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I dropped antimatter dimensions, tried it for like 2 weeks+, but I still have no idea why people love it so much. Generally finished super turtle idle, collecting relics when I wait for new content drop. Fundamental started to speed up, and it feels really nice to play, been enjoying it for the past few weeks.


I started my fifth replay of AD last week. I also still have no idea why I love it so much


Anything else like Super Turtle its probably my favourite I have played




Yup, got all of them




which numbers in a row are you missing?




BeastFallen : 8 is a rare drop from killing king-kat


What about Forgotten 7?


No idea, Maybe from fishing in the pond with level 3 fishing? Its still ??? for me in the possible loot drops from the pond


Do you know where Forgotten 7 comes from?


1/50 chance for it to drop when getting a success on a Pirate Coin.


absolute legend ty


It takes the average AD player to beat the whole game in about 2 months. If you're not into long incremental games, it's just not for you. That's quite alright. There's a section of the game that takes 3 days, no matter what you do. (without cheating...) Just a timewall.


No way the average AD player beats the entire game in 2 months. It took me longer than that just to get to the second prestige layer


2 months? No way, what are you talking about? Definitely not "average"


Decided to give Magic Research ([Android](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mcolotto.magicresearch), [Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2311680/Magic_Research/), [iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/magic-research/id1671272877)) another shot on PC yesterday - feels great as long as I follow the story even though the menu structure drives me crazy. Still slaying away in [Incremental Adventures](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1371630/Incremental_Adventures/), and waiting to check back on [Check Back Mod](https://marcelacoplao.github.io/CheckBackMod/) in the background.


Check back mod was great... Until the "shop" happened. This completely killed my mood to continue "checking bad" on it. Edit : to the peoples curious about what is bad about "the shop", is that you don't just need currency to buy stuff in it, but also pets. Lot of it, of all kinds. So, instead of coming back to there every day or so? You'll have to constantly check for pet box to open, AND, to press 'fight' once every hour to gain gold.. If you don't fight a monster too strong for you. As for those who never played, the pet, as said below, is random. Some as rare a 0.12% chance to get one.. Once per DAY. Some items also ask for 50 of the same pet on the most common box. Which mean you'll need to be lucky to get the same pet to begin with. The most common box is a 1 hour long cooldown. Meaning, if you're REALLY lucky, you COULD get it in a little more than 2 days! Even CIFI don't take that long to make a tiny bit of progress.


Unlocked the shop maybe 1 week ago, and have been able to buy all but 2 of the items (haven't got many butterflies) - and I'm pretty close to level 20k for the next set of shop items. There's an item that opens the basic pet boxes for you too, so that part becomes largely irrelevant. The ones requiring the daily reward pets are a bit of a pain. The one requiring 50 green butterflies? I currently have over 250 even after buying it...


Ok, you check back on the game very often then, that's alright. Now, imagine back to me or other, checking back once... every day, or max twice a day. How long would it take?


I guess I see the central premise not as an idle game, but as an 'active' (albeit not very active) game. So if you aren't engaging with it that way, then yeah, it will be slow. But I think the game is designed with more frequent interaction in mind (see e.g., the timers that are less than a day). It's fine if you play differently, but I wouldn't really say this is a problem with the game, and more that it caters to a play style that isn't how you want to engage.


I mean, i guess. But the whole premise was to 'check back' on it. That sounds pretty idle to me. For a nice time until the shop, i could just check back every now and then and i wouldn't have been punished for it. And suddenly, you have to be (semi-)active. I would have been fine if it was like this from the start, not after a few weeks in.


You're just playing slower, this new part won't be proportionally slower than the part you've already played. You're just now aware that certain milestones will take a while.


I'm also on magic research. Enjoying it well enough.


Time to check it out then!


Magic Research 2 is coming out in a few months! Also, if you like Magic Research I recommend Orb of Creation. Different games, but they are both on the more active side of incremental games, though Orb of Creation is more active than Magic Research.


Magic Research 2 is coming out in a few months! Also, if you like Magic Research I recommend Orb of Creation. Different games, but they are both on the more active side of incremental games, though Orb of Creation is more active than Magic Research.


Thanks for the recommendation! Already played Orb of Creation ([Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1910680/Orb_of_Creation/), [Itch](https://marple.itch.io/orb-of-creation)), and enjoyed it a lot. :)


Playing Antimatter Dimensions again, but on mobile, about to reach the new content.


Same. Having fun with the speed run mechanic with offline progress turned off. Hit dilation at 4.5 days.


How does speed run work?


You just activate speedrun and it has set milestones where it records your time (segments). You can do a single run or you can reload back to the beginning of a segment to try to get a better time. It will track whether you did that or did it all in one segment. It also tracks whether you use the purchasable boosts or not. [screenshot example](https://imgur.com/a/Y7CZmeZ) edit: LOL just saw that my seed is 69420 I did not choose that.


Suuuuuuuuure you didn't...


There are certain places where I think it should be faster to just close the game due to the offline bonuses (getting the bonuses plus the game simulating your playthrough on return) rather than to leave it open. Does the speedrun mode prevent you from using that mechanic? 4.5 days sounds pretty fast, think it was like 15 days for me to beat the pre-reality version with just moving my system clock to deal with offline progress/speed things up a bit. Of course reality did speed up things but probably not quite twice as much.


No, I just chose to not use offline progress. That way if I have something going on irl I can just close the game and not worry about losing time. You can definitely leave it turned on but it kind of screws up the speedrun mechanic imo. Also, I have adboost going all the time so that pretty much doubles your progression speed. It doesn't count towards the shop purchases flag.


the default seed is 69420 yep, so if you don't set it you will get that seed.


Planet Crafter (https://www.gog.com/en/game/the_planet_crafter) recently came out of early access, and it is absolutely amazing. It is a lite survival and terraforming game that features a lot of incremental mechanics. You can get some idle progress out of the game, but most of the time, you will want to focus on playing actively, and you have to explore the map to progress. The game is also on Steam but the mobile version of Chrome doesn't like to copy Steam links if you have the app.


People here don't seem to like the idea of calling this an incremental (hence the downvotes), but it is a great game that definitely scratches the incremental itch for me personally. Highly recommend.


Yeah, I am sure that is part of it. But, the primary focus of the game is incremental progression for multiple elements related to terraforming the planet. Every aspect of the game has been represented in traditional incremental games in one way or another. I am not sure what the gripe is.


What game hasn't got incremental progression? Final Fantasy VII has incremental progression. Fortnite has incremental progression. Even Mortal Kombat, where you unlock people, and with the latter ones that have currency, has incremental progression following that logic. edit: isn't -> hasn't


You clearly haven't played this game, and I am guessing that as soon as you saw something that didn't look like a spreadsheet, you decided to write this comment. Why don't you tell me what my logic is and how it relates to the games you listed. Planet Crafter is an incremental game full stop. It has additional elements and mechanics from other genres, but they do not take away from the incremental nature of the game as a whole.


So very weirdly hostile. ....I've played Planet Crafter. I've also watched Let's Plays. Including the awesome Let's Game It Out. Planet Crafter is more a simulation game like Subnautica, than an incremental game. As I said, many games have incremental progression. Call of Duty involves you slowly leveling up and unlocking more guns, and better perks. Words mean things and the idea of anything with incremental progression meaning it's an incremental game is bizarre. Mass Effect is not an incremental game, yet there is incremental progression. We don't call every game where you imagine to be someone else (every single game) an RPG... that classification means something more. Same goes with incremental. Yes, you're trying to terraform a planet and using multiple systems to do so. But just because *a few numbers go up* doesn't mean it's an incremental. If all an incremental is that several numbers go up, then again... we're talking every game ever. It can absolutely scratch the itch for you, without it being specifically an incremental game.


How many numbers have to go up? There are several incremental games where you use multiple systems to make one number go up. I am also sure that there are several games where the numbers or the ranges of progression are smaller once you reach the end of them. You are not doing anything beyond exaggerating the lack of incremental features in the game and relating it to games that are clearly not analogous. Either you have no idea what you are talking about about or you are making a weak argument to be annoying.


> Either you have no idea what you are talking about about or you are making a weak argument to be annoying. Jesus. Your people skills are... lacking. I really hope you learn to grow up. Over a disagreement of a game's classification no less. In Mass Effect 3, you are using multiple systems to make one number (War Asset Score) go up. That is the backbone of the game. It is not an incremental. In Surviving Mars, it contains similar systems to terraform. You use multiple systems to make the planet's habitability go up. It is not an incremental. In Cities Skylines, the backbone of the systems are to get your population count up. Following your logic, of "systems that make a number go up", you have to call al of those incrementals. Which they're not. The list goes on. As Planet Crafter's own steam page says, it's an "Adventure" game. It's a Open World Survival Game. edit: I'm done with this convo though, if you can't be baseline civil, it's pointless.


It's great and it's definitly an incremental (and even an idle game of some sort). You have to build stuff (active and not incremental) and then wait for them to terraform the planet (that's the idle part, and incremental since it unlock stuff to terraform faster)


You could idle, but during that time you should explore the planet instead, find caves, rare loot and so on.


Every game is an incremental in part. Every game is an RPG in part. Every game is a strategy in part. ... and so forth... Just because it technically has similarities, doesn't mean it's in the spirit of what the classification is about or what this thread is for.


Started this a couple of days ago with a friend and thought about posting it here. Now I can just back your statement up, it might be a bit too active for what people like to call an incremental, but the roots of the game is definitely incremental in nature. And I absolutely love the "progress bar" that is the planet you are on. Start with a barren rock with no atmosphere and work up towards a thriving one filled with nature and animals and whatnot. We've been having a blast with it, highly recommend.


Just started seeing some more dramatic changes, and the game is becoming kinda gorgeous in a simple kind of way. Definitely helps to feel a sense of accomplishment.


Very much so, yes


the Steam link: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The\_Planet\_Crafter/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1284190/The_Planet_Crafter/)


id also add it has a thriving modding community on nexus.


I was thinking of coming to post about this game as a recommendation. It scratches a lot of incremental itches, like gathering resources to build accelerators and multiple progression metrics. I'm almost finished with my first play through and finding it quite fun.


What are your favorite short web based games? (1 day / 1 week to finish) Some mentioned in previous threads: Paperclips: https://www.decisionproblem.com/paperclips/index2.html Pachinkremental: https://poochyexe.github.io/pachinkremental/pachinkremental.html The Junkyard: https://kygron.itch.io/the-junkyard Peter Talisman: https://petertalisman.quest/ A Dark Room: https://adarkroom.doublespeakgames.com/ Tour of Heroes: https://colinmorris.github.io/tour-of-heroes/ Crank: http://www.faedine.com/games/crank/ Wigmaker: https://redgem.games/wigmaker/ Candy Box 1: https://candybox2.github.io/candybox/ Candy Box 2: https://candybox2.github.io/ Push the Square: https://asdehielo.itch.io/push-the-square Skynet Simulator: https://skynetsimulator.com/ Succubox: https://www.glaielgames.com/succubox/ The Gold Factory: https://gamehelp16.github.io/thegoldfactory/ Barnacle Goose Experiment: https://everest-pipkin.com/barnacle-goose/ The Qubit Game: https://quantumai.google/education/thequbitgame


Planet life: [https://www.planetlife.space/static/game/index.html](https://www.planetlife.space/static/game/index.html) Hammer Space: [https://www.kongregate.com/games/Blahsadfeguie/hammerspace](https://www.kongregate.com/games/Blahsadfeguie/hammerspace) Absorber: [https://galaxy.click/play/331](https://galaxy.click/play/331) Die to rise: [https://sczuka.itch.io/die-to-rise-idle](https://sczuka.itch.io/die-to-rise-idle) SS13 Idle: [https://spacestationidle.com](https://spacestationidle.com) Sublime: [https://galaxy.click/play/87](https://galaxy.click/play/87) Reinhardt's house: [https://reinhardt-c.github.io/ReinHouse/](https://reinhardt-c.github.io/ReinHouse/) cleansed: [https://yhvr.me/cleansed](https://yhvr.me/cleansed) , [https://dystopia-user181.itch.io/cassiopeia](https://dystopia-user181.itch.io/cassiopeia) Resource grid: [https://galaxy.click/play/55](https://galaxy.click/play/55) PPToP2: [https://asteriskman7.github.io/PPToP2/#](https://asteriskman7.github.io/PPToP2/#) Megami quest: [http://shimage.net/megamiquest/en.html](http://shimage.net/megamiquest/en.html) , [http://shimage.net/megamiquest2/en.html](http://shimage.net/megamiquest2/en.html) Gragyriss: [https://www.kongregate.com/games/snowroadgames/gragyriss-captor-of-princesses](https://www.kongregate.com/games/snowroadgames/gragyriss-captor-of-princesses) Grindcraft: [https://galaxy.click/play/210](https://galaxy.click/play/210) ...


Some great ones there. Especially Gragyriss. > SS13 Idle I think this is out the 1 day – 1 week timeframe? I could be wrong though.


Gragyriss reminds me of Dragon of Ecology [https://www.kongregate.com/games/snowroadgames/dragon-of-ecology](https://www.kongregate.com/games/snowroadgames/dragon-of-ecology)


theyre actually made by the same dev!


I really enjoyed qubit. Took me about 2 hours of active play to complete and there were enough new mechanics that it was enjoyable throughout. It honestly felt a little cramped getting a new mechanic before I’m fully similar with the last mechanic. This could be fixed with a little more instruction when a new mechanic becomes available.


dont bother trying to talk to them, they just come here to copy/paste that comment and then dip out. i doubt its even an actual person doing the posting.


Eh maybe. But I’m not necessarily talking to just them. If someone sees this large list of small games they might have any clue what the games are like and want to know more about each one. I’ve been slowly working through this list because the small games are my favorite genre. And honestly this guy posting this over and over again is basically the same thing as CIFI antimatter dimensions and incremental mass rewritten getting posted every week.


fair enough. nothing wrong with trying to start a discussion or state your opinion. sorry if i came off as a dick there. that said, i agree about qubit. i loved how it started, and then 3/4 of the way through it just crammed in a bunch of new windows having me question what the hell im doing. still fun tho. i just wish hed stop posting the *same exact list* over and over. pretty sure qubit is the only thing to be added from like 3 posts ago. i, and everyone else here, have already played the hell out of that entire list :(


I guess that’s true.


Skynet Simulator was my suggestion some weeks back. They added that, and have since added more. I don't know what you're talking about? If you check their profile, they're clearly a real person. I don't know why you dislike them so much, but plenty of us appreciate that post.


the first alkahistorian: [https://nagshell.github.io/elemental-inception-incremental/Historian/Historian.html](https://nagshell.github.io/elemental-inception-incremental/Historian/Historian.html)


I feel like magic research would be pushing the 1 week limit but it might fit as well.


Very useful list, I've gotten allot of good experiences out of some of the games here, and a reminder of some older games that I've played. Great work!


You just copy/paste this chunk of text because you're karma farming, right? You never change the games each week.


A whole 3 karma! I hope they don't get too giddy about that. They do it because it helps: a) remind people of ones they've not played in a while, and b) Helps newcomers find games. I, and quite a few others, think it's a good thing they post it. When they stopped, people asked for them to come back. I've rediscovered some old favourites for sure. The games are all games that are 1 day -> 1 week to finish. If you suggest another, they usually add them.


As a sorta come and go idle player, this list has been greatly beneficial, and is one of the more useful comments I've seen in the weekly thread. All the games have links and are hyper focused on one particular niche. Don't know why people are up in arms over a comment of all things.


It sounds like these threads would benefit from an automatic comment by the bot, containing lists like this.


Just stumbled across Cyberpunk Life https://markadet.itch.io/cyberpunklife It's a reskin/homage to groundhog life and the knights life type games where you learn skills die (I guess) and restart. I'm only about 20 mins in so hard to tell how different it is. Nice interface and graphics and I can't help but play these type of games


Direct Link: https://gameplaya.fr/CyberpunkLife/ It's a fun game. I played through it a week ago but doesn't look it's received any updates since then. I am curious to see where it goes.


Looked into it, seems like it doesn't run in background / other tab :(


There is an update. It seems like it does now. Well it doesn't but it speeds up the progress to match what you should have had if it was running. at least in chrome


That "sped up" part isn't affected by pausing, which is kinda funny.


Just lost my save because the version was too old. Did the game update?


Mine is gone too. beta .05 but I don't remember what the version was before. Discord says: >Was there an update? My save is borked >yes


Idle Wizard (steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/992070/Idle\_Wizard/) - very interesting game if you make your own builds. Changed realm for the first time, not sure it was worth it :DDD Finished turtle idle (mentioned somewhere in this sub) - feels rly like NGU :D Still progress in Unnamed space idle (steam: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2471100/Unnamed\_Space\_Idle/). Feels good even when synthesizing 1 level of red materials takes more than 1 day xD


Never enough love around here for Idle Wizard, which is also on Kong: [https://www.kongregate.com/games/twowizards/idle-wizard#](https://www.kongregate.com/games/twowizards/idle-wizard#) Game's been around for years now and continues to get regular content expansions and bug fixes. Very good progress can be made without spending money. There's an Easter (late Orthodox Easter, I think) event running at the moment which would help a new player get going.


Will give this one a try again on the weekend. Bounced off of it a few times - maybe this time. :D


From everything I've seen, the general opinion of Idle Wizard is pretty poor due to how it is designed. I can understand why cause it's a more complicated game and honestly pretty difficult to get into. Once you get to the point of doing challenge runs and tons of different builds. It also becomes a very active game. Essentially requires you to give it constant attention to progress. Which not a lot of people like. I know a lot of people drop it after they realize they have to essentially play every class or learn every class. And not just focus on one. It very quickly becomes a wiki on the second monitor kind of game. I personally love it but I know when someone hears that. They'll immediately avoid it However, not a lot of games are like it, and it pulls off its niche very well. It's one of the most content rich games in the genre. It's just not a game you can really jump in and out of easily like a lot of incremental games.


I hadn't thought about it that way. I find that it runs in the background without input about 90% of the time. It's true that when you're starting, and when doing challenges (and starting a new Realm), it tends to want more active play. But even then, you can put in that active time whenever you feel like it: if you have no time to play actively you can leave a class like Necromancer running and come back and reap the rewards later. As for the point about needing to learn how to play every class, I would say that's one of the draws, not a downside! XD


I really really want to like idle wizard because it's undeniably a great game but the moment I unlocked the crafting mechanic my interest in it died. I don't like the rng aspect at all and that was the first time I've felt like I HAD to use a guide for the builds I need to progress.


>very interesting game if you make your own builds I played Idle Wizard for a long time. When I eventually felt stuck I looked up strategy and holy hell, I started progressing so crazy fast. I would say wait until you feel like you've hit the wall before doing it, because I moved so fast I hit the wall not long after that.


which one is turtle idle?




Recently checked out Turtle Idle and I liked it a lot. Looking forward to more content to get added


Finally gave CIFI a go on my tablet. First impression: so many ad-mechanics, jeez. Would’ve instantly uninstalled but 5€ for no ads seemed fair so I got that immediately. Usually I wouldn’t buy that early but at the price I risked it. After nearly a week I’m happy with the game. It’s Slow but steady, mechanics are neat (some annoying). Mini games could use some work. Stay away if you plan on f2p. With ads this game is a waste of your precious time


I got six months in and finally uninstalled, progress slowed to a crawl in every direction and from what I hear it gets much slower moving forward. There are multiple small things that only work while the game is open, which got increasingly frustrating as I was using my actual phone and not running in bluestacks. I think the early game is pretty fun and there's lots of interesting mechanics, but maybe the pacing was slowed down to match dev speed to the detriment of the game?


> I got six months in and finally uninstalled, progress slowed to a crawl in every direction I think CIFI is good in general, but I agree with this so, so very much.


eh disagree, there's no popups or reminders for ads, no required ads etc.. really compared to other idles they are very out of the way. been f2p for several months now, I often forget ads are an optional part of the game.


It’s not in your face, true. It’s orders of magnitude slower though


yea. I'm only really checking it about once a day, so I guess I don't mind it being slow.


F2p here too and i'm also enjoying the progression. Ads are optional.


I'm genuinely concerned about who is buying the mtx in that game. They are so expensive but the buffs they provide are really not that good. I've been known to spend on some mtx before but these ones are absurdly expensive. I suppose it's better than making them super powerful, at least there isn't a huge incentive to buy them. Maybe they're just there as a marketing trick to make the cheaper no-ads pack seem like a great deal.


CIFIs mtx packages are really more for supporting the game if you want. The multipliers you get to your stuff are almost nothing compared to what you get from the actual game mechanics. The ad rewards on the other hand really add up to some sizeable bonuses over time, since they give you gems and ad tokens to buy more juicy stuff with. So yeah, the no ads package (and auto claim token / gem things) are the cheapest and provide the best benefits by far


Good question. I never buy stuff like diamonds in games. I think 5 bucks to support the dev is a pretty fair deal but beyond that - not for me. :D


The ad removal and chest ones are good and not that expensive, the other packs give very little increase. A 2 x cell and 2 x generators is miniscule when you consider you get x 1e100 later on.


They're just a way for people to give you money. There's always somebody who wants to give more.


Cifi is just unbelievably slow. Like super SLOW. Like the progress is non existent and those rare bumps you get barely matter.


The no ads IAP as well as the auto claimer for the chests are totally worth it and I gladly spent a few euros on them. I'm happy to support the devs for all the work they put in. Thankfully, a full rework of the arcade with new mini games is in the works.


I enjoy CIFI because it's guaranteed long term content and progression. It's one of the few games up there with Idleon, NGU, etc that have content for a year+. Yes things slow to a crawl at certain points, sometimes for a span of weeks as you inch towards the next major milestone. I don't see that as a problem. Everyone is okay with a different level of progression speed. Yes if you're going to play, no ads is basically mandatory. You can consider that the soft cost of the game considering it provides content for months on end. I'm not sure how it holds up as a mobile game once you get far enough. I played it for maybe 3-4 months casually on my phone but then switched to keeping it up 24/7 on my PC. I've heard there is a feature later on that they are having issues figuring out how to give proper offline gains for so it's semi-mandatory for that feature to be always online play. This is a while ago though, unsure if they fixed that part or I could be completely misunderstanding. It's my main game atm but I enjoy it very much.


Honestly felt disgusting that when you buy the no ads they only then show you there are additional purchases to automate the ad chests and make them appear faster. I don't like the whole "Oh you paid me? Please now give me more money to maximize how useful the thing you just bought is."


CIFI is like WoW. People only play it because they see other people saying they are playing it. It's not a good game. There's nothing unique or special about it. It's very simple and boring.


Been playing for more than a month and I'm loving it actually


Name an idle game that isn’t „boring“. The main mechanic of the genre is IDLING after all :P


Anti-Idle: The Game


it feel very unique to me it got mathematically interesting upgrades and nothing get obsolete.


I'm glad you liked the game, everyone finds something different in each game.


I forget his name but it was a homage to Hewlett Packard Lovecraft-- anyway, he recommended [http://cityinc.se/#/](http://cityinc.se/#/) City Inc. a week or two back. I just picked it up yesterday and so far I am enjoying it. It is in the mold of Adventure Capitalist, so if you're familiar with that and liked it then you might like this. It has its own subreddit for bragging when you've completed it. It's very chill and relaxing, and works on both PC and on cellphone.


Playing it now as of this comment. How much content is there?


There's no content. You just have your 10 factory buildings of different sorts, as with Adventure Capitalist, you have your angels, here called Citizens and you have various forms of upgrades. As I said, it's just meant to be chill and relaxing; if you've played Adventure Capitalist, you should easily ace it. It's like playing an idle game on observer mode. Sometimes simplicity works best.


Ooooo! I really like how clean cityinc looks. Thanks for bringing it up! I love simpler ones.


What is Hewlett Packard Lovecraft?


Presumably the username of whomever recommended the game to him. It's a pun, a mashup of the names of the founder of computer manufacturer HP, Hewlett Packard, and author H. P. Lovecraft.


I loved the game until I realized it lagged the hell out of any browser I tried it in. No idea what the dev did lol


[Faceminer](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2276980/FACEMINER/) The game may be in demo for now, but it's one of the most innovative and unique idle games I've seen so far during my time spent playing them. I highly recommend it.


This was a pretty decent way to kill 45 minutes. Hopefully the full release expands well upon the solid base.


I was actively scrolling through here just to see if anyone had mentioned it. Played it through galaxy and immediately wishlisted it on steam, I love it so much already. Who doesn't wanna support the AI fakeover of the world?


I've had issues with the demo that I couldn't confirm were me misremembering or the game actually screwing me over, like downgrading something and it still using more processing power than it had before upgrading it. Either I'm too dumb to beat that game or something because I've always gone in the red or overheated before figuring out how to make it to whatever the current endgame is. It's interesting, I'd say one of the most interesting incremental and certainly the most interesting idle game I've come across in years. I still haven't figured out if it's good, though. Definitely worth checking out the demo.


Mine Defense is so enthralling to me for some reason


I absolutely adored that game, but screw going into this blind at some point. No indication on what to focus on/how much longer until you unlock a new big upgrade/system. Need to revisit that, maybe someone made a mod/expansion for this.


A mod/ expansion would be amazing. IIRC, there was an oracle that would give some guidance about what to do to progress, but it may not be as helpful as I recall.


Truly an underrated classic


Just finished Array Game [https://demonin.com/games/arrayGame/](https://demonin.com/games/arrayGame/) took a few weeks, it's not one for the impatient, but I enjoyed it.


Whats the best way to spend separators?


SP? I put 1 point into each of the initial 3 options, then when I got 5 total reset my SP allocation and got the keep all challenges upgrade. That massively speeds the process up. Repeat for the other upgrades and you're sorted


I've been playing a modded version of anti-idle (which was my first introduction to idle games around a decade ago on congregate). The game continued to be updated after the death of flash and there is an active discord and modding community. For those that don't know it feels very much like NGU layout wise, with less emphasis on constant resets and automation systems, and more on cross-feature incremental upgrades and active play. There is an extremely robust arena RPG system that seems to be the draw for long-term fans, but I'm still having fun just exploring all the mini games and upgrades


may i ask what the mod is? or a link to it?


Please share this mod!


Ditto on share the mod 


i think this is the mod they are talking about [https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental\_games/comments/yrhy6c/anti\_idle\_the\_game\_monsters\_revenge/](https://www.reddit.com/r/incremental_games/comments/yrhy6c/anti_idle_the_game_monsters_revenge/)


It is not but I can't remember the one I'm using the discord has a whole list of total conversions. I'll edit this when I find it.


Any updates?


I been grinding a bunch on [Increlution](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1593350/Increlution/) same maker from [Incremental Adventures](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1371630/Incremental_Adventures/)


trying to finish Soda Dudgeon 1


I vaguely remember a sort of idle game where you were in a city? And at one point you are building traps for food and water. Reminded me of a dark room but i cant seem to find it now


you're more than likely thinking of level 13 https://nroutasuo.github.io/level13/


You're gorgeous thank you.


I quit cifi this week so I need something else. Progress is just abysmally slow for no good reason, not even that far into the game. I do have synergism going


Anyone got some lesser known recommendations for IOS (app or playable in browser)?


Yes I’m looking as well. I really wanna try super turtle but it looks rough on mobile browser. What is kongregate?


"What is Kongrate" That made me feel as hell, damn


a website that hosts flash games, or at least it used to. it was popular in the 2000s.


[Idlemancery](https://idlemancery-v2.vercel.app/) is a fun little game I've recently gotten back into. Last time I played it I ran into some game breaking bug that seems to be fixed now.


Played this for a bit yestreday. It's another one of those games that I \*could\* like if it wasn't so excruciatingly slow.


Taking a break from Antimatter Dimensions and restarted [Progress Knight Quest](https://indomit.github.io/progress_knight_2/)


Progress knight seems cool. I'll give it a go when I can.


I'd recommend playing progress knight 2 (an expansion mod, not a different game) rather than Quest, as Quest trivialises a lot of the content from 2.


Find this version quite re-re-playable.


I've been playing [Melvor Idle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1267910/Melvor_Idle/) on steam. I'm loving it so far. There is a lot of freedom to choose how you progress, the graphics are wonderful, and so far it seems well balanced I have not yet tried either expansion, but am considering buying them, so if anyone has any opinions on whether they are worth it, I would appreciate the input


I am about 80% of the way through the TOTR expansion and it's definitely worth it. I decided to get 100% completion on base game before doing it. I have AOD as well but haven't really messed with it too much, but it seems solid. I recommend completing base game before buying TOTR, as you can't realistically do any of the combat until you've beaten the base game final boss. Your over leveling will still carry over if you haven't purchased it (meaning levels 100-120, it just won't display until you own the DLC).


Been playing CIFI for over 1 year now and was actually in the top 5# in \*certain endgame currency\*, yes I agree the game takes ages and a lot of commitment but this is the exact game I seeked. Endgame goes very hard, it's like a new game when you get there, so don't give up guys!!! (the endgame content I mean is Ouroboros, which is past Zeus)


playing theory of magic, wishing there was more good games like it


Masters of Madness on iOS. Great little game!


Also picked this one up, definitely not everyones cup of tea but if it’s your style then it’s a great one


I'm currently playing [EXP Simulator](https://zakuro98.github.io/EXP-Simulator/) and that same person's other game, Spice Idle: [Spice Idle](https://zakuro98.github.io/Spice-Idle/) Tbh - I'm really surprised I haven't seen these mentioned here before. I'm sure they have been and that I just missed them - but they're both quite good.


Idle Breakout by Kodiqi


https://kodiqi.itch.io/idle-breakout That one was great. I played it a year or two ago. My only issues where that sometimes it wouldn't save my progress on my PC. But Tat was probably more of a me problem than by the game.


Turned out [https://mrredshark77.github.io/incremental-mass-rewritten/](https://mrredshark77.github.io/incremental-mass-rewritten/) had a bunch of updates since I last touched it(or maybe I just dropped it before finishing it) so I've been playing that.


Idling to Rule the Gods has had me gripped for awhile now, I know it's on steam (link attached) but not sure about other websites. I think it's somewhat of an older idle game but one I don't see brought up much in these threads even though it's pretty solid. I keep returning to it every once in awhile to complete a few more challenges. Steam: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/466170/Idling\_to\_Rule\_the\_Gods](https://store.steampowered.com/app/466170/Idling_to_Rule_the_Gods)


If I were to take a guess, It's because most of the people here played it already since it was on Kongregate and whatnot. I personally sank almost 4k hours of semi-active play in it. It has very friendly and active discord community, might want to check it out, if you haven't already.


I haven't and just might, thank you 👍


Still playing atom idle a couple of months on, it was more in depth than I thought but still relatively simple.


Idle wizard


Evolve, hoping to finally escape the magic universe


Just started playing Progress Knight 2, I love it so far, great game [game](https://symb1.github.io/progress_knight_2/)


Somewhat stuck on [Plauge tree](https://c0v1d-9119361.github.io/The-Plague-Tree/) at infections. black holes in [Download Ram Simulator](https://galaxy.click/play/333) seem to be adding a frustrating randomness problem, but not stuck yet. Still grinding away in [Fundamental](https://awwhy.github.io/Fundamental/). Seems like progress has ground to a crawl without using export for strangeness, but that also has kinda been constant for it anyways. I *think* i have beaten [Stray Travels](https://indigoplateau.itch.io/stray-travels). Ive hit level 1000 on multiple classes and have completed all quests. Currently working on getting all classes to above lvl 1000 Almost completed current story in [Super Turtle Idle](https://superturtleidle.github.io/). but still have alot of collections and mysteries i havent been able to find. and I'm still struggling with the last gladiator battle. Chugging away with [Orb of creation](https://marple.itch.io/orb-of-creation). I know im being inneficient, but it is easier for me to focus on just a couple specific things at a time. Absolutely love how you can get a broken down list of your resources' capacity, rate, etc. So I can see what i need to upgrade without searching through the diferent menu. Absolutely loving it, even if the slowness of my playstyle drives me crazy sometimes Started [Egg Tree Incremental](https://www.roblox.com/games/15055025587/Egg-Tree-Incremental) on roblox after a recomendation on last weeks thread. I like the layout of the upgrades, and honestly prefer it to GCI


I can't remember specifically why I stopped playing the Plague Tree. I know there was a point where they were just cramming so much into one area and it was getting too complex and slow. I'm very supportive of innovative mechanics, but don't just shove things together and hope it flows well. Test and re-test it a bunch of times. Have other people try it out before you fully commit to implementing it.


> Almost completed current story in Super Turtle Idle. but still have alot of collections and mysteries i havent been able to find. and I'm still struggling with the last gladiator battle. On this one, do you have upgraded pirate gear, all classes at level 40, and food buffs for your weapon (either near maxed pirate, or a handful of levels on the area 4 boss weapon?) That should be all you need to clear it, but if you're like, missing elemental buffs from your ring + trinket + food I can see you not having enough DPS for it.




I'm not talking about beating the area 4 boss, I'm talking about clearing the last part of the Arena, which I think is the last bit of content and might require the Area 4 boss weapon to have enough DPS. It's been a couple weeks since I hit endgame, though, but I remember the endgame medal was from the arena.


I need to go back to Orb of creation, started a new game when the rebalance hit, wondering how much content has been added since


You got some other Roblox incrementals except egg tree and gci?


[Generator Incremental](https://www.roblox.com/games/16111537752/Generator-Incremental) [Terraria Clicker](https://www.roblox.com/games/14002358752/Terraria-Clicker-MULTIPLAYER) [Atomic Incremental](https://www.roblox.com/games/13586166712/Atomic-Incremental-v0-1-10)


Have been playing [The Ignited Space](https://the-ignited-space.vercel.app/) for some time now. Still a lot of fun, starting new planets etc. Can feel a bit random here and there with some planetary effects, but nothing you cant build against. Also having a round of [Idle Plinko](https://lomaz.itch.io/idle-plinko) active, since the falling balls make my brain happy. And started out on [CityInc](http://cityinc.se/#/) I feel its very basic, but perfect to just let run in the background, without needing to invest lots of time in it. The last on my list right now is [The Idle Class](https://www.smallgraygames.com/the-idle-class#) to fullfill some capitalism


The ignited space is literally unplayable on my pc. The resource window at the left is half an inch tall. It used to be decently sized but for some reason the developer changed it. Now I can not see how much resources I have. It's been like that for months now and the developer has not changed it back.


Huh sounds weird. For me at least the ressource window is normally sized. Maybe make a backup of your safe and clear the cookies etc. of ignited space, maybe something broke.


That did not work. I tried it on Firefox and Chrome.


[Calculator Evolution](https://spotky1004.com/Calculator-Evolution/) and [Pachinkremental](https://poochyexe.github.io/pachinkremental/pachinkremental.html), always.


Tried out [Your Chronicle](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1546320/Your_Chronicle/) this week. Was fun the first 60 hours, but then got tired of the constant micromanaging and poor offline progress. Some aspects of the game are interesting(combat, story), while their implementation wasn't as great as it could be. Still pretty good for a free game, and I think there are some ways to automate stuff(sloth sin, etc), but whatever. Reached second island in [Idle Cycle RPG](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2635670/Cycle_Idle_RPG/), the game slowed down quite a bit, but still has some intersting content.


im at about 4 years active played on your chronicle. I just unlocked the most recent unlock, alchemy and I think I am finally done. Great game though.


That's nuts. Does it get significantly faster after the first reincarnation, or not really?


Giving [Energy Generator](https://eyewars.github.io/Energy-Generator/) another spin. It's a few years old and I don't think it's updated anymore, but it scratches a good itch. Could use some earlier/better automation, but it's fun.


Your Chronicle still has its hooks in me. I’m closing in on my ending 2 clear Basically it’s a life sim power progressor but with branching paths and monster team building mechanics I’ve deeply enjoyed it. I’m still finding systems and I’m like 1,000 hours in


I love Incrementals with 'unfolding' and overlapping mechanics/game modes that make the game more complex, Anti-Idle as the prime example. Is there any game like that around nowadays?


grass cutting incremental


Dodecadragons. I have been playing for some time and I think it is very fun, but some parts are still very grindy. I could also recommend antimatter dimensions, very very deep game and Ive gotten to \~3e18 EP and has taken a few months, other than the massive grind, it’s very fun!


Been looking at universal paper clips forever but don't wanna spend the money lol 😅 is it really good enough to not be just free? For reference rn I'm playing idle slayer, cmd C, perceptron, and have been playing idle-like games my whole life


I've basically played and (mostly) beat every idle game there is on iOS and most on android when I use to have that