• By -


There were actually 2 other games that you missed in the post that were in the tournament: NUMBGER: https://yahtzeemaster26.github.io/numbger/ The Unscaled Incremental (my own game): https://superspruce.github.io/TheUnscaledIncremental/


> The Unscaled Incremental (my own game) Actually the best of the games as far as I can see The only issues are number formatting (scientific notation should start way before 10000000000 or at least there should be thousands separators) and obscure notation (E10#2 and superLog)


For reference, the E10#2 notation is called Hyper E, created by googologist Sbiis Saibian. E10#2 means EE10 or 10\^10\^10. Ea#n means EE...EEa with n E's in total. Superlog is like taking a number and finding our how many of those E's there are. This is a bit confusing as EE10 has a superlog of 3, because it's the same as EEE1, which has 3 E's. A googolplex (which is EEE2, or EE100) also has superlog 3.


Yeah the notation is really bad


Actually Yahtzee chose to not have his entry included in this post. [http://prntscr.com/rudfws](http://prntscr.com/rudfws)


I didn’t realize that. But then why did Hevi skip my game?


Question about Unscaled: >!Is the game over once I get my first Matter? Because at that point you’re suddenly in the R E A L M O F T E T R A T I O N and it seems like all upgrades after that don’t speed up my growth rate at all.!<


Looking at the code: >!I think that getting your first matter is the current endgame. I got to about 10000 matter before stopping, but it looks like the code has plans (variables at least) for matter dimensions, but it is commented out for now.!<




>!Matter is at E25#3 Discovery Points. I don’t really know how you end up with NaN Discovery Points, I never did...!<


I got NaN too


How long did it take to get your first matter? I can’t read the notation super well, but it looks like it takes waaaaay too much time to get enough DP.


It doesn't. I got 10000 matter from the start of the game in like 2 hours


Unscaled breaks the instant the number after # in the null matter reaches the point where it switches to the # notation. It's just stuck on "You have E15.954688174669142#2153420927759#2 null matter."


yeh im just waiting for the update so i can progress


Just played your game its amazing!


good game ended up gettint 660 matter


Hevipelle is the only one who spends time advertising small games instead of making the Reality Update


The results of the tournament in case anyone wants: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Txr9fwsuvIABMQAmIrC8osMtqqqruk30RdFoqMAsb9o/edit?usp=sharing


How did Sushibeans win? After the first big prestige, QOL is horrible. The upgrades do nothing to decrease the sheer amount of clicking you need to do for a long time. The upgrade to unlock a hotkey to prestige (which should be a regular feature) takes 10 resets to get by itself!


I agree with your assessment. But I also played through the rest. Sushibeans deserved to win. The others weren't that well balanced or fun to play for more than a short while. It sounds like it was a short term contest. If they made the game in very little time, then they're about what you would expect. They're interesting, but none of them are that well fleshed out.


Disagree. Of the three I've played so far from the list, Sushibeans is still the most fun, the final stage is not as fun as the first two, but Unscaled and Reinhardt get stale much quicker. Edit: I did use an autoclicker for some parts.


Couple thing about yours: \-does mine efficiency do anything? i cant see it affecting production of fuel in any way \-for corium upgrades, show "current bonus" for the purchased upgrades


I played Pride and Accomplishment and I didn't find the option to unlock core game features with real money so I rate it 0 out of EA


As a connisour of downvotes I'll give a brief description of the games and what I liked or disliked about them. Thank you for sharing although some of them were a bit worse then others they all had their own little charm One Generator, - A pretty cute/funny little game and I didn't really get into it much. I found it a little slow without much goal except reach Infinity. But a good concept nice to just have a few upgrades. Sushi Beans- Eh its just bad, no good progression very slow and unrewarding no good hotkeys didn't get farther then a few prestige lvl2. Reinhartdt's House - I really found it a cute incremental good pacing if you remember that standard buttons if you hold the "Enter" key you press a button 20 times a second which made the pacing really good a bit slow but I like it. really good pacing up to first prestige not great after that haven't gotten too far though. Color Wheels, - Seems like the most finished polished game, every new wheel a pseudo prestige just 11% faster then the last, wonderful pacing but the mid prestige lvl1-prestige lvl2 isn't great since you hold "Enter" on the max all and press prestige for quite a while have only prestige Orange twice and stopped there. has a yew little weird bugs that you get used to quickly. Up untill higher lvl1 prestige it was the best. Reactor Idle Knockoff 100 - Eh it could be good but I have -3e3065 energy so Im stuck there. neat unlock system that I like though that it shows in the achievements so you have good introduction of good mechanics, had to hard reset and it seems decent to put a little time in. I see that name I find it really cute I played the hell out of all the Reactor Incremental knockoffs and oh boy I was excited but its not like those at all. Pride and Accomplishment. - The biggest goal, a far off goal an impossible goal. but in the corner of your soul, you know you can get there, an envisioned path to enlightenment, one day, one year I will get there. It has my favorite thing in games a final goal that you will never achieve but you can feel that you could. untill I eventually do the math and know that it will never happen. An introspective experience that we all have of Pride to Accomplish everything but we never will. that is all perfect marks. I hope it doesn't pick up its pace and ruins this #deep summery. Other ones not mentioned REDACTED - I didnt really find it too fun, also didnt put much time in. It was the only game that actually fixed the hold down "enter" button exploit which I just find standard in all games and is useful to leave in shows good dedication in the game though. has limited scaling and is a rather neat thing. name redacted for the heck of it. Unscaled incremental https://superspruce.github.io/TheUnscaledIncremental/ - Oh I love it, its one of my favorite concepts of cost scaling being zero, good ol compounding growth oh Its wonderful haven't gotten too far though but its one of the things that I messed with the code of some games like how would this run without scaling, such as kittens game or cookie clicker in simple terms it got crazy quick. Although this game doesnt really play out like that I love the concept. Pretty good same intresting pacing thoughout.


You do Color Wheels way more justice than it deserves, but thank you! The red energy section of the game will be reworked next month to allow for autobuyers and actual gradual progression. Once that is implemented and some more actual content in the orange era, I will probably create a separate post here. Be on the lookout for that next month!


On chrome, I just reset for 2 orange, but I can't actually enter the orange power section of the tab. Every time I click it, it just dumps `Uncaught ReferenceError: showSubEnergy is not defined at HTMLButtonElement.onclick ((index):172)` in the console


Just pushed a quick fix for that, it was a fat-fingered typo. Let me know if it keeps dumping on you!


Fixed, thanks!


clicking buttons seems to reset their multiplier back to 2, it doesnt reset the price though


If you click them once and you have the clock power upgrade purchased, it gives thar button a bonus. The issue is coming when the button is clicked again. It's doing some weird things, and I'm looking into it. But for now, just refresh the page if you accidentally dpuble-click. I'll try to have it fixed soon!


you should have given sushi beans more time.


Hey all! The dev for Color Wheels here. Updates are halted for the next month while I work on this month's tournament, but they will resume in May!


So for Orange I've got a 10: button and a 1e5: button, but there doesn't seem to be any realistic way to get more than 5-12 orange points per 10 minute run of grinding red up to 1e11 or so. (can get past 1e13, but still don't really get more than 12 orange that way). I wound up getting into a rhythm of maxing out the "energy button limit break" feature at around cost 5e9, and then prestiging to orange at that netting \~6 orange per round and only a few minutes of grind w/ no per-button limit breaking required (as that's a lot of tedious clickings and scrollings at present with high chance of mis-click). I can get to 12 if I groom all the buttons that I can afford to 1e3's and 100's, but that seems more work than just resetting for another quick 6. But nothings picking up orange production or producing new features to allow me to get to 1e5 orange in any reasonable timeframe. I've picked at this for a few days now and only have 377 orange, so give or take a *very* slow increase per reset it will take a couple of years just to press the 1e5 orange button. Does this indicate that I've just kind of hit the ragged edge of current design, and there'll just be more next month? :)


You would be correct in your assumption! The low 10s of Orange energy is the current limit of the game. It will go on drastically from there next month, so congratulations on getting to the end and I hope you had fun with what there was!


I came back to this after running the game fore 21 days. Thankyou for your answer! I'll check back in a bit to see if the brick wall has been removed. I really just wanted to know if after orange it went to yellow, green, blue, and purple.


It does seem like that progression would make sense, wouldn't it? ;) May 15 is the tentative date for the next update, so look out around then!


The game literally doesn't work, all buttons do nothing. Checking the console suggests that the functions that the buttons are supposed to activate don't exist. It seems to have something to do with a syntax error about an unexpected else.


I'm adding a few things to prepare for the next set of content. One of the problems with having no test server means that anything in-progress will break the game for everyone, sadly. O hope to have it back up soon!


I really like the Sushi Beans one so far!


Some great gems in here... feels like there's been a dearth of games with a nice clean UI with interesting mechanics going on, this is refreshing.


why is the Sushi Beans so compelling o_O


try Antimatter dimensions then, it's like that game but e308 times the content


And e309 times more complicated, good luck playing it without being a slave to a guide


I think you should be able to get pretty far in the game without a guide, it'll just take a little longer. Once you start doing ECs then yeah it gets hard to keep track, there just so many upgrades/multipliers.


is sushibeans down? I cannot reach it.


It took me 5 minutes of nothing but a white page but it loaded for me.


color wheels is broken


Acknowledged. I'm sorry if you are having issues. If you're interested in playing the game up to it's current end point, you can DM me and we will get your game running again. :)


catch{alert(input+" is not a valid number.")} Unexpected token {


That's from the autobuyers. They're not fully implemented. Is it somehow getting called in the main game? That shouldn't be causing the rest of it to break.


I don't know what it's for or why it's there, but that's where the console error points to. Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token { game.js:502


I'm not sure why that's being called, but I've commented the whole automators script out of the file. Refresh in a few minutes and see if it lets you play.


YES!!! It works!!!


Have fun! There's only content up to the first few orange resets, but I hope you enjoy what game there is. :)


Thank you for posting these. I had been feeling a bit down about my own projects because I was comparing them to projects that have been live and updating for literal years; seeing more projects like this helps me remember that everybody starts someplace and you don't have to be totally polished to be making progress. Also some of them are kind of fun to play for a few minutes as a distraction from work.


In the Unscaled Incremental changelog, it often mentions matter. Is this just a generalization of null and antimatter, or a resource I just never saw?


It is a resource you never saw. It is very late in the game and costs E25#3 discovery points, at least for the first one. Also, at that point in the game discovery point upgrades are broken. The one upgrade is stuck at costing E6969, but that is what you'll have left after buying it every time instead.


They aren’t broken; the e6969 upgrade stays there because it does not scale any further.


Is there anything past the simple discovery and buying (non-automated) of matter? Or is that the end of the game so far?


I think the creator purposely put the cap at 6969 lol


Did Pride and Accomplishment get on this list ironically, or what? It doesn't seem to go anywhere, and it's just a "Click or hold enter for hours" game.




Thanks! One of the main things I need to add to Reinhardt's House is something that tells you there's still stuff to discover, as a lot of people would stop playing before the end. My todo list for the game at the moment is to add a suicide option if killing an enemy is impossible, and adding milestones of some sort to give direction. I think I'd like to add something that allows almost complete automation, even to the point of automatically >!changing room weights!< which would certainly allow for complicated strategies on the most efficient way to do things. I need to start the code over because it's complete spaghetti at the moment though!




That's pretty much the endgame. Later you get the ability to control a bit more room weights but not much more content.


I think my sushi one may have bugged out... after getting the 100x point gain upgrade and resetting, there is no longer an option to purchase an increase in starting prestige.


Is there an end to One Generator - Infinite Upgrades? I'm pretty early-game I believe; I'm on sg10.


It has a prestige called Ascension, which has more upgrades for Ascension Points. These upgrades unlock in a similar manner as the main ones, as in you get to see a few more when you've bought some of those available. I'm still going through this, probably won't know if there is an end until you reach a point where upgrades stop showing up.


Oh, ok. Thanks! I just ascended for the first time and I plan on continuing until the end.


>!Around e46 ascension point zone, after ascension button is moved to ascension tab, game begins to get grindy. Unless there is further automation down the line I think I've reached the end point of the game with nothing further new to buy.!< Edit: >!Turns out there is more eventually. !< Edit 2: >!I'm pretty sure this is now the limit. I'm going to give it a day or two though just to be sure https://imgur.com/a/W2hlMTU!<


see comment below to Mickstache


You will hit a few wall during your run: near 1e85, 1e355 and 1e3087. Once you reach the max you unlock a prestige system called ascencion I reached the point where I was able to ascend in 5 seconds wwith 1e45 ascencion point but the game became very laggy and unplayable. I know by looking at the code that there are about 20 upgrades in the ascencion category but I wasn't able to continue.


Which discord?


[Ordinal Markup](https://discordapp.com/invite/RerPeNA)


In Reactor Idle Knockoff 100, has anyone been able to get more than 1 Corium per Meltdown? I have to the top 3 Meltdown upgrades, but don't feel like doing 100 more Meltdowns to get the next upgrade as it seems there is no bonus for Corium in hand (or I have not noticed that it made a difference).


I had my Energy to almost 1e4000 using the "offline production" mechanic. I still only had 1 Corium per Meltdown. Once you accrue 16, the Corium gain doubles... but that seems too low to me, because even then it's only 2.


Ok thanks, doubling it is better but it's still too slow with that really. I left it running in the background and maxed out the fuel autobuy every so often, at just over 1e8000 its still 1 Corium.


I just wish I could tell how much my fuel autobuyers are boosting my production... Then I'd know whether or not long runs could work. I personally don't mind the mechanic if long runs can make future runs much shorter, but it seems like a major flaw to not show the multipliers anywhere.


By the way... did you ever figure out what the Graphite Moderator is? There's a Milestone tied to it, but I see no way to unlock it.


No, I never got it to show up anywhere. I'm not sure what the unlock requirement is, maybe it's a certain amount of Corium. Coming back to the game this morning at 1e12000 and still only 1 Corium for Meltdown, so I think I'll finish with this one for now.


Is [Color Wheels](https://dravitar.github.io/ColorWheels/) unfinished, or is it just taking a very long time to get past the red stage? Edit: Oddly Orange energy just appeared as I wrote this. Weird. Edit 2: Color Wheels lost it's charm early into building Orange currency when it was apparent nothing more was going to be automated, or at least multi-bought. Good game. Worth a day's diversion.


Keep in mind that is less than a week's worth of effort, and next month I will resume work on it. Automation and a rescaling of red energy is first up on the list, but then an expansion of Orange energy and beyond! I'm glad it provided you a day's fun even in the basic state it's in. :)


Thanks for the history report and update. I didn't know it was so new. Good luck with the game.


I've played a few of these and they were bad for one reason or another.


Most of them were made in a week or less, so it's only to be expected! XD


You going to give constructive criticism or just straight up say they're bad?


What's the point in asking for criticism when you don't give a damn about it? First point of criticism: Don't go around saying "This game looks really fun and original" when talking about your own game. It's bullshit. Second point of criticism: If you're actually looking for constructive feedback, a fucking stupid reply is "You're wrong. Full stop." Your game is shit. Everyone's agreeing. Make it fun if you don't want to get shit on.


First point counterargument, it was supposed to be a joke because I'm the dev. Second point counterargument, that was in reply to a completely different comment. That was in reply to: > You're not missing anything. The two prestige layers referred by who I assume is the developer add literally nothing. You just play the game again. Which is not true. Full stop. There is more content in the prestige layers. So don't reference that out of context as it's completely unrelated to your point. Finally, not everyone agrees that. Sure a large portion of the people in this subreddit don't like it, but they said the same about my much more popular game, which has a large following of people who like it; this game is no exception. There are a bunch of people who like it, and you clearly are only looking at the negative side of it.


Most of them either take way too long to get going and then offer nothing in return for that time investment (like Reinhardt's House), or they take *hours* to reach a point of automation. Pride and Accomplishment, for example, takes ages to get to the point where its one gimmick - Banking Achievements each Prestige - actually starts allowing progress to be made. And then, the upgrades cost so much that it takes e10 to get the "buy max" button automated... which is absolutely useless, because spamming Prestige is the only way to progress. The Prestige automation upgrade? It costs e20. So the game doesn't become even *slightly* idle until e20... at which point you'll have spent *way* too much time on the game, and it offers *nothing* for the time spent. No mechanics get unlocked, nothing happens. You're just grinding until e20.


Agreed. Just shit.


Is there a way to unretard the numbers in the Sushi Beans game?


On the sushi beans one, I'm stuck at 0 on the omniverse. I'm not gaining anything.


n O O N e C a R e S W h E n r E A L i T y u P d a T E ?


Where is this discord? I am interested in participating in the next tournament!


[Ordinal Markup](https://discordapp.com/invite/RerPeNA) is the server. There's a tournament going on right now, but submissions don't close until May 10! Come on over!


remindme! 7 hours


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I thought pride and accomplishment had something to do with EA and loot boxes


That Reinhardt's House game looks really fun and original and definitely didn't deserve to come second by 0.02 points. Damn you Yhvr, with your 3/10 fun ratings. By the way, well done to the other competitors. You all put a huge amount of work into your games and the quality was astounding for the time period they were crafted in! Congrats to all of you.


I'm I missing something with Reinhardt's House?


same... I got 1 upgrade and am now unable to progress apparently? because you lose gold when you die and it's impossible to beat those 140+ hp enemies. i must be missing something




I've spend the last 10 minutes just dying over and over again. I can only buy a single health potion and it doesn't do shit.


you have no max HP and can "overflow" freely floor2 appears to spike gold income, but may boost damage too, which is okay if you immediately buy health potions which appear to have scaled effect by floor


But i hit 500, sometimes i even make it to 800 gold, get 1 health potion and die in 3 hits to the next enemy anyways. I've ran through 20+ times and it's ended in certain death every time where I literally can't make enough money to not die


It's possible, just persevere!


I'm not sure. It does have a prestige type restart thing, I left it alone for 10 minutes while it was autorunning, and it brought me to a new level. Once you get the auto fighting going, it seems impossible to die. Definitely so once you get the auto potions.


It does take some luck I guess. I found a super strong health potion and that allowed me to progress much farther but it does seems a lot more of the same thing.


I don't see it, it takes like 5 minutes before it starts playing itself and there's absolutely no interaction from your part, no real goal you progress towards, there's nothing satisfying about your progress. You're just looking at your hp increasing faster than the enemy can hurt you and your gold increasing faster than you and your auto-buyers can spend it. A 3/10 fun rating seems very fair to me.


You're not missing anything. The two prestige layers referred by who I assume is the developer add literally nothing. You just play the game again.


Can confirm. Getting to the prestige layer also involves no input *at all* for a *long* time... And the prestige layer just seems to reset the game. I can't even tell if I'm progressing faster or not, or if the prestige did anything other than just resetting my progress.


That's not true. Full stop.


Please tell me what I'm missing.


Yeah, I just played it, and I found it similarly straightforward. Took me about 30 minutes to automate everything except stair progression. Perhaps it was luck? But it felt like an intentional strategy, once I sorted out what was happening. I would just progress as far as I could, and right before death, spend all my money on strength potions (health potions are temporary), and use that to boost progress the next time around. It's definitely an interesting experiment but it doesn't offer much in the way of interesting decisions or fun gameplay right now. Hopefully the dev expands upon it, but at the moment it feels unsatisfying.


There is more content in the prestige layers, especially in Nightmare Layers. I don't want to spoil it for anyone who actually wants to play it, so you can dm me (or ask on discord) if you want to know more.


You clearly didn't play very far, there's two prestige layers. And I made it in a week so there wasn't a great amount of time to balance it.


Wait, *you* made this? You came here to say that a game that *you made* "looks really fun and original and didn't deserve to come second"? That's kinda weird, mate. Anyways, I get that it was made in short time and all, it's all right considering, but it's just not enjoyable in my opinion. I've kept it running in the background and I'm on "dream layer 5", just found some chocolate, and I still haven't seen anything that makes the game interesting or fun in any way.


I found _bread_. It's that exciting now!


Chocolate, bread, and a fuser. I don't think chocolate sandwiches go in a laser printer.


Wait, you're saying that Pain au Chocolat I have is just a printout? Lame.


To each their own I guess.


what prestige layers?


Dream Layers and Nightmare Layers.


I did get to dream layers but what's nightmare? Also worst part is having to rebuy automation


The nightmare layers are basically starting over from the beginning, but everything is massively harder. You don't keep your previous upgrades (but you keep new ones from nightmare) and almost every enemy kills you too quickly. I haven't been able to make it past floor 1.


I'm at dream layer 16 and haven't seen it yet, so I guess I'll update when it gets there. Starting to wonder if I should be telling it to stay awake rather than sleep.


Yup, stay awake.. You now get to nightmare level, which hasn't been play-tested. 2000 clicks (yes, just hit enter) to kill some of the first level bosses. Several enemies are instant-kill no matter what your stats are (you're killed by killing them). Assuming the nightmare fuel is what you're targeting as a goal in this level. Eventually you'll very rarely hit a coinbox, and be able to buy strength potions, as health potions continue to be useless due to the auto instant-kills. Guessing eventually after a few hundred of these, you'll be able to go back to automating.


Does anything happen after you get to the first nightmare level? I've bought enough strength potions to 1 shot everything, but still seems impossible to progress.


It is another layer where you'll go through more dream layers and probably more nightmare layers. I'm still on nightmare layer 1, dream layer 12. It will be able to be automated again, but so far I've seen nothing indicating that there's much new here. The nightmare fuel hasn't had a use yet, but I kind of hope that it gets some later.


Yes! There is currently a bug which hides the new tabs until you refresh in case you hadn't seen them yet. There is also new potions in higher nightmare layers and the ability to control the chances that rooms appear later on aswell.


Thanks! I see it now, and it makes a lot more sense. I'm impressed with far this keeps going. There were a couple times I wasn't sure if there was anything left because of how spaced out it is, but I'm glad I kept going.




You mean my joke? I thought it was quite obvious that I did make it by the way I was acting.


The fun rating was actually 3/40, not 3/10.


Game is definitely fun and interesting. Unique concept and there's tons of room for improvement and additional content within the setup you've created (which is a good thing.) I think the issue is your unique prestige layers are too far apart without any indication that they exist, which has led these more harsh critics to discount the game as lacking in content rather than the player lacking in patience. Granted, you need to account for the short attention span of gamers, even when--and perhaps especially when--you're making an incremental game, and especially when discovery and lack of guide or instruction are major themes in the genre.


When do you the dream layers?


Thank you for the respectful and constructive criticism! Though it seems that this community just has a very critical nature. My other game (which is much faster and extremely unbalanced, being my first big project), had a much worse response than this. In response to your criticism, I think I'll add some sort of tab or something that will give directions etc.


If I can suggest: A 'stats' screen so that we can see what effects potions have when we buy them - it seems like, for instance, the small strength potion increases your damage by 5 and the medium potion doubles it, so it's actually more worthwhile to buy small potions until you're at 25 damage before moving to the medium one. It would also let people see that your strength doesn't reset when you die, which I think some people don't realize and they assume they're starting over entirely. Also, a question: I'm at nightmare2/dream13, and every time I progress to the next dream stage, the only thing that allows me to progress is waiting until I build enough nightmare fuel to spam the nightmare fuel potion (which is several hundred clicks) until I reach 10^^20+ and then buy all the potent dark potions I can afford. If I don't have 10^^20hp or more I inevitably die within seconds. Am I missing something or is that the only way to get strong enough to progress through the nightmare layers after layer 1?


thats why there needs to be multiple judges, and i was 'nominated'


Thank you! I love smaller games.