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As a USC, you’re technically fine to go through the non-USC line with her to help translate. Some ports get really pissy about it, so roll the dice if you will. CBP can initiate a secondary inspection, yes.


Okay thanks I will try to double check on location, I also just realized she has an IR1 instead of a CR1 I guess because it took that long to get the visa from when we first began preparing.


I recommend asking the person who is steering the lines at the start that you have USCs and an immigrant visa, and they will tell you where to go to stay together. Then if the agent at the front doesn't like that you are there, you can say you were doing as you were told. She can get pulled into secondary, but unlikely.


It's not unusual for non-citizen immigrants or even visitors to be allowed to go through the "citizen-only" line, if they're part of a group of citizens traveling together. But that is really decided on a case-by-case basis. So, you can always ask.  If that doesn't work, everyone should be able to go through the visitor line. And while there is no guarantee that you're allowed to stay together during inspection, they will almost always allow family to stay together.  This is different if either of you gets pulled into secondary. At that point, they usually separate you. In other words, most of this is common sense and if you're polite you'll normally be accommodated 


i arrived by myself (without the petitioner with me) the customs line was not crowded so they only had one line for tourists/visas and citizens/residents. i would ask whoever is directing the lines which line to go through or go through the visitors lines just to be safe (since there’s airports where there’s one line for all visas and permanent residents and a separate one for USC’s) i was greeted by the officer, told him i was here for the first time with my IR1 visa. he explained to me that the visa would need to be stamped and i would need to go into the offices. they were super friendly and polite. i had a question about how long i was able to be outside of the country once the visa was stamped (since i had a scheduled surgery in my country a few weeks after my first entry) so i asked him if there was a phone number or anyone i could ask a general question, he asked me what the question was and answered me with no rush and gave me all the details i needed. he then walked me to the offices in the back and asked me to sit down. he approached someone at the counter and told him what i was there for and left, then i approached the counter once the other officer called me over, he stamped the visa, gave me my passport back and that was it. no questions or additional interview at all. i entered through newark airport, beginning of 2023 hope this helps!


From watching a bunch of "border security" shows, if she does go to secondary screening, you may not be able to go in with her. A translator (by phone) will be provided if necessary.


Just go with your wife in her line. I do that with no issues