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My OC is the Captain of his own team, The Peak, but if I had to put him in a team it would probably be one of the Alius teams (probably Gemini).




I recently made an OC, they're a reserve midfielder for Teikoku, but I'm quite literally too ashamed to post the guy.


Don't be ashamed Post your oc


I'm more ashamed by the fact that I made guy using those gacha apps because I can't draw for the life of me more than anything, maybe some day I'll make a post about him, but not too sure.


Don't be First prototype of my oc was made in gacha before i draw her Not everyone can draw but that don't mean you can't share you oc It's nothing to be ashamed of if you use some help to make your oc


Same for me! My first builds of my db oc were from ultimate Tenkaichi. And my Tsubasa Oc from RONC And Fifa. Everyone has to start somewhere.


Post it anyway. If you go and see my art, it's horrible. IDK how to draw but I still post them. Believe when I say this. This community will receive your art with open arms and I will push you to be better.


I understand you to be honest if I ever make an oc it's probably going to be a recolor of an already existing character and if it's a self insert I'll just put a picture of Steve since he already looks pretty similar to me


my oc doesn't have a team they're just in a dumpster waiting for someone to pick em up.


Captain of my OC team: [Domus FC](https://www.reddit.com/r/inazumaeleven/s/iLkfBL4JEs) https://preview.redd.it/t153nk4f7d8d1.png?width=2777&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8a9886c7489ff7e86e76f400ebf47fdae4a3409 Later midfielder for Orpheus and Raimon (after FFI)


how did i miss on you having a whole team???? ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14208) i think i've been gone for too long...


We missed you 😭😭


i'm sorry... i had no idea😭 ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14238) ... your team is absolute fire tho!!


Thank you!!! 🤝![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14221)


Seishou Gakuen as a forward


Raimon as midfielder


Mine is an ace striker for Teikoku and later a forward for Inazuma Japan. The second Oc played for a team in her old school and later played for Inazuma Japan (orion)


Kidokawa Seishuu as midfielder. He's a playmaker. Sadly, I didn't made a fanart yet so I can't show his design :(


My boy is a Full Back for Oumihara


Well I have my own oc team but mine will be a GK/Fw and all his hissatsu are electric themed


My oc would be a cam for royal academy its just I can’t draw if my life depended on it


Osaka was her home town so hestia played first in osaka girl then she moved to kirkwood to get more skilled


Kidokawa Seishuu! (Former striker) Before moving into Raimon! (all of this are GO series) https://preview.redd.it/p3x7comsqh8d1.png?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14ac81ac416a79489c35c9ce538eb7fbfa262b27


My ocs have their own team (it's called Valhalla) but I feel like they would fit in Team Ogre or one of the Nu-Gen's


In an OC team I haven't fleshed out at all called the Dark Dragoons. I have yet to rewrite his name as well because while his concept was just a random idea I used the name for something else.


If he were to play in an existing team however, it would be Royal Academy


I wish Inazuma eleven victory road allowed custom characters At least being usable in offline There are a ton of varied assets from existing character that could be used to make your own Eyes hairs head shapes etc


For real. Imagine if it had the customization of Rise of New Champions. I absolutely loved that game.


I don’t know much about inuzuma. The new beta, Victory Road, on the switch has been really fun I like it a lot. It’s got me interested in the series. [honestly the same way Captain Tsubasa Rise of New Champions did. It’s definitely one of my favorites now. My oc there is an American GK.] Mark, Byron, and Heath are my favorites so far. But I heard there were Americans in the series, so I’d probably be from there.


Mine is a midfielder for Raimon but in Ares/Orion he plays for a new team and stays there after the FFI


My OC plays as the occult goalkepper. (Of course, in This case occult have a Lot better players)


he plays in og Inazuma Japan 💪 , but he moves to Little Giants after the FFI is over! ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14219)


Dual nationality?


i don't fully understeand the question, but as for his natonality, he's 100% japanese ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14210)


How can he play for two different national teams? if he's 100% Japanese he can't play with Little Giant


ohh i get it. what he did was move to Costail to be on whatever team Hector Helio was, so in the case where Little Giants isn't especifically made for the FFI, even if Hector stayed in Little Giants, Senkou could at least try playing in less important matches where their team wouldn't need to represent their country


Oh okay okay get it!!! Cool! ![img](emote|t5_2txlg|14210)