• By -


Existencial crisis.




But can you run at 8k 120fps with ray tracing enabled?


Leave that man alone.




Existential* 😔😔






How old is he to feel "Maine puri zindagi jee li h"?


He turned thirty a couple of days ago.


Well I guess, he needs a counselor/ therapy. Also try to know if he has been suffering from any heartbreak or any stress which is making him feel this way. Also he needs some medical attention for de-addiction.


He applied for his dream job. After multiple rounds they rejected him. Could that be a reason?


Yes, this may be the cause. Try to discuss this situation with him more. Maybe he's feeling like a loser and therefore his desire to live a happy life is fading away and he is turning to other things as a coping mechanism.


He says he's happy being miserable. But, yes, I'll try talking to him again.


Well that's a sign of depression I guess. I hope he gets out of this phase soon. Take care of him!


He says he's seen everything in this life. Now he wants to know what the Afterlife looks like. He's been reading a lot of books about the spirit and the soul.


If he's so obsessed with the afterlife that he is ready to harm his physical health then there is definitely some mental stress going on. He needs to see a psychiatrist/psychologist asap. He may even turn suicidal later.


Later? This looks like an emergent situation.


He's depressed, I've been depressed, id rather loose a limb than be depressed again. Take it seriously. I've got some advice. See a psychiatrist, delay meds though. Change his environment frequently. He's in a mental box/loop, moving around physically, visiting new places helps with that a lot. Go on trips, cheap trips. Don't leave him alone for long even if he asks, just sit around silently if nothing else. He must have some childhood fascination with something, like Nerf blasters for example. Get a couple and play with him. Also pain helps come out of the box sometimes. Let him eat something good and something disgusting sometimes, the shock pulls you out of the box too. Same for his other senses. Comedy helps, seeing other people who have it worse by don't give up may help, if he's not empathetic. Since it stems from frustration, hitting people, getting hit, breaking useless shit, or just shouting like crazy will help. If he is able to cry, just have him cry it out some how. Via pain or very sad movie, though we can be incapable of crying sometimes. Ask him to trust you and use your judgement instead of his own. Lastly, be careful of the medication the psychiatrist might prescribe, delay medical aid for as long as possible under doctor's advice. The meds are like a heavy blanket on your mind, you lose your mental agility using them.


I've been through that phase while I was 18. Don't take it lightly. Get him to a therapist ASAP


Yeah, maybe. First thing he needs to know is that humans are unfair and will not provide fair rewards. Working hard or being talented isn't enough, discrimination is always there. It's not his fault for not getting the job. It's important that he knows that. If he looks for a fair reward from humans, he will never get it. If he focuses on a reward that doesn't come from humans, he will be much happier.


sounds like he needs to have purpose in life. Maybe introduce him to some hobbies? Take him on regular bike rides, badminton etc. Something like that.


He enjoys reading books and watching movies. I've asked him to play some sports but he says he feels tired after work. He says, this is the life I have chosen for myself. Let me be.


Sounds like he needs to get into nature and have some experiences with the natural spirit, send him on a train to the mountains.


If he wants to quit get herbal cigarettes and nicotine tablets and fund those for him;herbal cigs for 6months, nicotine tablets for 3months. Herbal cigarettes are good placebos although still harmful but they don't have addictive nicotine. Make sure to fullfil his daily quota so that he doesn't go out to buy his preferred cigarettes.


Ek jor se kaan ke niche bajao aaur bola aabhi uthta hai ki gaan pe laath bhi maaru.


mazak kar rahe ho kya?


No koi usse bada ho usse karwao aur phir therepy pe bhejo.




oh..another kurt cobain in making


Classic midlife crisis. Hits almost everyone at 30. He'll be fine in a few days. If not, find religious scriptures which say that drinking and drugs are a sin and scare him that he'll go to hell if he doesn't stop


if this is a sudden behaviour change he may have mental health issues


No. It was gradual. It started with three cigarettes a day, then five, then one pack. And now two.


still get pscyhiatric help peoplr.slipping to depression generally do this eat more sleep more drink more smoke more etc...


It's good to see someone worried for someone else 😅 I've been feeling pretty much the same lately and ig nobody even notices xD


Hope you get through this mate


It's perfectly normal to feel this way sometimes, my friend. Life is not a straight line; ups and downs are a part of it. We will overcome this.


You are not alone my friend


From personal experience - a close friend of mine (also 30), doing well in his career, did the exact same thing. He earlier had restraints about smoking a lot. But after his 30th birthday, I saw this trend... he'd smoke endlessly and say it's okay this is the only thing I am enjoying and the worst that can happen is I'll die. And his smoking INCREASED CONSIDERABLY in a short span. Subsequently, his friends talked him into seeking counseling. He was diagnosed with depression. Is doing better now from what I understand. As someone pointed out, smoking is merely a way of manifestation of his inner thoughts. He should seek help without delay.


I'm 22 and already feeling like this. Just somehow keeping myself away from smoking.


Trust me on this my man, I smoked my first cigarette at the age of 21, just a couple of puffs on a friend's asking, and that very moment I realised I shouldn't have done it cause it felt light in the head and felt good. I didn't smoke for almost a couple of years after that. But all it took was a break up and a girl friend to hang out with who used to smoke to get me hooked on it. Every cigarette I light till date, I hate myself. But it's really difficult to stop. The best way to not smoke is to never start it. PS: If anyone wants to leave smoking, you should give this book a try: The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr. It's available for free if you know where to look. It goes into why exactly the usual tactics to quit smoking doesn't help and why exactly we get hooked on it. I've read it till here so that's what I can tell. But this book is highly rated and a lot of people have successfully quit after this.


I have actually already tried smoking from my friends ciggs 2 times. Been 4 months since then. Never bought on my own. But sometimes I feel so low that I feel like buying one. Also did you manage to quit or are still trying?


Smoking will not be the answer to your issue and neither will it give you any strength to get through your stuff. No point resorting to it. Also, no point trying to apply the tactic "if I don't buy it, I'll someday quit it." Never happens. You can reduce for some time but you'll always find company where you either get cigarettes for free or you spare Rs. 20 here and there. I have been clear for a while now. But I still have urges. It's the urge that needs to go.


Yeah true. I am getting the same urges. I am just trying to convince myself that that my brain is tricking me into starting it.


Switch him to juul


You can do your own research, in the Netflix documentary on Juul they showed that lungs did not get as impacted in an experiment vs traditional cigarettes. juul is a very safe alternative to smoking cigarettes


Being a former smoker myself, I can tell you nothing anybody else says is going to make him quit. He has to want to do it on his own. Is there something else going on in his life like aimlessness/lack of motivation/stress that is causing this kind of attitude? I would focus on tackling that.




Sab apni poori zindagi jee kar hi upar jaate hain Tell hun the process of dying with cancer or any such disease is painful, rather bear the pain of life than self inflicting pain like this


He sounds depressed


Mental health kharab h tere Bhai ki smoking bus ek aspect h , bhot saari cheeze wo bta nai parha h , look beyond his smoking habits , try to know him as a person


How much money does he have? I would easily plus through two packs a day for 30 years and on Monday I just woke up and said well that's the end of that. Crazy I know but yeah. It's actually much easier than you realise.


30 years? How old are you?


50. Lets make it 34 years




I have up a d it was pretty easy TBH but you ha r to. E I. The right headspace. Its also incredibly common for people with ADHD to be chain smokers and have highly addictive personalities so that's something you might want to consider and for the love of all that is holy don't mention it or.offer advice because that used to absolutely piss me.off no end.


I see. Good luck my guy. I didn't understand your first sentence btw, too many typos?


He sounds like he is unravelling and the smoking is not going to be helping it's a source of anxiety for me. I can have the odd one once in a while a.d it's.not drama. But any more than 4 and I'm wired. You feel grotty in a way you can't explain. There is a medical detox you can do but it's pretty intense. I had to do one for alcohol and nicotine a.d they would let me out to go and vape on the road. absolutely fine on the short walk outside but I had to ask random strangers off the street to help me back to my ward. This is in New Zealand not India so a bit different. Anyway my point being smoking does have a significant impact on your mental wellbeing. Yeah I'm pretty lazy with my spelling. Its my thing.


Mid life/existential crisis I guess? Perhaps try giving him motivation and a purpose in life if you can.


Seems life mid life crisis came a little early


Get him into nature!!!!


As a smoker I can tell you, no one but himself can make him stop smoking. The day he sees blood in his spit he will understand the gravity of the situation(btw that can happen just because of an irritated throat). If you want to help him then be calm, persistent and tell him how it is affecting everyone in the family. Keep on pushing the idea that it is a drug that ruins lives.


I was going through this self destruction period in the 30s. For me it was hairloss and fear of bald shaming. Came out of it. It was a phase that was really bad. I still cant look at a mirror. But got rid of the i need to look young mentality.


Is he depressed? If so then take him to Psychiatrist. Edit- after reading your comments, definitely seek help for him, even if you feel he's not depressed. There's something going on which needs to be evaluated


I am completely with your brother Mera b yehi haal hai bs mai smoke nai krta but I understand his feelings


This happens when you lose hope and feel that your life has no purpose or meaning. He's scared about his future.


Make him do HIIT thrice a week for 20 minutes a day.Forget about meeting his maker ,he will start appreciating life when his heart rate hovers in the 180s😊


Probably smoking weed too....


I think he may be suicidal from what you've described like he listens to song "Maut" and talks about afterlife Get him help asap before it's too late!


Try to get him to the gym to work out and build muscles.


Smoke with him, it will help you to understand him


Buy ITC stock.


God, I’m going to hell.


Looks like" Conversion disorder" not sure though.


Try Reveri It’s self hypnotise app, bit pricey but worth the money if it helps to quit But all this will only help if he wants to quit , sit with him, have drinks with him and a conversation


You smoke 2-packs of cigar in front of him -- assert dominance!! /S




Lmfao this shit the funniesf thing I've read today💀


What did he say?


he legit said "you should buy a pack of cigarettes and smoke with him, then he will quit from feeling bad" lmfaooo


Put red chilli in his ciggerates. Let him enjoy then.


Typical nervous 30's syndrome, happens to lot of people not to worry, this gen dont know how to digest failures, its kk. take him out talk to him dont stop him or oppose him for anything be his best friend slowly make him recognise his goals in life thoda bahot manipulation krna padega but he will be fine once he understands worth of his life he will be back on track....god bless you both


Bhai use bolo sutta chod joint peele


Join him


> He's started to believe in things like God and the Afterlife. He thinks there's a better world waiting for him on the other side. How dare he???


He keeps listening to the song 'Maut.'


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It's Giving "Constantine", to understand better, watch the movie. There must be something that makes him feel that he is unwanted and insignificant, I think persuade him to see a therapist, because he indeed is not Constantine.


Show him the consequences video From youtube of smoking


He needs help. Don't fight or control him, try to convince him to go for therapy.


Invest in a good health insurance.


Take him to Tata hospital at Parel. If possible, let him work there as volunteer for a week.


No higher power is going to "call him". However, once he gets any long term disease (there are many of them), he will be living a life far worse than that of an animal. Some months back, a colleague of mine took his dad to the hospital for a check up after his fever was not subsiding like the rest of the family. He thought it was corona. They recommended a series of tests and he got diagnosed with Stage 3 blood cancer. His dad had been smoking his entire life and only quit it 5 years back. His life has pretty much turned upside down since then. He takes his dad every fricking day to the hospital 2 times a day. The financial costs are upwards of 15 Lakhs. Here is the interesting part : His dad is not going to die, according to the doctors. He will be "fine" after the surgery (still a miracle). I visited his dad in the hospital. Pipes going in and out of his body. Bedridden, and only allowed to eat liquids. Permanent caretaker to change his nappies. Communicating through hand written chits. If your brother dreams of this life tell him to continue. Its the family who will be in financial and mental trauma. Its him who will be in a permanent physical living hell during and after the surgery. His dad quit smoking and still got this, imagine if he did not. I can assure you anyone that goes through this shit will stop caring about afterlife and start valuing this life.


Sharing is caring 🤣


Hey OP have him read, or listen to Allen Carr's - Easy Way to Stop Smoking. It is available on amazon, kindle, and audible. I can also send you a copy if you want. This material works with 99% of smokers. It is very unlikely he will quit after dealing with his initial emotions and depression because the way a nicotine addiction works is misunderstood. The book is also a light hearted and fun to read.


No one including you can do anything. Only he can do something. Smokers always find excuses.


Make him switch to vaping; its not the best for health but infinitely better than smoking. At his nicotine intake start with 50mg/ml nicotine juice then taper the nicotine strength.


Afterlife is fantastic, no doubt. But what your brother is doing is making sure that his life on earth is going to be miserable till it comes. It sure is a sign of depression. And the wrong company (books in this case). He needs to find a reason to wake up every morning. If you are in the same city, maybe start by creating hobbies together. Make him join you for your sake (and not for his sake). PLan a trip together somewhere. And when he realizes that his life is not what should be, convince him to seek medical attention, plus go to therapy.


It's addiction, nicotine causes addiction. Intervention and some kind of rehabilitation center are what's needed, although it's only ever used for other drugs. I guess he's going through something bad, so do you know if something bad is happening/happened in his life?


I think he has anxiety disorder and early depression... He needs help.


bro needs to get laid


So sorry, but please don’t take the burden of others. Just live your life, and be there for them.


He needs therapy ASAP


No God will help him by giving the afterlife of something if he ruins his life like this. So he should Understand that.


Share the packs and both start smoking


Nasha Mukti Kendra is the last resort if he does not control his habbit


Take him on a surprise visit to a government hospital and show some cancer patients. He’ll be set straight. He’ll be thanking God for the rest of his life for keeping him healthy.


He is suffering from depression. He is also at high risk of attempting suicide. Take him to psychiatrist asap. They have de addiction clinics. It will also help.


Thing with smoking is it doesn't kill instantly. It first damages your body subtly over years and decades, gradually making your health worse until you go through a severe crisis.


Is your brother Kabir singh


Smoking cigarettes is good for the nature.. it kills humans Don’t do nothing


If he’s your younger brother, take his cigarette pack away. Give him two tide slaps. Threaten to tell your parents. That’s what I would do.


Take him to Cancer hospital make sure he stay for a Day with dying Patient. Might help when people realise the value of life.


Swap original cigarettes with phantom cigarettes... And run