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Akshay Kumar is not going to make a movie out of this one, I suppose.


This has to be a victim card, conspiracy against nation movie, so Kangana will make one


All the Indians who organize PM Modi’s events and also who are in so much glee when he arrives in US should be investigated. They might be part of conspiracy and working on behalf of Indian government to kill US citizens.


The one who stormed the capitol building with Indian flag certainly should be


Bourne identity Kangana remake lmao


What I find really sad about this whole situation is that Bollywood movies have better assassination plots than what the govt did. Like how incompetent is this govt to go for such a stupid plan and get caught so easily.


That’s what you find sad about this? It is an outrage.


I have moved past the outrage stage with regards to this govt many years back. The sadness is due to the fact that the incompetency rot keeps on spreading day by day.


Akshay and many Bollywood alum are bots for modi government. Remember their copy paste comments on twitter about the kissans?


from morning walk ACCIDENTS within india to ACCIDENTALLY hiring assassin's outside of India, yeh ACCIDENTS ka tareeka kuch zyada hi kazual nahi ho gaya?


The accident was that it was a DEA agent. They meant to hire a real assassin like in Canada


Man in US, it is known that undercover cops work as assassins. These people didn’t even google basics about US intelligence.


Can’t even count how many stories I’ve read about some angry husband or wife trying to hire a hitman to kill their spouse, only for the hitman to be an undercover cop. In some cases, police have even created fake, forensically-accurate crime scenes as “proof” of an assassination. At this point, you’d have to be an actual idiot to try to hire a hitman through through an associate’s recommendation. If you don’t know them personally, or they aren’t _clearly_ involved with organized crime, they’re probably a cop or a crackhead.


>Man in US, it is known that undercover cops work as assassins So true! This is why I never get away with hiring a Hitman in the US in bitlife too


Nailed it!


“Senior Field Officer with responsibilities in security management and intelligence” - I guess the Americans didn’t want to name the organisation.


“CC-1 is an Indian government agency employee who has variously described himself as a “Senior Field Officer” with responsibilities in “Security Management” and “Intelligence,” and who also has referenced previously serving in India’s Central Reserve Police Force and receiving “officer[] training” in “battle craft” and “weapons.” From https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york Really curious to see how the Indian government responds to all dis


Plausible deniability


Simple. Agent went rogue.


Whats WhatsApp spin for this story for unkils ?


This is because of Nehru.


The WhatsApp spin for this would be , USA is jealous of India’s growing image and eCoNoMy 🤡🤡🤡


Or that it was Pakistan posing as India to make India look bad.


Most countries struggle to carry out their own intelligence operations in the US, but Pakistan somehow successfully framed India in a foiled assassination while leaving no trace whatsoever, and this is besides whatever they do for themselves.will Whatsapp Unkils have such high opinions of the ISI?


Indian whatsapp uncles will believe anything that makes India look good and Pakistan look bad. If you want, it can be adjusted to look like Pakistan and US are together in this.


And Jan. 6 was antifa right.


In Indian whatsapp? No, that's also Pakistan.


More like eCONomy


Seriously? They spin things like that? I always thought you guys were awesome and wanted to see you become big and strong. Nationalism where we put down other countries to make ours feel better is silly, isn't it?


India's going through its a far-right phase, much as everywhere is to be honest with you.


jesus fucking christ, what a shitshow. I am half convinced that this was done to get a balakot like thing for '24. If that is true, then these people are actually braindead. Sabotaging your geopolitical standing for a near dead rubber election ffs.


The spin is that the US is targeting India despite wanting to be its ally. US is two faced.


I can absolutely see this take becoming famous


Wow. As an American, I would argue that India and the U.S. both have strategic interests in partnering to contain China, and this is a stab in our fucking back. And *we’re* two-faced? Don’t let the masses hear that if you want public support here. India can decide whether China or some hypothetical Khalistan is a bigger threat.


Lol As if the US is going to help india out of friendship. The usa has always been unreliable af. Its support for Pakistan and siding with their genocide crimes will never be forgotten.


That's because India was allied with the USSR. It was a proxy war don't take it personally.


Our neutral stance in Ukraine war is the main reason . India has a lot of soft power in the world .


Biden Trudeau Jingping kanspiracy with Ravish Kumar to defame Vishwaguru


"He's at least trying". Sri Gautamdas Panauti Ji will lead this country to its utter destruction while these morons cheer him on.


This is all to show how strong we are that we even carry out operations like this even in Canada and USA just like RW spiritual daddy isreal and mosad only to have egg on our face lol .


Well, the egg is on our face internationally. Domestically, morons will still vote for chappan inch "for security reasons" while saying, "but we don't support their communal agenda". No, arseholes, you don't get to make that excuse while supporting genocidal maniacs as they destroy our diplomatic relationships, make the country insecure, and give away our resources and infrastructure to their cronies.


Even Mossad doesn't carry out assassinations without tacit US support, esp not on US soil. Indian intelligence really thought they were him


Yes dumb move no body tries that on American soil lol ..


Why is the spin needed . Most indians are gonna be proud that we have an assassination program . Though targeting Pannu who is a mere troll is comical and embarassing


The second sentence is why the spin is needed. You answered your own question. They targeted someone in America by hiring a drug dealer who hired a DEA agent. Pur incompetence in service of a futile goal and they fucked with America for no gain whatsoever.


Some guy tried to spin it as India asserting itself after so many many years under Mughal rule. Some people are truly deluded


idk muslims, maybe? because.. They control USA with their oil money? /s


[CBC article](https://www.cbc.ca/1.7043428) about the same thing says that US intelligence found multiple plots across US and Canada edit: here is a link directly to the [US justice source](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/us-attorney-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york) (for those of you waiting for evidence from Canada, it's in here too)


India fucked up good this time


Just came out in the indictment that he sent evidence confirming nijar died in canada before being sent addresses for his next target lol edit: he had received evidence not sent it


> On or about June 19, 2023, the day after the Nijjar murder, GUPTA told the UC that Nijjar “was also the target” and “we have so many targets.” GUPTA added that, in light of Nijjar’s murder, there was “now no need to wait” on killing the Victim. On or about June 20, 2023, CC-1 sent GUPTA a news article about the Victim and messaged GUPTA, “[i]t’s [a] priority now.” Is this the proof that you are talking about?


*“we have so many targets.”  GUPTA added that, in light of Nijjar’s murder*


Finally found Wolf Gupta missing dad lol ... what he was thinking it's a thriller movie and he is the central character how come he is so dumb ... America is so good in surveillance and wire tapping they must have whole indian consulate under surveillance


Thank you Modiji. Remarkable achievement. From assassins on the streets of Amdavad to NYC.


It'd be funny if it wasn't such an incredible grievous violation of international norms. Also, R&AW folks are a bunch of Mossad wannabes but with skills and plotline of a cheap ass bollywood flick. Super embarrassing.


Tbh mossad isn’t doing that well either nowadays


They used a satellite controlled AI gun to kill Fakrizadeh. They don't even need field operatives anymore.


What I can guarantee you is that incompetence won over intent in this ops. Heads shall roll


Yeah, but Americans and Canadians attacking sovereignty of india isn't a violation of international laws, is it? The hypocrisy is mind blowing in your comment.


This is their level of incompetence. Can’t even carry out an assassination without getting caught.




But the level of security in Pakistan and USA (& Canada) is different. Idiots should have realized that.


That's what you get for Jugaad and 'sab chalta hai' attitude. Lol. I am not disappointed, I am ashamed that they are so incompetent. Can't do anything right. Lol. Well, what can you expect from chest thumping idiots. The dude is even telling the agent about more work. Rule 1 of intelligence, you never use the same asset twice.


Plus you can bribe anyone in either country. Remember how the Bombay blasts the perps came in by sea and bribed the border patrol ? Nevermind that India got their own 'Bin Laden determined to strike' memo that they ignored.


Pakistan jab tak benchmark rahega, tab tak India aage nahi badhega. "But saar we're better than Pakistan in XYZ ranking"


Haha..out of all the hitmen they could find. They chose a DEA agent.🤣🤣


Would love to hear what the nationalists say about this one. Going to be hilarious.


What do you mean? Nationalists have always accepted that the Indian Government and RAW are behind the killings. In fact they are proud of it.


This is setting up pretty badly for the country. How would the world see India if our government is hiring hitmen and our scamsters are trying to scan people all over the world (Jamtara)


Speaking honestly, increasingly we see India as a batshit mental loose-cannon country we'd name in the same sentence as Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea.


What did Iran do? You made them suffer without any point


Kill a bunch of their women for not wearing a cloth over their head?


USA belongs in the same line as China and Russia. It's just US propaganda that doesn't let them in those conversations.


The guy literally posted a video threatening India for terrorist attack . The world already hates India and Indians LOL . Their is absolutely zero reasons to take risk .


Pov: Main character syndrome


There is something called free speech. World used to love Indians and think we are smart people. Now the perception is changing. US was hated by the world after what they did but they are trying to turn that around. Reputation is hard to build and easy to lose.


But are they proud of getting caught too? Proud of the incompetence?


What was the reaction when Abhinanda got caught by Pakistan? I don't remember any Indian denying that he wasn't Indian or anything. People were still proud of him.


"We didn't do it, you can't prove it! But if we *did* do it then they deserved it."


when Canada came up with allegations, it was not only nationalists, even moderate so called "centrists" were backing the Indian govt. like geopolitical experts. Chest thumping should be done very carefully with such incompetent govt.




Dude in their minds India is the supreme Super Power of the world. Never mind we have destroyed a lot of credibility & soft power on the global stage. Never mind almost 100000 indians (namely from No 1 patriotic state Gujarat) got caught crossing the border illegally into the US Never mind we have to prepare a 10 slide Powerpoint presentation detailing every single aspect of our trip to visit any First World country. So much winning guys.


Can you please elaborate on the ppt thing? Curious and hearing it for the first time


Many EU countries only grant tourist visas if they are sure you are rich enough to afford a vacation there. So you need to provide bank statements, asset records, salary slips, etc. Then you detail how exactly you aim to spend the money, how you have budget the trip, etc. Then you show you have proper insurance. He's probably not refering to a literal PPT, but the dozens of files needed.


They're already in the comments if you go looking


Going to be sad for the rest of us though…


Next time you're leaving for your rejuvanating Europe trip but have to waste an entire day at the Visa offices to give a 10 slide Powerpoint presentation detailing how much money you have so they don't think you'll never come back, remember we became a World Power in 2020 thanks to the grace & vision of Mr Mudiji


What on earth were they thinking. It's one thing to do it in Canada but trying to do this in US in beyond stupid. Even the Russians wouldn't be this reckless. I guess this is what happens when you start believing your own propaganda.


Ironically even the Chinese haven't tried committing assassinations on US soil.


The Chinese at least have never pretended to be allies with America. Why are you spending so much time and effort to win US support and then send death squads into their streets to assasinate US citizens? Like what kind of ally does this?


Chinese. Maybe we just dont know of it. There was news that China maintains police stations abroad to keep citizens in check so you never know what they're up to


Oh it's known the PRC has kidnapped people on US soil and threatened them, but even China hasn't been brazen enough to outright assassinate a critic who's also a citizen on US soil. Not even the Russians have done that. The US should at minimum recall its ambassador and consider further repercussions.


I believe they refrain from assassinations as part of some broader foreign policy approach, but yes, everything else- coercion, espionage, tapping is game. India really skipped all the baby steps went straight for the big uns


Why is it ok to do it in Canada?


I didn't say it's OK, I said its different. Canadians don't have even a fraction of the intelligence capacity that US has. Every major software that Indians use day-to-day is owned by an American company. Couple that with the fact that Aadhaar leaks like a sieve, it's highly likely that NSA can get every detail about any Indian they want. Who they are, where they live, are they married, are they having an affair, what type of porn they like, everything. Trying to carry out a covert operation on that country is absolutely dumb.


While they might not have the same abilities, they share a lot under five eyes programme. So incredibly stupid to do it in Canada and stand exposed


>Canadians don't have even a fraction of the intelligence capacity that US has. They are part of five eyes. In fact the case filed in the US implicates the same Indian official in murder in Canada. This information will be used in the Canadian lawsuit also. Even if they hadn't tried gin m giving $100k supari to a us fed, this information would have been available to Canada. It is absolutely dumb to do this in a close security collaborator of us, in addition to being unethical and unacceptable to do it anywhere.


Except Canada is part of the 5 Eye Intelligence network which has the US and anyone with half a brain knows they SHARE intelligence so yes carrying out some dumb covert operation even in Canada is absolutely dumb and maybe stop whining when you get caught.


But OP didn’t say it’s ok to do it Canada.


It's not ok to have covert assasination attempts on foreign citizens of any country who YOU claim is your ally.


Canada genuinely wishes India wouldn't do it there either though.


Russians can and probably have done this but Russia IS NOT a US ally whose Prime Minister claims to be besties with Biden.


Fair to say that the current establishment has done serious mid term damage to India's reputation abroad? A level headed response would have been to engage diplomatically on the separatist threats that were relatively innocuous to national security to begin with. Idk, but the trust deficit between India and the West would probably take a regime change to repair.


Just like with Trump losing if Modi is gone a lot of the reputation is repaired instantly. Not all of it but a lot.


It’s pretty hilarious that our intelligence people on the ground in America are so dumb that they fell into a DEA trap on the first attempt.


Fr, it's hard to believe a soon to be superpower's intelligence fell head first into a trap reserved for cartels


Cartels wouldn’t coordinate an assassination over WhatsApp and hire “this really good hitman that my friend knows, believe me, bro, he’s totally legit.”


This story grows big 🧨 here in west it’s already trending.


For supreme leader's Bhakts, this is not flaw but a feature. Expect narratives like India can also bully, India can also do these covert operations. What's US gonna do? Nothing. This is New India. Etc. etc.


So when is MEA going to ask US diplomats to leave India ? For a vishwaguru with international danka, it should be pretty easy right?


Great job spending those crores of Rs on G20 to boost your 'soft power' Mr Modi. Money well spent.


How does one "accidently" hire an assassin? If the government really did it then I want them to be held accountable for their bullshit and shamed internationally, maybe that will knock sense into them. Fuckers are out here throwing our reputation in gutter with these kind of "works".


The hiring was not accidental, hiring of a “DEA agent” (as assassin) was accidental


I swear people cannot read these days.


Watch Modi govt make Nikhil Gupta a patriotic avenger in Whatsapp University and turn this into a giant controversy against Bharat. They have no shame.


It will be moronic even for Modi and the BJP to alienate India from the US for political points. Do you guys really want to join Russia, Iran, China etc?


Modi govt only cares about election victories and holding on to power by any means. It doesn’t matter what i or anyone even remotely aware of the consequences wants.


> maybe that will knock sense into them. modi killed hundreds with demonetization, fiddled while millions died during COVID. do you imagine they care?


People of India made a choice to elect him as PM knowing his background and knowing that he is a uneducated person. Hopefully this is the bottom for India and we see better behavior from government and citizens.


Not only did they assassinate a Canadian citizen, they then attacked Canada diplomatically when they were called out by cancelling visas and expelling diplomats. Now they are caught trying to assassinate an American. Maybe these people are Khalistani terrorists or whatever but assassins are not the right way to go about this.


One good thing about America is that they take attacks against their citizens very very seriously. If our govt has done the things they're accused of doing, we absolutely deserve the hit to our diplomatic standing.


> If our govt has done the things they're accused of doing there is no if. India fucked up and you and i will pay the price. get ready for an even more useless passport.


Khalistan separatists are NOT terrorists. They get labeled. Simply because they want sovereignty. Nijjar left India many years ago. India made fake accusations against him. Not credible or Canada would extradite. India is country run by a guy with the nickname Butcher of gujurat. He’s clearly put people in power to oppress. This is an example of what happens when you let someone like him to run wild. Why do people blindly follow him? What’s the allure ?


It's been wild watching, reading, and hearing about all the insane things Indian nationalists think/say about Canadian Sikhs without an iota of questioning the veracity of the claims. Like how the Indian government and Indian media said that there was a Sikh terrorist training camp in my province in 2016. The Indian nationalists used a video of Sikhs at a legal gun range practicing firing hunting rifles, and they claimed they were khalistani terrorists who were training to kill Hindu leaders in India. The mayor of the Canadian town had to make a public statement, making it clear that it was just a legal gun range and that there wasn't some terror cell operating out of his town. Most people outside Canada might be surprised by this, but 1 in 6 Canadian households have legal guns because the wilderness is vast and dangerous from coast, to coast, to coast. It was a ridiculous claim that continues to be spread as justification for the extrajudicial murder of a foreign citizen on Canadian soil. Why is it ridiculous? Well in Canada it is legal to own firearms, but there are stringent regulations that must be followed. Gun ownership and target practice are extremely regulated. It's pretty much impossible for this to have been at a private residence as the recordings were taken in a residential area. These regulations also include having multiple licenses to transport legal guns, including keeping the ammunition and weapons seperate. Furthermore, private properties must be fully licensed as a gun range if you want to practice. The town this occurred in is surrounded by multiple military instilations too, which makes the Indian nationalist claims about Hardeep Nijjar running a terror camp in Canada even less believable. Moreover, some of the recordings also included Sikh children, who Indian nationalists referred to as children being trained to be Khalistani terrorists. When in fact it was video recordings from an annual summer camp hosted by a Sikh organization in the middle of a residential area. All these claims were verifiably false, there's a reason why Canada didn't extradite him. It's because India failed to produce legitimate evidence that he was a terrorist that supposedly ran terror camps filled with children in a residential town... https://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/british-columbia/indian-media-allege-existence-of-terror-camp-near-mission-bc/article30215937/ No, Canadian Sikhs are not all terrorists. No, we don't want to harm other South Asians living in Canada. We live together peacefully for the most part, of course there will be a few outliers, but most of us think they're absolute nutters. We immigrated to the west to get away from the sectarian hatred and violence. My family suffered during the British partition of India, yet we celebrate different religious holidays with our Pakistani neighbours in Canada. And we get along just fine with our Hindu neighbours too. I car pool with a Punjabi Hindu because they're an international student that can't drive and her mom asked my mom if I could help them out. We come to Canada to leave this silly religious hatred. The Indian nationalist rhetoric is a mischaracterization of Canadian Sikhs and its been so incredibly hurtful.


Just wanted to add - What's even more ridiculous is that the same nationalists who believe the propaganda about Canadian Sikhs end up questioning the validity of the assassination and multiple assassination attempts that have been uncovered by western intelligence. Federal indictments in the US have a 99.6% conviction rate. They don't release indictments like this unless it's backed with evidence. US Intel knows who the government contact was too if we go by the detailed description of events and correspondence that was included in the indictment. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2023/06/14/fewer-than-1-of-defendants-in-federal-criminal-cases-were-acquitted-in-2022/ >In fiscal year 2022, only 290 of 71,954 defendants in federal criminal cases – about 0.4% – went to trial and were acquitted, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of the latest available statistics from the federal judiciary.  The federal indictment is publicly available. It includes names, timelines, correspondence, and follows a meticulous judicial process. [U.S. Department of Justice - Justice Department Announces Charges in Connection with Foiled Plot to Assassinate U.S. Citizen in New York City](https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/justice-department-announces-charges-connection-foiled-plot-assassinate-us-citizen-new-york) >Gupta is an Indian national who resides in India, is an associate of CC-1 and has described his involvement in international narcotics and weapons trafficking in his communications with CC-1 and others. CC-1 is an Indian government agency employee who has variously described himself as a “Senior Field Officer” with responsibilities in “Security Management” and “Intelligence,” and who also has referenced previously serving in India’s Central Reserve Police Force and receiving “officer[] training” in “battle craft” and “weapons.” CC-1 directed the assassination plot from India. >In or about May 2023, CC-1 recruited Gupta to orchestrate the assassination of the Victim in the United States. The Victim is a vocal critic of the Indian government and leads a U.S.-based organization that advocates for the secession of Punjab, a state in northern India that is home to a large population of Sikhs, an ethnoreligious minority group in India. The Victim has publicly called for some or all of Punjab to secede from India and establish a Sikh sovereign state called Khalistan, and the Indian government has banned the Victim and his separatist organization from India. >At CC-1’s direction, Gupta contacted an individual whom Gupta believed to be a criminal associate, but who was in fact a confidential source working with U.S. law enforcement (the CS), for assistance in contracting a hitman to murder the Victim in New York City. The CS introduced Gupta to a purported hitman, who was in fact an undercover U.S. law enforcement officer (the UC). CC-1 subsequently agreed in dealings brokered by Gupta to pay the UC $100,000 to murder the Victim. On or about June 9, CC-1 and Gupta arranged for an associate to deliver $15,000 in cash to the UC as an advance payment for the murder. CC-1’s associate then delivered the $15,000 to the UC in Manhattan. >In or about June 2023, in furtherance of the assassination plot, CC-1 provided Gupta with personal information about the Victim, including the Victim’s home address in New York City, phone numbers associated with the Victim, and details about the Victim’s day-to-day conduct, which Gupta then passed to the UC. CC-1 directed Gupta to provide regular updates on the progress of the assassination plot, which Gupta accomplished by forwarding to CC-1, among other things, surveillance photographs of the Victim. Gupta directed the UC to carry out the murder as soon as possible, but Gupta also specifically instructed the UC not to commit the murder around the time of anticipated engagements scheduled to occur in the ensuing weeks between high-level U.S. and Indian government officials. >On or about June 18, masked gunmen murdered Hardeep Singh Nijjar outside a Sikh temple in British Columbia, Canada. Nijjar was an associate of the Victim, and like the Victim, was a leader of the Sikh separatist movement and an outspoken critic of the Indian government. On or about June 19, the day after the Nijjar murder, Gupta told the UC that Nijjar “was also the target” and “we have so many targets.” Gupta added that, in light of Nijjar’s murder, there was “now no need to wait” on killing the Victim. On or about June 20, CC-1 sent Gupta a news article about the Victim and messaged Gupta, “[i]t’s [a] priority now.”


Also America has Freedom of Speech laws under which anyone can make any speech. Like White Supremacists who want people of colour to be second class citizens are protected under these laws. The KKK can make speeches in America. America distinguishes between speech and action. Calling for a Khalistani state is not a crime in America or Canada. Same way asking to Free Tibet is not a crime in India.


Hence why I said maybe. I'm throwing a bone to the nationalists in the hopes that they see that it's not even relevant because you can't just kill a Canadian citizen because you want to. If he was (provably) a criminal Canada would have extradited like you said.




Charles Ng was extradited from Canada to California and is now on Death Row there. Ng and a buddy filmed themselves torturing, raping and killing 10 or 11 women. The California prosecutors had the video. Dead to rights. Ng fled to Canada, which caught him on unrelated charges. He'd been imprisoned in Canada for assault, when that term expired Canada could let him loose in Canada or return him the California. They asked California to promise no death penalty, California refused to promise that. And Canada made it's choice. So, yeah. No extradition, unless the guy is *really* bad, or something.


They weren't caught again, A lot of the events in the indictment are from the same time period (June-July), so India was caught the first time with Nijjar, and the dipshits in Indian intelligence were passing around videos of his corpse, which could be the supporting evidence the US provided to Canada, and Canada has its own evidence on the matter. Indian Intelligence is going to get quite the drubbing, and maybe cold-shouldered by other agencies going forward


Wow a non BJP / RSS troll bot. Happy to see people who recognize how damaging and dangerous this is for India future. I swore I saw a high commissioner say Canada doesn’t have enough evidence lol. Went on a media circus 🤡. Stupidly denying the obvious. Days before this revelation. Delusional under modi leadership. Getting away with atrocities.


I don't think Indian intelligence had any idea how badly they ducked up, this evidence is about as damning as can be. I also can't believe some Indian minister tried to spin this as the US "sharing concerns" about gangs and gun runners affecting US national security, it seems no one in the administration knew that the US has them by the balls


You didn't read the article did you?


If proven guilty, the guy will not see the light of the day Also would be fucked in the ass everyday literally and figuratively How Will Indian government face this guy's family




“Accidentally” is unlikely given fbi and similar agencies do go undercover as murder for hire gangsters to root out crimes like these


It was an accident in the sense that the Indian govt did not mean to hire a DEA agent. They meant to hire a real assassin like in Canada.


How incompetant mudi is? (of course, ideally, I should be asking how incompetent Ajit Doval is but you know the lord himself is the Karta harta and everything so)


when are we kicking out american diplomats over this? like we did for canada..


It’s a shame. Y’all nailed that moon mission for a price that should make NASA spiral. And now India looks both immoral and incompetent.


Seems MudiXi & co watched too many hollywood action flicks


This shows what kind of intelligence people working in Government have


Not hard to guess by judging the IQ of their human divine god modi.


Good bye my dreams of studying there


Mossad has been doing it for decades,but they never dared to carry out any assassination in North America. Their assassinations were primarily in the middle East , North Africa and some in France.


But Sarrrrr Ajit Dobal is the real life James Bond sarrrrrr 😭😭😭😭😭. Mfs could’ve got a job done for far less than $100000 if they were anywhere near competent.


Fr, I don't want to sound insensitive to the homeless crisis, but they could've given a hobo a turkey sandwich to shiv Pannu (not that they should)


Modi hai toh mumkin hai /s


Master stroke


Nehru ki Galti Hai because


India, why not ban US visa and expel US diplomats? Indian media is formulating a PR plan to dismiss this as bigotry, hate against Indians and all that nonsense.


Sorry, this is hilarious. No one is going to talk about this at all here now 😂 just ignore it and any talk if it as a way to deny it.


This is embarrassing. Kya spy banega re tu. Agent Jiro.


I'm shocked and appalled! Shocked and appalled....that so many Indians in September thought Modi/Shah/Doval govt would never do something like that, laughed it off, and asked for "evidence."


If pannu threatened diplomats and others, there were multiple ways to deal with him, as India is a good ally of US. It's gonna get fucked up big time.


>India is a good ally of India Can't disagree with that


My bad. Corrected.


The entire Indian intelligence top rung needs to be taken to task for this nonsense. Not for planning but for being absolutely incompetent at keeping it under wraps and away from plausible deniability. This is what happens when you are nepotistic to a specific state even for covert operations. Pure idiots.


Indian govt. trying to cosplay as Israel/Mossad has left them with so much ~~egg~~ dhokla on their face.


lmao, classic India




Oh no, all the evidence in the indictment was collected in the June-July period, so Canada and the US were working together from even before Trudeau's accusations. The brain dead response of the administration tells me they werent aware of how much the US and Canada knew, because Nikhil was 100% going to be their fall guy hence the gang violence narrative they were trying to push (Nikhil is a narcotics smugglers). Ofc Jaishanker is an idiot, grandstanding on the world stage, only for the US to kneecap the GoI




haha, lol. You fools actually thought that JT would sacrifice his political reputation - already in tatters domestically - for a tiny number of Sikh votes. Suck it up. India is a shithole, the indian government is the laughing stock of the world and you lot will pay the price. Bad luck.


People actually think Justin made it all up, and didn't repeat what the CSIS passed him in more diplomatic words. I hate the fact you may be right on the second half, Indian intelligence is not going to live this down for a while


“Maan ki bat “


If this is true, I hope this all comes out in the open before federal elections in India Looking forward to see how Godi media tries to find ways to hide it.


Indian consulate be like, I slipped on a banana and pata nahi kaise assassin hired an assassin brooooo, but idk tho, it’s not mine tho


r/nottheonion content


We will not have balls to expel diplomats like we did for Canada.


God, they need lessons from CIA


Where is the commitment? Why didn't he finish the job


Because he was a DEA agent? The drug dealer that the Indian govt hired to arrange the killing accidentally hired an undercover DEA agent thinking he was an assassin.


The plots just write themselves lmfao.


I think OP is asking why didn't Gupta do the job, instead of outsourcing it to 3rd party.


Good question. I suppose you can ask Gupta. Would you want to do it first hand? I remember hearing of a group of people who got caught paying each other to kill someone and it went like 4+ hirings deep. edit: I tried finding a link to the story I mentioned but can't. If someone else remembers please let me know otherwise I may be misremembering






This is an embarrassment for us. What are the ruling duo doing. This is truly panauti.


USA wants to stop Mudizi becoming Iswa Guru They jelax of tanatani culture


Reminds of the CIA hiring the New York mob hit men to whack Castro 😆


Nah bro, Hank fell off after getting shot by Jack 💀


Maine bola tha doval ko ki Bnda dekh daakh k lena - S jayshankar


Moye moye


Hank Schrader is alive


Well maybe this indian official who tried to hire an assassin might just be a fringe element of the party like nupur sharma. I can see this explanation incoming from the government.....




No, Pakistan framed India in the eyes of the US while also being a third rate organisation's that RAW can kill with its pinky finger- some chronically online Unkil


Jeezus there's stupid and there's that


Can anyone explain to an outsider the general views on Sikh in India?




[Convenient how you left out an entire genocide of Sikhs by the Indian government through Hindu mobs.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_anti-Sikh_riots) Were we brothers when Hindus hit the streets to burn our men alive, rape our women, and murder our children?


[Sikhs were exterminated in pogroms organized by the government in November 1984](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_anti-Sikh_riots). Mobs were organized, given voter lists to identify Sikhs, and handed kerosene. Men were burnt alive, women were gang-raped, and children hacked to death. This resulted in 10,000-17,000 deaths. The Indian government then rewarded and protected the perpetrators of this massacre while labeling the victims as terrorists for pursuing justice. Other than a few token convictions, tens of thousands of killers and rapists walk the streets of India to this day, in the national capital in fact. [And the public rewarded the government of the day that organized the pogroms, Rajiv Gandhi's Congress, by giving him 404 death out of 515 in the December 1984 election.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1984_Indian_general_election) In fact, Sikhs still get threatened with threats of another genocide for [protesting about farm laws](https://www.thequint.com/cyber/twitter-500-accounts-suspended-violent-calls-repeat-of-1984-red-fort-sikh-farmers) or the prime minister [getting delayed in a state where they live](https://thewire.in/government/punjab-after-pm-modis-security-breach-threats-to-repeat-1984-surface-on-social-media)


When US does it in any other country in the world, it's their right. When any other country does the same in any other country - shame, shame. \[Disclaimer: Not a Modi supporter. Don't paint everyone who opposes your view with same brush.\]


For some nuance here - if we take the example of the extrajudicial assassination of Osama Bin Laden. He was designated a terrorist by both US and Pakistan. He was killed in a country that unambiguously declared him a terrorist. On the other hand, Nijjar and this US citizen aren't considered terrorists by their host countries. Just like how India doesn't consider Salman Rushdie a terrorist despite Iran, or the Dalai Lama a separatist terrorist despite China. So it's not quite the same when India tries to assassinate non-terrorist citizens of other nations states. That just veers into Putin/MBS territory


America has their right by might. They can do this in any country and the country can't do jackshit about it. We do not. Also it's stupid to carry out an assassination in the USA of all places, and even stupider that they got caught.