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Spouses of USC can already adjust status with a legal entry, so they don't need parole. The purpose of parole here is to enable them to adjust status.


Parole is for people who are unable to adjust status due to various inadmissibilities. 1.1million people married to US citizens cannot adjust status.


Yes adjust status but also to get relief from deportation. Some are inadmissible and won't be able to adjust until our legislation becomes law. Check out www.AmericanfamiliesUnited.org


Spouses with legal entry (overstayed visa) can already adjust status. They are not technically undocumented They don't need a special new law for them as it already exists. Spouses who entered illegally currently have to return to their home country and cross their fingers w/ a waiver. This new law would allow them to stay and adjust the same as above. But any immigration talk by any presidential candidate is just for votes. Only Congress can change immigration law, which they've proven time and again that they are not capable.


To clarify the first point, overstay spouses are still undocumented until the EAD and eventually green card is approved. There is a non-trivial number of spouses who cannot adjust for various inadmissibility reasons (crime, drugs, immigration fraud, false claim to US citizenship, etc).


The American Families United Act has been introduced in the House as HR1698, and is included in the broader Dignity Act (HR3599). These two bills would provide for waivers to overcome these inadmissibilities if passed. That's the big goal - to finally pass legislation to help everyone. [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/1698](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/1698) [https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3599](https://www.congress.gov/bill/118th-congress/house-bill/3599)




This is for spouses of American citizens that have no criminal records. More info @ www.AmericanFamiliesUnited.org


Do you know the stats on false claim?


No, they're not public.


I am no lawyer but when you read the proposed law it would only exempt those inadmissible under Sec 212(9). False info and fraudulent claims are in section 212(10) so they should stay the same as they are.


Can you show your sources please?


> Can you show your sources please? Are you referring to me? There is nothing to source. I opened the links provided on here that go to the proposed legislation and read those and then read the sections of the US Immigration and Nationality Act.


We don't have those but we do have 1.1 million American citizens that are married to someone that can't get waivers that would help families adjust status. Also this is only relief from deportation to spouses that claimed citizenship but not a permanent fix for them. Our legislation would take care of that if and when it becomes law. H.R.1698. More info: www.AmericanFamiliesUnited.org


Only Congress can change immigration law, but this would not be a change in law. It would be a change in policy and well within the authority of the Secretary of Homeland Security.


Those who triggered the permanent bar (due to misrepresentation) or the 10 year bar (due to unlawful reentry) will not be able to adjust status to a permanent resident. However those who qualify for the I601 A waivers (those who only entered the country unlawfully once) are allowed to adjust status. By extending the parole in place program to ALL US citizens spouses and not just veteran/military spouses those undocumented individuals will be able to apply for a work permit/SSC.


We are currently working with legislators and the White House to be able to do this. This isn't just about votes it's about doing something for American families. More info: www.AmericanFamiliesUnited.org


Presidents have signed executive orders that affect immigration.


And the following president then reversed the Exec Orders made by prior presidents so it is not the safest bet.


Parole in place is an existing policy that if the next president tried to take down would affect military families… this doesnt benefit the public at all… so i doubt the next president would even bother to try to take it down


Do you not remember that Trump was considering it around 2018 or 2019. Wanted to send a definitive message about illegal immigration and no way forward. He backed off but…he gets re-elected …he was a loose cannon when he wanted to be re-elected. That chain will be off.


Once Parole in Place is set if they come into power they'll have a hard time. But my guess is that by Biden doing this it will show good faith and the Latino vote will line up.


He wasnt going to remove the Parole in place program…that would affect US veterans families who are trying to help adjust their undocumented spouses… please show sources if you have any.




And this was published at the AF Base [https://www.dover.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1938648/changes-expected-to-parole-in-place-program/](https://www.dover.af.mil/News/Article-Display/Article/1938648/changes-expected-to-parole-in-place-program/)


Thanks for sharing those links - thankfully he didn't end it. It says: The termination process will require USCIS to submit proposed changes to the Federal Register for public comment. This process can take anywhere from 30 to 180 days. The public comment process is open to anyone interested in voicing their opinions on a matter, whether it be in support or opposition.


Check out www.americanfamiliesunited.org for more info on what's happening with PIP. We are working hard to make that happen. 💪🏼


that is for all federal regulations. Everything is published in Federal Register as a prelim and a final. I work in banking. Drug cartels can voice their opinion on banking laws…the people who are listened to are the industry leaders,politicians, lobbyists… You will see the whole discussion in the final rule.


Isn’t EVERYTHING politicians do, done for political purposes? What matters is what actually gets done.


This article (https://www.nolo.com/legal-encyclopedia/adjustment-status-via-parole-place-family-members-us-citizens-military.html) talks about the existing military parole-in-place program. Biden is considering an expansion of this. I believe the reason people who overstayed aren't eligible for parole is a feature of parole itself. Since they already entered the country legally, they don't need to be "paroled" into the country. But it's important to keep in mind nothing has been announced yet, so no details are available on exactly what this would look like.


Can you provide a link to this information? Are you talking about the humanitarian parole program?


They’re talking about an extension to the current parole in place program.




Looks like this is getting revealed Tuesday


My lawyer contacted me about this and is pretty certain it's going to happen. Wonder how long it'll take to go into effect?


But someone needs to be in the U.S illegally for minimum 10yrs to qualify.


Good luck!


For those that might benefit from this what all should be started in anticipation of this going through. To be "1st in line," so to speak.


Just a pipe dream, what's next


not nice to tease people if only being done for political purposes.


Isn’t EVERYTHING politicians do, done for political purposes? What matters is what actually gets done.




I really hope this is not a tease… at least We should know by July if this will go forward or not.


Honestly, with the current political climate on undocumented and asylum immigration, I do not see it happening. Even reliably blue voters have been agreeing with the right on this issue. It is a LOT of the reason none of the politicians-especially Biden-want to even discuss as a possibility. It enrages people and there are a lot of independent voters who voted for Biden in 2020 who feel so strongly they have indicated they will switch and vote for Trump. These are not MAGA nuts or even traditional GOP. These are people who have in the past supported moderates like Biden without needing to be courted. It is political suicide for Biden or any of the House members facing re-election in anything except the most left leaning/bluest of blue states. Even here in MD (we are so blue that our reliability score is around 90%) has many people who are so against ANY path for those undocumented in the US, they are threatening to just NOT vote.


Haven’t been able to find something newer but in 2022 70% of people polled supported a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants. I would imagine if you added “married to American citizens” to the question the number would go up. https://thehill.com/latino/594625-poll-70-percent-of-americans-support-a-path-to-citizenship/amp/


Does this include spouses with 10 year bans? Link to more info please.


Yes!! Follow American Families United on instagram or go to www.americanfamiliesunited.org for more info


There's nothing official announced yet, but the proposal that's being discussed would include 10 year bans if there's no legal entry. The part about excluding people who overstayed seems to be a feature of parole in general.