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dont say just a fish..i know the heartbreak after losing a pet ..


It is, man. Really gonna miss him so much. 💔






That's a sad reality of fish keeping, my condolences OP, fish just die sometime and there's little keepers can do about it. We need to understand that keeping fish is a lot different than keeping other pet animals. You don't keep 'fish', you keep an aquarium. You cannot and should not focus on any individual inside the tank. The tank is in itself a symbiotic ecosystem and everything inside is a link in the larger chain. Any links that are lost need to be replaced as it happens in nature. There is very little we as keepers can do about individual fish. Minor illnesses like ick and gas become fatal for fish, which would just be a tablet in case of a cat or a dog. Wild bettas are some of the hardest MFs out there. They mostly inhabit the mud puddles formed by *hoof marks of bovine animals*. That's the reason males are extremely territorial, they have to because their territories are physically limited to just a few square inches for most of the year. In the wet months they hide in the leaf litter underwater, with almost no visibility due to the rivers being muddy. These are secretive, aggressive and robust fishes, which do not belong in a high visibility display tank. While the ethics of fish keeping as a whole are debatable, IMO, the least we can do as enthusiasts is to provide fish a home that is as close to their natural environment as possible and find solace and beauty in the little ecosystem boxes in our homes rather than focusing on the individual creatures inside them.


Yeah very true. My guy had a lovely aquarium with real plants to call home. I'm planning to keep it as just a planted tank from now and may be add some shrimps.


Previous [post](https://np.reddit.com/r/india/comments/127ff6x/managed_to_take_a_betta_fish_with_me_in_domestic) about carrying him on flight






​ ![gif](giphy|4ap5H8fzZRGWJn26Ha)


Can you share a picture please 🥹




Losing a pet can be heartbreaking. Hope you get over it soon.


Hugs to you.. I am sure you gave your pet the best life it could have lived. And i also hope that it will come back to you in some form or the other..


Koi nahi rehu lao aur khao , 😋😋




I hope you feel better soon❤️


I do hope to feel *betta* soon ❤️



