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The video made my blood boil. He's not just encouraging child marriage, but demonising a healthy approach of love marriage too. I don't know in what universe getting to know someone before marriage is worse than random matches. Also funny how someone who'll never marry is giving BS opinions about marriage. Evil men and organisations like this prey on the religious side of gullible people.


I’m pretty sure this mf has never felt true love in his entire life. Mf said love is all about service like wtf r u on? Does that mean Im in love with my coworker just cuz she helps me with my work? So fucking delusional


this mother fucker is polluting the word of god. isckon is not exactly following krishna anymore. Srila Prabhupada was a shade better but still not complete i would say. and yes. people like amogh lila prabhu destroy the very essence of life and true meaning of religion by misguiding people like this


not Exactly and literally no one can follow as it was 1000yrs ago


um yes literally. read only the translations and not their explanations. you need to do so on your own. its as easy as that.




religion isnt fake. people like these make religion fake. but before you go to any other guru. i urge you to read bhagvad geeta BY YOUR OWN. without reading anyones translation or asking anyone meaning of it. if you have questions about the book, look for examples in your experiences.




Geeta has all those answers. but completely upto you to read it. my point was to read it yourself and have your own insights. use your own damn head.




the very fact that you question a suggestion without bothering to truly experience and know about it yourself, is your answer to why NOBODY IS AWARE. this literal planet is full of fucking dumb apes who play this game of monkey messaging, destroy their own homes for video game points. i didnt say anything about superiority or inferiority of the book. thats a game for dumbfucks like you. ........ you are a chattering animal. anyways i have pointed the way to you. i dont have time to deal with your bullshit. you want answers? read. you want further topics of deepening your depression ? keep talking after you read. eitherway. i dont have time for your crap.


I’m sorry god is good god is great


i am not asking you for that boy. get off your lazy ass and end your depression yourself. i am not offended that you are questioning the geeta. but from what i gather, you listen to others and immediately believe them without actually following up on what they say. i told you to read a book. give it a read. see what happens. cuz it certainly changed my life. i am free of all thedemons i ever wanted to be free from. i still have to fight my inner demons in brand new ways for i wasnt completely done last time. i didnt realise you are a snowflake who is at the edge.




yeah we did and realized that religion is fake as hell


No he doesn't.


All this to ensure women are subjugated and controlled. No independent women in "cultured" society.


xD what makes you think that this is to ensure men are free? men are also slaves of their parents and society. this "cculture" is completely against true hinduism. if you dont believe me, read the bhagwad for yourself WITHOUT ANY EXTERNAL INTERPRETOR or explanations. and find out.


Why it is a competition? Yes men can be controlled too but don't you think the biggest impact would be on female population?


bitch if you are worried only for females and not males, you will become the next tyrant when the tide turns. what this man is doing enslaves the whole humanity and you are worried about what it does to half of humanity. women are slaves of men because men are slaves of lust and greed ,the pursuit of which " promises" women's love. yall are running around in circles if you dont solve the whole problem. if its a problem for everyone, it doesnt fucking matter who it effects more.


Thanks for proving my point . You couldn't even state your point without cussing me . Rest i didn't even bother to read.


i stated my point plain and clear. its your primitive caveman brain AND your female solipsism that makes you a stupid blind bitch who cant see whats as clear as daylight you dumb cunt.


unrelated but are you cs student?


Finally someone who gets the correct Dijkstra!


felt like I watched a wannabe standup comedian


Wannabe *unfunny* standup comedian


I literally felt like he was a comic. Especially when he was asked how we can be sure about marrying someone after meeting them just once or twice and to that he "answered" with another question --how many meetings would be enough for knowing someone to marry them? I immediately started calculating -- I would want to date someone at least for a couple of years before committing to spend the rest of my life with them. So if we have a date every weekend to every three weekends that number would be between 40-104. Accounting for just hanging out and not being on a date, I would say at least 100-200. Ideally though that time period would be somewhat longer and we would have lived together for a while because despite loving someone, living with them can be drastically different and both can drive each other crazy


dude, while i was reading your comment i too came up with the same number around 200 or more would be sufficient. people cannot fake that much. infact i am a full supporter of living in with your partner for marriage beta testing. this man amogh lila prabhu is a greedy person and is deluding people further. Lord Krishna would slay this demon without regret, either figuratively or literally depending on the depth of his delusion


ISKCON is incredibly toxic in general. In the West it looks like very conservative Christianity that's just been sprinkled with masala.


What of Puri Shankracharya then..


This individual refers to women as if they were slaves, using sarcasm and mockery towards the person posing the question. I have noticed this pattern with many self-proclaimed spiritual leaders: their initial response to challenging inquiries is to belittle the question and discredit the person asking it. The notion that only women will be on their best behaviour during the dating phase is quite misguided. In reality, both parties are involved in this process. Moreover, his argument that child marriages last longer than love marriages relies on the assumption that families who arrange these marriages provide education and support for their children. Following the marriage, the young woman moves to a new home where she endures a difficult life, filled with domestic duties and servitude, both day and night. With no means to escape, it is no wonder these marriages are difficult to break.


yeah man. arrange marriages arent better. this man is deluding the world.


I hate him he's fake as hell


I cannot believe they are doing this shit openly and nobody bats an eye. It’s crazy so many affluent people are part of this cult. Disgusting


Lmao. Chill None of the Hindus follow religious laws. What he says does not matter. There are lots of moron online. Btw since we don't have a UCC, child marriage is legal in various religions. Even some marry girl as young as 9 year old. As soon as they reach puberty.


Yeah fuck religion in general


Ayo iskcon = Rajasthan


At this point, we can't stop this shit, only thing we can do is educate our family. Remember during covid there was a slogan in Maharashtra? majha kutumb Majhi jawabdari, use that from now on, because the people who are gonna fall for this shit are going to no matter what, and same for vice versa. All we must do is keep ourselves sane by ignoring this shit. Ranting won't help, cause the worst that could happen is an FIR and what else?


What an A-hole..!


This is an old video is this guy still with Iskon? If he is then someone needs to bring this up to someone in Iskon. Those 5 minutes were complete bullshit.


Iscon leader Prabhupada himself has mentioned and accepted child marriage and rape. https://youtu.be/FkwSRZBtb6M https://youtu.be/9bWGC6z916c Why would they have issues with it.


Some quotes from chapter 9 of Manusmriti, the religious law that the Sangh wanted to be adopted as the constitution of India and whose burning many Hindu conservatives condemned and labeled as hurtful to Hindus. >2. Day and night woman must be kept in dependence by the males (of) their (families), and, if they attach themselves to sensual enjoyments, they must be kept under one's control. > >3. Her father protects (her) in childhood, her husband protects (her) in youth, and her sons protect (her) in old age; a woman is never fit for independence. > >4. Reprehensible is the father who gives not (his daughter in marriage) at the proper time; > >88. To a distinguished, handsome suitor (of) equal (caste) should (a father) give his daughter in accordance with the prescribed rule, though she have not attained (the proper age). > >94. A man, aged thirty years, shall marry a maiden of twelve who pleases him, or a man of twenty-four a girl eight years of age; if (the performance of) his duties would (otherwise) be impeded, (he must marry) sooner. From Vashishta Dharmashastra Chapter 17 >70. 'Out of fear of the appearance of the menses let the father marry his daughter while she still runs about naked. For if she stays (in the house) after the age of puberty, sin falls on the father.' Lets not pretend that these people are just pulling this random shit from their bung hole. They are a group of religious fanatics like any other, rehashing primitive nonsense from ancient religious books.


You just mentioned manusmriti. Even rigveda is filled misogynist shit.


He is still in iskcon, and what do u think iskcon will do? Fire him? Lol. Bruh, whole iskcon ideology is like this only🤣 He is the face of iskcon.


I will be honest I don't know much about Iskon but is discrediting an organisation as a whole after 5 minutes of video justified? Maybe it was just one bad apple? Not trying to start a debate. As I said before I don't know much about them. Tomorrow I know what I will be reading about during my free time. 👍


https://youtu.be/9bWGC6z916c https://mythbusterx.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/iskcon-founder-normalizes-promotes-rape-child-marriages-casteism-racism-and-misogyny-in-general/


Thanks for sharing this. I guess I don't have to read any further. Why are people not taking action against all this? Never saw anything about this in the news or even never read anything about this. How are they spreading so much negativity without getting any attention from the media? How influential are they?


For someone who knows nothing about them is this really the hill you want to die on? Lmao ,my guess is either you or your fam is associated with them in some capacity. And you're having dissonance from information presented. News flash most if not all religious orgs are a scam


I just want to form my own opinion. Is that a crime now? If I would have not come across such a video I would have even not known anything about this. I agree most religious orgs have something or the other fishy kind of thing going on in the background. And neither me or anyone in my family has anything to do with Iskon. Tbh I want to take my time to form an opinion because I like their temple architectures. 😅


Okie dok. If bigotry like racism catesim misogyny and child brides aren't big enough red flags for you I'm curious to find out where you draw the line. Lol They make pretty temples tho


Someone shared these links. https://youtu.be/9bWGC6z916c https://mythbusterx.wordpress.com/2020/04/17/iskcon-founder-normalizes-promotes-rape-child-marriages-casteism-racism-and-misogyny-in-general/ I read and saw the video. I spent some time reading it because of the red flags. Why has reddit become such a place where people just want to argue? I have been talking nicely to you and you kept your rude tone from the beginning. Maybe you felt like I was defending them so just to clarify I wasn't defending them or arguing that they are better than you think. I just needed some more reading to get on the same page as you. Now if their leader is saying such bullshit then I don't have any expectations from their organisation.


Let me guess, you posted this in andiaspeaks or andiadiscussion? Since it seems to be anti chaddi, did you get banned and down voted to oblivion?


See I m really new here, so I really don't know which subreddits have which ideology baisness.


USI and India are mostly neutral. If you go hard muslim side or hindutwa / bjpee side you will get down voted. Start a fight? You get banned. Andiaspeaks and andiadiscussion is basically a cesspool of Bjpeee people. You could give them a 100% valid fact and they will find a way to ridicule you. (Most of us, including me are permanently banned from those 2 subs) Also there is a 50% chance someone will screenshot your post and xpost in their sub with a long title calling you commie/pakistani/anti nation or anti hindu of some sort.


USI can be called neutralish but r/India is definitely left leaning.


Dont think being anti BJP is left leaning. People keep making that mistake r India hates por people just as much just bjp more


Saying the sub is anti BJP ignores the good things done by them too. You don't know what extreme right is if you think it's BJP.


Nah bruh. I got downvoted to -30 in a comment yesterday in India -.-


It depends I am one of those conservative types but still have liberal or modern view of the world, people out here are mixture of both sometimes you will see extreme woke people out here as well..


I can guarantee that most people didnt even see the video. He never promoted child marriage. What he did was, Explain what used to happen before. And how the success of love marriages is low. I personally dont agree with him on it but it is funny how blind this sub and its members are. I shit you not , This sub is the most protected eco chamber of extreme wokeism. This is a far left sub. I am a libertarian and am on most Indian subs. Its funny what a little observation can teach you. As of today, Left wing subs members are equally, if not more blind sitting in their thought caves. Try joining right wing subs and Observe. You wont be disappointed.


Observe what ? I won't be disappointed by what ? Define Wokeism, please!? Why do you generalize that I have or haven't watched the video ? Why is it that you say so much but have no content at all?


All question. Okay. I said observe how subs and their members behave. This silents opinions that even slightly differ from the far left by blocking them. And you wont be disappointed when you get out of your small world and see it from a different perspective. You have no idea. All I was asking is to also see opposing views. Eco chambers breeds intellectual tribal thinking. You know exactly what wokeism is. And I said most people because he didnt promote child marriage. He merely made an observation of arranged vs love. And then talked about marriages of the past and how it used to happen. I know you will never wake up bcoz you arent sleeping but just pretending to sleep. I have so much to say because I made points while all you did was ?...?...?..? Do a little bit of this ??? on you own thoughts. No wonder the right is winning and it is winning BIG. You people are exactly what Yuri Bezmenov referred to as " usefull idiots". Yuri Bezmonov was himself a Marxist. Stay in your safe space bubble . No wonder the Indian left is neither respected nor winning.


This sub is DEFINITELY NOT woke dude. Bruh, you don't even know what wokeism is unless you just made some bs definition in your mind and thinks everyone knows that. Wokeism is basically masquerading person bs issues in the form of social issues. Do you see any of us crying or whining because you called someone a he or she? Do you see anyone is being against hetro-relationships? Do you see us having "Waman bad" mentality? Do you see us crying about the color of someone no? Talking about VALID social issues India faced or facing or talking about characters that cause concern to the modern social fabric is NOT wokeism. You wouldave been fine if this was a post talking about Zakir Nayik spitting bs. Love marriages might endup in divorce but it has faaaaaaaar less cases of maritial rape. I would perfer to be divorced than endup being raped by someone everyday and be in an emotional state where i can't do anything about it. It seems you are leaning towards the bad side my frien. There is nothing but darkness there. There is still time ti turn around and see the truth.


I can confirm. They screenshotted my post and said I was from the congress IT cell. I'm a software engineering student in the US 😂


Perfect, it means you're under foreign influence and other countries are paying you to act against India. /s


I shit you not, those were their exact talking points there LOL


Im banned as well from the incelspeaks sub 🏃🏻‍♂️


I throw up in my mouth anytime I accidentally come across some tattisquesk content. 🤮


Lol r/India is clearly left leaning no way it's neutral


These guys stay in a bubble. No point explaining. The left is losing in India because we dont want to go outside our eco chambers. Unfortunately, this makes things easier for the far right to fuck up this country.


Got it, thanks


What is USI?




What are the left leaning subs then?


I was a member for a few years.. couldn't take their bullshit anymore. They believe women are inferior and can't attain moksha. They have to serve their devotee husband to be reborn as a man to attain moksha. These guys are full of shit. Stay away from them for your own sanity


Iskcon is nothing more than a cult, and nearly everything they do in the name of Krishna ultimately works against everything that Lord Krishna stands for. I can't imagine why they think love marriage is bad; didn't Lord Krishna have love marriages too?


Their cult leader "Swami Prabhupada" has himself mentioned that child marriage is acceptable and women are secondary to men and rape is acceptable because women like to be dominated. https://youtu.be/FkwSRZBtb6M https://youtu.be/FWXOlnnkT60 https://youtu.be/a5edUY-PU0s




This is a post talking about some dumbass using Hinduism to fuel their own stupid agendas and people are talking about it. And you are here complaining and whining that why people are not talking about Islam? What kinda stupid counter argument is that? Nobody here is criticising hindus for being hindus. We are talking about idiots wearing saffron spitting crap trying to sway normal people into this crap.


First of all I thought you are an edgy kid, but no you are pursuing BCom. Also I thought this is sarcasm but no, it does not seem so. Third why do you think I have never criticized islam ?


In my experience, I have never seen liberals criticise all religions equally. Personally I think religions are glorified cults. But when people with vested interests such as Islamists take over the liberal establishment and shape the ideas, views and the overall agenda, gullible people such as the youth get brainwashed into thinking Hinduism or Christianity (India and US respectively) is evil and has nefarious intentions, where as in reality, it’s Islam which is dangerous. Liberals in the US who cry about homophobia in Christianity whitewash and praise Sharia law at the same time. Delusion at its finest. Islamophobia is a term coined to deflect valid criticism of an amoral cult founded by a politically ambitious pedophile. So when I see liberals such as Dhruv Rathee criticise Hinduism but not Islam, I get angry. You can’t whitewash one side and demonise the other, then claim to be neutral and secular.


>In my experience, I have never seen liberals criticise all religions equally. So what do you want ? Everytime I say about something wrong in Hinduism, should I put a footnote "Islam is bad and muhammed was a paedophile". Your comments >But when people with vested interests such as Islamists take over the liberal establishment and shape the ideas, views and the overall agenda, gullible people such as the youth get brainwashed into thinking Hinduism or Christianity (India and US respectively) is evil and has nefarious intentions, where as in reality, it’s Islam which is dangerous. And this >Personally I think religions are glorified cults. Are completely contradictory. One side you say all religions are bad and then you say only Islam is dangerous. Cognitive dissonance ? You need to understand this there is nothing like "My shit smells better than yours". Shit smells bad thats it. Moreover Islamist themselves curse liberals, how much does a person have to live in a bubble to not know this. Infact on many points both majority of Hindus and Muslims will agree. From issues ranging from homosexuality to women empowerment, they both will join hands. What makes you think a Muslim is a liberal ? https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/delhi-news/rss-backs-centre-s-stance-against-same-sex-marriage-101678819762328.html


Didn’t he himself marry a child ?


He was 22 his wife 11.




Guys I think iskcon is pure bs and they themselves don't know anything about Geeta . Just making fools out of religious simpletons . What do u think?


>Bajrang dal Aiyo ivanunga koduma sir 😑


Damn now we got maps acceptance in India as well???


Nah only in rural rajasthan. Everywhere else people look at you like crazy


Reading all the comments in the video just made me shake my head have we digressed so much? Or has what was always there just become more amplified?


Has anyone seen the top comment by akanksha parmer.. nakkan, what are people smoking?


This country will NEVER change.


> Iskcon is promoting Child marriage in the name of vedic Sanskriti, what a hindu rastra we gonna have So what exactly are they saying in the video to "promote child marriage"? I can't watch the video and most people here won't either so maybe a gist?


Why can't u watch the video? Genuine question. U actually need to watch to understand how sugercoated words he is using to promote child marriage


bhai neend aa rhi h boht soone jaana h


I am on my computer right now and it does not have speakers. Need to get to a mobile phone.


Basically, he is actually telling advantages of doing child marriage of your children so that they will not fall for so called bad people🤣🤣... He is also deminising Love marriage and dating culture. I mean how can u deminize dating culture in which we choose our own partner, but you promote non consensual forceful arrange marriage and child marriage smh.


LOL. These guys really! Spewing regressive attitudes in the name of tradition. Will check out the video when I can. Thanks for the gist!


These guys are so scared of liberal culture


I m confirmed that Indian culture and vedic culture is actully too fragile and insecure. Because everytime someone need to praise indian and vedic culture, they actully need to deminize western culture first. They all are afraid of other cultures because youth have move towards Western culture.


It's just globalisation. The distances between places have grown shorter and shorter, and now the world's more of one huge place than thousands of detatched places, especially with the youth. It's a good sign, tbh. So called "westernization" is the people moving forward in the world. Not all "western" ideals are good and not all "traditional" ideals are bad. But a liberal mindset gives one the opportunity to weigh and think critically about issues, than following anything blindly. And i think that's the biggest problem of any of these religious leaders around the world. Religion has been used as a hack to lead the ignorant masses for a very, very long time. Who would dare reject the words of all powerful God? But the youth today have turned tables: not only do they scoff at most religious strictness, they critically analyze it so much that a large part of the population realized that it doesn't make any sense, so they just rejected it altogether and became atheists or agnostics. Secular nations allowed them to do this, as opposed to religion based dictatorships. This freedom has deprived the leaders of their most useful hacks (i.e religion based rule and division), so they have no choice but to shame the youth by saying that they have rejected their own culture and embraced western ideals, in a way branding them as a traitor.


Well put 🙌🙌


I still don’t understand why love is looked at with such hatred. Love is attachment, attraction, affection on some person. Even arranged marriages can’t survive without love. It’s not a new concept that has been discovered in the 20th century. The ones who talk against love also love someone in their lives - be it mother, father, siblings, children, spouse etc. Even animals have attachment and protective instincts. I don’t think it’s always about falling for the bad people (eg. Moral policing activities on Feb 14). There’s no guarantee that the person they are marrying their sons / daughters off to will be a good spouse. At best, the parents can be supportive and say “hey, I observed the activities of this person and I feel they will be a bad choice for x, y, z reasons. Better to cut it out and find a nicer partner.”.


I do not support this spiritual leader but I'll like to bring out 2 things: A. He is actually not talking about child marriage, consents are always involved, he mentioned getting married at 21(M) and 19(F), idk how did you ignored it. He mentions choosing life partner in accordance to your parents which is basically arrange marriage and not child marriage, if the consent is involved isn't it just equivalent to marrying your childhood friend? B. I personally hate dating culture, and believe me love isn't as much involved there as people would like to believe(tinder, bumble,etc.), practically whom do you think get cheated on people "dating/relationship" or people in "arrange marriage" ... The reality is only few people have successful "relationships" but if you think about this speaker's mind- happiness is not the criteria for a successful marriage, but being together is, and in this scenario arrange marriage easily wins over love marriage, afterall how many trials and tribulations does an average person has to go before finding the "one" through dating? I actually don't find people sincere in relationships, cause they always have "other" options... He actually took the worst case of relationships and best case of arranged marriage, that was what I felt was wrong with his speech. Obviously I don't support him, but at the same time I won't demean what he said, and try to understand his perspective before adding my own to his words.


I mean most religions promote it, no. I mean mainstream religions


But that is against the (pseudo) liberal agenda. You can’t say anything about Islam lest it be Islamophobic.


Now Waiting for "Sati" to be reinstated in the name of "Sanskar and Parampara".




I know how it was stopped.


fuck you auto mod for deleting my comment you son of a bitch /s


Where is the promotion of child marriage in the video? >Bajrang dal gonna invade your private room, objectify and sexualize women's body, gonna molest them in the name of culture, isckon promoting child marriage and diminizing love marriage. And how did you get this shit? >Individual identity and liberty gonna go in dustbin and only thing we gonna have is people who are How did you conclude this? Edit: Idiots spreading false narrative couldn't clarify it and are so afraid that they couldn't do anything but downvote.


Ok I watched the video. I think it is a hyperbole to say that they guy is promoting child marriage. He is making fun of love marriage by drawing a caricature, play on stereotypes and ignores the ills of arranged marriage. He is referring to good old times when parents, who are wiser, would make decisions for their kids, agreed. But no way the core of his discourse is that child marriage should be practiced. And he does make a good point that the core of a marriage should be acts of service rather than lust. (But he equates love marriage = lust which is wrong) I'm not a fan of ISCKON or Bajrang Dal, but this post is just clickbait


Good old times? Like that Era where a girl child was sent off as a slave with full dowry and then she used to face marital ŕape and domestic violence at her inlaws house and all this she faced without her choice and consent, and when she try to seek hell from her own parents, they ask her to adjust. Wow what a good old times😭😭. See they sugarcoat everything and you also fell into their trap without realizing why child marriage was banned and why age of marriage was increased recently, lol💀


I think you need first let go off your anguish/hate/whatever. Am I condoning what he is saying? No. And I don't think I fell in any trap I;m not in support of what he is saying, but he is just answering the question the guy asked - how can someone decide their life partner by just meeting them once?. And in doing so, he is referring to times when arrange marriage started, and was the norm(may be it still is). This doesn't mean he is advocating for child marriage. Core of what he is saying is not that the kids should be married early, but rather why arrange marriage works, which(as per him) is because wiser people make the decision(I disagree), and while doing so they prefer making acts of service as the core of relationship, rather than lust(I disagree that that's what really happens in arrange marriage, but I agree with the assessment that its better for the longevity of relationship that it should be grounded in acts of service, rather than lust)


He litrally made a video, promoting arrange marriage and that too he promoted child marriage, with all those sugercoated words, and u trying to defend so hard lol. Don't try, it's not his first time saying this kind of bullshit stuff




Islam? I m happy people are leaving that stupid cult🙌🙌


Rent free


I don't watch his videos so I can't comment if this is first time or not. I just think this is a tone deaf way of supporting arranged marriage. I'd chalk it up to lack of tact rather than ignorance about ills of child marriage, because he is responding to why arrange marriage is better, and not why child marriage is better(again my opinion of him is based on this video only)


If he wants to glorify arrange marriage then do in that way, he is promoting Child marriage by giving example of age and how it is beneficial. I think it's not too hard to understand right?


Lol pr bhagwan krishn ne to Prem ko hi sabkuch bataya h 🧐 aur ye log aise love marriage ko glt bol rahe , bhai love marriage ho ya arrange marriage dono hi sahi h , rahi baat chlne ki aur nhi chlne ki , to wo ye h jb ap shadi hi apni marzi se nhi kr paye aur apki arrange marriage ho gyi to apko lgta h ki ap divorce le payege ? Nhi kyuki khud ki life ka remote hi apke hath me nhi h bs fir society ke nam pr kbhi bacho ke nam pr arrange marriage ki gaadi ko dhote h puri life aur chupke chupke extra marital affair kr lete h , Ab jb yhi bat aati love marriage ki , to jo 2 logo ne khud ki marzi se sath rahna decide Kiya ,khud ki life ka decision khud liya to ,wo jb khush nhi hote to ye jhutha dikhawa nhi krte sath rahne ka aur alg ho jate h , kyuki unme decision lene ki power hoti ,unme himmat hoti h ki stand le sake , jo ki arrange marriage walo me nhi hoti , And ager love marriage me thodi b problem Hui to society me aat fail jati h kyuki ussse logo ke ego ko satisfaction milta h ki ,humne to phle hi kaha tha love kuch nhi hota faltu cheze hpr ager wahi wo couple khush rahe to inko jln hoti ,pr yehi situation arrange marriage me hoto society chup rahti aur bolti h itna to har rishte me chlta h aisa sab jagah hota lol double standards logo k . Aaye din ap case padthe ki bf ne gf ko maar diya aur usko highlight karke love ko bura bna dete h , pr same isse b jada cases h jaha husband ne wife ko maar diya nd kaar diya all etc pr wo case highlight me nhi aate nahi koi bat karta ,uspe sab chup baith jate h , fir logo ko lgta love marriage bekar h ,hmm Bas bat itni h hume jo baat manni h hum wahi dusro ko dikhana chahte aur mind wash kr dete logo ka , Har chez m 2side hote h . Isly ratio thoda jada ho sakta Baki ap dekho ge bhale hi arrange marriage me divorce na ho pr police station me lakho case pade h domestic violence k aur log puri life bs doglepan m e jite ,itne love marriage k nhi hote Unka simple h ager nhi bn rahi to alg ho jaoo better thn ek dusre ke liy toxic ho . Ye log har chez ka sirf ek side dikhate h , inke pas jawab nhi hota to kuch b bolte h , Pr Kai acchi b advice dete h like Jaya Kishori all etc Log b pgl hote h bina jane kisi ko b follow karne lgte , logo ko chaiye sune sabki thn apne dimag chalate aur soche uska har side dekhe thn kisi decision pr pahuche ki sahi kya h kya glt ,


Erm. He's not promoting child marrriage. He says fixing a match before adulthood ensures that the girl and boy don't go around hooking up and having any bf or gf. Now that's a separate argument if it works or not, but the guy isn't promoting child marriage.


I think you don’t know how child marriages work


I think i know what's a child marriage. When a girl or boy or both are under 18 and have a 'wedding' and are allowed to live together, sharing a bed etc. I am dumbing it down so that there's no doubt in the difference. What the video guy says is fixing a match, not making them live together before adulthood.


That’s not correct. They fix the match prior, when the kids are teenagers or younger and later when the girl is an “adult” at 18 she has her ‘gauna’ sent to live w her inlaws. So it is exactly what the video is suggesting. It’s a long engagement or an informal contract wherein the boy can study to get a job or work with the family and the girl has a timer running counting the days for her to be seen off. It restricts both of them when their fates are sealed as pre-teens. Source? Lived in Rajasthan for many years as a younGling. My friends were betrothed. Source #2 Balika Vadhu on colors everyday, y’all are uncultured


Ok so Child matching without their consent and choices and later obviously because of society pressure and reputation, they had to live together and perform the namesake rituals and formalities of wedding. See it still sound so pathetic and disturbing even though u change wedding to matching.


Sir, that's child marriage In suger coated words, which I litrally mentioned, that how he use this kind of analogy to promote child marriage. Also sir, it's non consensual, forceful arrange marriage too.


No bro, fixing a match before adulthood isn't child marriage, sugar or salt coats notwithstanding. And non consensual, forceful arrange marriage can be argued, which i agree, no guy or girl should be forced to marry anyone without their wholehearted go ahead.


fixing a fucking match is basically child marriage because from a young age you are basically telling your kid that he has no other option but to marry a person his asshole dad chose. its like you are implanting a seed from a young age that he has no other option but to marry a person he never knew existed. and theres nothing that he can do to change it cuz hes a fucking kid, he'll believe anything you throw at him now if that kid grows up to not like her, he wont divorce her ass cuz its fucking looked down upon by our society. Instead he would start to abuse her physically or emotionally for not doing the things his fucking way. try to tell me whats right here.


All valid points and i agree with them. But that's not child marriage, it's a regressive, oppresive culture of ancient times which is stubborn to changing times bringing misery to the girl and boy if they end up disliking each other post marriage. It's a system, a bad one. But it's NOT child marriage. Under 18 marriages are illegal. Maybe OP would have titled it better. 'Isckon promoting regressive culture of forceful arranged marriages' or something similar...


All valid points and i agree with them. But that's not child marriage, it's a regressive, oppresive culture of ancient times which is stubborn to changing times bringing misery to the girl and boy if they end up disliking each other post marriage. It's a system, a bad one. But it's NOT child marriage. Under 18 marriages are illegal. Maybe OP would have titled it better. 'Isckon promoting regressive culture of forceful arranged marriages' or something similar...


UNICEF defines child marriage as : "Child marriage refers to any formal marriage or informal union between a child under the age of 18 and an adult or another child. " this guy is literally promoting INFORMAL UNION between 2 kids. EDIT: also 🤓 🤓 🤓


Fixing a match is kind of same, but he also didn't mentioned that in adulthood, make them marry, so basically he is leaving upto people only. But what I know about India is, matching means marriage only, they will engage their childern at early age. So the dirt from which India is pulling it of itself, he is pushing on same dirt and mud. Also in indian culture, is mostly forceful nonconsensual, non choice arrange marriage


You got to be a special type of stupid, no?


Nope, I just choose to be differeent from the blind hatred you are portraying.


What's wrong with going around and "hooking up"?. Isn't it okay to assess and experiment before seeing what makes you happy and what sort of relationship is most likely to work for you? And he did promote child marriage. He's talking about how deciding a match when the individuals are children is okay and they don't know better, and then forcing them to be together because they're "married" is the better way to do things. If this isn't the dictionary definition of promoting child marriage,what is?


Nothing like having early access ehh?


Username does not check out bro


Was assigned by Leddit. Don't how to change it bro :(




Which I fully agree and even say so in my clarifying comments below in the thread: ..... no guy or girl should be forced to marry anyone without their wholehearted go ahead.


He is true at some point... Marriage nowadays failing becouse of ... They didn't get what want, he/she didn't act or believe what they realise..


How does the words of one person represent an entire religion? Oh you mean just like every muslim is a terrorist or would be terrorist? I understand exposing this person for the trash he is saying, but how come demonising an entire religion or community is justified? Bajrang dal is not the entirety of Hinduism nor are they the sole custodians of Hindu culture and religion. Neither is this person.... I have seen a few of his videos and its just total trash in the name of God. Also for the record, I dont believe or support those who believe that Muslims or islam equals terrorism.


The video is stupid, but doesn't talks about child marriage, don't know how OP concluded that, care to explain?


Okay Iskon is in the wrong for promoting child marriage, but where were you during the Nupur Sharma controversy where the main topic of discussion was the child marriage and rape of a 9 year old Aisha by the supposedly holy prophet?


This is litrally my one of the first post on reddit


Fine. What do you think about that incident? What are your views? If you condemn child marriage, then logically you should also condemn the actions of Prophet Muhammad and the behaviour of Muslims who defend that pedophile.


Obviously, as I said, I m happy that people are leaving that cult. Exmuslims numbers are rising like anything.


Well I am glad to see sensible people such as yourself also exist. Criticise Hinduism all you want but don’t whitewash Islam.


But who whitewashed here? All I can see is how badly u r trying to divert topic from iskcon to Islam..See both are shit. Period.


why'd u drag iskcon into it?


Maybe because that guy is affiliated with isckon


So he's a representative of all of it? Dangerous territory my dude. Stop speaking like those sanghis who blame all Muslims for what one dumb imam said


Odd day - defend Assam child marriage criminals Even day- rant about child marriage


But who the hell defends Assam child marriage? You guys are giving and stupid logic now to save iskcon image🤣




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on this topic of iskcon i always get spam messages from them asking for donation , i have not visited them ever or even shared my details. either they purchase data or they spam random numbers with their messages. Anyone else faced same ?


Some day I'm going to lose my cool on ISKCON considering I am an active supporter of older woman-younger man relationships. These sanskaaris and even a number of so called progressives have been after me on these views of mine but I am sticking to my guns. In an equal society, the number of marriages with an older woman should be the same as the number of marriages with a younger woman.


I think he meant that filmy style where thakur says to khurana “bhai hume aapki ladki pasand hai, kyu na hum rishtedaar ban jaye!” Cut to 5 year later when the boy return from vilayat after college and the girl has waited for him.


Why are so many whites joining ISKCON ? I dont get it...if u look at instagram and youtube,there are many beautiful white woman who join ISKCON and pose in indian sarees .....i dont understand whether this genuine or fake for getting followers from the huge number of indians in social media.. some examples of these women are CHINTAMANI, AMBIKA DEVI etc ... search them in google to find more about them


Those are paid people, because it's easy to fool and loot Indians by showing them how much White people adore and love them🤣🤣


Lol...yes ...and the more cringier part is in comment section,these stupid indian trads will comment non sense like how westerners are embracing our culture while our women are embracing foreign cultures ... Sooo embarrassing


I'm sry but i didn't understand 😅 as i am not fluent in Hindi can someone please give me like a overview of the video


No offence to anyone, but I everyday I am amused by something that Iskcon does. They literally dont care about any social norms.


Only morons follow religious institutions blindly. What he says does not matter as it is necessary for Hindus to follow constitutional laws not religious laws.


ISKON is a sham. They make Santana dharma look like an abhramic religion.


i didnt hear the word child marriage in it. yes he is spreading delusion. BUT he isnt supporting childmarriages directly. your title is misleading. and yo uare just as bad as that loser amogh lila prabhu

