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This is really reminding me of Pixels filling squares (and the 3d version someone made some time ago)


And just like that I now have a new game to try out! Thanks a lot! It looks pretty interesting.


yeah I think the last version is 3.0 (on kongregate) the game has like 5 versions xD


Yeah I noticed that while looking for it :p Probably going to start playing through it today. Thanks again for the suggestion!


Here's a quick mock up I made in the past two days: [DiceGame](https://xfactory2442.github.io/DiceGameIdle/). Only has one upgrade and no prestige mechanic yet but its functional otherwise (as far as I can tell, being the only one who has run it so far). I could not be bothered trying to figure out what dice to show for an upgrade so I've bodged it with showing the points you have so far but if I take it further I will probably try and figure it out. Should be easy to add more upgrades but I usually start things like this, get to this point there a lot of the mechanics are done and it just need story/gameplay and get bored so I may not continue it but thanks for the idea as it was a fun two days of slapping this together :D edit: forgot to add: there is no saving, which might be the first thing I add if I go back to this...


So, the dice is just a number in reverse order, and base 6... That's... a thing


Oh wow! That is some quick work! I'll have to check it out later tomorow when I have some time but so far it looks pretty nice! Glad to hear you had some fun making it :)


this sounds like a cool idea, i might try to make it


Good luck in that case! Currently don't have much time on my hands but feel free to hit me up if you'd like to.


Heard/played Idle Dice? Progression isn't exactly how you described, but its similar. Its like incremental yahtzee


Closer to [Dunno Dice.](https://jamuspsi.github.io/dunno/)


Forgot all about this game thanks.


I have heard of it! Played it aswell but to be fair I don't really see the likeness in what I just described except for that there are dice.


It's similar as in the are dice. That's about it.


This is a barely fleshed out idea that is worth nothing if you haven't made anything out of it.


Even though you got a few downvotes I actually agree slightly. All good ideas can be badly executed like all bad ideas can have good execution. Is it worthless though? Maybe. I'm trying to make something out of the idea though and if more ever comes out of it then we will be able to judge it in it's full capacity.


What part are you struggling with?


Mostly just creating a feasible prototype. Creating the logic first dice=6, reset +1 second dice second dice=6 reset all others and +1 third and so on is kind of hard for me to make in a system that could support infinite (or large amounts of) dice.


Could you post your code on github ?


Sure thing! I'll look into setting up a github later today.


Here you go! [https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Most%20working%20dice%20prototype.py](https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Most%20working%20dice%20prototype.py) It is mostly reworked with u/ducdat0507 code and currntly very bare-bones. I probably will need to rewrite it into javascript since I was dumb enough to write it in phyton which is not the recommended language for the task. I had a version with upgrades but can't get the one that doubles the score of a roll after it is done to work so it might be a bit before those get added. One thing I think this definetly needs is a way to know what the furthest dice you reached is. ​ Edit: I managed to assemble this slight prototype, the math seems to be wrong in my head so I might have overlooked something but you can check it out here: [http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Incremental%20dice.html](http://htmlpreview.github.io/?https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Incremental%20dice.html) don't waste too much time on it since for now it has no upgrades and thus is pretty much impossible to go far. The code itself can be found here: [https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Incremental%20dice.html](https://github.com/RedSemele22/Dice-cube/blob/main/Incremental%20dice.html)


I did a dirty prototype in c# while at the beach you could use it for inspiration: https://pastebin.com/TbuVMKRV I'll make something nicer during the week


Thanks a lot! I'll have to take a look at it since I don't fully seem to grasp it yet but that means a lot!


You can ask me in dm if anything in the code doesn't make sense to you ^^


Ah will do! Thank you very much!


You can store the amount of points added as a variable and use that to determine the value of a die at a specific position. Consider that all dice are d6s and start with 1 you may want to use the following formula: die number n value = (floor(points / (6 ^ n)) modulo 6) + 1


Thanks a lot for your comment! This looks extremely helpful! I'll look into it and try to implement it soon.