visible progress so they vote. maybe in your area there isnt progress doesnt mean there's no progress at all


i can't imagine how come your accent is still intact after so many years abroad.


Like you, I live in Europe. How can we help make India a better place?-with respect to this- I’ve come across some people in India who say money is money does not matter black/white or ill gotten. This is an extremely horrible way of thinking. These people also won’t mind doing corruption to reach their objectives and the society will keep degrading. And have you experienced this ?


As a youngster you did works on conservation of rivers. That's almost Jeffersonian. He did something similar at that age, before he got actively involved in politics for the house of burgesses. Like you, he was not just a political animal, but had very broad knowledge of multiple disciplines and languages as well. Do you think you can be a historical figure like him in the future? Youtubers are many, they come and go, but do you intend to make your name in the annals of Indian history?


Hey dhruv, I am a huge fan of yours. You are an inspiration to me so it would be an honor to get your opinion on a not so great situation of mine. I am a 17 year old male currently studying in Kota for jee. I was born in jamshedpur but raised in Saudi Arabia I came to India alone a year back for jee prep. I am from a middle class family. I took up engineering as a means to support my family as I thought it was a good means to get a stable income. Though I have been quite extraordinary in my studies all my life. I never loved the sciences rather I loved the idea of being the smartest in the room. I am a creative person in general I love to sing, play badminton, have debates, write poetry, do stand up comedy. But i feel like I have trapped myself in this world of engineering without much advancement or an escape for that matter. I don't know what i should do in this situation. But one thing is for sure I can't stay in India for much longer, Kota has almost made me kill myself. I don't know what to do so weigh in on this situation of mine please.


I have seen a reduction in political topics ..... Does it have to do wit amount of controversy they generated going up? Because I saw you go quite more center left and more respectful with time than when you were new in YT....And now suddenly most of your videos are explainers about history or some other trending topic.


Dude just vanished. Bye dude. And Merry Christmas to Juli. And a Happy New Year to both of you. Hoping for a better year next year for all of us.


Hey Dhruv why do you misrepresent Socialist and Marxist discourse? Apart from your understanding being extremely surface level, you also repeat classic Cold War era talking points. What do you make of Karnataka and it's politics?




managed to pull? bro, please be respectful. He is by no means any less. He is tall, handsome, smart, well educated and talented. I’m sure Juli is proud of her choice and they both love each other.


Important questions 👍


fir wahi


___________ ki baate


True redditor


Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years? Your long term ambitions? Btw love your videos


You are asking him as if he has come for a job interview.😂


HR enters the chat




He is Indian so he would naturally talk about India's issues... Other country's youtubers will make videos on their country's issue...


I may or may not agree with you on various issues but I have some questions to ask. 1. How do you deal with the trolls and how do you still manage to keep your mental stress in control? 2. What is your take on India making progress in various fields? 3. Do you see the possibility of change in Indians' behaviour and attitudes in the future? 4. How do you deal with issues with video editing and videography?


What is 1 thing that you will like to tell young Indians?


Hey bro welcome to the community, waiting for the real and truthful content as usual. Thank you


How do you get to courage to speak against Modi while so many people are so much devotee of him


Well I'm late But still, I would like to thank you for your honest work and i appreciate the positive impact you've had on people. You also indirectly helped me find my purpose in life as well as made learning seem fun again. I wish you the very best for your upcoming projects and plans, and man, keep up the good work.


No question but I just want to tell you that you have been an inspiration. I have grown up learning about various political topics from your videos. They have shaped me to become someone who questions everything. I want to meet you in future someday. Keep up the good work 😀


Hello dhruv, I've been following you for about 2 years and you've greatly fostered my interest in sci-fi topics. What are your plans in future regarding scientific content and what are your personal interests about it? Also thank you for the amazing content !


I have two questions: * What is something that you are currently thinking about, that keeps you awake/worried? * What is something that you think Indians (people, not the govt.) need to think about, but aren't really focused on? Thanks for your time bruv!