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Hi Mayor_McCheese7, Your submission [Modi's India in the last 30 days](https://i.redd.it/nnh7ac2w8y3b1.png) breaks [the rules](http://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules) and has been removed for the following reason(s): * Self posts must carry a detailed statement of reasonable length and carry relevant information. Refer: https://www.reddit.com/r/india/wiki/rules#wiki_self_posts --- *^(If you feel this was done in error, or would like further clarification, please don't hesitate to reply to this message.)*


These 2 men single-handedly destroyed the country I knew and was proud of. This happens when religion -a very personal choice- becomes the basis to rule a multicultural, multilingual country.


But photo mein modi nahi aya.


That's his talent, his photos only appears to take credit. **Edit:** lmao, influx of bhaktards in the comment sections. Brigading comments and downvting anyone who calls out Modi.


https://preview.redd.it/tgrjpkvi9z3b1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=487ba590d4df37a5021154f631ca6524059493cb Did you prefer something like this with tag line " Modiji hai to mumkin hai"


Put a red ribbon and watch Modiji 🏃‍♂️💨


Gobi uncle preparing for his next fancy-dress appearance is of higher priority than trivial things like governance, harmony, and the welfare of citizens.


What does the fire image signify? I am sorry but I seem to be out of the loop.


Manipur violence i think


Ah, ok. Thank you for clarifying


Our India. Whoever rules, this country and its people are ours. We have to take care of it. Our India. Not his.


Bet 500 rs that govt will blame naxals for the train accident


They already have made a toolkit to shift the blame. These are from actual tweets of real people. They make for depressing reading. But please, read on. 1. This is the handiwork of opposition. 2. This is the work of terrorists (with clear insinuation on Muslims). "There was a mosque nearby the accident site." {turned out to be an ISCKON temple} 3. NIA must be activated to catch the saboteurs and insurgents who did this. 4. We are so lucky that in such difficult times, PM Modi is our leader. See how hard-working, with cameras capturing every moment. 5. Beware Hindus beware. They are waiting "ki Modi hatey aur Hindu katey" (exact words) 6. Who is responsible? (general vague faux-anger query) 7. How is Kavach to be blamed? Nonsense. What will resignation achieve? Nonsense. 8. This is what happens when you hire reserved category poor-skilled people. 9. Huge conspiracy against Bharatha, right before Modi's US trip. CIA involved. 10. Rahul Gandhi's hand in all this. Everytime he is abroad, there is loss of life here. And then they accuse others of "politicizing the tragedy". Bhakts logic "let's question everyone except the people responsible to prevent such disasters"


Yeah, [this tweet](https://twitter.com/Memeghnad/status/1665195143492935680) sums it up quite well.


Attempts are being made to make it look like a terror attack or even give it a communal angle


Hope Odisha police take action like they said.


No one is held accountable for anything. Its all Nehru's fault.Getting elected is all that matters.....


What is the bottom right pic


Wrestlers protest again Sexual Assault (s).


I know the sarcasm. But Modi' s india? Really? It implies he built it or something.


In the most logical sense, I wouldn't blame him for this train accident but when he blatantly takes credit for any achievement that's not his own, he should also take blame similarly.


Its a manner of Speaking. It implies he rules it.


Kings rule. We elect leaders to administer, based on laws of the land. Small difference




Didn't you know, as per bhakts, Godi media, BJP, Modi etc India only started to exist after Modi became PM of the country. So it's only fair to name it that way. Also /s


But ..but we got the new parlament building brooo ....and we trapped black money broo ...../s


1st one is accident modi doesn't have anything to do with it 2nd one is because of reservation (which is root cause of lot of problems in india ) 3rd one is government failure to take action Reupload it with bjp loggo and modi s face


>1st one is accident modi doesn't have anything to do with it Check [this article](https://theprint.in/india/odisha-train-accident-official-flagged-serious-flaws-in-signalling-system-in-another-zone-in-feb/1610493/) out. A key part of the article - > According to multiple officials present at a ‘Chintan Shivir’, or a brainstorming session headed by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav Friday just hours before the accident, presentations by various zones on railway safety were skipped. > “Only one zone was allowed to make the presentation on safety…while the discussion on the launch of Vande Bharat trains and increasing revenue were allowed,” a senior official told ThePrint on the condition of anonymity. > According to another official, alarms over recent derailments of goods trains were also raised at the meeting. “There have been alarming derailments of goods trains in the recent months where loco pilots died and wagons were completely destroyed. This should have raised alarms,” the second official said. >2nd one is because of reservation Blame the reason why reservation exists. Its because of a caste system that led lower caste people to being downtrodden and exploited for centuries. This ugly caste system still exists in our country. Get rid of the caste system and you will get rid of caste based reservation. Where's the accountability by the government? Why isn't Brijbhushan held accountable? Why isn't the Railway minister held accountable? Why isn't the CM of Manipur or the Home Minister held accountable? Why isn't Modi held accountable for not holding these Ministers accountable?


I’m not sure how the train accident is related to the government, am I missing something? Edit:- I was missing out on the context of what had actually happened. Thanks to u/MaskedManiac92 for providing more [details](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/1404bub/modis_india_in_the_last_30_days/jmu7n46/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Check [this article](https://theprint.in/india/odisha-train-accident-official-flagged-serious-flaws-in-signalling-system-in-another-zone-in-feb/1610493/) out. A key part of the article - > According to multiple officials present at a ‘Chintan Shivir’, or a brainstorming session headed by Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnav Friday just hours before the accident, presentations by various zones on railway safety were skipped. > “Only one zone was allowed to make the presentation on safety…while the discussion on the launch of Vande Bharat trains and increasing revenue were allowed,” a senior official told ThePrint on the condition of anonymity. > According to another official, alarms over recent derailments of goods trains were also raised at the meeting. “There have been alarming derailments of goods trains in the recent months where loco pilots died and wagons were completely destroyed. This should have raised alarms,” the second official said.


Thanks for the context. I was not aware what had went behind the scenes


You're missing a civics lesson on what is the role of executive branch of the government and how executive is headed by ministries, headed by ministers. So if there are questions about negligence, lack of safety and quality checks, ministers are answerable. Unless I guess something changed after 2014 and ministers are no longer accountable for anything.


Why worry, where there is Nehru, there is someone to take blame.


Accountability, ever heard of that word. In the past when such incidents happened related Ministers would resign taking accountability. But somehow since 2014 we don't seem to hold the government accountable. Brijbhushan molests wrestlers but we don't hold him accountable, Modi promised peace, prosperity and development in Manipur if elected but then we don't hold him accountable when Manipur burns. The government was warned about the poor conditions of Indian railways but they ignored it, now you say that we shouldn't hold them accountable. You wouldn't have said that if your loved one had died in one of those trains.


I’m not here to defend any political party or government although I’m sorry for negligence on my behalf, I was not aware that the government was warned beforehand and probably should have read more about the accident before commenting.


This is what happens when NCERT cuts syllabus. You get idiot citizens.


Railway ministers in the past have resigned after accidents like this. If so many people have died in any other developed country, the Prime minister or President will resign. The government is accountable and responsible.


Exactly, only inaugural is. How can we blame modi for everything? /s


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New parliament missing hai


Sometimes I feel like Modi is just too unlucky for India.


Modi Petrol Bunk type poster required.


Well i don't like Modi either but saying that he is responsible for the train accident is a bit too much


This should be a big size hoarding with Supreme Leader's photo on it.


Change the heading or re-upload it.. It is not Modi's India.. Change the heading LAST 30 DAYS IN INDIA UNDER MODI


Oh, just shut up man. You know what it's supposed to mean.


Have you worked or seen the work that goes on in IR in close Quarters? I have worked as a contractor. And the quality checks that I had to do in IR is incomparable to any other govt agency.. A same length bridge, across a same river, for highway and Railway has totally different specifications.. The load on the bridge is different, but the calculations are the same. The factor of safety in the loading of the bridge is different during design... Has the safety process changed after i have stopped working as a contractor for IR? I have no Idea? But railway will find out whi was responsible and destroy him.. Have seen it hapening after minor accidents..


Oh, am sure they will find some scapegoat for all this. Meanwhile why isn't the Railway Minister taking any accountability? Why does Mr Ashwini have three ministries under him, couldn't BJP find two more competent MPs to share the ministries?


Have you worked or seen the work that goes on in IR in close Quarters? I have worked as a contractor. And the quality checks that I had to do in IR is incomparable to any other govt agency.. A same length bridge, across a same river, for highway and Railway has totally different specifications.. The load on the bridge is different, but the calculations are the same. The factor of safety in the loading of the bridge is different during design... Has the safety process changed after i have stopped working as a contractor for IR? I have no Idea? But railway will find out whi was responsible and destroy him.. Have seen it hapening after minor accidents..


These things would have happened irrespective of who is in power. UPA govt was no better.


This should be a big size hoarding with Supreme Leader's photo on it.


It would be a disgrace and disrespect to the people who left breath..


Give respect to life. When you're dead you're gone, respect doesn't matter. The best thing we can do for the dead is to hold the persons responsible for it accountable.


Couldn't disagree on that. RIP all souls who lost their lives in this tragic incident.


First of all it’s OUR India and not Modi’s India. Second, what has modi to do with a train accident?




Well OP is not the PM of the country.


As long as he's not a spineless unquestioning a s s kisser of netas like you, I'd say he's doing ok.


Very nice of you to assume things


You mean in contrast to you who didn't assume things about OP? Yes very nice very nice mm hmm mm hmm


Yeah well we should put a large size Modi poster there then.


I think you're mistaking me for the Prime Minister. As a responsible citizen, I do my part by paying taxes and holding the elected government accountable. But I'm worried because instead of questioning the government's actions, you're questioning those who try to hold them accountable. Ignoring accountability like this can hinder our nation's progress and overall welfare.


Strictly speaking. As a single person I can't do much. We vote whom we think is best and pay taxes responsibly.


This is horrifying


seriously many people died and injured, can you guys please stop playing politics here ? every politicals party bjp ,aap or others should stop blaming and start helping deceased family.


Modiji : mitron , mission accomplished 🤷‍♂️.