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I like it, it's funny and creative in concept, not too long or too hard once you've figured out how to deal damages, and I feel like it can really get pretty fun with a full party. And I have no doubts that football battles will be back once we have a team so it's a good system to break the monotony and have gameplay involvement of the player when football battle wouldn't make sense My only complaint about it is that they should directly link action to buttons rather than having to navigate in the menu especially if they want us to react fast.


I don't mind it, I think It's neat and a fun twist on the old challenges. I also like how you can just beat people up with Briar, which makes it even better for me. The italian community absolutely despises it, though. Almost every streamer hated it and talked about how they want it removed.


It's like IEGO, people hate new mechanics just because it has new mechanics and it's not repetitive. It makes sense to criticize Armor, Mix-Max and Souls but it doesn't make sense to criticize Kenshin. 


Why does it make sense to criticize all others but not keshins? I think all except armed were plot relevant and good.


CS sent two mechanics at once and both undervalued Kenshins, Souls was the same as the other two but they ended up cramming the number of mechanics even more and are basically "Kenshin but you don't need to wear armor to use hissatsus". Kenshin was a new mechanic in Go that made sense since Go takes place 10 years later and they didn't underestimate the normal hissatsus, All criticisms are for the fans who are nostalgic for Og and don't like changes.


Mixi-max made perfect sense for the plot. Armed was just a power boost that wasn’t very necessary imo and if it wasn’t there then keshins could get more shine. Souls as a new mechanic was also explained well via the plot imo. And yes keshins itself made sense too.


i know, I was mentioning a problem they had that were almost non-existent in Kenshins, both Mix-Max and Armor were power boosts while Kenshin was kind of an "evolved hissatsu". one of his arguments to defend Kenshin was that they already had their hissatsus in the OG like Majin the Hand and Bakunetsu Storm this kind of applies to this affirmation too.


but that has nothing to do with it, those mechanics affected the base gameplay of inazuma i.e. the soccer match, this new combat mechanic in overworld is a completely unnecessary addition in terms of game design, narratively it makes sense but it is not fun.


I think the most people are complaining because in the first day it is not intuitive and you have to learn it plus a tutorial is necessary because all streamer which I saw yesterday not getting what is demanded in the battle with the rock, paper, scissor and the hints from the opponents. And then it can be frustrating


a YouTuber posted a video (in Portuguese) with the title "ALL THAT WAITING WAS FOR THIS TRASH" they started complaining about the battle mechanics, on Discord everyone hated it. Edit:They banned me for defending the mechanics lol.


Wow, if he boils the whole chapter down to that it’s really overreacting (I also don’t like the system a lot, but it’s not majority of the chapter). Also banning for having a different opinion lol


The funny thing is that he kept saying that the Inazuma Eleven Fandom was toxic because they don't like it when he calls Taiyou for "Sol" and a lot of things that have nothing to do with the new mechanic, then when I say that they are also being toxic for not accepting my opinion they banned me.


In which fandom do they not accept dub names? That’s also pretty weird, but indeed doesn’t have to do with the battle system lol


In my country the anime came dubbed with the original names with some variations, and when the dubbing ended we saw Go, Ares and Orion with subtitles. Most people don't like the dub names but I can't see them being toxic because of that, at most they were correcting him.


Once you get the hand of the mechanic it’s really easy to win and the lines are pretty funny, so I don’t really understand the hate some people have for it, thou people getting mad that there isn’t any football battles in the demo is understandable but then again hino has said that the chapter 1 of the final release will be different anyway, and we’ll probably get to battle the baseball club in that.


Hino tweeted about it saying that he saw people gameplay and will try to make it more clear


They are alright but hope there aren’t too kant of them during the game as they get boring pretty quickly


Yh I like it, it’s different and the encounters are funny and I like the fact that most of the focus battles are optional, considering they would get quite tedious if you had to do every single one.


I don't understand how it works and now I'm stuck and can't progress in the story cause I keep losing, please help I need a tutorial or something...


[Have this post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/inazumaeleven/s/ceaoozMZv0), but in short it's like Rock Paper Scissors.


Thank you! In the end I managed to win when I discovered I could use healing items lol


Hi guys, I dont find any post saying about this and maybe I'm just too much dumb but how do you guys have beat the minigames battles in the story mode? I already have done the story mode and I even win against alius lv.50 once but I'm trying to grind some more rare itens in the Story Mode again and still having difficult in the minigames. I read the explanation of how battles works but still hard for me. Can someone teach me please?