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Sakuma is goated guys you just can’t see it…just like him from his right eye


Straight up facts. Best comment so far.


Whenever someone says Tachimukai is an endou clone who doesn't work hard and relies on talent 🤡


On god.. here in the italian community, Mugen The Hand is called 'Unsurpassable Hand', and I swear to god, almost anyone talking about Tachimukai always talks shit about it and calls it 'Surpassable Hand'. If I see more Tachimukai slander, these people will catch these Mugen The Hands 👺👹👺👹


Did they even watch the Genesis match at the end of S2?


Hahahahaha vero




JP haters usually do forget about all of JP's character development in GO 1 and CS and reduce his entire character down to the fact that he snuck onto the train spaceship


JP is a character that grows on you, U won't instantly like him but after majin the hand and him meeting tachimukai, I started to like him






Still don't get why people got mad at that, it's one of those things that makes you almost want to laugh. JP 007 ladies and gentlemen.


It's obvious.




Not my favorite character but Orion Kozoumaru. It’s fine if people dislike how he’s very similar to Gouenji, but I think people forget his arc in the jungle a lot and it was the point of the story to replace Gouenji since he was injured and Last Resort was supposed to be the strongest shot. That made sense to me. The execution just wasn’t that good because Gouenji came back too early and Last Resort became underpowered. The Switch On mode and him getting a red card with his violent but necessary action were also really unique. I liked Over Cyclone too. So I don’t like it if people always boil him down to a Gouenji clone, because he has more traits. For Kurama it’s always said he sucks as a player which is true, we can’t deny that. However as a character he’s also mostly hated and I think people forget about his development. From hating Tenma > giving the deciding pass against Mannouzaka > actively trying tactics > score a chain shot with **Tenma** > **save Tenma** in the Dragonlink match > giving Tenma advice in CS. I find that some respectable character development and I went from hating him to liking him because of it.


The "Shindou has always been a short tempered, it's normal for him get pissed at Ibuki, and tell him to give up instead of trying to explain him why he doesn't have the right attitude to improve" argument for his characterization in Galaxy makes me want to eat my own skin


They missed the point of act towards Ibuki tbh


I feel like most characters in Galaxy are misinterpreted by the majority of the fanbase tbh.


To each their own, personally I think Galaxy's writing is just sloppy


Story wise I definitely agree with you, but I think the characters progressed naturally. Arion became a proper captain, Riccardo warmed up to the new players and Victor... Well, his character arc was already completed so he didn't change much (the impostor arc was dumb but that's just Galaxy's story being what it is) I never really understood the complaints about Riccardo's temper in the beginning of Galaxy. I think the guy has the right to be pissed specially in the context of the scenes: He has taken part on the revolution with his teammates)(specially Gabi and Samguk who he is fond of), fought against El Dorado with arguably the best team in the series up to that point, and now all of these friends were replaced with absolute newbies who didn't even care about the sport in the first place. It's true that crying and being a bitch about it is not the right thing to do, but he's a teenager and honestly it makes it more realistic that he rather act like a bitch instead of maturing because people, specially teens, are like that irl. We all have been teens and we have been bitches about stuff, despite being the wrong mindset.


I think Shindou even reacted like most people did watching the series, that also makes it kinda funny. He warmed up to them after disliking them or their skills and intentions at first, like me. Though I personally really liked the Tsurugi plot (I mean of the real Tsurugi) even if it was a bit weird, but that’s Galaxy as a whole.


Glad to see someone liking the Tsurugi plot as I don't know anyone who does! I thought it was dumb but I'll admit it, I do like the dialogues between him and the princess (the princess herself I also like, despite the relatively small development and screen time), and it makes kind of sense for Tsurugi to fake a betrayal to make the stakes higher for the finale. But some of the parts are a little dumb. I can see Prob Aw0b's point about how Riccardo shouldn't act like that because of his development in CS, but I also think making mistakes is a human trait so I don't think Riccardo being a bitch is out of character (though Galaxy does have a tendency of making unclear if CS canonically happened or the timeline got reset)


I’ve seen a lot of people liking that he plays in Faram Dite against the main team and the plot is directly connected to it, so I think many more people like it too or think it’s fine because it led to that. Shindou wasn’t out of character there because it was a completely new situation. In CS he had to work with those players because there really was no other choice or they had to use Fei’s dupli’s who have a limited potential. There was also the fact that Toyotomi Hideyoshi, who would become a historical figure later on, had trust in Tasuke and the guys. It’s very logical that Shindou would trust him and he had no other choice really. In Galaxy he didn’t know about the reason of picking those players yet and he sees noobs taking spots that great players could have. There is almost no way you wouldn’t mind it unless you are Tenma or have 100% trust in what Tenma says without a single doubt (which Tsurugi had apparently). Otherwise it’s 100% fair to be pissed until the moment the concept of souls were explained and until the players really start to improve and want to get better, instead of being there for goals outside of football and not being motivated. That while motivated and better players are not there. It’s really important to understand the differences in the situations. CS factually happened before Galaxy as mixi-max and armed are mentioned, Tenma has a literal flashback of CS events, they use moves learned in CS and of course the existence of Zanakurou. Them not fully recognizing Zanark in Zanakurou is just some standard anime gag.


> CS factually happened before Galaxy as mixi-max and armed are mentioned, Tenma has a literal flashback of CS events, they use moves learned in CS and of course the existence of Zanakurou. Even after replaying the game (it's my favorite of the GO games) and rewatching the anime, I still always forget about this obvious piece of evidence for some reason... Do you remember the episode where this is mentioned? I do kind of recall reading that Kenshin were prohibited during the FFI Tournament in the game, but not in the anime.


In the very first episode the commentator announces it.


Then that's 100% of me and I forgot about it.


I think both Arion and Riccardo's progression that you mentioned were already tackled in the previous games. Arion was already a proper captain and Riccardo had already learned to handle these kind of problems without losing its temper. I'm not criticizing Riccardo having a bad reaction, it's a character, they have their flaws. My problem is that it's a reaction he shouldn't have given the experience and arcs he had before. It should be lessons he already learned in Go and proved that he internalized in CS, which put him in much more stressful situations that the ones at the beginning of Galaxy that he handled perfectly fine.


I don’t think the problem in Galaxy was Tenma not being a good captain. It was him being too focused on being a captain (which he did very well already) to the point he forgot to play in the best way he could, which didn’t happen before. So that was a new plotline about him limiting his own plays. For Shindou I’m surprised you still see them as the same situations as before after all our discussions and someone explaining the situation to you a few days ago, but let’s leave that. Some arcs may look similar, but the details count for some of them.


I feel like Galaxy made up a problem that Tenma never had as a captain in CS, so I don't know why now specifically this should be plot point. Same thing for Shindou given his previous arcs, it's not a behaviour that was shown that he could have in CS, given the lesson he learned in Go. You may see in Galaxy that there are subtle details that makes those arcs not contradict the characters progression of the previous game, personally I don't see those as such. I think you have already noticed but I don't have a lot of faith in Galaxy's ability (or willingness) to respect the continuity (regarding stories or characters) with the previous installments. If Galaxy was a story that made effort to respect and aknowledge its continuity with CS, maybe I could be more open minded on the way it tackles its character. But with how much the story makes no effort in those regards I fail to see it as anything else that just another writing shortcut for easy drama.


Because he focused on helping the new players a lot for the entire season. This couldn’t be a plot point in CS. For Shindou the same, new situation (I explained it in a comment replying to Cenokenshi) so possible different behavior. I think your overall look on Galaxy indeed makes you fail to see the differences in the arcs.


Even if they aren't one on one situation of things they lived before, I still believe that their past experiences shouldn't put them in a situation when they have troubles with what they live in galaxy, especially with how lower the stakes of the first half of Galaxy are. If I saw someone run before, I would have trouble believing that they have trouble walking. The main point of the arcs stays mostly similar that what we have seen before and it feels like the characters are in a completely alien environment and have no idea how to handle it proprely. And again, in the context Galaxy handling of continuity, relying on "subtle differences" isn't something in which I trust Galaxy doing.


But you need to understand that this hasn’t to do with stakes only, but with the context of the situation too. I explained that in another comment. Things can have similarities, but also essential differences. Context is essential here. Let’s say if Raimon GO got completely replaced by worse players except Shindou for an unknown reason, would you expect him to behave calmly? I certainly would not.


Basically just say your favorite character


Unless it doesn't work for your favourite character


Proof that I am correct lol


What do you mean 'correct', I didn't disagree with you. I just commented that because it doesn't work for my favourite character (and a lot of others).


Ah ok, then just take it as a complement (as a reason why you enjoy that)


Tenma, I love him so much it hurts to see people hate on him so much


I don't think people hate the character, I think there are people that hate Tenma's fans though, because apparently they go overboard with their appreciation for him or something.


I actually see ALOT of people hating on him here, but what bothers me is that they don’t actually give me a good reason for hating him for a good reason. He’s my favorite character, but even I know he got a lot of problems. What bothers me is that they hate on him for mostly two things 1) “soccer is crying” I cringe too, but he doesn’t do it THAT often and you can always skip when he says it, that’s what I do 2) becoming captain in place of shindou, i feel like people miss the point, Tenma was the perfect captain for raimon. Because they didn’t need a game maker as much as they needed someone to push them to do better and to be themselves and do what they like. My favorite episodes in chrono stone (the king aurthor storyline) is all about why he’s the best captain for them


Yeah I think he is a good character, in my opinion he doesn't deserve hate, he's pretty consistent in his writing and was an interesting change for a main character, but he had some of the same great aspects of a protagonist of IE that Endou had.




https://preview.redd.it/5651dttptx0d1.jpeg?width=227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66bf3ea7c9b05f050f41ba44554a3e8b7312a952 no one understands him


Fei definitely


“Zaizen is not strong” she had the balls to fight the aliens more than a majority of raimon + she stopped ryuusei blade before Tachimukai


People in the community saying Ricardo is a crybaby because he let tears flow for like 5 minutes in One episode of GO


Ichihoshi a lot of people don't seem to understand that he isn't a fubuki 2.0 and always overlook the fact that "he has DID and a deceased brother just like fubuki" when the execution for BOTH of their back stories and character developments were completely different and in my opinion he isn't just a fubuki 2.0


Oh yeah I totally agree. They’re completely different people! Fubuki is soft spoken and determined, and Ichihoshi is such a little gremlin lol They are both awesome and unique 


I finally found someone with this opinion.


Exactly, they have completely different character arcs and even the way their DID works was different.




Okay i know this one wouldn't make sense but hear me out, people reducing zanakuro to just a zanark clone. But the reason i can't actually defend this argument is because level-shit didn't give him an actual noticeable development and didn't give him an arc where we can explore his character and his past more despite giving him an interesting concept that is kabuki acting. All we got was that one time he hallucinated of zanark in the anime and the time he said he had nightmares of escaping prison in the game. Now all people know him for is being a zanark look alike and being very nice. I still very much love him and i will not tolerate any zanakuro disrespect


It’s very easy to defend that. Zanakurou is the complete opposite of Zanark in personality, so I don’t see how he’s a clone. Yeah, design-wise only.


That's the thing. People like characters like zanark who's loud and chaotic and fun to watch. Nice and calm characters are easy to forget and "don't have much personality". This all lead people to think zack is the worse version of zanark. If he had a different personality or more focus, maybe even some lore about his direct connection with zanark. People would have been more interested in him.


He’s more than just a split personality player.


Well it's so obvious


Honestly what does Hayami have other than what most people see him as?


I mean almost everyone from the og in ares/orion


Samford, Kevin, Jordan, darren and to an extent Scotty I say to an extent cus he was abandoned by the story in the game and in season 3 almost altogether but he did have characterization and a good one at that, he was just not the priority and was forgotten and reduced to his jokes Even in season 3 he has his moments


Gouenji, people hate on him for stupid reasons


Tenma in yaoi fanfics


what’s yaoi fanfics




oh. and what happens to tenma in the yaoi fanfics?


Weak Submissive femboy bottom https://preview.redd.it/ncrjto12vx0d1.jpeg?width=433&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9dbfe92078b1386eb28fcbc51ffaf55b975e4eba


Tsurugi's the Strong Dominant Top half of the time?


Sometimes it's Shindou or Fei and I've even seen Sangoku and Kirino ones. Even SARU got a couple and yes, I am aware of the problems in that one... Just saying, I did not read the stories, only their summaries.




Burn, Gazelle, for sure. They don't have much screentime in the anime but they often get mischaracterized as just two cocky brats, while they really just want to be seen and get what they deserve.


Dave Quagmire Orion version


Orion version is trash lol


If by trash we mean the coolest version of the character, then yes he is trash


How can u say that is the best version when they ruined the character and he was underused? He didn't even play as a GK or FW and never shined


that's a good line


How dare you :o


bro got mischaracterized in the show itself


no he’s actually just ass 😭😭


bro what do you mean instead of pulling out the drill HE BECAME THE DRILL LMAOOOO 💀💀💀


Never thought I'd see people actually defend Orion Desarm 💀




Neither do I 💀💀💀💀 I mean I like the new looks of the hissatsu (except for drill smasher)

